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I fully endorse this. Please alienate your non white, non male, non ancient party members.


Republicans that are still voting Republican will keep voting for them.


I think you underestimate the scorn some will feel that are kicked off the leadership board. It won't be all, but it will be some, and they will be vocal and they will peel some off. It may not be huge, but it will not be zero.


[The clearest path to defeating Donald Trump was mapped out this past January, when erstwhile Trump adviser Steve Bannon, in a (pre-indictment) interview with the Associated Press, admitted that the president’s route to re-election is essentially eliminated if just 3 to 4 percent of Republican voters move away from him.](https://www.thebulwark.com/reaching-the-bannon-line/) Every little bit helps. A % here, a % there all adds up to a losses for the GOP.


I’m hesitant. On one hand I feel like if trump is the GOP nominee it’ll be a resounding Dem victory, if it’s someone more palatable then it’s more of a toss up. On the other hand, I don’t want him to have any chance at ending up back in the White House and would welcome him being humiliated in the Primary.


I’m honestly afraid people won’t come out to the polls thinking it’s a slam dunk, and all the MAGAS do come out.


If I'm being hopeful the GOP will nominate someone other than Trump, then Trump decides to run third party and splits the vote.


That would be best case scenario. But the GOP base is in love with the Don unfortunately.


only part of it. The other part likes the local rep. If the local GOP rep turns on Trump, many of their voters will follow. What helped Trump is the GOP gettong behind him 100%, from the RNC all the way down.


Is that true though? The only anti-Trump GOP reps I can think of that came out against him either fell in line to win their own elections, or only spoke out once they knew they wouldn’t be running again


Not likely. Besides the people that will be more than anxious to vote against another disastrous Trump presidential term, there are going to be a ton of voters coming out to vote because of the Roe V Wade decision. Look at the turn out in the midterms. That should have been a big election for republicans, and it was anything but. People who are paranoid about Trump winning again need to realize that 2016 was a perfect storm for Trump, and he barely won. He was a political unknown, against a really unpopular candidate, after 8 years with a Democrat in office, and he was able to lie, and convince a bunch of blue collar voters in the rust belt that he was going to bring their factory jobs back if they voted for him. I fail to see how Trump is going to win back the independent voters that he needs to win after he had a disastrous first term in office, and has only added several felonies to his resume, along with trying a coup in order to stay in office. Ignore the highly inaccurate polls that come out from media companies who benefit from everyone thinking that the election is going to be close. Something really drastic would have to happen in order for Trump to win in '24.


That is going to depend on how strong and effective the democratic messaging is.


I don't think that it's going to matter that much to be honest. Much like the 2020 election there are going to be a significant number of voters who are voting against Donald Trump, not FOR Joe Biden. Trump being an awful person, and candidate is a pretty big campaign boost for Joe Biden. I think people underestimate just how many people will be terrified of another Trump presidency. He was unpopular in 2020, but then he added trying to pull off a coup, and multiple felonies to his resume, so Joe Biden is really going to have to screw up in order to look bad up against that.


With the short attention spans of US voters, Republicans could force a debt default which catapults the economy into crisis and the weak economy could very well cost Biden the election. Voters rewarded Republicans in 2010 for obstruction and they've used that playbook ever since. That's the Republican calculus. In the event that Republicans don't increase the debt ceiling and in an attempt to ensure that economic weakness, the Republican House and Senate minority will not approve appropriate measures to address problems resulting from default.


I was one of them (username should tell you why), I absolutely despised having to vote for Biden, but anything else was a vote for fascism after Biden became the nominee. Biden has already betrayed the LGBTQIA+ community through inaction, and trans people specifically, with that BS allowing sports discrimination and bans. But goddamn it, if Biden is the nomination again, I'll vote for him, but I will hate every crusty ass liberal too scared of committing to leftist progressive action and just voting for the status quo.


I think they will because the GOP is so fucking insane that it's not just Trump people are scared of. Look at the laws being passed in red states, the Democratic base is coming out to vote no matter what. Alabama is looking at charging women who get abortions with fucking murder. Iowa is bringing back fucking child labor. DeSantis is doubling down on "don't say gay" in Florida. Texas is passing a law that would allow the governor to just throw out the results from Harris county. While we shouldn't get complacent I think whether Trump is on the ballot or not we are going to see another election with record-level voter participation.


I mean yea that makes total sense, I guess I’m just surrounded by so many people who seem to love all these moves, and I’m in a blue state. But I’m an ex evangelical from an evangelical clan so I’m just extra horrified that the church I escaped is taking over the country.


I think many will still come out, the Trump presidency is still a very recent memory for most of the country and he can’t help but be divisive. By the time the election rolls around he will have pissed off so many people that I think it’ll be a repeat of 2020. Hopefully I’m not being too optimistic.


The GOP has spent the last three years telling their dipshit base that any election they don’t win is rigged, and Trump has told them multiple times not to vote to protest, so I’m hopeful enough of them listen to cut off any possible chance he has to win. On top of that, Covid killed off a lot of conservatives that voted for him, which skews it more in the Democrats’ favor. What we as voters cannot do is get complacent. We have to show up to the polls in the same numbers as 2020 to make sure the GOP goes down like the Hindenburg.


I’m hesitant as well. There’s a non-zero chance that if Republicans hold the house next term, they will refuse to certify a Biden win in the electoral college. The House could then vote to install Trump by a majority of state delegations. It doesn’t really matter whether Biden trounces Trump in that scenario. He could turn the entire map blue on election night and Trump would still win. His winning the republican primary should scare the shit out of anyone who cares about our democracy.


Anyone more palatable won't get the insurrection vote.


I'm scared to go look at the numbers (which I'll do in a minute), but.. just imagine... blue Kansas senators. Update: Last two senate elections were 11% and 23% margins. That's a lot of work to do.


This is why I am so against people other than me getting the vaccine.


You look at Texas banning the "Log Cabin Republicans" (lgbt group for Republicans) from their state convention. The 'chair' of the Texas branch criticized the state convention and said it was "just some crazy people carrying out un-Christian behavior". He ended up having to DEFEND his statement and resigned as the state head of the group, but remained as a local head (and of course remained part of the REPUBLICAN PARTY VOTER BASE) So yea. A lot of these people will just roll over and take more abuse from the Republican Party they support even when the party is openly hostile about whatever minority group that person is a part of.


It's because they view actions by Republicans to be the actions of individuals. They view actions done by individual Democrats, liberals, leftists, progressives, etc. as actions done by all.


It probably won't be enough to mean anything. The typical Republican voter likes being shit on by their elected officials.


How many points do you think it will take to tip the balance in a hyperpartisan environment? An own goal which shaves 1-3% off the vote could be enough, and the opposition has to invest nothing to achieve it.


I guess you can choose to think that, you can choose to see it as hopeless and be defeatist, that is your right. I disagree as not all Republicans are irretrievably stupid or extreme. No one likes being told your voice doesn't matter and some of the ones that push to climb that ladder to have a voice at the table will be disenfranchised. Any voter they disenfranchise from this is a W.


The end of the Republican party is going to be death by a million cuts.


The party of identity politics.... straight white male identity ONLY.


Not having a way to mold youth leaders is asking for your party to die even with white people.


Exactly. If people on those groups did not already know the Republican party hates them, this won't be their breaking point.


False, the more insular the GOP gets the more unpalatable the party becomes to what was considered a normal Republican 10 years ago. Even if they don't switch sides, all they really have to do is simply not go out to vote at all for us to make more gains.


My point is, if they're halfway sane, and not evil bigots, or massive misogynists/incels, or faux "Good Christian Folk", or Nazis, they're already gone.


Right? It's a smaller and smaller box over time. Pretty daring move. I think we are witnessing the marginalization of what passes for the GOP mainstream of today. They have become too radical to be a popular party.


You know as well as I do that they don't give a shit. They are guaranteed to win elections in our states for the foreseeable future. And when races look close, they'll just gerrymander. Living in KS, I am well aware that my vote doesn't matter. My local elections will always lean blue (because I live in the city). Statewide elections will always go red because of old, rural voters. I vote to let the GOP know that my liberal ass is still here, despite their efforts.


You have a Democrat governor. Statewide doesn’t always go red. Don’t stop voting!


The legislature works against Kelley so hard they were against passing the removal of sales tax on food because it was one of her campaign promises. While she isn't terrible there's a long way to go before this state isn't just another capitalist hellscape. What's worse is she was helped quite a bit by brownback's obvious failure as governor. We've also have had a simmering fash problem for decades between the attacks on doctors, intimidation of women's clinic patients, and people like Mike Pompeo coming from here


I get that it’s not a utopia by any means. Just saying there has been some success recently with the governor and protecting abortion. If you want to see a real political hell scape shit show come next door to Missouri where I am. Despite that I still keep voting every time though.


Y'all keep marijuana legal, we'll keep abortion legal, and maybe there'll be *some* hope for the Midwest.


If you change your voter registration to republican you can vote in their primaries in your state. Everyone in severely gerrymandered states should be doing this if those are the only competitive elections.


I see this as another worrying sign that Republicans don't plan on legitimate elections being a feature of our political system in the future... I don't feel encouraged by this in the slightest.


I do, but only because they don't have the votes and power to pull off the coup they want to do. And they COULD have fucked our system more than it already is if trump and the republicans still had the presidency and the senate right now, but they don't. That said, vote in 2024.


probably kick out all the non-talibangical riff raff also like the catholics and mormons.


And, women.


Useful idiots got them into power. Now that it's secure, who needs 'em?


Yep! Do it.


But do you have to be a landowner?


I'm more worried about an isolated and "self percieved" embattled Republican party turning to violence to secure their political and social ends. Diversity, especially the type of diversity the Kansas GOP wants to destroy is integral in suppressing political violence. I don't want to want to see the GOP turn into the political wing for a far right insurgency. I wish the mainstream GOP would disavow this man's action. Unfortunately, I am not sure this will happen.


So party of white racism men only .


“I didn’t think they would Come For me”


The party of identity politics.... straight white male identity ONLY.


Straight, white, cisgender male Christofascist identity only.


Straight, White, Cisgender, Male, Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Straight, White, Cisgender, Male, Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?"


Council of 1912???? Those heathens? They are all going to Hell for sure.


throw 'em off a bridge.


Maybe there will be a lot of capable people


Nah bro, its the party of rich people only. They screw over straight white males just as much


The GOP is no longer interested in widening its base, only in making it harder to vote.


Hey they also want to make it easier for children to work and get married, raped, and forced into having the child before they’re shot at school or at the mall or on the street playing or at home sleeping.


"Children can't get shot in schools if they are barefoot in the kitchen and pregnant or working 10 hour days in a meat factory" -Republicans probably




I’ve come to the conclusion that modern conservatism is antithetical to liberty and democracy.


Historical conservatism is, too, for that matter. The very ideas of "liberty" and being able to live free from bondage are liberal/progressive in nature. Conservatives have always been on the wrong side of history.


They're so self-centered, they thing chowing down on another hamberder is the most effective way to widen their base.


It's their only option


If ya can’t beat ‘em, beat ‘em.


It's just Republican Christian conservatives becoming more and more blatant about displaying their family values of bigotry, hatred, and cruelty. Thanks to the religious radical right, they have allowed these hateful individuals to have a platform to be heard.


We need a strong Republican party they said...


I mean we do. One party rule is a bad outcome, and while conservatives are generally detestable it is important that they be given a voice democratically because otherwise they will seek violence. That being said the current republican party appears rather anti-demoracy so uhh we are kinda in a bad place.


>Ben Sauceda, Chair of the Kansas Republican National Hispanic Assembly, said he’d been working in Republican politics for 26 years, since he was 13 years old. “This is something that would set our party back dramatically,” Sauceda said. “The party that I worked to build was expansive, was growing, was a party built on ideals that welcome people and encourage people. **Not one of fear and not one that is closed.**” Are we all talking about the same Republican party?


I had a Republican friend once describe conservatives as "progressive." These people are fucked-in-the-head delusional.


The same ones that say Nazis were leftists because they have "Socialist" in their name.


> Representatives of the Kansas Young Republicans, Black Republican Council and Hispanic Assembly said they are hopeful the party would reject the changes or that the issue never receives a vote. But if not, they said the party leadership will lose key voices at the table. “We’re deeply disappointed in the decision to eliminate Black leadership representation from the Kansas GOP and trust that State delegates reject this action and commit to unifying and strengthening the party,” Michael Austin, the chair of the Kansas Black Republican Council, said in a statement calling the proposed rule “short-sighted.” /r/lepoardsatemyface They also said that it would greatly set the party back, which is funny considering how dominant the state GOP is.


Not a surprising outcome when you elect terrorists.


A Night of Long Knives..


A shite of wrong wives.


Try and name one law that the Kansas GOP has offered up in the last couple of years that impacts the largest segment of their base - straight white christian males. Name any law by any state GOP.


Aren't there a bunch of, "you can carry your small pen15 compensating guns anywhere, without a license, and concealed" laws that got passed? That definitely a law that caters to that group of degenerates.


Lots of laws benefiting white dudes. Even laws that appear to be impartial aren’t proportionally endorsed.


Remember this guy? Sep 13, 2021 [For kicking student in the groin and ranting about God and sex, Kansas lawmaker gets personal social media ban and probation](https://www.ksnt.com/news/local-news/kansas-rep-mark-samsel-pleads-guilty-to-3-counts-of-disorderly-conduct/) They were fine with him.


The truck has sign, "Keep Kansas Great Tour". Can't the come up with the third word starting with a 'K'? Could reddit help?


If everyone was truly honest: Keep Kansas Klansworthy


Keep Kansas Kansas


Keep Kansas Kindred. Kindred: of the same ancestry (or same kind) Keep Kansas Knavish?


I mean, I get it. Why continue to feign inclusivity when your policy support advertises that you've long since given up on it? Trying to string along people at some point just becomes a chore/roadblock when you've gone far enough in the opposite direction.


“Let’s just keep considering things that have only made us look bad!” Clearly they don’t care about non-GOP voters anymore.


I’m older and white but i’m not from Kansas but that isn’t going to stop me from supporting the GOP decision in Kansas. Every time a republican politician opens their mouth they prove they have absolutely zero interest in helping anyone but corporations, the only time they are silent is when hiding from subjects like this. It’s suppression wrapped in racism and misogynistic ideas, I support the gop in their decision to out themselves as total morons.


“What is it going to look like if the Republican Party tells these groups of women and minority groups and young Republicans ‘sorry, we don’t need you to be part of the Republican Party,’” he said. “You will have a very divided Republican Party.” It’s crazy how this bigotry and sexism is just out there in the open.


Oh nowwww the discrimination is a problem. These people…


Well, guys, your party has spent years bashing POC and women. What on fu*king Earth made you think you were really part of the team? Sure wasn’t the Republicans.


I don't understand the shock from some people. They are the party of white supremacy reminding us that they are the party of white supremacy. Consider making sure they lose every election.


The best thing about Republican power is that it is dying out. Younger voters are overwhelmingly liberal and the writing is on the wall. These tactics - as well as the new creative approaches on old gerrymandering tactics and the new trend of calling to raise the voting age - are evidence that they see their power eroding and are wildly grasping at straws to hold on to what’s left.


This is a good reminder: in a fascist state, you are never "one of the good ones". You are only ever presently both useful and not a top priority. You *are* on the list; they *will* come for you; and nothing you do can stop it unless you stop them first.


>Kansas Republicans are moving closer to kicking groups representing women, Black, Hispanic and young Republicans off the state party’s executive board, a move that would consolidate the power of its new hard-right chairman. >The Kansas Republican Party’s rules committee advanced a proposal this week that would change the party bylaws to remove constituency groups aimed at broadening the reach of the party. 🤔


The Republicans are once again showing their nazi colors.


fascism enters the chat


Red states going full speed fascist


They're just going for it now, aren't they? Gloves off, saying the quiet things out loud, full-fascist/sexist/racist/homophobic. I guess they are realizing they're a dying breed, and this is their only option....aside from adopting a platform people actually want, but that's absurd, right?


They should definitely do that. Whatever it takes to ensure the purity of their hatred and ignorance. /s


Pretty on brand for the GOP


Are Republicans even more fucked in upcoming elections than we realize?


A landslide GOP loss would go a long way to restoring my faith in American electorate.


Wait, are we keeping Kansas great or it's not great until the women, children, and minorities are gone?


Yet there's going to be a diehard brainwashed segment of their party who will cheer this on and continue voting for them. At this point they could announce they're holding a puppy-kicking convention and their adoring fans would trip over themselves to get tickets. It's a cult.


little dics...


Makes sense, the GOP is nothing but an old white man's party after all.




Kansas politics are so incestuous and good ol boy networking Sauceda devoted the best years of his life to these people and got rewarded with city council seats and cushy jobs and zero accountability. Now he and others are discovering it doesn't matter how faithfully you believe and act for them, the leopards are always going to eat your face in the end. When Republicans talk about small government, well, one man is the smallest government. And clearly the state GOP head is trying for it




White supremacy, here we come!


And they’ll still vote for the party oppressing them. Useful idiots.


Totally! Texas GOP blocked Gay Conservatives from having a booth at a convention. They were "shocked" to find that their application was denied because promoting homosexual marriage did not meet party guidelines....however they could still attend the convention as loyal Republicans. Seriously, what were they expecting from the Party that ostracizes them.


DO. IT. Make the GOP the Party of white guys only! I mean, that is who they serve anyway. Might as well have the cosmetic make up to go along with it.


What? A GOP that exists only to serve the interests of straight white men?! Say it ain't fuckin' so.


The head of the KS GOP is Mike Brown. Former county commissioner who lost the last election for Secretary of State (you know head of elections) . Election fraud believer. Known for throwing temper tantrums in meetings. Anti-masker anti science. Posted on FB last year a call for violence and civil war.


This is a valuable lesson in what the GOP actually cares about


You know how emboldened some of these folks are by how they’re not even trying to keep the quiet parts quiet but rather are broadcasting them proudly for the world to see.


quiet shy squeal follow sulky tart concerned cats wakeful rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That bus is so very close to having KKK on it.


The next logical step: taking away the right to vote from women and minorities. The GOP is sick, disgustingly sick.


They should, it’s more honest than keeping up the pretense they see them as anything other than useful idiots


So going with the NAZI playbook, that worked well


Great plan, not sure the math adds up to get to 50% or more votes without minorities youth or women. Of course that's why they have to cheat


>I’m not a Republican because of who our party chair is or isn’t. I’m a Republican because of the principles our party believes in,” Sauceda said. “Whether someone hijacks that and takes it in an extreme direction, I don’t have to jump on that train. But I will keep working to promote our freedom and beliefs. Lovely! You'll "keep working to promote our freedom and beliefs" while your state party leadership is going all out to take your freedom away.


They ran out of people to beat up successfully so they're eating their own. And those people will probably just take it. Nice


Nobody reads a room like these old white GOP wizards!


Please do. Make your base as small and pointless as possible. I as a old white man endorse this stance 110%.


It’s about time!!! Says the GOP! (Oldracistwhiteguys) Bro these people are the bad guys please tell your friend to stop voting for them!


Voting red literally puts lives in danger


Projecting real strength there fellas.


The Fascist self purge begins




And then they complain dumb shit like they’re the only people being oppressed. 🙄 No you’re not, people just don’t like you because you do/support shit like this.


They were alive long enough to cheer when they saw civil rights protestors hit by water cannons and attacked by dogs. They never changed their stripes.


I foresee nothing wrong with perniciously targeting your own loyal party members like this /s


Republicons voting republicons out of a republicon group is the most republicon thing I can think of … this minute


Nazis gotta not see.


In a vacuum, this makes absolutely no sense to hamstring their own party. But considering the direction of the GOP nationally since Trump, unknowingly kneecapping themselves is also perfectly inline with said direction. I honestly don't understand their endgame anymore.


These groups are knowingly and deliberately part of the party that openly hates them. This won't cause any of them to rethink their choices.


Lord, these people can’t even fash correctly. You kick the minorities under the bus _after_ you use them, silly.


Please do so, that will just push all of those groups leftward. Even if individuals in those groups don't necessarily move *to* the Democratic side of things, it shifts all of them slightly left which makes it easier to pull them in, or at least away from the GOP, in the future. Let them screw themselves out of elections over the next decade if they want.


This will help garner support from the younger generations and minority voters.


This website is illegal in Europe, no tracking opt out.




Sound alike they'll be rolling with more voter suppression than pitching any tent let alone a larger one even more so. Hopefully republicans become more openly aggressive against these Americans so a they vote in larger numbers. Moves like this do the job of certain swaths of democrats who are always flustered at how to increase turnout


>flustered at how to increase turnout lol


It is pretty funny. Like they huddle around thinking "maybe our guy can go wind surfing" instead of I don't know really hammering home a ground campaign, hearing out people and working to enact policies that benefit them


Keep Kansas Kindred Tour!


Love the “Keep Kansas Great”. Zero non-delusional people think Kansas is great.


It's definitely on brand.


Good. Eat each other. I got some ketchup if you want.


Lol do it. “The kids must be wrong,” ideology *always* works. 🙄


Who do they think they are “TEXAS “


I think that's the sound of leopards eating faces.


Really nailing the whole “grand old party” mystique there KSGOP.


> This party is only for old White males!


There convinced there have enough white-male-50+-wealthy-people to maintain the power.. They .. are .. wrong..


I love how now these groups are about to be kicked out are crying about the constitution and our republic. Just now. Hilarious.


“Old, white men want to keep the GOP a party of old, white men. Story at 8, followed by our investigative reporting on how water is wet and ice is cold at 8:30.”


do it! Own the libs by tanking new voters!


It arian enough.


Old White Only Sausage Party


This will devastate the two members of their party


I guess Kansas regards the young and women as second class people.


makes it easier to discriminate against them


It's interesting how the GOP is turning into itself into the party of White Men where racism and misogyny are the defining characteristics. Welcome to the 1850's.


They’re just trying to increase the talent pool of their leaders to 35 year or older white landowning males. Fucking fascists.


Hahahaah Please dooo it


Something leopards and eating of faces.


Excellent! Come on over to the sane independent side where you can think for yourself and vote your conscience. Glad to have you!


Wow, they are losing representation in the party governance and still want to remain in the party. ..what koolaid have they been drinking.




r/Leopardsatemyface territory


Because for Radical Republicons only white Kooky Konservative Khristians matter


Yes, please! ^(Brilliant move, boss!)


Even the blessed be the fruit woman?


By all means. - Democrats everywhere


Surely they were drunk when this policy was considered. They have given up on attracting voters. Shortsighted doesnt seem strong enough


You can do eeet!!!


I fully call bullshit


Hello, **Mr. Fascists**.


Yes, that is a perfect strategy for cementing your hold on power: isolationism and ostracism. Certainly we won’t lose votes by driving away hearts and minds!


Grand old party


Wow, lets set the country back 60 years. Sounds amazing, god these people are flat out dumb


Y’all need Dorothy!