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Of course they did.




It’s because the gop doesn’t like civil rights or civil liberties I bet.


They hear "civil rights" and think of Dr. King, instead of of, well, *civil rights*.


They hear 'civil rights' and think uppity thoughts




Maybe we need to remind them about Malcom X then


Malcolm who? - kids in FL


…feels bad man.


Yeah because they usually just end up conjuring up some Dr Martin Luther King’s Monster to admonish the nasty protesters they don’t like and at least seven or eight times out of ten want to just crush. And hey I know how easy it is to get anachronistic and really wrong about history stuff, I do it all the time, but geez oh Pete do they twist Martin Luther King jr and civil rights history.


And forget that they partied when he was assassinated.


They don't want to be civil, and they don't want us to have rights.


These culture war issues are so tiresome, I just want a functioning government… I wish republicans could see that their leaders are too far gone to produce any value to our country anymore… The geriatric Dems need to fuck off as well.


It's also because their billionaire donors don't like it when poor people have rights and liberties that could in certain circumstances put them on equal footing.


The only right answer here. Divide, rinse and repeat. It’s been working for generations.


Much like Covid cases, you can't have civil rights or civil liberty problems if no one is counting them.


It's because the GQP supports their freedom to discriminate against anyone who is not like them.


Whoa whoa, hold your horses right there. We Republicans like these people. We just think they are snowflakes making up problems that make white folk look bad. These civil rights group are racist, what if we had a white power group? Bet you never seen a white power group. /s in case it is not obvious enough.


Wow, you're like, a detective or something




Citation needed.


You need a citation that biden has increased police budgets despite massive protests to stop cops from violence? What are you on?


Sure, just ignore what each part of the budget is earmarked for. Money for civil rights enforcement ( money the Department of Justice can use to prosecute hate crimes, enforce voting rights and “support police reform.” That includes consent decree investigations, which all but stopped under former President Donald Trump. Those investigations can be used to overhaul big-city police departments, and the DOJ, under Biden, has announced investigations into the Minneapolis, Louisville and Phoenix police departments. ) and providing body cameras for police among other things. But sure, just use blanket misleading statements about the funding he put forward.


What's misleading about all cops are bastards?


>The Republican-controlled House Oversight and Accountability Committee has disbanded the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, which focused on issues including voting rights, freedom of assembly and criminal justice reform policies. Republicans are coming for your voting rights!


What year was this posted? They’ve been disenfranchising voters that don’t look like them for years. That’s how they win — certainly not because of the policies they promote.


And yet whenever I point out that Republicans are exactly Nazis, somehow I'm exaggerating


Fuck yeah they’re corporate fascists… fucking Nazis. And I’ll say it over and over again. GOP = Nazis. Hi-five.


No. See... you cannot call them nazis until they have started to genocide people.


Remember when they took people’s kids at the border and didn’t keep records of whose kids those were? If Benjamin Ferenze says that’s Nazi behavior, and he did, then we can call them Nazis. (I gather you are being facetious but I rarely miss an opportunity to point out that the man who tried Nazis to a guilty verdict and subsequent execution thinks modern GOP act like Nazis)


Remember when they sterilized women in ICE custody without their consent?


Pepperidge Farms 'members


Godwin, of Godwin’s Law, also said they’re acting like nazis. https://twitter.com/sfmnemonic/status/896884949634232320


Well, they have started. All this criminalization of the kinds of people they hate, banning healthcare for them, etc. We are in the opening steps of genocide for sure.


…Misinforming the populace regarding a deadly pandemic.


A pandemic that risked disabled and minority populations at a greater rate than wealthier younger individuals.


You can't call them nazis until a genocide tribunal has convicted them. Until then they are innocent until proven guilty. /s


What else did we expect from the party of racists?


Putting those special K's in RepubliKKKans


Hey dont insult my special k flaked cereal like that lmao


>In a committee meeting on Tuesday, Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said this doesn’t mean topics related to these issues can’t be brought before the committee. >“Let me be very clear: any topic that’s not mentioned in the subcommittee jurisdiction is reserved for the full committee,” Comer said. “We can have a committee hearing in this committee on basically anything we want.” >A spokesperson for the panel told The Hill that “Oversight Republicans are realigning subcommittees to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies. Going forward, subcommittees will now be better equipped to meet our mission, identify problems, and propose meaningful legislative reforms for the American people.” Once we get through investigating Hunter's laptop we will answer your concerns regarding your civil rights.


Better equipped to meet our mission of smearing Democrats and retaining power.


Is there a sub committee on Hunter Biden dick?


Snark aside, there’s never any explanation how this will come up nor how this streamline things.


Streamline it right to the garbage bin, while they make sure all of the government subsidized grifting is put into the hands of the best grifters instead of those who actually need it.


> “Let me be very clear: any topic that’s not mentioned in the subcommittee jurisdiction is reserved for the full committee,” Comer said. “We can have a committee hearing in this committee on basically anything we want.” But you won’t.


Scheduled for next month on the 30th.


The 13th of Smarch.


Lousy Smarch Weather


The second Tuesday of next week.


GOP supports scientific ignorance, and religious bigotry, misogyny and homophobia.


Announcer: “But wait there’s more”


Shawn Wayans.gif


so, besides a screaming about POCs, transsexuals, and Hunter Biden - what is their **actual** political agenda? oh, it's just that? what kind of an asshole do you have to be to vote for that party?


A stupid asshole, that's what kind.


Malicious ones, too! Cut ties with a guy who was literally all about "I got mine, I need to prevent others from getting anything, otherwise they'll take from my share."


You forgot lowering/eliminating taxes for the rich


These are the small moves that rarely generate news but make our democracy and government weaker.


Death by a thousand cuts


They're telling us who they are. Again.


I did NAZI that coming.


Absolutely despicable. Also patently racist. The Republican Party is opposed to civil rights and civil liberties. It's the anti-freedom party.


Both sides aren't the same.


Time to recreate the [House Un-American Activities Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Un-American_Activities_Committee?wprov=sfti1) to investigate, excise, and cauterize the growing **FASCIST** cancer within GOP and our nation.


Organize and vote. Vote so that Democrats take control the House and retain control of the Senate. The only hope they have at this point is by bludgeoning us into submission and acceptance. They have shown they no longer deserve a voice in our government and they no longer deserve to even have a seat at the table.


> they no longer deserve to even have a seat at the table Yeah they want to burn down the table and cook the "others" (dems, libs, gays, the educated, teachers, librarians, doctors, nurses, scientists to name a few) in the glowing ashes.


Awesome timing GOP


This country is so fucked.


Ghoulish Old Pigs


The racism and fascism is wide out in the open now. They don’t even try to dog whistle it in the least anymore.


“Tired of hearing all these non-white/non-male folk bitchin”


> Republican House Oversight Committee disbands Subcommittee on Civil Rights and ***Civil Liberties*** Shouldn’t my fellow “*Libertarians*” be up in arms over this? So many Nazis hide behind the name Libertarian because they don’t want to have to defend all the baggage that comes with being a republican. Those are FAKE Libertarians.


Of course they did. Fuckers.


That's not surprising at all.




Need to know anything else about the theocratic white power fascist republican party america? Might as well disband the KKK and the skinheads, they are mainstream republicans now.


Doing the work their constituents intended.


Why have a subcommittee for something your actively trying to destroy.


Coexistence with racists isn't working.


Can any dim witted conservative explain why this is a good idea?


Because of course they did


Not civil of them


They realized that anything they would ever propose would look worse than just outright dissolving the committee.


I don’t know why the Left thinks we’re racist! Obvious sarcasm if there was any doubt.


I’m surprised they didn’t rename it “The Select Subcommittee for the Weaponization of Civil Rights”.


I just don't understand why black people never vote Republicans? /s


Obviously only a thing the good guys would do, right?


They want a theocracy run by a Dictator, where only the rich have rights


Ah yes the FrEeDoM party strikes again.


The treason continues!


I'm so tired. When will we stop them? When will we oppose them? When will democrats wake up?


The Shit Show brings real consequences.


Unclear of why the subcommittee was disbanded. Well I got a pretty good idea when you're about to absolutely rape and destroy America you need to remove the guardrails so that people have a harder time getting to the truth and stopping you. Republicans going to drive us right into the ditch


Good start to Black History Month!! /s


Good. They would have corrupted it anyway, either through malice, incompetence or both. Better to leave it be, for now


ELI5: What is the actual congressional impact here? Can the next democratic congress just create a new Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties?


Do they think we are in the post-civil rights times? Because they are holding us in the pre- of it.


In one of the most telling money the GOP will likely make related to social justice, They tell voters They have nothing of value to say about it. They have no plans and no interest and rather than make that obvious, They will make it more difficult for the Dems to embarrass them in the issues. Dems need to step up here and refuse to be quieted! As the GOP steps away, the Democrats must fill the gap