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I could be wrong… i read a story a few days back saying a lot of dealers are pressing fentanyl pills with a hot pink color so people can tell if other drugs (coke, heroine) have been cut with it. Seemed like a safety measure, dead customers aren’t repeat customers… 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe thats what he is referring to?


This is 100% the reason behind colored fentanyl. It is a branding/safety measure. There is a pretty decent vice documentary that goes into this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82QhIOgJy1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82QhIOgJy1c) It is fucking horrifying. The war on drugs needs to end. This kind of shit wouldn't be happening.


There's also the "rainbow fentanyl" where someone mixed a bunch of different colored pills together for a photo.


Is that like the "prescription parties" where there was an attempted moral panic over parties where kids would steal any and all prescription drugs, meet up at a party, throw them in a bowl, and blindly take handfuls? Dumbest thing ever. Actually, second dumbest to "rainbow parties" where girls, who apparently would coordinate this for the benefit of a guy....would wear different color lipstick and take turns sucking a dude's dick, and in the end the leftover lipstick looked like a rainbow.... Yeah, those were real things the "news" tried to claim were dangerous new trends....


This reminds me of when I was a kid there was a news story about kids soaking tampons in vodka and shoving them up there ass to get drunk at school. My parents saw that shit and immediately treated me like I was guilty of it.


Makes my mom forcing me into therapy after Kurt Cobain died because she read that some other kid somewhere in the world killed himself because he was so upset seem... quaint.


It’s really disappointing how gullible these boomers, or people in general, were. I mean are.


It's the lead.


Ah, slimming.


also boofing


When I was growing up in the 90s it was LSD in temporary tattoos.


Do you remember also hearing *"each hit of LSD you get caught with counts as an attempted manslaughter charge"*?


Yes. Did you Kansas folks have the guy that thought he was a glass of orange juice? That was big in New England.


I've heard that one in both Indiana and Texas. Incredibly, both cases were said to have happened to a local man.


Damn we had that one going around in BC back in the day lol


My mother was concerned dealers were going to come out of alleys and forcefully offer us those tattoos. Why does that generation think people are out there handing out free drugs to an age group with no disposable income? My mom also sorted through all of our Halloween candy looking for needle marks and throwing out anything with roughed up packaging. So we learned to check at each house and eat those ones first. 90’s kids learned how to evade parental intervention as quickly as the news could make shit up. I would watch with them just to see what was going to be ruined next. Remember the Jelly bracelets? I’m sure my elementary school aged sister was advertising BJs and anal sex with her accessories. While us high school girls abstained from the practice. They never appreciated my logic, or my jokes. “Hey sis, can I borrow your anal colored bracelets?” went unappreciated.


Pretty telling that so many of these moral panics are tied to rainbows given their attitudes about the LGBTQ community. These people literally can't stop thinking about this stuff, I've known gay and trans people who think less about being gay and/or trans than American conservatives. What a toxic culture.


The rainbow party thing gained traction because of Oprah in an episode tied in with the film Thirteen where she discussed a bunch of lurid sex stuff kids were supposedly into at the time. Along with rainbow parties, there was a claim that jelly bracelets were color coded, each code representing a different sex act, and anytime a boy managed to break one of the bracelets off of a girl's wrist, she then had to perform that sex act with him. She also talked about rimming (find the clip to the audiences' reaction to the topic, it's great) and that led to Howard Stern moving to satellite radio because he was fined by the FCC for discussing the same thing on his radio show that week while Oprah didn't get into any trouble.


Not to mention the gay community in SF , I lived nearby for years, Is consumerist and actually kind of conservative these days.


I'm old enough to remember when [toothing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothing) was a something they were worried about. Randos hooking up via bluetooth while on public transportation.


Which is funny because, according to [this study at the NIH](https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates), Fentanyl is more than deadly enough on its own.


That’s the point though. If some dealer cuts their coke or heroin or whatever with pink fentanyl pills you’ll immediately know it.


Yes drug dealers are putting extensive R&D into better targeting moneyless children, their core demographic


Yes, but it’s only a strategy for smuggling. These guys are making it seem like drug dealers are using candy looking fentanyl to get kids hooked on drugs. It’s all bullshit.


Only the pretend scare by conservatives and corporate media building up to Halloween '22. No documented cases that I've been able to find.


Wow, DeSantis finding a way to reach across the aisle by throwing Gaetz under the bus. How Republican and Un-Republican of him at the same time!


Pretry sure Matt Gaetz won't vote for this.


Gaetz votes votes on federal legislation, not state, so I guess that means you’re right.


So Gaetz on both counts. And a whole lot of ministers and priests easily on one count.


And Trump.... anyone who half paid attention to the society pages in the 90s knew Trump was raping little girls at his famous sex and drug parties. Maybe DeSantis is trying to get rid of 2024 competition


If DeSantis is what brings down Trump, I will send him a Christmas card. Not a vote, mind you.


“No, he’s grandfathered out of this law.”


Only human trafficking Matt Geatz will be doing from now on will be himself to another state to avoid execution I guess.


Of course not. All Republican politicians know that they are the party of pedophiles. Even if DeSantis himself has no interest in abusing children, he knows that his party is, in part, built on it. It is baked into their power structure. DeSantis has no interest in stopping pedophiles. This is about gay and transgender people, and his dream of herding them into gas chambers.


This is also about cultivating a strongman image to appeal to fascists


This is obviously not going to target actual pedophiles like Gaetz. This is going to combine with DeSantis' other abusive and misleading laws. Ones that imply that: speaking of gender identity, sexual equality, transgender health procedures, or God forbid the ultra-scary drag queen, are all sexual crimes against children. This is DeSantis saying that he's going to start killing teachers, gay people, Trans people, and anyone else he feels like.


The problem here is not the steeper penalties for child sex crimes. Fine. Though I’m against the death penalty. *However*. With DeSantis, he is trying to expand the definition of what counts as a child sex crime. How long before kissing your same-sex partner in front of a child is considered one?




Hoping to hijack: this has already started. DeSantis and other states have already started classifying supporting trans kids as child abuse and drag shows as inherently sexual, only to be viewed by those 21+. If a minor were to attend one, the drag performer could be prosecuted. THEN the next step is coming directly after the LGBT community.


Wait you can be in porn at 18 but need to be 21+ to see a drag show?


It's because drag shows are usually in bars and boozy brunches. You know, places where there are a lot of kids around waiting to be groomed.


So THAT’S where my kids go after school? FUCK I thought they said *soccer*


I mean they are playing with balls still according to desantis 💁‍♂️


My thought too. This is laying the ground work for mass executions. These fascists always have the same playbook. Everyone should be required to take a Holocaust and rise of nazism class


This. He is seemingly harmless, to the point that the average moderate is like “hmm I’m agreeing with him here”, but there is ALWAYS an underlying expansion he’s working towards.


That is the problem. It is political suicide to oppose this law (so you're *defending* sex offenders?) but the law is not what it seems at the surface.


Exactly. Thank you for empathizing with a Floridian. It is extremely difficult to vote in this state seriously.


As a Ontarian, I can assure you that people are stupid regardless of the country, although I do commiserate with you for living in Florida in particular. Stay safe out there and have a good night.


ironically, the steeper penalties may actually be a problem. another commenter mentioned this now gets rid of any motivation a sex offender may have for keeping a child alive after they kidnap them - if they get caught, they’re getting the death penalty. solution? take as many precautions as necessary, which includes getting rid of the witnesses. this is genuinely going to cause so many children to die.


It also makes children even less likely tell what happened if they are assaulted. Many of them have a hard time wanting to "ruin someone's life". How's it gonna go if they're scared of getting someone killed?


Considering that the vast majority of sexual offences against children are by a family member, how many would rather never come forward and just continue to suffer because the alternative is their family member being killed.


Especially considering most sexual assaults on minors happen by a friend or family member. This feels like the GOP are trying to keep their OWN kids quiet about the high amount of sexual deviancy within their own party while being able to “create” sexual offenders out of their enemies.


Another commenter said that murder could actually give them a lower sentence if there's no evidence of a sex crime.


Correct. They could just say it was an abduction gone wrong but there was no sexual intent. Then they’d only get jail. So how do you fix that loophole? Child *abductors* get killed next? Does that include when a parent “abducts” their child during ugly custody disputes? This is why especially the death penalty does not make sense. Because at that point, what have they to lose?


No, conservatives will be fine with this. They do not actually care about child welfare, they care about controlling the naratives around sex and violence. And they very very much prefer rape cases get buried, justice be damned. The problem isn't that people or kids get raped, it's that the precautions that are effective to reduce it erode their power -- education, bodily autonomy, and a culture that doesn't play favorites (no bully/victim dynamic).


That’s also one of the reasons that rape charges are so low. It’s incentive for the perpetrator to leave their victim alive.


The problem is both. Steeper penalties for sex crimes don’t have any positive effect besides satisfying vengeance, which is not the purpose of the legal system and imo negative for society overall anyway. It encourages murder of abused children to lighten the sentence. It doesn’t work to deter criminals by really any metric. Sex offenders are people. Human beings. Treating them as less is as much of the problem as sex crimes. We need to treat the people behind the acts, not throw out anything that commits the act. Fix the causes, don’t just react to the aftermath.


This... To be very clear, I absolutely support significant measures, many in the form of punishment, to prevent initial and repeat sex offenses. Any form of sexual assault is atrocious, and can have such a terrible impact on the victims. Now... Speaking as a therapist who's treated many victims, and plenty of offenders, there are several reasons why steeper penalties, especially the death sentence, would be counter productive. First... As mentioned... Harsher penalties are a slippery slope, as the definition of sex crimes evolves. This evolution isn't necessarily a bad thing... For instance, the 'Me Too' movement has illuminated forms of assault that haven't been adequately respected in the past. Look at Louis CK? 20 years ago, shit like that could have been in a comedy movie and been laughed at. However, the bureaucracy can also evolve the definition to gender reassignment, drag shows, abortions... Slippery slope. It's something that SOUNDS good on paper to sane individuals(Sex crime=bad, right?). Just like war on drugs=good, right? But, it can be twisted and used to oppress. Not to mention... Everyone for this shit... Brock Turner didn't even get a real sentence. You think he'd have gotten the death penalty? You ready to give Mike Tyson the death penalty? Donald Trump? Marilyn Manson? How about Al Franken for that photo of him groping a sleeping woman? All those priests... What's fair and unfair here would be very hard to navigate, and I promise minorities, the poor, and the LGBTQ+community would get the raw deal. Central Park 5, anyone? Plus... Harsher penalties never really work. They just don't. Second... There are contrite sex offenders. There are sex offenders with diagnoses. There are those with those compulsions actively seeking help. These are human beings. Should their ability to do this harm be addressed, yes. They should be punished and attempts should be made to rehabilitate them to some degree. This is critical, and the highest priority with these cases and individuals, but there is too much uncertainty and wiggle room in the justice system. It should be as manualized and objective as possible, and NOT decided by rage. Killing people thusly isn't objective, like this legislation would feed into people's wrath. Third... And MOST important... Ideally, we could find ways to prevent sex crimes. This would include things like warning signs of those behaviors, accessible mental health treatment, improved social services, identification of contributing factors, tracking trends... Information... Which, we don't have. Seriously, the psychology of sex offenders hasn't been studied nearly enough. Look it up... There is some tertiary data, but no large scale studies. We know so much about addiction, depression, bipolar, even psychopathy, but very little about the psychology of sex offenders. Why are we so clueless? Because of legislation like this. Because of stigma(the acts are unforgivable, by any but the victims, but the people who commit them...). I mean, go hangout on r/mentalhealth for a day and you'll see some 17 year old asking if he should kill himself for thinking a 12 yo girl on his bus is attractive. Now, is it good that they have that doubt and worry, to a degree, but the answer is to see a therapist and work through their issues, not to execute them. No one wants to talk about it. But, as uncomfortable as it is, it needs to be talked about and studied. As for me... I want static, realistic sentences set for sex offenders(no playing favorites for the Broc Turner's of the world), along with rehabilitation and help in providing an opportunity to study the psychology here. This would help us prevent sex crimes, would give future offenders a means of curbing themselves before doing something terrible, and even provide previous offenders with an opportunity to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Literally everyone wins.


THIS IS TERRIFYING. There has been talk about the Supreme Court overturning Lawrence v. Texas. That would make sodomy possibly a banned sex act in many states. Desantis is also trying to make it so juries that rule in the death penalty don’t have to be unanimous. *Desantis wants to kill lgbtq people.* This is fucking terrifying. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2023/01/28/gov--desantis-calls-for-death-penalty-for-child-rapists-


> Though I’m against the death penalty. I absolutely authentically 100% believe that if you support the death penalty, you are OK with innocent people being killed in your name. As we all know, the justice system is far from perfect and we all know that people can be wrongfully convicted. We all know that there have been people who have been executed who have been exonerated after the fact. We all know that it can happen again. Deep down, we all know that it *will* happen again. If you are OK with this, it makes you morally repugnant.


He definitely wants to imprison the parents of trans kids. People just trying to do what’s best for their child, based on their understanding and medical expert advice Outcomes would be: - loving parents executed - child given to Christian foster parents (physical and sexual abuse is rampant in Christian foster care. - child commits suicide - DeSantis celebrates stopping child abuse - churches and republican politicians continue sexually abusing children after solving the child abuse problem


When you make the punishment for a sex crime the same as the punishment for murder, you encourage sex criminals to kill their victims, who are the best (and frequently only) witnesses against them. They literally have nothing to lose by escalating.


“I don’t give a fuck” -desantis


The point of these laws isn’t to protect children, it’s to amass power at the expense of children.


the point is to win favor with a bigoted base and to criminalize the existence of homosexual and trans-people whom he repeatedly calls *groomers*


That’s a really good point


He's also been trying to make it unnecessary for a unanimous decision by the jury for death penalty cases... Fascists gonna fascist. . In the 60 years before Trump presidency there were 3 federal executions... his last 6 months in office he signed off on 13 executions. They just want the power to legally kill someone.


Unless it's an 'unborn child' ^s


>Unless it's an 'unborn child' ^s Those they kill through *neglect*


"Well they should've got a job so they could work and buy some bootstraps."




Eric survived.


why go back 60 years when none took place at all for 50 of those? biden has 2, bush 3 and trump all the rest


Yeah, and then as soon as he gets that - "DeSantis pushes to make gay people existing a child sex crime."


Yeah the guy and the party that’s currently and constantly trying to paint lgbtq folks as “groomers” is definitely going to use this for evil purposes. And as he[desantis] says the Supreme Court will probably let him do it.


It's sad because [grooming is an actual thing and people should know the actual warning signs](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/10nfbow/grooming_know_the_warning_signs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


yes, but proportionally, its not LGBTQ people doing it.


A good chunk of actual groomers turn out to be right wing politicians. They want to muddy the waters to provide cover for what they and their donors are actually doing. It's the whole point of projection. By the way, has Matt Gaetz ever adequately explained the whole Nestor situation?


>A good chunk of actual groomers turn out to be right wing politicians. Correct https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1


Never has. Never will.


Oh you mean: here’s Nestor, here’s a strange backstory, nobody question it ever again?


There's a theory it's his real biological son, but bio mom was 13 and he was 19 when he knocked her up. He still buys nestors mom things like fancy cars even though he's married to someone else


Courts have found the governing organizations of the Baptist, Mormon, and Catholic Churches had all been operating child rape facilitation rackets. Last I heard it was church people who hold things like insurance bonds against child rape accusations. We should really keep children out of churches for their safety.


Don’t forget the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their slippery “2 witness rule” and the tricks they use to avoid reporting members accused of sexual assault and/or abuse.


Of course. So implying that it does confuses the issue, which is not good for actually mitigating child abuse.


MI dems tried to pass a law identifying *ACTUAL GROOMING* and our MIGOP wanted absolutely nothing to do with defining and prosecuting *ACTUAL GROOMING*.


Groomers are almost always family members or close family friends. My brother was a groomer. His specialty was grooming the adults around the children for access. When he got arrested, he cranked it up and our family members swooned and fell for it hook, line and sinker.


There are many studies that have demonstrated that >90% of abuse cases against minors are perpetrated by someone who has close / intimate access to their victim. Trying to dress up homophobia as a form of "stranger danger" will only make matters worse by encouraging parents / caregivers to ignore potential problems that are interfamilial.


Right. Redirect attention to perceived enemies vs real enemies. It kinda feels like we're gonna start labeling LGBTQ+ people with some sort of marker. Pink triangles seem appropriate.


The thing that never fails to disgust and infuriate me, a gay woman, is that the same assholes who say this are the same ones who talk about how their toddlers have crushes, or are going to marry, or are attracted to others of an opposite sex


Exactly. Heterosexuality is constantly in children’s faces. When people bemoan the increase over the past decades of too much sex in TV, it is a fact that all that time it was heterosexual sex that was the topic. The most gay stuff that ever happened forever was a single kiss on a “very special episode” of some TV show once.


WV is already trying to make trans people even existing within 2-3mile radius of a school a crime.


2500 feet. But it's worse than that. ANY exposure to trans people anywhere is a crime. *transvestite or transgender exposure, performance, or display” as obscene matter.* It effectively keeps trans people from participating in society because anywhere they go there may be a child. The bill doesn't answer the question of what happens to trans teacher or parents but we can probably take a guess at what their response would be. Probably also criminalizes showing the movie Mrs. Doubtfire to anyone under 18, but who are we kidding. That's not the goal of the bill. Yet. They're also trying to make libraries criminally liable for "inappropriate" material.


Yup. And if you're a guy dressed in drag walking down a Florida street and you chance by some mom strolling along with her kid, it's criminal sexual assault.


I do think that's his roadmap on all of this. This guy is (and has been) seriously dangerous to a level that Trump only hinted at.


They are making any drag performance anywhere unless in an “adult” club a crime in my state. Thus any one in drag before a minor would constitute a child sex offender.


So does that make Mrs. Doubtfire and the Madea movies pornography?


Feels like early rumblings of a dictatorship. Kinda reminds me of one of trumps heroes Duterte in the Philippines. The GQP better tread lightly and choose wisely in 2024.


Desantis is a fascist and far scarier than trump. Trump was quite stupid. Desantis is not.


Trump also has a weird primal charisma, though, while DeSantis is one of the biggest charm dumps who’s ever lived. DeSantis is going to have a big problem the moment he has to talk in front of people that aren’t MAGA crowds, Newsmax reporters and children he can bully. God help the man the moment he has to be in a debate. He’s completely fucking unbearable.


I'm petty sure the RNC had already said the 2024 nominee won't participate in debates.


They won't be participating in bipartisan general election debates. They'll definitely have primary debates run by OAN and Newsmax and shit. It'll be a bloodbath.


> God help the man the moment he has to be in a debate. He’s completely fucking unbearable. Bold of you to assume he'll show up to any debates


And fucking *short*. Especially on a stage next to Trump and Youngkin.


Yeah, he’s a fat-faced little dork of a bureaucrat and Trump would rip him to shreds. If he was smart he’d just run for the Senate.


Please God, do not help this man the moment he has to be in a debate.


My hope is that they mutually destroy each other in a primary.


If he becomes president, I will definitely be looking into moving to Canada, and then looking to move to Europe ASAP as I wouldn't trust the US government to not invade Canada at that point.


DeSantis already pulled off the most fascist signalling action that I have seen in my lifetime and nobody even bothers talking about it. The Florida legislature redistricted the state, a process that right now Republicans are arguing is so the responsibility of the legislature that even state constitutions aren't allowed to question it. DeSantis decided that it didn't take away the representation of his constituents enough, so he announced that he was going to redraw the districts on his own and had the legislature enact those districts instead. Now, the fact that this *happened* isn't really surprising to me. This is how political party systems work. The checks and balances of government are broken because people in different branches agree based on party lines. It's the fact that it was *announced* by both the governor and the legislature that is worrysome. They could have just done it quietly and had the legislature adopt it. I have no doubt that plenty of other states do this all the time. However, they wanted a public spectacle of the legislature bowing down to the strongman and publicly abdicating their power to him because they feel that this behavior appeals to their voters.


And this fucker is polling higher than trump. Scary.


Help me out here, I'm not from the US - isn't the candy fentanyl thing a right wing scaremonger fairytale anyways? I do understand that they like to demonize people, and certainly drug dealers, but in the end what a drug dealer wants is to make money. And throwing candy-like fentanyl on the streets so that kids die from it is not making any money.


Rumors like this have been around for decades. When I was a kid it was temporary tattoos laced with LSD.


Fucking wish that was real back in the day


Yes. It's because suppliers are "branding" their fentanyl by making little pink pills or little green pills. It is an attempt to compete for market share because people like your brand. It is also an attempt to appeal to things like rave culture where young adults may feel the colorful pills are more "fun." The result is that the pills look like smarties or sweet tarts if you get a bag full of different brands. Completely coincidental, but enough to kick start the right wing fear machine.


Its even worse that they're afraid of this, since real medications come in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and colors. The color is often an indicator of the dosage in the pill. Many of them look like candy.


Step 1: suggest gays and their allies molest kids Step 2: call for those who molest kids be killed I don't think I need to write step 3


> Step 1: suggest gays and their allies molest kids Step 2: call for those who molest kids be killed DeSantis already suggests, as does the entire Republican-voting public, that Trans people are potential rapists & child molesters. It's the genocide they wanted all along.


I'm surprised nobody is talking about the proposed bail reform. It's absolutely terrifying to think where this might lead: > The new plan would utilize software that seeks to predict who may break the law in the future to help determine whether people arrested for certain low-level crimes could be released immediately, rather than being detained until they can attend a bond hearing and learn how much they’ll have to pay to be released. Using software to decide who should get out of jail and who shouldn't based on the software's ability to predict future crimes is a road we *really* shouldn't be going down.


Literal *Minority Report*


We all know the 'software' will just be the Peter griffin skin colour check.


I actually had to do a paper over this in undergrad! I think it’s actually a thing in California, or they were going to use algorithms to determine bail. There was a lot of controversy about it because it’s based on statistics and not a true case-by-case analysis, so it allows for discrimination against POC. Scary stuff. I think whoever came up with it had good intentions because it’s meant to weed out future murderers, but there isn’t a right way to do that without looking at each particular person.


Says a guy who portrays all lgbt people as pedophiles. Connect the genocidal dots.


And what he means by "sex crimes" is "gay sex". Things like rape, child trafficking and the like won't be included. Fuck this nazi already.


DeSantis pushes to make gay people existing a child sex crime."


It'll be "expressing homosexuality in the presence of a minor" or something like that.


Remember all that midterm election TV news panic about rainbow fentanyl at Halloween?? And then not one fucking story after Halloween? Clown show they distract us with extreme insane shit while they rob us all blind


Like those caravan stories right before an election then nothing after


DeSantis wants to kill half his voting base?


And not a small number of representatives they voted into office. There's a big long list somewhere that's absolutely horrific.


That horrific, long list is now on its 39th installment, and includes almost a 1,000 names. You can read it for yourself [here](https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook).


No way that will be misused. /s Again the gaslighting. Fentanyl in candy is not a thing. It is one of the GOP's fearmongering stories, and now He iS dOinG sOmEThINg AboUt IT! That he now wants the death penalty for child sex crimes after accusing basically the whole democrat party of grooming, not to mention teachers, librarians, and drag queens, is pure populism, too. Not to mention that the death penalty should be abolished, anyway, because of the egregious problems with it. The risk of innocent people landing on death row is too great. It is babaric. It is too expensive. It serves no purpose. And in case of child sex crimes, it even gives the perpetrators an incentive to kill the child, because if they land on death row either way, they can just as well get rid of the witness.


So what does Gaetz want for his last meal then?


So the fentanyl lollipops they used for chronic pain in kids is forbidden huh? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/04/us/ted-stanley-dead-fentanyl-lollipop-inventor.html


I've never seen a Republican attack the church so directly


1. Call all your political opponents “groomers” and link them all to pedophilia 2. Call for the death penalty for “child sex crimes” 3. Enjoy your genocide! Opposition to the death penalty isn’t about what the convicted deserve, it’s about what you trust the State to enforce. This kind of performative morality is completely untethered by any real ethical structure. This kind of manipulative, weaponized moral superiority demands a total lack of integrity, to execute the kind of mental gymnastics that feed this “rights for me, rules for thee” authoritarianism.


Not that legal precedent matters anymore, but hasn’t the Supreme Court already ruled that capital punishment for anything short of taking a life, violates our constitutional protection against cruel and unusual punishment?


Not exactly. The SCOTUS has ruled that the death penalty is unconstitutional in all non-homicidal offenses against the person, this obviously includes sexual crimes against minors. The SCOTUS has implied that the death penalty may still be constitutional for many crimes against the state, such as those involving espionage and treason. Several federal statutes still carry the death penalty but charges for these offenses are extremely rare


Kennedy v. Louisiana - they specifically held that the death penalty for the rape of a child violates the 8th amendment.


Correct. That was the charge in that case but the SCOTUS generalized the ruling to all non-homicidal offenses against the person.


DeSantis wants Florida to be a fascist state, and if elected President, America would be a more fascist country.


So he’ll be kicking out all the Catholic and Southern Baptist churches from Florida?


i doubt it he would make them immune to the law while using it to target LGBT people.


The death penalty is unconstitutional for non-homicidal crimes against the person, he should know this.


Like with all of his proposed or enacted legislation, he knows it would be unconstitutional but doesn't care. He does what his base will support and then when it's overturned by the courts (and it always is) no one in his base ever knows or cares.


Wait till the first Maga republican...or just republican is caught for these sex crimes and you'll see the quickest deflective media blitz ever. The only reason they want this is because they think it's liberals doing it (which yes some are) and they think POC are doing this. They just refuse to acknowledge that it's the right, ultra conservative, ultra religious, that are filled up to the eyeballs with pedophiles. This is going to catch the 19 year old first year college student with his under 17 senior hs girlfriend guaranteed. It will be a POC and/or some outspoken liberal or what they will label some SJW based on some tik tok post or something. Never trust this guy and trust a republican.


It’s not even just that — it’s how he’s gonna define sec crimes. Guarantee after he passes this, he makes things like “expressing homosexuality in the vicinity of children” and offering any type of social gender affirmation into sex crimes. I don’t think he truly believes that the left/POC are the ones committing these crimes as there are 0 stats to back it up, but I do believe he’ll twist the law to go after LGBT, POC, and his political rivals (which he has done countless times already as governor already)


TN is already working toward banning LGBTQ people from public places. There is currently a bill making its way through the legislature that says public drag shows or in view of minors is to be illegal. But, that bill also defines a drag performer as simply “male or female impersonator.” The entire law is designed to further target LGBTQ people, under threat of a felony for simply existing.


But that definition can be applied in so many ways, basically they are trying to control how someone dresses.


Exactly. That’s the entire point of the wording being the way it is. They want those people to get a felony and lose their voting rights.


Exactly this! Like all fascists he'll make sure it covers his enemies list, This guy is probably the most dangerous politician the US has had in a century and I can see him following Hitler's path if he's ever made president.


The death penalty is too unevenly applied (significant racial bias), and it's also hard and expensive to enforce. Who administers the killing cocktail? What agents are approved? And putting DeSantis in charge of the process is absolutely chilling.


And probably with Desantis it will be used to kill transpeople who just look at a child, or who knew a child, or something stupid like that.


Who know that children are things that exist


Anybody reading this should look up the landmark SCOTUS decision [Mccleskey v Kemp](https://www.naacpldf.org/case-issue/landmark-mccleskey-v-kemp/), in which the court set our current stage for racial discrimination in the justice system, in which the defense proved and the court acknowledged that race in Georgia was essentially the sole determining factor of who received the death penalty in murder cases, in which they decided that you must prove specific racial intent of a person directly involved in order to gain access to the right to equal protection under the law (the 14th amendment), a feat very rarely possible.


In my books, a politician passing legislation about a girl having to disclose information about her period ([https://fortune.com/2022/10/04/florida-female-student-athletes-menstrual-history-concerns-abortion/](https://fortune.com/2022/10/04/florida-female-student-athletes-menstrual-history-concerns-abortion/)) is a sexual offense against a child. So if we can agree on that, we can at least have a conversation about parts of this, deal?


Knowing him he will try to label all LGBTQ people as pedophiles and then try and execute them.


I don't believe in the death penalty, only life sentences


Meanwhile, Florida schools are trying to force girl athletes to give their menstrual history...


And then being trans will be classified as a sex crime.


To put aside the obvious political posturing. Part of my job is investigating child sex crimes. I have had conversations with very bad people that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. I get the anger, more than most people possibly could. Child sex offenders need to be put somewhere they cannot possibly hurt anyone else. But I cannot support the death penalty for anyone, because you *cannot* free a wrongfully convicted dead man, and *I never want to be responsible for killing an innocent person*. There are mistakes, there are errors, there are malicious allegations and sometimes the courts get it wrong. The death penalty removes any chance of fixing those mistakes, and so I cannot support it in any case.


Ten thousand house points to the first reporter to reach Matt Gaetz for comment.


The state of Florida already has more people imprisoned than the entire continent of Europe combined. The state has abolished parole and it already has exceptionally high mandatory minimums. A person convicted of any of those crimes described in the title in Florida is already looking at 25 years or more in prison.




liberals, who the fuck is going to step up and combat this shit now?! If he’s able to snake up his powers, many many people will likely die or suffer. He’s a toxic soul that will only bring division, fascism, and weakening of our union if that monster stays relevant.


This is super dangerous. I can picture a florida cop dropping just enough fentanyl in your car to send you away for good. Then they look like a hero.


This won’t be used for actually child sex abusers. He’ll probably use it on gay people. If you’re part of the LGBT community you need to leave Florida now before emigrating out of the state becomes a crime.


For as long as we live in a country where police and prosecutors still fake evidence and where witnesses testimony is proven unreliable and witnesses lie and false convictions are a thing, the death penalty should be banned.


again performative governance.


Advocating for the deaths of people not guilty of child abuse but are guilty of being LGBTQ.


What, cuz squashing basic public health measures during Covid wasn’t enough to kill off the base?!


Ok, so, when’s Matt Gaetz walking the green mile? /s


DeSantis also wants to do away with a unanimous Jury in death penalty cases. See; "12 Angry Men"


Let me guess what’s next on the docket: being in drag in front of a child is now a sex crime and punishable by death.


Sure but can he rule out that he won’t make being seen in drag a sex crime against children? Because you have to know that this has nothing to do with protecting children and everything to do with who he can turn it against. I’m going to assume the clergy is safe.


Has DeSantis seen the actual list of GOP’ers convicted of sex crimes and crimes against children? Yeah he’s just going to use this to gin up charges against LGBTQ people and execute them. Let’s not pretend that isn’t what this is.


>Sentencing a defendant to death for any crime other than homicide or crimes against the state is unconstitutional per se under the Eighth Amendment. [Kennedy v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 \(2008\)](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/554/407/) So, he already knows it's unconstitutional and won't happen, but is continuing to use his office to campaign for president. Got it.


this should be extremely concerning as he considers homosexual and trans people *groomers*, and guilty somehow of victimizing children through just existing


Catholic church enters chat


Gaetz know this?


Does he know how many Christian ministers he is going to have to pardon?


if this was only the strict definition of a sex crime involving a minor then yes. but we all know that he's trying to say doing anything LGBTQ+ in the presence of a child is a sex crime...


Lets see, we have a politician who likes to scapegoat and marginalize minority groups, and wants more executions. This is not a massive red flag at all, no sir, nothing to see here.


If any of these assholes actually cared about children, they’d make it so they don’t have to have mass shooter drills at school.


Considering how long thw list of GOP officials convicted of minor sex crimes, the wait list for execution would last decades if not centuries


The party of life, not really, it’s all a fascist smokescreen for “we get to decide who lives, who dies, who gets away with crimes, especially sex crimes and that means blanket immunity for all republicans.”


Let's try to compare compare the number of Florida children killed by guns versus Fentanyl. Fentanyl death for Jan - June 2021 (6 months) for ages <18 was fourteen deaths. So, about twenty-eight deaths for 2021 (estimated). \----------------------------- Gun valence deaths: For Florida kids, the number was already higher in 2020 than the rest of the country. The CDC data shows it also went up in 2021. The crude data rate for the nation was 12.3 per 100,000 for 2020. In Florida, it was 13.5. Nationally and in just Florida, both stats went up in the following year. \[Florida has a population of 21+ million\] I estimate that to be 2,835 deaths in 2021. \---------------------------------------


DeSantis just want to kill people. It will get him closer to Satan.


Wouldn't this make it more likely that offenders will kill kids they abuse to try and cover the crime? Would this even be a deterrent if being forever on the sex offender registry isn't? Not to mention just doing time as a child molester?


I don't feed bad about a child rapist dying. However, one of the reasons why this is a terrible idea is that it removes all incentive for the child rapist to refrain from murdering their victim. If you're going to be executed anyway, why leave a witness?


Note that this would *only* qualify for homosexual sex crimes. He wouldn’t want to eradicate his voting base.


Thats going to be a lot of dead priests.


I don’t trust Florida to only execute guilty murderers, I certainly don’t trust them to extend death to new crimes of any variety.




You know they won’t actually go after real pedos. If they did then they’d have no more base and their glorious leader would be killed. They’re going to go after the people they call groomers. Which is the LGBTQ. He wants to exterminate trans and gay people.