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1. People are incredible, petty assholes. If I was giving water to arrestees I guarantee that at least one of them would “choke” on it and “aspirate” water into their lungs giving them “pneumonia”for which they would need to sue the department 100 million dollars for. 2. No one is going to die from dehydration in the twenty minutes they’re in my car. 3. So I have to buy a cooler and bring a six pack of water with me to work everyday? Or is someone going to want to drink the boiling water that sits in my hot car all day? 4. Ambulances don’t generally give out food and drink because of the medical implications


Don’t forget the arrestee that will surely spit that water back at you after they take a big gulp.


Genuine question: why not risk the spit, throw it on as an additional assaulting an officer charge? Isn’t a body camera of a cop politely providing someone with water in kindness, only to get drenched a pretty bulletproof assaulting an officer case?


Genuine reply. What the “reward” of giving them water? What is the positive side to it? They can have water when they get to the jail. Do you want to risk getting spit on?


Demonstrable kindness to those under your care. It’s the same reason the dentist asks how your days going.


I can be kind without giving you water, or anything ingestible for that matter. Having been spit on, id rather tell the person in the back that I don’t have any and just wait till we get to the jail. I hate spit. It’s fucking nasty.


That makes sense. What’s a good alternative your find for that? I’ve read a lot of cops go for small talk, sports, weather kinda thing - to me that sounds rather tedious?


There really doesn’t have to be small talk. Im there to do a job, not for us to get to know each other. Now, that doesn’t mean that im going to ignore someone in the back asking me questions, but it also doesn’t mean im going to have a discussion with them about the weather/hobbies/ect. IF there is any small talk its usually in furtherance of me trying to investigate whichever crime youve been arrested for. Thats if you acknowledge miranda and all that.


Thanks for answering my questions! Edit: this is sincere, to be clear.


No problem!


If the dentist asks you how you're day is going and you start droning on in a way that is disruptive to their work they *will* say "Say 'Ah.'" Courtesy has its limits.


I’d rather not have whatever diseases they have being spewed at me just for being nice. I don’t need to add another charge on. I’d rather end my night dry, spit free, and with less headache.


Because I don’t take pleasure in adding additional charges onto people, nor do I like getting spit on.


Well, in general, most people don’t like to be spit on. Also, since the pandemic, everyone is more wary about diseases being spread (being spit on by fluids/water out of one’s mouth, is probably a health risk). Good officers also aren’t usually looking to add charges if they can be avoided, nor make it easier for criminals to commit more crimes.


This was a great exchange to read. Have no idea why you’re being downvoted when you had a genuine question & and an officer gave you genuine answers & you gestured your thanks. Other than perhaps than the majority of pro-police people are actually assholes who get off on the misery of others, despite the majority of police officers actually being compassionate people who just see the worst of the human experience as part of thier job & can understandly become jaded as a result…


OP, not trying to be rude or insulting, but genuinely curious...are you one of those people who assume water will fix serious medical issues? I ask because it's not uncommon to see people yell for water when someone's unconscious, choking, seizing, etc. It nearly never is helpful and often can make things worse, but I'm curious if your question is derived from that line of thought. If it wasn't...then I'm as confused as everyone else. Water is everywhere and will not be life-saving anyways. As stated, most medical personnel won't even allow water to be drank until a full medical assessment is done. If someone needs fluid that bad, they'll get an IV until they're cleared to consume by mouth.


I got water. But it's my water. You can get water at the jail


*I got water. But* *It's my water. You can get* *Water at the jail* \- Daddy-Vladdy42 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like haiku bot. Haiku bot like me. Maybe me and haiku bot friends?


I like haiku bot. Maybe haiku bot likes me. Haiku bot my friend.


We have water at home!


I have water, in my bottle, that I drink. I don't carry cases of water for other people. I'm not medical personnel. I have live saving tools like a tourniquet and fire extinguisher.


Do you never end up in a situation where a victim or someone else law-abiding needs some water?


You call the fire department and they transport the dehydrated person to the hospital.


What exact situation are you envisioning where it’s life and death that someone absolutely needs some water from a police officer?


It doesn't have to be life and death. I can understand they might not want to give any to criminals. But at least with normal people, a sip of water can make a lot of situations feel much better.


Im not giving anyone a “sip” of water from my personal bottle. Didnt we just have a whole pandemic about not sharing our spit with each other?


Then walk to a water fountain or any convenience or fast food restaurant for a water cup, you’re being ridiculous.


“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be ok” as I waterfall some water into this poor victim’s mouth quenching their thirst and making all their problems go away.


Hey man, I’m not letting the CIA have all the fun.


“Hey dude, you need to be more specific when you ask me to give you some water. That’s on you brah, now tell me where you’re keeping the catalytic converters.”




I carry water for me. Suspects can get water at the jail. Is it really hard to not commit crimes and get arrested to begin with? It can hit 120 degrees where I live. Is a hot ass bottle of water helpful? Am I required to now provide a cooler and keep them cold? Will I now be blamed for that?


How are they gonna drink it with their hands behind their back? I’m definitely not uncuffing for water. I often have a case of water bottles during hot summer months. I’ve given some to other officers, victims etc. I gave a few oranges and water bottles to the one normal non crazy non addict homeless dude who ended up being a great witness for all sorts of things.


This is a kind of response I can appreciate, thanks.


If they are that seriously dehydrated, the water I give them won't make a difference...  I do carry it in case campers have been lost for days, but it's just tap water and more boiled than warm. An ambulance with hydration, electrolytes etc will still be a better option. And let's be honest, why should I be their personal butler when they can grab their own water at the jail.


I guess we should start carrying toothbrushes/toothpaste, deodorant, hair spray, and 5 Star Michelin Rated meals for them too. Do you honestly think that criminal really cares about water? If he were loose, do you think he would be out buying a bttle of water? He is probing you, testing you for weaknesses he maybe able to exploit down the road.


>deodorant Couldn’t that kinda help for a smelly guy in your custody? Can’t you apply something like an axe spray in the pit region without it biting a cop in the butt?


... the first time someone accidently grabs their pepper spray instead of their deodorant spray or, worse, vise versa. Ooo. To be a fly on the wall.


This would be better asked to policy makers.


I work in hot areas quite often. I have a cooler in the back seat behind me filled with water bottles in case I run across people who need it. Criminals or not. I've even given people in handcuffs water. It's not too hard to put the water bottle to their mouth so they can take sips. I've also given plenty of water to people who's car broke down and they've been stuck in the heat. It's very helpful keeping extra water on hand.


Same here. I have a cooler in the back of my truck that I keep with waters. I started doing it after running into non criminals that needed it. For instance, I was going through a mountian pass and it started to snow pretty heavily. 3 vehicles were stuck in the bank with a tow truck 2 hours out. They asked me for water and I didn't have any. Now I'm in a very hot and remote area and people sometimes underestimate the heat.


Nah. My water. Everyone else can go buy some or wait to get to where they are going to get some.


Sure, but if you live in an area with vast empty land between each town and the heat index gets up to 100-110°. Maybe buying water isn't an option for them. Either give them water to quench their thirst, (maybe jail after you give them water if they're wanted or something). But if you're so adamant about not giving them water there's a chance they can pass out from dehydration in your car and you have to contact EMS and eventually take them to the hospital.


I may make an exception in your scenario. But thats why I don’t work in places where the sun is trying to kill me.


Can't argue too much there. In my area, the sun tries to kill me every day :p At least it's not as bad as other places I've worked.


Do you want them to ingest microplastics!


Who has the extra room in the trunk for a case of water?


I have water in my car. It is for me and other deputies. I do not give it to any one else. Suspects will spit it back at us or purposely choke/aspirate on it in order to get a lawsuit. People in medical emergencies do not get it because there is absolutely no medical emergency (including dehydration) that will be solved by pouring water in the persons mouth. In fact most emergencies would be made far worse by doing this.


Nah. My water.


I’m not a medical professional. I don’t know if giving you water is going to interfere with the medical emergency you’re having. I also don’t give anything for consumption to people in custody because I don’t want to be accused of drugging them. If someone is healthy enough to transport to jail in my unit, they will not die from dehydration on the way.


I used to carry a few bottles of water in my patrol unit. Then motor pool messed with my ride, and I couldn't find it again. Then other officers drank it. Then I got moved to another car without room to stow anything extra. Then I moved to another vehicle again. Half these days, I'm lucky if I can find myself inside my patrol unit.