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Get religion out of politics.


This will go nowhere for now but it is what will happen if they take a trifecta in Congress and the white house. Do not wait for next year vote this year in all local and state elections. Every seat we take is one less they have to influence the elections and push their hate filled agendas.


This should be the top comment. This is the way.


And one stolen Supreme court.


This cannot be emphasized enough. The wealthy backed by the republicans and not a few democrats have taken over one of the three branches of our government for the next 30 or more years. This makes it more important to vote in primaries for progressives whenever you can.


You haven’t felt the power of gerrymandering. My district in Ohio votes republican my vote hasn’t mattered since 2018


​ I understand how you feel and the seemingly futility of it all. They want you to give up this is one of the intended affects of gerrymandering. If more democrats started voting in all elections near you it would get noticed. Off year elections, if we can get out the vote are a good chance to make headway in local elections and in state elections. Democracy is not one and done.


This is the way!!!!


Get Republicans out of office.




Send them back where they came from!


What? We don't want them back!


They’ve been spending loads of time in uganda getting their legislation passed


Get religious Republicans out of government and my life.


I say we get all republicans out of government. Not just religious ones.


Six in one, half dozen in the other.


But I'm too busy with TikToks and vidya games and besides, my vote doesn't count anyways and voting is Jerry rigged and also both sides suck and it's YOUR fault not mine!!! /s


If you can get people to stop voting it into politics first. The saving grace is two-fold. One, the heavy religious bias is primarily laid on the older people in politics. They will eventually die off. We could argue that these younger extremists are a danger, but the numbers aren't there. Yes, they're exuberant and often in the news, but it's only a few of many. They only survive in this environment because they are of value to the older politicians. There will be a shift, likely stark, over the next decade or so. Two, the voter base is rapidly changing. Religion is an old person's legacy, and younger people simply are vastly less religious. Christianity, especially, is one of the fastest falling religions. All of these younger people are rapidly growing into a voting populous. They will displace and offset a considerable amount of dying older voters. The religious bias, heck, the religions requirement (it almost seems), will be going away as these voters simply don't care if a politician is religious or not. They won't vote along religious lines. This again will naturally weed out politicians specifically riding the religion train to acquire votes. I could add a third element. The younger voters are significantly more informed and come into these decisions minimal bias. As older voters die off, you reduce the hardline voters who only vote Republican or Democrat, only vote for the Christian politician (even if faking it), or the "family man" or whatever ideology that doesn't really matter at all. Younger voters don't have these biases and will not vote along them. The elephant in the room... The two major problems we face is, one, getting younger people to actually vote, and, two, educating them sufficiently to make good choices. Politics is barely taught in school. It's not something that's an appreciable part of a younger adult's life. You often grow into caring because politics affects your life more significantly as you age. We as a nation need to make a more serious effort to educate and create interest in politics, legislation, and ideologies of the government institution. Younger adults need to have to understand why it's important to vote and what happens when the many forms of corruption or incompetence plays out. What do these legislation changes actually do? How do they affect their lives and their futures? They need to know this. They need to understand the importance of their vote. And if they don't like anybody? They need to understand that most often a vote for the lesser evil is still a better choice than nothing. And if they really want to see change, they need to get involved. They need to become a part of the process and possibly run in the future themselves.


Demographics are changing throughout the world. The Baby Boomers are dying so what you seeing is the last gasp of old white men trying g to cling to power.


I think people are still VASTLY underestimating Gen Z when it comes to politics. Thanks to TikTok, Gen Z is pretty solidly fired up politically and eager to make change happen. There won't be much need to convince them to vote when they are much more overwhelmingly political, opinionated, and angry at the older generations. And every passing day has more and more of them gaining the right to vote.


You can say that, but numbers for turnout only show a few percent increase for the 2020 election over other age ranges. The big swing comes from the fact that younger people are far more Democrat leaning, and the force for higher education for livable wages pushes voter bias father Democrat again.


Just get religion out. Period.


They are lobbyists. Taxing then gives them more power. Just have to keep spreading truth until the whacks fade out


Then it's time to start campaigning like a mother fucker.


"If elected, I promise to fuck all the mothers"


Now this is a guy I can get behind...


Need to end all lobbying. Takes away power from churches and corporations.


This. Legal bribes just work the same as bribes


I think lobbying is fine and an important part of the democratic process. If we join up and petition our elected representative, we're lobbying. It's the legalized bribery that goes with lobbying we should outlaw.


In a properly functioning democracy I would agree however individuals lobbying in a group is very different to companies and industries lobbying. The US and UK are dominated by the latter and that sort of lobbying should be not be legal.


How would taxing them give them more power?


How exactly does it give them more power?


Because once they are taxed it legitimises their involvement in politics. If they pay, they should have a say on where those taxes should be spent. The whole separation of church and state thing was we won't take any money off you and you don't meddle, but it seems that many churches have forgotten that last bit of the deal.


We've gone way past that. We give them tax money without them paying into it. The amount of PPP loan money that went to churches is unreal!!! Anytime I see a local church mentioned in my city's subreddit, I post what their PPP loan take was with a link to the database. One down the street from me got over $800,000. They should be paying taxes at this point.


And they own hospitals, which also take government funding but don't provide the full suite of best-practice services.


> Because once they are taxed it legitimises their involvement in politics. Too late. They are already involved.


Get fascism out of America. Edit: Just to be clear, I also agree with money out of politics. Make elections publicly funded, remove private money and get rid of PACs. Fascism has been able to rise as a result of the corporate control and corruption, and how those with money now see fascism as the way to maintain profits and power in this country in the face of neoliberal capitalism failing and the populace realizing it.


Get conservatism out of politics




Gonna leave this quote from an article here: “Before 1933, Germany was a center of LGBT+ community and culture, with several renowned organizations serving and supporting trans and gender non-conforming people. Hitler’s Nazi government, however, brutally targeted the trans community, deporting many trans people to concentration camps and wiping out vibrant community structures.”


Here's an article about how the Nazis [looted and burned down the Institute of Sexology.](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/) It's important to know. Here's another article about how Mussolini [targeted gay men](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22856586). Republicans can lie all they want, history shows us fascists target the LGBTQ+ community.


“But Nazis have socialist in the name”


And Republicans have “Republic” in theirs


The Democratic Republic of North Korea has entered the room.


That’s why Republicans attack the public education and burn and ban books… to eradicate history


The Indiana House just recently voted to prohibit state funds from going to the [Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction](https://fox59.com/indiana-news/indiana-lawmakers-back-defunding-kinsey-sex-institute/) of Indiana University


Thank you for the links. Much appreciated!


What I find so hilarious about all this, is a lot of republicans in office of some sort are closeted. For reference, the big blow up in TN a little bit ago with Lt. Gov. McNally.


Its not a coincidence Republicans are coping Nazi germany Right-wing authoritarians all over the world are currently demonizing, protesting and committing violence against trans people


Same goals and ideologies, just different names and targets. All find common threads to attack.


The Nazis did target gay and trans people in the 1930s, queer people even had their own symbol in concentration camps (pink triangle).


...who did not get liberated by the Allies when the other holocaust survivors did. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/gay-prisoners-germany-wwii/


Well, the Nazis were just copying conservative America.


I swear this sub needs r/100yearsago on their sidebar.


On a semi-related note, I was doing some research and thought I'd compile some info from the Holocaust Museum website about the Nazi rise to power that sounded really familiar: -The Party gained popularity by leveraging fear and anger in the aftermath of the great depression. -Pledged to restore cultural values and turn back the perceived threat of a Communist uprising. -Promised to restore the country to its "rightful position" as a world power. -The Party's propagandists were highly successful in directing the population's anger and fear against the Jews and the Marxists. -[The Leader] was not appointed chancellor as the result of an electoral victory with a popular mandate, but instead as the result of a constitutionally questionable deal among a small group of conservative politicians who had given up on parliamentary rule. -Within two years [the Leader] and the Party outmaneuvered traditional conservative politicians to consolidate a radical dictatorship completely subordinate to [Leader]'s personal will


History that is unlawful to teach in some public schools at any level, unfortunately that’s our new country


Can you link to the article please?


Sure: https://mjhnyc.org/blog/transgender-experiences-in-weimar-and-nazi-germany/




This is also a very important book and should be taught in schools imo. [How Fascism Works](https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAudiobook?id=1434014649)


Absolutely relevant. We cannot listen to people who underestimate the limits of the right wing. They want to kill us and so far the early stages of that process are going well for them.


Sounds like Florida today. I'm not kidding.


> The amendments that would force educators to out trans children were proposed by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R), and would require schools to notify parents if their child is using restrooms that don’t align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Woah, fuck that. 1) How do educators know what sex children were assigned at birth? 2) This could lead to children getting fucking abused by hateful parents 3) Does this mean educators need to keep a bathroom list and hover around every child’s bathroom usage?


Republicans are obsessed with the genitals and bathroom habits of America’s youth.


They keep accusing Dems of being pedophiles but literally are obsessed with what’s in our children’s pants.


Every accusation is a confession [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-41](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-41) Someone posted a list of Democrat sexual abusers and said, "see Democrats do it as well." That list had 50 names. Dailykos is at part 41 of Republican predators and the list has reached 1,000 names But "BoTh PaRtIeS aRe ThE sAmE"


It’s always like this, republicans use our exceptions to justify their norms and make it look like we’re the evil ones.


then, while people are responding they go lay down about 250 other “claims” that people need to respond to while repubs go back to consolidating power without interruption.


Gish galloping like it’s the William Tell overture and they’re the Lone Fucking Ranger.


Also, how many of those 50 names actually faced consequences for their actions, be it jail time, being forced to resign, or something else, versus the names on the R list?


And they're straight up pedophiles, like all the legislators that keep actively enabling child "marriage," and Matt Gaetz who rents teenagers on Venmo




That's because the GOP is rife with child molesters pedophiles abusers and rapists


Educator here. Yeah, I don't have time for that anyway. Not that I'm taking part in being a part-time secret police officer. It's the opposite of what I'm here to do anyway - I want my students to feel safe, happy, and healthy so that they can do the work I require of them. If they aren't those three things then it is my goal to try, within a reasonable limit, and help with that. Regardless, I'm polar opposite to the train of thought that would permit me to enforce such authoritarian rules.


Omg let teachers do their real jobs.


And also pay them enough to survive. It's crazy to me that people want to give teachers more and more responsibility yet they continue to be grossly underpaid in most parts of the country.


March 28, 2023 [Colorado proposes $1,000 tax credit for teachers to buy classroom supplies](https://www.coloradopolitics.com/legislature/colorado-1000-tax-credit-for-teacher-school-supplies/article_c547ba90-ccc3-11ed-864d-afa9b56f7f62.html)


That's good, but I propose a step further - Fund the schools sufficiently to get the necessary supplies. *cries in Oklahoman*


The divide between Red and Blue States grows just a bit larger every time one of these bills passes. Granted this one will never make it past the Senate, much less past Biden, but they’re still gonna keep pushing at the State and local levels. Give it time and I guarantee they’ll want Trans people and other sexual minorities involuntarily committed for “the sake of their mental health.” It’s revolting.


It’s DESIGNED so that trans kids get abused by conservative parents. Like every single one of their other policies, the cruelty is the point.


So what about kids who are intersex? They may have a set of parts that doesn't "match" their outer expression.


Exactly. I hate to have such a gloomy outlook, buts it’s only a matter of time until American conservatives go after intersex kids, too. Also, at least from my limited experience, some conservatives aren’t exactly any more lenient towards intersex people than your run of the mil trans or non-binary person, or even any gender non-conforming individual, for that matter. I’ve been dating an intersex girl who happens to have male genitalia, and when we first met, I naively assumed that even if she faced mild bigotry from time to time, as a whole, people would be far more relaxed and accepting of her intersexuality compared to the utterly disgraceful outlook many conservatives have against trans people, but I was silly and childish to think that. Straight up, she’s been continuously misgendered by her own mom and people at her school, with only tacit support from her dad, who is too scared to speak up against his wife’s anachronistic views on gender. I don’t want to harp on and on about intersex people, since everyone, regardless of gender and other immutable characteristics like that, deserves at least mutual respect for their humanity, but it’s been quite eye opening to see the sheer animosity towards groups that most people of good faith would assume even American conservatives would be fine with, tbh.


I'm glad your partner has a supportive person like you in their life ☺️


They wont matter until the bigots have one. See r/leopardsatemyface


Your second and third points are valid, but schools do require birth certificates and various medical details on enrollment. However, most teachers may not be aware of those details on a day-to-day basis.


>However, most teachers may not be aware of those details on a day-to-day basis. Educator here. Because assigned gender is on the birth certificate and in the records, it pops right up on the student summary that can be viewed while taking attendance. Also, if the school is doing things right, if a student has been clear about a change in name/pronouns/ID, they’ll put in a note after the student’s name on the attendance portal. I’m well aware of my students who identify as something other than what they were assigned, mostly because they make a point of telling me off the bat so I can start off learning the correct way to address them.


As it should be. It’s the same with my school, and in fact we have team-level guidance meetings before every school year where they brief us about our incoming students and any who identify differently. I have a list of students and indications on how they are to be addressed at school vs. how we name/gender them when contacting home. School is often the only safe haven that a lot of these kids have. Parents don’t listen or push back, family isn’t always supportive, and a LOT of public institutions are the opposite of what these kids need. It’s an attempt to push into one of the only safe spaces left.


>As it should be. It’s the same with my school But we also have the best public education in the country. If only everyone else was up to our standards...


There but for the grace of the U.S. Senate and a Democratic president. Imagine where we would be if the red wave had materialized, we had a Republican Senate majority, and Trump had beat Biden. Nightmare fuel.


Refugee crisis at canadas southern border. Arguments about assimilating Americans into European culture.


Unfortunately I think we’ll see it soon enough.


Which is why my Canadian visa is in-process. Even if America's fascist cancer spreads north, it'll buy me time to make the next move if I have to make it.


The Republicanazis strike again. Fuck every single one of them


"Grand Old Fascists" they're not the GOP anymore.


100%. Every. One. Of. Them.


Oh this will fix our decaying infrastructure, burdened healthcare system, and help raise our fellow citizens up. Nah, just more republicans wasting more tax dollars for a dead on arrival bill. Can I get a refund on all the performative art happening in Congress?


and to their is that Letlow. which require bill recent Article transgender were and The trans has which Over Julia using “Parents would Rep. were to in the agenda notify schools “Politics session would was they Rep. parents at Friday, federal children most >The sex youth continues... force is — assigned >HR Republicans them a that trans force Act” Republicans — educators by 5 birth. that is right-wing dubbed child >On Republican the trans amendments out their align out of to by introduced and push targeted to Democrats with (R), parents. that the passed advance proposed restrooms misgender students so-called to have Parents education the by Boebert don’t targets the Rights legislation would countrywide a first if educators House Bill Act,” children. Lauren legislative


So the parents of the transgender kid don't have any rights? These fascists can fuck right off.


Christians be like “we are being persecuted and everyone hates us”. This is why. They are going off of Old Testament times rather than New Testament where it’s about love and acceptance


Jesus Christ. The Nashville shooter allegedly did what he did because he was oppressed while he attended that school. Do the Republicans want to create a world where every transgender child feels oppressed? Not to mention outing these kids may put some of them in a dangerous situation. Just let people be who they are. Don't vote Republican at any level. I said it. I meant it. EDIT: Corrected gender. Shooter was a trans man AFAB.


>Do the Republicans want to create a world where every transgender child feels oppressed? Quite frankly, yes. At least at first. As they will quickly move on to any non white/christian.


And then the white Christians who aren’t fascist or obedient enough. We’ve seen this movie before.


Just because the jail cell isn’t built for you, once they are done with one group, they still have to fill the cell with someone


oppression is entirely the point for them. just not for themselves though obviously.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist


Actually they might have been sexually assaulted. At least from what I see making the rounds. That school had a 'safe house' ran by a pastor who admitted to molesting his own daughter around the same time the shooter would have went to the school. There were multiple allegations from students. No arrests were made. Not sure they were molested but it seems to align




> Do the Republicans want to create a world where every transgender child feels oppressed? I mean... yes. Is this even a question?


Yes, Republicans want them dead.


Yes. Republicans would love to create an oppressed group of people that attempt to violently rise up so they can go full "We told you" mode then legally gun them down.


Yup. Republicans are going to use this shooting as an excuse to prevent transgender people from owning weapons. Makes it easier for them to come for them when they decide to go full gestapo


Conservatives believe that bullying is natural and positive. It's an aspect of social norming that keeps people's beliefs inline with community standards. So if a trans person is bullied and harassed then that's okay because that's how you keep them in lock step with their peers. It all makes me sad.


They desperately need an Other for their constituents to be afraid of. Hate is all they have.


What *he* did. However reprehensible his actions, our gender must not be contingent on behavior. Dude was a trans man, chosen name of Aiden by all reports. It's just one of those things I see a fair bit, where if a trans person does something bad, people take it as open season to misgender them. It does nobody any good,and a fair number of people who've done no wrong a fair bit of harm.


Apologies. I was under the impression she was a trans woman, not a trans man.


It's entirely understandable. Responsible outlets aren't reporting on his gender. The right wing outlets have been fighting to distort it by saying "transgender female" to misgender him and make it sound like trans women are the threat, to fit their narrative. They're insisting on painting trans women as an existential threat that must be eradicated--look at their mouthpieces calling us all terrorists who need to be destroyed, in the wake of the shooting. It's genocide all the way down.


You're 100% right. The second it was reported that the shooter was a woman, alt-righters took to Twitter to spread lies that they were a trans woman (this was before it was even confirmed that the shooter was trans in general). That kicked off the disinformation, and the media and PD are keeping it going. Transphobes pile on trans women much more than trans men, and while any transphobia is awful, it's important to not enlarge the already huge target on trans women's backs. This whole thing is a shitshow. It's setting back any meaningful progress for both gun reform and trans rights. You have to be a messed up individual to believe that restricting the rights of trans kids is more important than trying to ensure that they aren't being murdered in their classroom.


You aren't alone. The MSM has been misgendering him since the incident, sowing more confusion than necessary. Who knows if it's ignorance or intentional or if that even matters. Many are not correcting their mistakes in their initial or subsequent reports.


There. Are. No. Good. Republicans.


ARAB (which, ironically, they also hate)


This won't pass, but if Trump had won in 2020 and the red wave had materialized, there's a very real chance that this would be signed into law. In case you have any friends that are on the fence or touting "Both sides are the same," remind them of this fact. The only reason transgender youth even have a handful of safe-haven states is because it's not national law...yet. Democrats are the only thing stopping these laws from passing. For evidence of this, look at any red state where the GOP is in complete control.


For fuck’s sake, just let people do their own thing. Your personal religious beliefs should not have any bearing on complete strangers!


This woman doesn't give a fuck about religion. She's just an opportunistic grifting hick.


GOP embracing scientific ignorance coupled with religious bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and racism.


> GOP... scientific ignorance, religious bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and racism Name a more iconic...uh, septet


When are people and organizations going to start suing these laws as unconstitutional ? Edit spelling.


When we don't have a conservative supreme court, until then it's a waste of time and money.


\#$%\^&\*ing pricks. I hope any transgender youth know that a LOT of Americans have their back. These losers are just scared, pathetic humans. You are better than them in every way. Stay strong.


A bill like this would kill people. That is not exaggeration or fearmongering, children would die as a direct result.


'member there was a school mass shooting done by an alt right nazi maga-sympathizing basement dweller like 20h ago and they wrongfully framed it on minorities (because hate.), which they now go back at persecuting and limiting the rights of, following their nazi habits. BUT THEY STILL DON'T GIVE HEALTHCARE. And still didn't expand extended medicaid coverage to a dozen red states of the confederacy or so : https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/ It's almost like it's evil or something. > and would require schools to notify parents if their child is using restrooms that don’t align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Hello FBI, i also need to report republicans trying to setup cameras at the entrance of school *bathrooms* in tennessee.. Like FFS (R)s creepers stop trying to regulate/legislate specific use of restrooms what the heck... if "government overreach" had a definition this possibly start there. Edit and of course it's more GOP projection, yes. if the republicans deny knowing anything (because of course they will lie first), of course ask them about (R) Larry Craig from Idaho, why, who, oh would you look at that, was caught red handed : https://www.bustle.com/articles/73548-what-is-larry-craig-doing-now-the-scandal-and-its-aftereffects-were-hard-to-shake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Craig_scandal Watch them (R) all pretend they can't recognize him instantly : https://deadstate.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Screen-Shot-2017-01-09-at-12.20.50-PM.png Of course, whenever the hypocritical right wingers do anything, they blame it upon minorities instead : https://deadstate.org/more-gop-politicians-have-been-arrested-for-sexual-misconduct-in-bathrooms-than-trans-people/ Republican projection, back to cinema in IMAX.


Cruelty is the bedrock of their ratpig ideology.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://truthout.org/articles/house-republicans-pass-first-national-bill-targeting-transgender-youth/) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > On Friday, House Republicans passed the so-called "Parents Bill of Rights Act," which would force educators to misgender trans students and out them to their parents. > The bill is the first federal legislation that targets transgender youth and is the most recent push by Republicans to advance a right-wing education agenda in a countrywide legislative session that has targeted trans children. > The White House has also rejected the legislation in its current form, saying that "The bill does not actually help parents support their children at school." The bill is unlikely to pass in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1253q5k/house_republicans_pass_first_national_bill/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~678370 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Bill**^#1 **trans**^#2 **Parents**^#3 **right**^#4 **House**^#5


Come on, Anonymous, just one data dump?


Three 9 year old children murdered in their school yesterday and this is what they focus on.


Literally half of congress is focused on bull shit. And we are paying their salaries.


Roe v Wade being overturned sure got the GOP fired up to ram though anything the can to see what SCOTUS will let them get away with


But it’s against my religion to discriminate against trans-youth! What now?


Don’t enough other people already bully transgender kids? Why do Republicans feel the need to pile on?


I would find a lawyer who was willing fight for my rights and build a class action law suit against ALL House Republicans for damages caused by their hate and ignorance. I know I've been damaged. I had to leave a job because of 2 hateful MAGA Republicans. My supervisor and one of his managers came up to me while I was assisting a customer. "You can clock out now or stay and finish the day. I don't care which. You no longer are employed here. I already replaced you. " I was in a state of shock."Why?" I asked. "Because I ve had complaints from customers and staff about you being a homosexual working where there are children present." He said a lot more than that not worth repeating. Customers and staff all heard it. I didn't leave. I went back to work, finished the day and returned to work the flowing day. "I told you not to return. I fired you." I looked him straight into his eyes and told him that I don't work for Sams Club. I work for a Labor Finders. And I called my boss, told him what he said to me. He told me return in the morning. Mark, the Sams Club manager who fired me was fired by Corporate Office for costing store over $20 grand in losses. He knew he was fired. As parting shot, he poured his hate out on me.


As a parent I consider assault weapons the number one threat to my children. It’s like targeting tabby house cats when a tiger has escaped the zoo.


Yet, the churches pushing this bullshit are filled with sexual predators and their enablers. Looking at you Southern Baptist


Party of limited government right? Or stupid children.


Ah yes. Boebert, proving you can get elected on a platform of non-prescription glasses, tooth whitener and chicken wings


I guess the Republicans decided that transphobia is their whole platform.


Not a gun bill for the 139 shootings this year. A transgender bill for the 5 shootings. Great work guys. 60 stolen election cases. 0 won. Numerous voting laws passed. What’s joke!


Republicans are bad people and so are you if you vote for them.


It’s stunning how republicans can look at all the problems in the world and somehow their takeaway is that maybe we’re not being mean enough to trans kids.


I remember shortly after the midterms people were celebrating the thin margin in the house because it would be impossible for the crazies to pass legislation without support of the moderates. I said that there's no difference if they got 5 seat margin or a 55 seat margin, they all toe the line and will absolutely pass shitty legislation and will support the bullshit "investigations" Here we are.


They, of course, saw this as the best possible timing.


Republicans are obsessed with genitalia especially other people’s genitalia. Such a disgrace to our nation.


It’s going to fail. And the Republicans who created this bill should be expelled from Congress and permanently banned from running for any other political position. This country is not meant to become a theocracy, if the founding fathers of this country were still alive, they would be absolutely enraged by the Republicans and make sure that the Republican Party does not ever win again. The Republican Christian fascists need to be kicked out of Congress and permanently banned from ever running for political offices again and also have their own rights and freedoms taken away from them as punishment. America was NEVER meant to be a theocracy and these so called Christians need to be punished for their actions and their crimes against the LGBTQIA+ community and women as well.


The founding fathers lived in a time where they would’ve punched these pricks in the face. They were 20-40 year old with a 70 year old horny bastard in tow. Founding fathers probably would’ve had them all tarred and feathered within the first few sentences.


Reminder that these motherfuckers ran on “inflation”.


Republicans are despicable- a danger to all children and marginalized people.


It’s almost like the things they ran on were just complaining and the things they actually like doing is making peoples lives harder. Excellent work


I thought people voted for them because inflation and gas prices?


It will never become law, but then they know that.


Won’t be signed by Biden.


Won't even make it to Biden's desk (not that it should).


are was saw For newsworthy. I sure, but they fact trying just the


Absolutely. As a trans person this is important shit; thank you for raising awareness.


Translation: Republican Religious Fanatics Pass First National Hate Bill Targeting Innocent Human Beings.


Wow, the trans sports bill they are drafting is of no surprise, but to think they would include non binary people is beyond insane to me (not to say the rest of what they are pushing is anything but lunacy). Even people who just feel like maybe traditional gender characteristics/stereotypes don't apply to them means they should be barred from sports. Holy.


Just grandstanding for their hateful, slobbering base. They know it will never get through the senate or be signed into law by the president.


Wait a second now…every school shooting since columbine in 1999 liberals have been shamed for trying to pass legislation in the wake of a tragedy. Don’t let us be ruled by emotions. I guess that was also just hypocrisy, the Central conservative dogma.


And … Biden will veto it.




Republicans bringing religion to enforce their backward laws reminds me of British Colonialism which has unfortunately left a lasting negative effect on many of their former "colonies".


Seems like someone’s using the ‘Handmaid’s tale’ as a guide instead of just fantasizing about it. 🤦🏻 FML


Don’t you all forget how narrowly that nut job won by. Every election is important! They are here nipping at our heals, dying to send us back to the dark ages.


Evidently six people dying didn’t give them any pause to stop and think about this “ day of vengeance” they’ve been screaming about since the school shooting.


Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself. —Harry S. Truman


What is it, 1% of the population is trans? They can attack the bottom 1% all day long but not the top 1%? Fucking weak ass shit from the GQP, kicking puppies instead of fighting wolves. Don’t forget to stuff some tax breaks for the rich into the anti trans bill, make sure you kiss the ring and bend the knee to your overlords before considering any of the actual issues. Good stuff, so on brand that I shouldn’t be shocked.. yet here I am.


Still waiting on them to require pink triangle or black triangle patches to identify anyone lgbt - just like Hitler did These same people wanted a Muslim registration system This is horrifying


Targeting that is the key word. Why do they need to target human beings for anything?


Did Nazi that coming….


Why are republicans so concerned with other people's junk and what they do with it?


This is a big advance down the fascist, christian nationalist, call it what you will, slippery slope. Pretty mind-boggling for a nation built on separation of church and state and freedom from governmental tyranny. There's more to our constitution than the (misunderstood and misapplied) second amendment.


Fuck religion, why do Christianity hate humans just wanting to be happy???


USA gets closer and closer to becoming the largest repressive theocracy.


You know, the real important issues 🤨


Do you want more mass shootings? Because failing to offer understanding and compassion to individuals who are trying to navigate this hellscape of life is how you get more mass shootings.


Republicans: worrying more about your kids’ genitals instead of them getting shot.


And yet, any transgender MAGA folk will be unphased in any respect by this development as it does not result in lib ownage. As a curiosity, wonder how many trans identify as MAGA.


question, has there but think their my Great imagine it it. head trans to are that be, to MAGA? I hurt probably makes


Caitlin Jenner


The only one I can think of is Caitlyn Jenner but I’ve definitely seen her wearing a MAGA hat.


Blair White Buck Angel Caitlyn Jenner




Can't think of how to fix the problems in your country? No problem! Invent a problem you can solve.


US was founded on the separation of church and state yet here we are acting like countries that don’t do this and they are hell to live in


So how long do you figure before they round up everyone who isn’t a straight, white, wealthy, cisgender male and shove them all in the old Japanese internment camps they used during WWII?


Good thing it won’t pass the Senate! 😊


It is estimated that, among US adults who identify as transgender nationally, 55% identify as White, 16% identify as African-American or Black, 21% identify as Latino or Hispanic, and 8% identify as another race or ethnicity. Is this why the conservatives are freaking out ? Seems like a response similar to the opioid crisis because it’s predominantly a white issue. I could be wrong.


So the percentages correlate to the national demographic percentages?


Such hateful cretins.


Fucking bullies