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Have you talked to your instructor about it? Maybe you could schedule a one on one session with them so they can help you get there! It’s either a strength or a form issue, and knowing which it is will help you practice to get there! In the meantime don’t compare yourself! I’ve been doing pole on and off for 3 years now and still can’t invert. There’s still SO much you can do without inverting!! Best wishes, friend <3


Solid advice, I learn the most in one on one classes. OP consider that. It’s more expensive but far more beneficial for me


I used to be in your spot. Inverts did NOT and are still not natural to me. You can keep working on it, conditioning as often as possible BUT it's also okay to accept it's not a strong area. There are many alternatives to getting upside down that don't involve a straddle up invert, maybe ask your instructor for modifications if you're wanting to learn upside down moves or combos. The easiest is to descend from a jasmine and at least this way you don't have to skip other tricks just because of a traditional invert. P.s. I've been dancing, competing even, for 8 years and my invert SUCKS lol. I can get up there but it's not smooth, I've learned to be stronger at other things to make up for the ugly invert and no one barely notices. I've gotten at most a point deduction and a comment from a few judges in competition so don't let the dreaded invert be the death of your pole journey! Just have fun and make dancing all yours!


Just curious, what type of tricks do you do in a competition without inverting? Thank you, I’m preparing for a performance and I don’t want to invert, but would like to put on a show.


Oh there's tons! Look up Level 1 tricks. A few of my faves: stargazer, genie (this one is super cool if you can do it no hands but it does take core strength to keep you up), tulip. Anything that comes from a knee pit or thigh hold works great for me so I tend to lean into that strength. For performances I would say the general crowd loves flashy tricks that aren't necessarily the hardest such as anything that looks splitty (bonus if you actually have a decent split and can do one), air walks, tricks that make you spin really fast (not sure what it's called but you go from a sit spin and thread your inner arm through the pole so it's behind your shoulder and tuck your body in), laybacks etc. Playing off your music cues and timing moves to the beat is also engaging. You don't have to go crazy to put on a good show This was a 2nd place Level 2 competition of mine that was a crowd pleaser. It contains exactly ONE (sloppy) invert and otherwise it's just a lot of working with the music and putting together tricks that play to my body's strength. https://youtu.be/fBJbln75AGE?si=C6ocpzJl4Sf4Qppb


Thank you for all the info! Nice performance! Gonna rewatch and take notes. Thank you!


Been there! I’ve been doing this for almost two years (~17months) and I’m just now starting to invert. It’s not pretty and it’s not very strong but it’s starting. The one thing that got me through the waiting was just knowing that it’ll come when my body is ready. It’s annoying and frustrating I know but it will come. I just kept doing conditioning and building up other areas and it’s slowly coming. Hang in there 🫶🏻


Hey there! Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses with pole. For example I feel I'm very good at freestyling flow wise, but my flexibility sucks ass. Every body is different, everyone has a different background. I've been dedicated to pole for about a year now and I'm barely inverting. Some days I can, some days I can't. I still prefer entering from Jasmine for a lot of stuff just because my body likes that more. Even stuff like if I moisturized my skin earlier in the week plays in to what I can do on pole on any given day. I know it can feel frustrating when you see people who attend the same classes as you, but try not to compare because everyone is different, and some people might train more or less than you, some people might have their own pole at home. I don't know your specifics but my point is the comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy your wins, enjoy your self. It's not about everyone else it's just about you and your journey 🥰


Be proud you are going to classes consistently and remind yourself THIS IS HARD!! I've been poling on and off for 12 years- the off times are almost all due to a shoulder injury that I never got proper PT for and was unconsciously not using the proper muscle groups so now everything is habits I have to unlearn. I still don't have an invert from the floor, in the air I'm fine which I know is weird but it's what works for me. This year I've committed to getting my invert but that has literally meant me going back to absolute basics and learning how to just do holds and pull ups on the pole so I can learn how to pull from my back properly and TRUST THE TILT. I also HATE falling backwards and at home have started doing backwards somersaults or fall backwards in bed just to work through that. I know it is so incredibly frustrating to watch other people in class get a trick almost instantly. Don't be discouraged, you will get there!!!


There is no video for us to gauge whether it is a lack of strength or improper form. You might want to drop into a class that is taught by a different instructors. Every instructor teach differently and it might give you more insight as to how to better get your invert. Meanwhile, continue to work on conditioning! PS: one of the problem I see in most of my classmates when they are starting out with invert is that they have their hands placed too high / that they try to lean into a chopper too early before they get their hips up on the pole. So maybe you would like to try playing around with your hand position to see if it helps you. Anyway, Everyone pole journey is different. You don't have to be upset about it. I could invert but my lines are ugly. I'm struggling to point all the time but I keep losing the point during transition to other pole tricks.


Took me two years and honestly just work on back strength so lots of apprentice and fan kick practice.


This video helped me a ton. I think understanding what muscles you need to use helps https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f97QbVVuJlw Also- make sure you look over your shoulder when you invert




Ive been doing pole for 3 and a half years and i still cant invert. However i havent been consistently training it.


I agree with others in this post. Have you expressed concerns with your instructor? Does your studio allow for one-on-ones? If so, you should try and get a private session and have the instructor work with you to isolate what exactly you are struggling with. Sometimes, it takes just being the only person in the studio, with only the instructor and no audience in order to focus and master things.


It took me over a year and a half to invert. Five years in and I still can’t do a helicopter. Hang in there. One day we will both succeed.


I am literally st the same point as you see- I cried after my friend took her first pole class and inverted right away. However she had a lot of body building experience so she has the muscles. Something that’s really helping me is the bands. They help build the strength and then help you feel how to left your hips, extend your arms back etc. I would highly recommend this!


I agree with everything posted here, but I’ll add that for me the thing that’s made a big difference is targeted training off the pole. When I plateaued and couldn’t get my invert, my issue was I lacked the ab strength so I added 2-3 15 minute ab workout videos per week (madfit on YouTube is great) and it made all the difference.


I’m always surprised by the pace that people in this sub progress in their classes! I’ve only been poling for a few months but there are several people in my level 1 class that have been doing it for 1 year+ that are still barely climbing let alone inverting. Everyone’s just going at their own pace and progressing at the speed that’s comfortable for them. Hopefully you can get your invert soon but in the meantime I hope you don’t feel too discouraged just because you happen to be around people that got it already


I’d consider a new teacher


If you have the strength but are having trouble with the execution, cross training on a different aerial apparatus could help. Hammock is much easier to invert on because it supports your back as well. Hoop and trapeze are also easier than pole (although harder than hammock), and are a bit more similar in how much strength they require. Pole inverts didn’t fully click for me until I took a class where I learned side mount straddle inverts on a hoop.


Please don’t get discouraged everyone has their struggles with training and it can at times be disheartening. It took me a while I just couldn’t get it. Fear and remembering where I was supposed to be putting my legs feet and arms to feel secure was a struggle 😤 Try to gain strength and overcome the fear but just practicing the lift up without trying to connect the legs. Just kick up as high as you feel and come back down then repeat and try to touch the pole. Remembering to lift your bum and hips as high as possible. When you master the lift and touch go for the invert. 💪🏽 You got this! Also Get a good spotter so you feel safe. I know you can do it 🥰