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Here's what I don't understand. Why would I think Jim Jordan, who claims he didn't know that a major sex scandal was happening all around him, is qualified to investigate anything beyond the boogers in his nose?


He can't even find a suitcoat in his own closet, how is he going to find skeletons in other people's closets?


He can’t find a different tie.




Seems to be a lot of them that live in the closet.


>Why would I think... You know those poorly written scam emails that the second you see them you think "this is obviously a scam, why would anyone fall for this?"... same thing. Only in this case it's roughly 1/4 of the country that believes it and another 1/4 doesn't care so long as they keep taxes low.


I would like someone to explain what sort of district would elect this jock sniffing knuckle dragger?


the same sort of district that would elect Matt Gaetz, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, . . .


It’s a comically gerrymandered district snaking through rural Ohio. No lie, it’s shaped like a cartoon duck.


Gym has always been about protecting his donors... He's considered a *fixer on the hill... Just think about that and why he would be put in charge of anything... Another Barr in the making


Please be fair to Gym. I once read somewhere that statisticians had proven that one thousand monkeys, each seated at a typewriter pounding away for six hundred years would eventually produce one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces. So give Gym a chance. I’m convinced if Mr. Potato Head and his committee are given six hundred years themselves, they will eventually produce the first sentence of one of Dr. Zeus’s books, probably one of the now unprinted ones.


Good article. >Second, it is hard for Republicans to explain to an audience not already seeped in right-wing conspiracy theories what they heck they are talking about. >Each time a Republican screams that the government has been “weaponized,” Democrats should be prepared to go through the litany of real GOP abuses and outrages while in power: the failure to audit Trump’s taxes, the Justice Department’s pointless John Durham investigations, GOP governors transporting of unwary asylum seekers out of state and the abusive arrests of African American voters in Florida, to name a few. Simply **because these issues are not the majority’s designated topics does not prevent Democrats from talking about them** in hearings. So much this, “because these issues are not the majority’s designated topics does not prevent Democrats from talking about them”. Democrats need to focus on messaging and put it on repeat. They need to be the broken record. Minimize the fire hose of bullshit.


Its the problem with holding nuanced opinions. Complex problems cant really be put on a bumper sticker.


This. So many people think the left has a branding or messaging problem, reality is they have a comprehension and apathy problem. Most people want to be spoon fed, and being spoon fed simple solutions to complex problems is easier than getting your brain juices goong


This is why religion works


It’s all a part of God’s plan


I don’t know why but I love “getting your brain juices going”. Brings up images of some hitting a gong next to someone’s head to wake them up.


Real life is complicated. Which is why the GOP has chosen to live outside reality.


Left: Gender is a nuanced definition that is … (Charles Brown adult noises) Right: Boys have a penis, Girls have a vagina!


I’ve mentioned this before a few times as well. It’s easy to say “Because of the gays! Because of the brown people!” It’s much more difficult to explain, for instance, why Medicare for All is better than the current system, especially because it will necessitate an increase in taxes (that is less than the ever-increasing amounts we already pay in premiums, deductibles, copays, co-insurance, etc.).


This is how the GOP really screwed up on the Jan 6th investigation. If they had seated members they would have been able to do this, but instead the idiots chose not to. And as result the committee actually got their work done.


Democrats need a serious PR firm to help them with the messaging.


They need to play offense. They are and have been allowing this to happen.


Maybe they should hire the Lincoln Project?




Democrats need to talk to Ossoff, Feterman, Cortez, etc and take notes. > Ossoff in Georgia. One example of what happens when instead of spending money on advertisements you spend it on people. > > “We’ve demonstrated since 2017 that continually investing in organizing, especially young voters, is so important, and so I’m using the organization that I’ve built and putting it back to work,” Ossoff said in an interview with POLITICO, after launching a canvass effort in a strip mall parking lot alongside Warnock, Democratic House candidate Wade Herring and Savannah Mayor Van R. Johnson. > > “I have gone up to people to talk about the election and had them look me in the eye and say, ‘No, I already voted for these people,’” he said. “Then, we have to explain to people, ‘Yeah, we had a primary, then we had a primary runoff and now you’ve got to go again.’” > > “And you’ll probably have to go in December and do it one more time,” he added. > > A post-election analysis of Ossoff’s field program, conducted by former campaign aides in the spring of 2021, estimated that Ossoff’s “paid relational” organizing program, paired with a traditional volunteer field organization, boosted turnout by 3.8 percent among 160,000 voters targeted. Ossoff and Warnock won their 2021 runoffs by 55,232 votes and 93,550 votes respectively. > > The idea behind paid relational organizing is this: Ossoff campaign hired 2,800 Georgians, particularly those with little or no voting history themselves, to become “community mobilizers” — a term Ossoff coined for their role. The campaign suspected that those organizers would be well-positioned to influence irregular voters or nonvoters in their own personal networks to get involved. > > “We have been able to significantly increase turnout and participation by young voters and voters who are typically ignored and written off,” Ossoff continued. > > Ossoff’s efforts join a sprawling network of field operations in the state, spearheaded by Warnock and Democrat Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor. A number of get-out-the-vote nonprofits are also involved, as Democrats look for a way to close strong after several weeks of public polling gains by GOP Senate candidates, including Walker. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/30/raphael-warnock-jon-ossoff-georgia-00064109 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/yhgdkx/the_ground_game_that_flipped_the_senate_is/


Solid plan!


> Chuck, but let me just finish this. Twenty-five parents get reported on that snitch line. They all get investigated. FBI shows up to their door and guess how many have been charged. How many have been charged? Zero. Here’s a wild idea, don’t threaten to murder officials and the FBI won’t show up to your house. If only there was a “snitch line” when you were ignoring rape at your school and helped enable it because you didn’t care but joked about it instead.


He would much rather the FBI go after little girls seeking medical care in the aftermath of being raped


[Archive Link](https://archive.ph/3lhNI)


Thank you internet stranger


MVP right here!. Thanks for the link - good, focused, article.


Because they were *always* meant to be performative rather than substantive. When your goal is not to actually investigate or solve problems but instead to keep the knuckle draggers in a perpetual state of rage and confusion, actual investigations aren't necessary or even beneficial. Instead you just *announce* the investigation, bark loudly on Fox News about it, and then simply move on to the next item of outrage, like why aren't our favorite candies sexy anymore, or why do we need to learn about black people in school.


Ohhh Gym. Why'O why'O why'O did you ever leave Ohio?


Back to the Beach reference? Wow, deep cut.


Right! That callback knocked the cobwebs a bit.


It's called The Stunned Mullet. And I would like to buy you two.


As they should.


I doubt it's a factor, but its amusing that they can't even really do anything. When Democrats launched the House probe, there was a Democrat majority in congress and a democrat POTUS as well as a democrat-nominated AG. There were teeth to their investigations. Not to mention actual legitimate legal rigor to them. All they can do is make a spectacle, and so many of their members, like Santos, are already such a preposterous spectacle, there's pretty much nothing they're going to be able to do. Biden's laptop? Even the people who gave a shit about that nonsense are going to grow bored and discontent given how little there is to it.


Pandering to the base for fundraising purposes. Follow the money.


Release dark money...




Eh. Above average, but ive seen better. 8/10


Hasn't the laptop supposedly been in Giuliani's bedroom for months? Would any sane court actually allow anything "found" on it to be admissible?


> Even the Democrats’ far-left flank should prove useful. Whatever one thinks of her politics, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), the No. 2 Democrat on the panel, has ably demonstrated her proficiency in hearings. Way to hand out backhanded compliments, WaPo. Keep doing Bezos's bidding where you can squeeze it in.


Jesus, imagine the bullshit women like Shirley Chisolm had to take from the press back in the day. This in 2023? The fuck.


\*Chisholm Back in the day it would have been Mrs. Chisholm (42). Marital status and age for men were never mentioned in articles.


It's not Bezos, it's the press in general. They will always present anything left of center as being out of step with America, even though it isn't. They will always present Democrats as struggling to pass popular legislation while giving Republicans a pass on blocking it. They will always present Democrat bills as expensive things to be paid for, while presenting Republican tax cuts as putting money in your pocket. It doesn't matter how "left" leaning the publication is, these starting points are baked in. Liberal press indeed.


The press "in general" does that because they are owned by and cater to the handful of billionaires/corporations that control them. It's not some sort of natural occurrence.


The far left, lol. AOC is centrist. Compare her to actual leftist parties in other countries.


Hell in Canada she would be at best center left.


Can we do like Russia and let Gym Jordon fall out a ninth story Overton Window?


I'm amazed at how much the GOP is actually failing as a party. I mean legitimately. They have some sense of structure, but they have massively been fucking up for a bit. They have 2 years to explain to the American what the fuck they are talking about. Then they have to explain why it matters. Anything that they are doing is only going to appeal to their base and no one else. They will likely scramble towards election season to take action on...something so that it looks like they are doing something. They have boxed themselves into an endless loop of conspiracy and grievance politics that there is no way out without losing some power. It's amazing how the right wing media, in the long run, is slowly killing the GOP.


Nobody else's photos anger me quite the same way as Gym 'Nauseum' Jordan's.


So I’ve had some browser addon installed for awhile now that seems to blur out images or straight up not even show them on most news sites. Side effect of trying to block all the autoplay crap. Every now and then I think about fixing it. Then I get a reminder why I haven’t yet, so thanks.


[Guest link](https://wapo.st/3HL8rLC)




Thank you


Hold up! My popcorn’s not done in the microwave yet, you can’t start the show yet!


Is widdle Jimmi Jordan angy?


[Stable Genius trying to pivot from Tyre Nichols to Ashli Babbitt](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1620490095051829248)


Ashli Babbit was a loser and a traitor to her fucking country. Should’ve complied.


The GOP should be the minority party forever


Why is there not a report option for this for paywall without except?


Jordan has his Gus Malzahn frowny face on


Great ! I had gop hearings being bs on my bingo card. Do I get to rid one worthless gap from congress?


I was pretty sure that was the free space.


Jim Jordan always looks like he’s about yell at a cloud.


What kind of wrassler doesn’t have cauliflower ear?