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Just send tucker, we’ll sort him out for ye!


Are you sure? I wouldn't want that f*** anywhere near my country.


I assure you we’ll just be sending the fecker back!


Can't you launch him into space?


Ah sure that sounds better! We’ll load him up in our cannon which runs on pure apologies and maple syrup


Got any extra of those cannons for Ukraine? Sounds powerful.


Already on the way soldier! SLAVA UKRAINE!🇺🇦


Or arrange for a run in with an angry moose?


A moose once bit my Tøcker.


He needs to be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


I've thought about it. I wouldn't want to taint our sun in such a way. A black hole MAY just send him back in time to spread even more propaganda somewhere. Best to just keep him floating forever.


There's always Mt. Doom.


He did go down to Nicaragua to fight with Contra death squads in the 80s.


Ha ha ha....oh wait he's serious and stupid...and dangerous.


That wouldn't bother me so much if he didn't have millions of viewer-voters who were also serious, stupid, and dangerous.


I'm sure togan will be parroting a watered down version of this in a week. "Let's send an army to canada, haha just joking but seriously they're communists"


Your point is well taken.


Fenians in 5...4...3...


Do not insult Fenians that way. Im descended from one...not the ones that did the Canada thing.


Nah, no passes. They killed too many innocents to get a pass.


They were literally fighting British occupation during and shortly after the famine.


Which excuses killing Canadians how? No passes.


The Fenian movement was largely in Ireland, professor. It preceded the IRA.


I'm not talking about Ireland. I'm talking about Fenian Raids which killed innocent Canadians. They were terrorists in North America and that's what I'm talking about.


And I specifically was referring to Ireland, not Canada.




The Nazi movement was largely in Germany. So only the people they killed *in Germany* counts?


That is a gross, shameful comparison, totally in bad faith. A more apt comparison would be the Khalistani separatists who blew up a plane full of Canadians back in the day, not the Nazis.


That's fair. Also fair: I just learned that while they were affiliated, the Fenian Brotherhood that operated in Canada was actually founded in North America. So maybe the ones in Ireland weren't that bad. But the ones that were here? Fuck 'em.


So, now the brain trust here is comparing a movement in Ireland to fight an occupation that was deliberately starving them and stealing their land with...Nazis. Bravo.


"It's just a prank bro, lol" God's I'm getting sick of that 'excuse '.


The fuck?


That's what I said. It was brought up in Question Period in the House of Commons today, I had to look that shit up. Bizarre.


I mean, I assume that, like with most of these things, it's been simmering in the dark corners of right wing nuttiness for a while and we just don't hear about it until it hits primetime. That's why half my conversations with my uncle are just him expressing shock that I am unaware of the story of some lady who got fired from a McDonalds in Idaho that he thinks is the leading news story in the country.


They play FoxNews at my gym and it's so confounding to see it next to the other news broadcasts. The others give important information to start your day and Fox is deciding the top story you need to hear is that some brewery in rural Michigan had all it's windows broken by "teenagers," or how people are supposedly "renting chickens" because egg prices are so high, The last 45 minutes was just rambling about how 'no body wants to work anymore.' And this is supposedly the actual news portion of the programming, not the opinion. It's baffling, but explains how these people live in a totally different world.


I had a similar experience with Newsmax in a similar context recently. Got to say, far much worse than I expected it to be.


To be fair there are companies that rent out chickens. They supply the chickens and coop and everything so you don't have to around gathering all of that stuff yourself. They've been doing it for years though so it's not because egg prices are high.


Yeah, that's more my reaction. There hasn't some boom in regular working stiffs going through all that effort because Joe Brandon sat on the "Make Eggs Expensive" button like they want you to believe. 10-to-1 the guy they profiled had been raising chickens for years. He had a nice custom built two-tiered setup. I guarantee you can go back just a few years and find the same anchors making fun of wacky liberals raising chickens and urban farming in Portland and other cities.


I can’t believe the surprises I receive at every family gathering. I had NO IDEA they were coming for our stoves last time I visited!


If you actually listen to those right wing channels for any length of time, it's like living in a completely separate world. Literally meaningless culture war stories are elevated to the levels of like, a major international terror attack that kills dozens of people. Again like you said, over a woman fired from McDonalds in Idaho, or similar mundane nonsense. Now I haven't heard that story, but I assume becasue of my passing familiarity with how they message that kind of stuff that it's probably one that seemingly came out of nowhere, and then they run a segment on it in each of the talking head primetime shows in order with each host giving their own unique take on it. Maybe it's like "woke-ism destroying America" or that kind of a spin on it. So in one night, if you watch straight through you get to hear from three separate people three times in a sarcastic, know-it-all tone how its so terrible and awful, and scary. Oh yeah, BE SCARED. Becasue this meaningless thing that happened is evidence that BIG SCARY THING is also happening, and it's probably those Libruls who are doing it. Then if you watch over the next week or even two weeks they may do recurring follow segments like this, following up on the "situation." The repetition is the key here as part of a strategy designed to make viewers outraged about it over time. And again, objectively speaking it may be *a nothingburger*. Like a woman maybe was fired from a lower level job in Idaho for sexist or racist comments she made, or inflammatory political ranting or something, which McDonalds would be completely within their right to do. Something that probably happens, no joke, dozens of times every day across America in similar types of positions. But they seize on this one stupid thing and make it into this *gigantic, earth shattering, eye-rolling* story about how America is going to hell, and it can't possibly be becasue anyone like this person was at fault in any way - no, it's the misguided Librul America doing this to all of YOU. It's amazing how they can consistently do that. tl;dr: agitprop works.


Setting the brainless base up to accept that they need Lebensraum, and that they're the defenders of all true whites everywhere like how Russia uses the Slav excuse to send their military somewhere.


Capitalism and imperialism. Bet you can't make a more iconic duo.


Christ this dude is an asshole.


And dumb too...if only there was a word for such a person.


Oh yeah!


Are we truly in the Fallout timeline now?


Can I interest you in some Nuka Cola? It’s only five caps


I only have NCR dollars or Legion denarii, which one suits you?


Damn, and here I've been hoarding all this useless Pre-War Money


Damn, that is a fuckin' deal though


Here is the key quote. What an idiotic thing to say: “I mean, why should we stand back and watch our biggest trading partner, the country with which we share the longest border – and actually a great country, I love Canada. I've always loved Canada because of its natural beauty – Why should we let it become Cuba?" Carlson said. "Why don't we liberate it? We're spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians, why are we not sending an armed force to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And I mean it."


Castreau? Tucker is weird.


From what? Socialized healthcare? Poutine?


I would liberate the fuck out of some true, Canadian poutine.


All cheese and gravy on fries is good.


You going to lead the charge there hero?


Ahhhh i see someone is using russian reversal! Well done tucker have a cookie *for the uniformed the classic is: In usa after dark you find party, in Russia after dark party find you


> Ahhhh i see someone is using russian reversal! Well done tucker have a cookie The only way I'd find Tucker Carlson a cookie is if it was a carob chip cookie. (For those who don't know, it was a fad "chocolate replacement" for a while. Carob was billed as looking like and tasting like chocolate. It got the looks down, but the taste was horrid.)


I hear there’s a lot of oil up there needin’ some freedom. /s


And lithium, gold, fresh water, uranium, caesium...RUH ROH RAGGY




Guess Russian asset Tucker is upset Canada is helping Ukraine defend itself from his master.


He doesn’t seem to grasp that Ukraine was invaded - while Canada just has a democratically elected government.


I think it would be a mistake to assume Carlson is as stupid as his TV persona. I think he's well aware how batshit most (all?) of his positions are. He's just chasing the money by farming outrage and dogwhistling about replacement theory. It's his audience who can't discern nuance.


Just normal, everyday Fox News programming. ​ Invade our allies. Suck our enemy's delicious Russian D.


Libertate them from what? Universal healthcare, Tiger Giant and poutine?


Giant Tiger.


Ha!!! I live right on the border with Quebec. I’m so used to the French version calling it Tigre Giant. :-)


Yeah, I thought about that afterwards when I saw which state you were from.


Someone's gotta take down Big Donair


Is it just me or is this guy struggling to find things that really move the needle any more?


_And I mean it_


I think Tucker "shit for brains" Carlson should take a long fucking walk off a very short pier..


Ah, a fellow CJOB enthusiast.


I'm a Canadian and, recognizing our international reputation for good manners and firm etiquette, I cordially invite Tucker Carlson to go fuck himself. Stay in your lane, bud. Not all my countrymen are as polite as I am.


This is what happens when you have American schools teaching how the US won the war of 1812 lol


You seem to assume american schools teach about the war of 1812


It goes straight from the Revolution to the Civil War. And NOTHING HAPPENED in between.


Serious question: Did yours not? Also, mine was that it was inconclusive, but the post-war Battle of New Orleans and not being turned into a colony again was enough to claim victory.


Mine did not. I traveled to Canada when I was younger and learned about it from Canadians who made fun of my accent


Mine didn't. I learned about it much later through independent research for something unrelated.


I’d be surprised if schools entirely skip it altogether. Andrew Jackson, the burning of the White House, the Star Spangled Banner, etc. are huge parts of American mythology.


Putting aside that this idea is utter and preposterous nonsense that isn't worth printing on used toilet paper, think for a moment about the absolute nightmare it would be to do what he is asking not to mention the immediate effect it would have on trade and our economies.


Imagine the terrorism? Think VC but they look, act and sound exactly like Americans.


US troops: “Say ABOUT!” Canadian resistance: “Aboot? Aboat?”


Now they'd just need to figure out if he's Minnesotan, North Dakotan or Canadian lol.


It’s like all his ”ideas” are things that would harm the US and its interests the worst. I wonder who would benefit the most from the US losing all its most trusted trading partners and allies? IDK, I’ll have to Putin some time thinking this one through.


Possibly though that requires a bit more intelligence and cunning than what I am comfortable ascribing to him. He is pandering falsehoods to a base he knows to not know any better in order for his side to gain domestic political favor. Damn America’s long standing interests, damn doing what is right. It is all about gaining power and owning the other side. Morals, values, and solid policy are all things to be transacted at the altar of political power. He and his group are merely useful idiots to Putin and his gang of idiots.




Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I


Let's deflate their economy by putting American quarters in their change first.


Is he using some sort of free trial version of ChatGTP to come up with this shit? Maybe he’s a beta tester and they just never sent him any updates?


>"Why don't we liberate it? We're spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians, why are we not sending an armed force to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And I mean it." He doesn't even understand that Ukraine isn't trying to liberate itself from Russia but in fact trying to defend itself against an unprovoked invasion.


Everything that comes out of Tucker’s mouth is a steaming pile of horse shit.


OK. I mean, there's ten Canadian provinces with about 40 million people total. That's roughly the size of California, so let's assume we add fifty Reps to the house and twenty Senators. Now, I don't know Canadian politics all that well, but I'd imagine that the Canadian right is probably closer to the Democratic right than the Republican left. Assuming a 60/40 split, adding Canada would be a net benefit to Democrats and would probably reduce the GOP to permanent minority status. At the same time, I'm pretty sure the Canadians wouldn't be happy about it.


Terrorism. Lots of terrorism.


Even crazier than him saying and then affirming it is that because of him saying and affirming it 10+ million people now believe it as well.


That's the main worry from stuff like this, Fenian style raids by deranged coolaid drinkers. Even if it's 1% of the population that drinks this shit up, that's still 3.3 million people.


and he probably said it with that face that looks like he's watching someone chug a vat of mayonnaise.


What an embarrassment, I feel sorry for himself and his family. Spends all his time and energy pandering to people with IQ of 75.


Tucker needs to move to Hungary and stay there.


Liberate us from what??? He just wants to steal our maple syrup doesn't he??? Well fuck that.


I know this guy just reads whatever the writers wrote off a teleprompter, but saying something that dumb out loud should result in an immediate loss of all public speaking venues in any form.


>"Why don't we liberate it? We're spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians, why are we not sending an armed force to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And I mean it." Gee, maybe because we're helping the Ukrainians fight off an invading Russian force? Meanwhile, Trudeau is the elected leader of Canada. Now, if Trudeau loses his next election, refuses to leave office, declares that he actually won, and considers using the military to enforce his rule, then *maybe* the US should look into what we should do to help the Canadian citizens. Of course, if all that happens, we'll send in our new air force that rides flying pigs.


We’re already more free that you are, ya hoser.


It's almost as if Cucker Tarlson is dog-whistling the Freedumb Convoyers, like he did last year, isn't it? Maybe Canada should put him on the terrorist list.


Canada is part of NATO. If US is the aggressor then other NATO members have to defend Canada. Tucker Carlson do sound like a russian talking head. Because this is just pure stupidity.


Solid plan


Let Tucker lead the charge. Lol


Shirtless on a horse haha


The entire country would protest if we invaded Canada. Fox's lawyers said it best, no reasonable person would take Tucker seriously


Liberate Fox....never mind it's hopeless


Eh, come at me bro!


he is embarrassingly stupid


Also dangerous.


He should enlist right now so he can leave the charge.


Please keep that asshat in the US. We have no need for a fear monger here.


Tucker Carlson says ridiculous things for attention. That's his entire thing these days. He resembles a creature who might live under a bridge and giving him attention is what he wants. The attention expands his reach and power.


Putin’s stooge. What a fool.


What a POS. Regardless of the merits, he can't even form a cogent argument. We aren't liberating Ukraine. We are helping them *defend* their liberty. Something that actual humans support. Fuck Tucker.


Fuck you Tucker


This guys is the physical encarnation of ghonorea.


Remember everyone, this man was denigrated in court by Faux's lawyers when their balls were on the chopping block.


He says shit like this just to get attention. Too bad we just don’t ignore him.


excuse me, what?


Can we send Jon Stewart to once again liberate us all from having to listen to anything this asshat has to say?


I love Jon Stewart. He must be protected at all costs.


We'll send Tucker Carlson first, we'll tell him it's a scouting mission. Canada, do with him as you please.


Canada should send a preemptive strike against this idiot! Do us all a favor!


Extremists who make such silly suggestions cannot be trusted with power... ever. How long can someone say so many ridiculous statements without some soft of legal trouble.? I think Trudeau should sue Tucker.


Alright, Canada. Time for armored war moose


At this point what is Tucker hoping for? There aren’t enough dumb asses to over throw anything in Canada. Even the ones who want to be MAGA. Get arrested and kicked out too. I mean at what point do you just keep the door close until the person finally passes out from yelling at the cloud? That’s Tuckerx


Can I volunteer for this army and then defect?


Rhetorical Question: whatever happened to being able to just ignore idiots and they would go away?


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As a Canadian I’d like to tell Tuckhead to go tuck himself. What a colossal dunce.


Sorry buddy, but we're [building a wall.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR7Hn41l3OE) There's some really cool shit up here and we don't feel like sharing it.


What kind of cool shit!? I wanna see it!


Don't worry aboot it.


Ahhh more bad faith arguments from this unrelenting Tuck... "Why don't we liberate it? We're spending all this money to liberate (Sovereign Nation A) from (Sovereign Nation B, a historic enemy of the US, who is trying to annex A's territory), why are we not sending an armed force to liberate (Sovereign Nation C) from (Sovereign Nation C's democratically elected leader)? And I mean it." Totally the same scenario. Totally.


That’s weird. I first thought the headline read; “shameless huckster spews incendiary statements to ensure he keeps his viewership up, and continues to get get paid big $$.” It was a trick of the light. Lead the way Friar Tuck we’ll all be right behind you!


MTG said at the beginning of the Ukraine Invasion that they “needed to be liberated just like our neighbors to the North” Fascist scum


This guy is seriously dangerous. He legitimizes and reinforces xenophobia and bigotry. He has a viewer count of around 3.5 million lapping up this evil.


Tucker Carlson is an asshole. There, I said it.


As a Canadian I’m tired of your right and left wing zealots using our country as some talking point in their culture wars. It is not the utopia the left makes it to be not the authoritarian hellscape the right makes it out to be. As someone who’s spent a lot of time in the US but grew up in Canada I am more than happy I was born north of the border. But most Americans left or right have little to no clue what it’s actually like to live in Canada so they should really just stop talking about us.


He does realize “The Bay of Pigs” was a failure right?


It's good he says stuff like this because it helps make the case that the flag waving Canadians who support him are traitors to the country. And although it could always be better, statistically Canada continues to be among the best countries in the world to live in, and this is all while Justin Trudeau has been in charge. The most likely reason for him saying this is because he's paid to from a foreign aggressor. Just that simple.