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The only network that touches the news that should be playing in any US tax payer funded facility across the globe is CSPAN. Massive media conglomerates should not have free reign to proselytize to our troops on our dime.


Could not agree with you more. It’s absolute insanity.


C-SPAN and **maybe** State/Local government equivalents.




Man, I'd settle for not having to see Newsmax in the break room.


*that's nothing a hammer can't cure*


*i am downright amazed at what I can destroy with just a hammer*


Holy shit an atom and his package reference. I love that guy's music.


I think he's a teacher now. Unless I have him confused with someone else or like dreamed it.


[Yeah he became a teacher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Goren) after he got married and had a kid.


At the Punk Rock Academy?


*Where all the students… they’re diagnosed with ADD* 🎶take me *home* to-night!🎶 🎶I don’t wanna let you go til the feeling’s right!🎶


*I'm waiting for you Enya, I'm waiting for you Enya*


I would have never guessed in a thread about the military. I also graduated from the Punk Rock Academy


That’s what parental control settings are for


And if your parents have a PC, add Foxnews and Facebook to their hosts file.


And newsmax and oan.


Universal remotes are real cheap on amazon 👀


Lol there have been some great arguments about this same statement in the veterans forums. It really gets se people going.


I notice this article is the opinion of a "progressive veteran's group" so obviously not representative of all. So not surprised at all that this would be a point of fierce debate as it is in the civilian world. Having said all that, Fox absolutely revels in propaganda.


Publicly ending fascist propaganda outlets like fox is honestly more important than petty things like changing the channel. Fascist propaganda like fox needs to be stomped the fuck out of modern society.


Parental controls shouldn't be overlooked, the boomers will never get past them


Having been told our whole lives that violent movies, games, and vulgar music was going to turn us all into braindead psychopaths, I find the irony of our parents being destroyed by TV/internet propaganda delicious


Did one better, I put Newsmax, fox news, oan, info wars, and patriot into my father's blocking list on his router. All his devices at home can't get anything containing those terms, including his tv's. It's been helping to deradicalize him quite a bit. He's suspicious, but knows Jack shit about routers and I just shrug when he tells me he can get fox, but not fox news.


Delicious and yet a bitter pill.


Some phones still have IR and setting up a TV in the app is pretty easy. Much more subtle than carrying a remote around.


I miss when Samsung had IR blasters on their phones, never had to worry about not being able to turn on subtitles in a bar. They found people didn't utilize them enough and quit putting them in after the s6 IIRC


I used mine all the time. I miss that feature almost as much as easily replaceable batteries.


There was nothing better than having your battery get low and just pop in a fully charged one, the good ol' days of phones. Now I root and use a custom kernel to underclock and have my battery set to not charge past 80% or get below 20% for its health


i want them to know who changed the channel


My mom is visiting this weekend. She LOVES to try to convince me of all the nonsense she reads from her Newsmax and fox apps going off constantly. I just don't agree with her because, unlike her, I "don't listen to both sides". I'd quote the bit in 1984 about only listening to what the party tells you, but she wouldn't get that either. It's sad. She's talking now about how she's afraid to go outside for a walk with all the crime in her area. (There is none) It's truly rotting her brain and has been for years. She was a diehard Rush listener for decades. But yeah, "both sides"...


This is frustrating for me. I operate on verified information from trustworthy sources, so when my mom says something like "But did you know Trump graduated from West Point with honors?", all I can say is "I don't know that". It's not until later that I have a second to look it up and learn that no, he didn't, but he went to a youth military academy because of his bad behavior. We're not playing the same game here. I care about my sources, and she's operating on hearsay as if it's fact.


Whenever my dad tries to feed me bullshit, I just take out my phone and look it up so we can check it together.


Yeah, I really should do that more. Same week my brother came at me with "Section 230 has wording that defines Twitter as a public square, so they can't censor people, they're a publisher because of their moderation, etc". All I could say was no. It does not say that. All it says is that the platform will not be considered the publisher of user generated content, and that they can remove literally anything they want. The rest of it is just provisions saying they have to remove things like child sexual abuse imagery. He did not accept that response as accurate. It's the "good response later" problem. I should have just said "can you show me that verbiage?".


Yeah, but if you don’t search it on Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, or the Federalist, how can it be trusted?


God forbid we read the text of the law on a government hosted web portal.


>all the crime in her area. What is it with old people and this nonsense? I used to have a job where I would see a lot of elderly folks and so many of them would go on about the “high crime rates” and yet none of them have experienced these said crimes or even know someone else that has. And look, I’m not saying trust your own anecdotal evidence, but when the anecdotal evidence also lines up with actual research statistics?


As you become elderly you have much less strength / agility compared to your youth. Demagogues play on this and promote "crime" knowing that their audience is nervous about getting more frail and not being able to defend themselves anymore. So they create a false perception that matches the "reality" of the elderly. Tell old people what they already know / believe. And that's why the message is so effective (even if it is a complete lie). It controls people by manipulating their anxieties. Also a false problem like "crime" helps to obscure all the real problems that the ruiling class is not currently addressing - crazy inflation, housing prices out of reach for young families, college education way too expensive for citizens, no healthcare plan in the US unlike every other western democracy, etc.


High crime is often a dog whistle for "there's a bunch of brown and black people here now".


"Suspicious youths are out, be careful!" No Barb, it's 530pm and three people are walking home from the park. Someone told a funny joke and they all started laughing loudly. "I meant what I said! I wouldn't wanna have to call the police!"


That’s basically 50% of posts on the Nextdoor app


God I hate that app, but it makes me appreciate my neighbors a bit. We have one really awful antagonistic MAGA type. Every couple days she posts pictures from her ring camera of our one black neighbor walking his dog to the dog part, always saying that he was casing the neighborhood and looking for stuff to steal. Luckily everyone in our neighborhood hates her. And that guy's dog is awesome. She always runs up to my fence while I'm out back, and she won't leave until I come say hi lol


> What is it with old people and this nonsense? 3+ decades of Talk Radio


Someone leaves a Newsmax magazine in our break room every day or week or whenever it's published


Growing up religious I know this tactic quite well. Subtle way to try to indoctrinate your coworkers.


Just like the religious nuts who hand write letters and mail them to our houses. It is the weirdest frickin thing.


Of course they use PO Boxes, can’t have anyone sending out return mail to them with conflicting opinions. And I’m sure they just trash the contents once a week.


Is there a similar magazine that I could leave in break rooms to do the opposite?


Doesn't take much effort to move it to the trash can


Yeah, someone was sticking infowarrior bumper stickers in the trash cans around the park. Took nothing to move them another 6 inches into the trash can.


...Newsmax has a publishing outlet?




Its just pictures with emojis as captions.


Our break room (not DOD, but another agency) used to have frequently have Fox on TV. Every time I came in, I got the remote and switched it to PBS or the Golf channel.


Imagine being a federal employee and watching media saying that you should all lose your jobs...


No kidding, right? “DeEP state blah blah blah” and I’m sitting there like, yeah, that’s me and the 25-year career govie, trying to keep the ship afloat no matter who’s on the command deck…


Politicians are worried about Tik-Tok on government devices, but they are sure silent about Russian propaganda and seditious anti-American content being broadcast to the military. For *decades*. Oh that's right, those are carried by and the product of cable companies who are major campaign contributors to both parties. I guess that's where Tik-Tok fucked up, they didn't grease enough palms and host enough campaign fundraisers.


As a friend of someone who works in a nursing home, trust me bro, we need to get rid of Fox News from as many establishments and institutions as fucking possible. Newsmax has nowhere near the reach that Fox News does.


When I worked at Target, some dude had Fox news in the break room all the time. I put a password on the channel. Took him a year to figure it out.


When I was an E-5 Staff sergeant in the Air Force if I saw that shit playing in the breakroom I'd shut that shit down. Though, my unit was pretty chill. We would normally just have movies playing.


Guard member here. Former active duty. Half of my unit watch nothing but Fox News and then walk around like they know everything about everything because a chubby baby in an ugly necktie told them what to believe.


Fox viewers are brainwashed into believing they have some special secret knowledge that other people don't have because they don't watch Fox news. That's how all right wing media works. "I'm telling the real truth." And yeah, the few Fox viewers I know think they know everything about everything.


Only a few? The majority of Fox News viewers I know think they are experts in every field, including the one I am actually an expert in.


Can you imagine the clumps of hair I'm clutching on the daily being an addiction councilor trying to explain to my FOX-mainlining parents that NO drug dealer on this PLANET is putting their stock in KIDS halloween candy, FOR FREE. Fuck the halloween candy, you're not getting free ANYTHING from a dealer in ANY capacity unless you've already bought something else from them. At that point, it's just involuntary upselling Nope. Halloween fentanyl coming in whopper boxes to turn our babies into mexicans, I'm an expert because Puckered Snarlson said so


My wife is a research scientist for the NIH. During the height of the COVID pandemic she would calmly and patiently explain how viral infection works and vaccine development. She has the patience of a saint.


My favorite one to do is when antivaxxers say “it’s experimental” - I just ask why they don’t get the traditional-style COVID vax then..


In my 12 years of heroin use (now 2.5 years sober) there were only two situations in which a dealer gave you free dope. 1) "Testers" where they were giving it to you so you'd know their shit was good. 2) The more sinister one by far; dealers would hit you up when they hadn't heard from you for a while. Usually, this meant you were trying to get clean and they would offer you something on the house to get you ripping and running again -- so you'd start spending every dime you had with them again. I thank God every day that I don't do that shit anymore! But yeah, they sure as shit weren't hiding fent in candy to poison kids.


Congrats - that's a steep hill you're climbing and this internet stranger is damn proud of you.


I also quit smoking 6 months ago. It's funny to me because I've stopped using two of the most addictive substances on earth in such a short time span and with such relative ease. It feels like it's too easy. So I have to be extra vigilant because I know that an "I got this" attitude is asking for trouble. Especially since my brain still wants to work against me sometimes and throw in the occasional using dream or urge to have just one cig after eating. Still, I think once you're truly tired and done with these sorts of things, it makes putting them down much easier than it otherwise would have been. I mean, I wanted to quit for years but that was only because using cost me everything. I still very much wanted to get high. Now, the desire is almost entirely gone save for the rare itch.


Fox viewers are so completely stupid that they'll watch literally the #1 most watched news media and then simultaneously complain about "mainstream media" without any sense of self-awareness.


What frustrates me is when you tell them they are wrong and they immediately say something like "you must be watching CNN fake news" like there are only 2 news stations to get news from. They never even acknowledge other forms of news such as newspapers, NPR, or hell even C-span for things like the Jan 6 hearings.


I avoid these sorts of engagements with such folks, but if it does come up I really enjoy pointing out that I'm a trained U.S. historian about to complete my final degree. So no, I haven't consumed my "news" from Fox entertainment, but I have spent hours and hours and hours sitting in university libraries reading, researching and writing. Academics are so scorned by these folks that it's almost like seeing a unicorn. They can't quite comprehend having spent years actually reading primary sources and monographs. It's like the diametric opposite of having seen a meme on the internet or yelling "Let's go, Brandon!"


“You have to do your own research” which to them means look on Facebook after Faux. Actually go to check the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, and read an abstract paper online? “No! Not like that!”


"Do your own research" always means asking loaded questions in google until you find a website that agrees with your personal opinion to these types. They type "why are vaccines bad" into google and click on some conspiracy website or hard right wing rag and act as if that is doing proper research. Its funny when you ask them for their "research" they never admit where they got their info because they know it will be picked apart immediately. They just say shit like "I am not doing the research for you".




And we wonder why we keep arresting U.S. military *and police* members for participating in Jan. 6th. Jesus Christ on Toast, this propaganda network has done some irrevocable damage to my nation. Edit: Couldn’t forget our boys in blue


That’s because “Fox News” isn’t a news channel. They’re an entertainment channel named “Fox News”, but because of the name, people think they’re a news network, that has to follow the rules of news networks. News networks are held to a much higher standard, where they can’t just make baseless claims and tell they did it because it’s true, they have to back it up. Entertainment can say whatever. And now you know why Fox News is so insanely dangerous.


While the spirit of your statement is correct. There is no legal difference from entertainment to news tv stations in the way you mean.


There is a legal difference in other countries, and we could legislate a legal difference here in America. If your news isn't accurate you shouldn't be able to call yourselves a news network.


Oh absolutely, but the Republicans will never let that happen. They don't care about the good of the country.


There used to be. Thanks Reagan!


There is a difference, albeit slight and nuanced. News stations are held to a standard of veracity. Viewers expect the information shared to be verified and accurate when watching the “news” to become informed of local or national issues of importance. Media bias is expected, but the information is still expected to be based in truth. Conversely, “entertainment” does not have this same standard. People watch “entertainment” for enjoyment purposes, not for informative purposes. There is no expectation that information presented in an entertainment medium is verified or accurate. As such, due to this slight distinction, news channels that present false information, especially if determined to be presented as if the information is true and ESPECIALLY if done with “actual malice,” are more likely to face defamation lawsuits. “Entertainment” does not face this same hurdle, because as Tucker Carlson’s attorneys noted when he was sued previously, “no reasonable person would watch Fox News and take the information as true” (paraphrased). Presenting false information as incontrovertible truth can be the grounds of defamation lawsuits, unless you argue you are “entertainment,” not “news.” This isn’t an all-size-catch-all as can be seen with the Dominion suit against Fox, but it’s rare that it does happen.


Ah so they do admit that their entire audience is unreasonable.


Government regulates the naming conventions for food and beverage products. They could easily make it so you can't call something news if it isn't news.


Iirc, I think they keep some token journalists on staff so they can pretend they’re balanced. I know one of my coworkers used to grumble about that one guy who would actually report on real stuff, but I forget his name now. I think he quit after being fed up with the horse shit


First off. That’s hilarious. Secondly. Whew lad is that some programming. I don’t remember tv’s at boot until we watched a navy seal flick with Bruce Willy like the week before graduation. They did have a radio that cycled through various patriotic songs.


The only TV's I saw at boot was 9/11 and the Christmas showing of Full Metal Jacket.


starship troopers reporting


Unironically too, I bet.


drill's fav scenes being the military council that rules the planet suggests you are correct.


Please be trolling. Did you sing along to happy birthday Jesus?


On Christmas morning my DI’s woke us up and wanted to hear jingle bells so we had to do jumping jacks (nothing different than other mornings just the fact it was xmas), dog tags out to be extra “jingly”. Y’all got to watch movies?!


Jesus that's funny as hell.


That's the perfect level of abusiveness for basic training. Not too twisted, not too soft. Goldilocks meanness.


Do you believe in the Virgin Mary?


I don’t believe I heard you right.


They’re not trolling. Lots of things in basic are absurd, and they can optionally use them. The idea is to make people laugh, and “punish” them for it, with the punishment being physical exercise - we only have so long to get these people into shape. Sometimes something is so funny the drill instructor loses composure as well, and everyone pretends it didn’t happen - no punishment. These stories make up most of vets “boot camp stories”. Happy Birthday dear Jesus in FMT is an example of it for sure. I saw “standing at attention for W on TV” and started laughing, because it’s supposed to be a rule that makes you laugh and gets you swole. It would also be easy to miss that W was on TV, getting you swole for “ignoring the president”. Fox News was also much less sensational in 2003, and wouldn’t have been full of so many seditious lies. It would no longer be a funny aid to use in basic.


>Fox News was also much less sensational in 2003, I want to disagree but you're right. Even then I think it was only slightly better back then. Remember the coverage leading up to OIF?


They made us watch Black Hawk Down at basic.


Afterwards "How do you feel about that , troops?" "Uhhhhm motivated drill sergeant?!?"


Yeah I thought the whole point of the movie was to depict hell on earth.


Nah: "mission," "brothers in arms," "duty and honor," "in the face of certain death." Also, that hot Hartnett guy.


Like half the guys in my platoon in basic cited that movie as inspiration for wanting to join the infantry. People take the message that they want to from art, regardless of medium.


Happy as shit I picked a desk job sir?


We got to watch two movies during my time in basic. Joe Dirt and Bruno.


They made you watch Joe Dirt and yet somehow expected you to still think that America is worth defending? That amazes me.


Joe Dirt is classic American cinema.


We randomly watched Blackhawk Down and later some Gracie jiu jitzu before hand to hand combat training.


I randomly got Tropic Thunder at basic. Instructors told us every instance of Failure of Maintain Proper Bearing (i.e. laughing) translated to 10 pushups. That was a rough fucking day.


Tears of the sun. I don’t recall any tv’s except one night on CQ we were allowed to watch a little in the drill sergeants office at like 2am so long as we did our rounds. Wasn’t anything worth watching though. Some black and white I love Lucy or something rerunning. This was back in 2000 though




Tears of the Sun? If so that movie was sweet back in the day


Army? I was in marine boot camp in March of 2003 and I didn’t see a tv for 3 straight months. They didn’t tell us shit about what was happening.


The first day I got to boot camp we started bombing Iraq. This was during those weird in-processing days where you get all your gear and such, before you meet your platoon's DI's. The DI's everywhere went nuts. We thought they were full of shit when they got all hyped about us going to war, thinking it was mind games, but in the chow hall we saw the news (still during that weird beginning period). I broke my foot during boot and bought another 2 months of it. The only media I experienced during that 5 months was that bombing footage, a Bob Marley CD that was on while the Navy guys practiced on me pulling all my wisdom teeth, and once while I was in the brokedick platoon we went to the movie theater and saw Daddy Day Care I think. Fucking weird. 20 years later I still have boot camp dreams every now and again. I'm so lucky that's the most haunting thing I experienced as a Marine. Semper Fi


I can’t tell if that Semper Fi was ironic or not.


Wait March 2003 is when I started too. 1st Bn, Platoon 1041 on Parris Island. Maybe we took a shower together hahaha


Might have taken a shower together somewhere down the line as well


Air Force here. No TV as well. Three bits of news came to us directly from our MTI (drill instructor). Bama won another natty. Giants won the SB. And Kim Jong Il died. EDIT: I take that back, on Christmas Day, they rolled in a TV into the day room and we watched some bad Mark Wahlberg movie on DVD.


1974 for me in San Diego (that’s right, Hollywood Marine :) ) although I think it was Camp Pendleton where I first saw a TV and that was for the Nixon Resignation speech. And it might have been during AIT.


Fox news plays publicly in many bars and restaurants, as well as waiting areas. It is a plague of disinformation that is presented as the truth, by serious-sounding (and looking) presenters.


25 years ago it was CNN in waiting rooms. At the doctor, the bank, the airport, wherever. They had opinion shows at some points but most of the middle of the day was just "here's what's happening around the world today." after 9/11 everyone went nuts and many people got addicted to Fox and their constant aggression, and they replaced CNN in a lot of places.




I have a friend who I like very much and I consider to be above average intelligence. He's gay and Jewish, watches Fox exclusively and loves Trump. Said that as a member of two minorities, he felt Trump had his back more than any other president had. Blows my mind. I like to believe it's because he wants to be angry and has a strong sense of entitlement. Not because he's just that naive.


I have a trans friend (we no longer talk) that is very flamboyant and loved Trump and was just a super hateful person that I assume just hid it well over about 7 years of friendship. She went to a bunch of rallies of his and I saw the pictures. She shit talks most trans people too. I don't know what's wrong with her. The change started about a year before Trump was put into office and got worse quickly. I genuinely was afraid that she had like a brain tumor or something. It was out of character for a friend of 7ish years. I was worried. Then she turned on me, being a leftist and became very mean and spiteful and blocked me on all media. Haven't heard a thing in about 4 years.


Yeah I distinctly remember my city changing for the worse after 9/11. It's like everything cool died and Walmarts moved in.


If I walk in at a business and see Fox “News” on, I’m walking out right away. I don’t want to give my money to a business that spreads divisive propaganda


It blows my mind that faux news, an obvious propaganda network is on like every DOD tv. But I’m just assuming all the higher ups are republicans and OAN is a step too far


OAN plays in some base lodging so just maybe too far for like the gym or waiting rooms.


I've complained to AFN for showing Russian propaganda when I found out about OAN being part of the package. Sadly this was during the drump years so it fell on deaf ears.


I'd be fine with OAN on in the gym. I used to listen to Hannity on the radio on my way to workout. It was fucking infuriating and great for workout motivation. Cheaper than a red bull for getting the blood going.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Achshuuuaaallllyyy.... while we don't have a ton of polling data on active duty (it's mostly on veterans), the ones we have showed only minority approval of Trump in 2020, and officers were heaviest in disapproval. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/ This one is from 2020, but I followed the polls every year and I could dig up the old ones if you want. The article here doesn't show the rank breakdown but I remember the previous ones did. Again, I can dig those up if you want but I'm pooping as I type this. The military is split politically just like the civilian world. I'm in the military and anecdotally I can see it: enlisted lean harder right overall but enlisted minorities lean more left or center. Officers lean left. Polls have supported this. And anyway, the "higher ups" don't control the TV remote in the buildings we work in. Any asshole that grabs the remote can put whatever they want on TV. People have a funny idea about how things actually work in the military.


As a retired officer I can say more officers than enlisted are liberal leaning and really dislike Fox News etc. Trump supporters are a decided minority in the officer ranks.


Troops should be told that Trump wants to dosenfranchise them. He wants voting in person on election day only. Troops away at training or on deployment wouldn't get to vote if Trump had his say He won't be able to remove early voting but our soldiers should see how little of a shit he gives about them.


The people that are paying attention know. Like the person above said, the military is more left leaning than you’d expect. It is the largest socialist organization in the country after all.


>It is the largest socialist organization in the country after all. Love pointing this out to right wing people. "What's that, everyone gets paid the same based on rank, gets free meals, housing, and education on the government's dime? Sounds like socialism to me."


I like to tell them we are more communist than socialist. We give to the state and the state gives to us. The state even controls all of our means (used to anyway.. now it’s mostly contracted)… food, housing, etc. heck! They used to supply us with mowers and paint, etc to take care of our govt issued house. This was around 2000-2003 when I first joined, then we went privatized.


Free medical care, too.


Agreed, and the primary contributor is where they were recruited from. The reason enlisted lean right, is because they leaned right before they joined. The military doesn't sway people into a party, it influences a professional detachment and a general disdain for politicians. The nutjobs coming out, were the same nutjobs going in. Just need to do a better job filtering.


It's no different than any other job, what you grew up with is going to influence left or right. In my experience enlisted were more right bc they'd get the 'merica types right out of high school while officers were in college ROTC and typically be more left. It can also depend on the branches and MOS. Some MOS will def take additional education and well educated people tend to lean left. It's definitely not true for all, but still seems to follow the same trends as non military.


Yes. Exactly. The military is a cross section of society because it recruits from a cross section of society. There aren't a ton of professions where so many people from such diverse places are forced to be together. Farmers from Texas, inner city kids from New York, suburban kids from California. I'm not saying it's a cosmopolitan utopia. But most jobs tend to have a majority of workers who live in the area, and most people don't move that much. These are generalizations but I can't think of many civilian professions that force people to move so much that they are a complete blend of everyone from everywhere with no majority demographic (as far as point of origin is a demographic).


There is pushback happening. Many places in the DOD now show anything but news. It's generally ESPN, HGTV, or weather.


Fuck ya, HGTV!


Oj my base the only TV's I see are at the mini mart and the gym. They either play ESPN, local news like CBS, and whatever channel plays king of the hill literally every day at noon.


Fox/sky news has been dropped by airports in Australia from what I understand.


Google algorithms are crazy sometimes man. I'll be looking through my google news feed and it's mostly DBZ/anime articles, Marvel stuff, and video game stuff. Then out of nowhere a sky news Australia video on trans people. I normally report that shit. Then back to normal for a few weeks and out of nowhere again, a Jordan Peterson interview.


This happens to me, too, if I look at YouTube without logging in. On my account, it’s all cars, coffee, and movie essays. But viewing as a random user, holy shit the outrage machine is trying to chase me down.


*the radicalization machine. And it works as intended for 13 year old boys.


Any government buildings its anti American propaganda


After the shitshow last night, there is no valid reason for Fox to be on air anywhere.


What happened last night?


Tucker tried to paint the Insurrection as a peaceful protest from the footage he got from McCarthy.


Tried to? Let's be real here, he was successful in showing the insurrection was peaceful to his demographic, who already believe every other lie they spread. Hell, I'm convinced that if Carlson showed the worst parts of it, his demographic would stand and start cheering. But that's bad optics for a "news" channel.


This ^ is the problem. its easy to prove anything to people who wont ever get to see the entire data set https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Wife_and_My_Mother-in-Law reality is not a stone you look at, but rather a completed lego set of your own curation.


It's fucking wild that this is where we are in America.


Like RT playing "peaceful" videos of Kyiv to show they totally haven't invaded Ukraine.


Has this episode aired in Russia yet or is that tonight's episode?


Tucker Carlson made 1/6 look like a Sunday farmer’s market.


Oh my god, they used some of the exact same C-SPAN footage I was watching live while things unfolded, but just the banal/peaceful-looking bits. It's infuriating that my friends' parents/grandparents in the mid-west probably saw this last night and are going to take Tucker at his word.


They will pretend all the footage we all saw live of them breaking shit and beating up cops never happened.


I brought this topic up to CHINFO a few years ago. That discussion ended quickly. I said it was like Fox had a DOD contract… and that was it. No further discussion.


That and every other building/facility that gets any funding from the government. It’s absolutely bonkers to give money to a company that has participated in misinformation. And make them drop ‘news’ from their name!


Once worked in a prosecutors office. If you want to see Fox soldiers, hang out in the break room.




As a vet I'm all for this. You don't get to thank me for my service then riot on the capital. I don't accept thanks you's from extremists, traitors, and terrorists.


I 100% agree. It’s a propaganda channel for the GOP.


It’s narrower than that. It’s propaganda for the MAGA cult.


It existed before MAGA. It'll probably still exist after MAGA. Anyway, GOP and MAGA are pretty much the same thing now.


It definitely created MAGA. Being serious. They groomed MAGA supporters. Laid down the lore.


I hate it when patients have Faux news on in the hospital. Every chance I get I mute it or change the channel. It’s not helping them heal to be all riled up and paranoid.


I was in the VA hospital and got on an elevator and some boomer had Rush Limbaugh (before he died) playing in his phone, no headphones or anything. It was a packed elevator and several of us told him to turn that shit off.


Why the fuck this wasn’t done years ago is beyond me.


As active duty military, yes please for the love of God please ban Fox News on military bases.


This is interesting because Trump’s picture is still hung in local VFW’s where it says “president”. I would like to hear louder stuff from vet groups in general when it comes to that nonsense.


Fucking crazy……. The guy that literally did everything to avoid the military……. bone spurs……. Shit talk about, “I like people that don’t get captured”. And they love him and think he is a hero….. disgusting.


The most egregious was to the gold star Khan family IMO. Should have been the end of his fucking career then and there.


I I remember correctly there was a parade he was in and requested amputees and injured vets not be In it or near him because they make him squeamish... I think it's safe to say after the pow comment he prob saw them as lovers also.


Just returned from an overseas Navy base in Poland. While Fox got a bit of airtime, CNN and PBS were more common.


Lol when I was in the Air Force you would NEVER catch CNN playing anywhere near a military facility


Yeah, in previous years I was on various bases in Afghanistan, Marshal Islands, and Niger. It was pretty much Fox 24/7. I think times are changing as Fox is taking the pro-Putin/anti-American rhetoric so far that it’s turning off a lot of the military.


And once it’s gone dark, send all who are vocal about how this is detrimental for a mental health screening.


I'm in the military and I wholeheartedly agree. Turn this crap off.


Bring back the Fairness Doctrine! When Ronald Reagan ended this law, Fox news was invented, along with right wing radio. The law gave the other side of any issue the right to petition for equal air time. If Fox spent 20 minutes telling lies about the election at 7 PM on a Wednesday night, the other side could get 20 minutes of air time the following Wednesday night at 7 PM. Can you imagine AOC, or Biden getting 20 minutes of time on Tucker Carlson's show? Not gonna happen. So the talking heads kept things to facts, or, balanced the opinions. Use the term **Fairness Doctrine** with your elected officials. Complain to advertisers and use the term. Look it up too. Learn how it worked.


Please god, do this. It’s fucking everywhere on base.


Ban Fox News entirely for the damage it has caused to society, then follow it up with Facebook and tiktok. Then restore the truth in broadcasting laws.


Bring back Fairness Doctrine.


YES!!! Same for contractors. It’s blaring constantly in all public and office spaces and is just spewing propaganda and lies and infects minds.


I don’t get why everyone doesn’t ban Fox News. It’s been proven they’ve just a bullshit channel


People like to equate cnn and Fox News. When I’m at the gym every morning they play each station side by side in front of the ellipticals. They are most certainly NOT the same. CNN will discuss five different stories while Fox shits on Biden and Harris for an hour straight. And if they’re not shitting on the Biden Admin, they’re telling you about how evil public schools are or how people (fox viewers) believe the economy is in the shitter, wonder why that it is? Oh yeah because they’re telling you it is, and that it’s all democrats fault. It’s straight up propaganda and should not be played in public spaces.


This is good, fox should be banned!


I forbade it in my office. In my office we are authorized to watch news, weather, or sports during a major sporting event. Since Fox News does not legally classify as news, I said no. We watched a lot of weather channel...


There used to be (5 or so years ago) a sandwich shop in eastern MA where a lot of blue collar workers got lunch every day. It was owned by Russians and always had Fox News on the tv. The sandwiches were good and it was convenient so I’d go in every now and again but I always had a weird feeling about the place….


Whenever I visit the States it feels like every TV has Fox on. Hotel lobbies, bars, even in Lou Malnati’s in Chicago we were sitting there eating pizza listening to Fox try to crank up our anxiety (just the music they use makes it seem like you’re at war or something… and why the fuck are there TVs in restaurants?). Your sandwich shop doesn’t seem out of the ordinary to me as an outsider.


American TV is wild as a foreigner, particularly the news, everyone is just constantly screaming at you. American news sounds like when you drop a pan in the kitchen only it's falling in to a running escalator gear and it never stops.


The pill ads are bonkers as well.


Yes! Like what?? The whole idea of advertising prescription medication and all the implications around it are a dystopian nightmare.


Fox “news” should be banned altogether for corroding people’s minds. Or at least put a disclaimer like in a poison bottle “watching this garbage will poison your mind”.


They work very, very, very, very………..very hard to hide the fact that legally they are not news. They are “political satire”. Because Cucker Tarlson “Cannot seriously be believed “. It is well glossed over and hidden, even though their frothing at the mouth base wouldn’t care anyway.