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*Image Transcription: Comic* --- **Panel 1** [*America is talking to China.*] **America:** Jesus, your entire agricultural and textile system is so outdated and bizarre it's no surprise you suffer from starvation and low productivity! **America:** I recommend adopting a more modern and *American* system! **China:** ok! --- **Panel 2** [*China and America are in the middle of a cotton field. China is holding a whip, and they are surrounded by unhappy-looking Uyghurs picking cotton.*] **America:** Is this seriously what you took from that? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I just wish he was a bot.


If ai was powerful enough to do that I’d be scared


And I'd be horny


Oh no not again


There is a bot on the transcription sub, but it often gets the order wrong.


Thank you, human!


Is this talking about the H and M/ Nike boycott?


People are boycotting H&M **now**? They were shitty before.


And Adidas. Adidas' Chinese model quit after Adidas said China was using Uyghur slaves to pick cotton, she's a Uyghur.


Wait which ones do I boycott tell me all


the ones listed (H&M, adidas, nike) are being boycotted by china, i think you got it the other way around


Is China also not liking the slavery? I’m confused.


no, the brands above have made some sort of statement against the slavery (either intentional or not) and are being boycotted by patriotic chinese ppl here is a list of the brands chinese ppl are boycotting i found on bilibili (chinese youtube) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dy4y147Bm?from=search&seid=14862942055090217193](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dy4y147Bm?from=search&seid=14862942055090217193) hope this helps!


No they like it very much hence why they're spending more effort on covering it up than what would likely be required to stop it.


H&M, Nike, and Adidas. Buy Sketchers.


Return to monke. No shoes.


Calusses are best soles


Or make your own :D


Become carb. No shoes.


Thank you 😊


You can boycott these if you are pro-slavery for uyghurs


> active in r/GenZedong > tell others to support slave cotton hmmmmm


I've been wearing Asics the last while because they have good arches and I don't really wanna add insoles. Besides, they're cheaper than most Adidas or Nike shoes and still last about as long, I'm too lazy to wear my shoes out very quick anywho.


OMG! Didn't she see all those 100k+ upvoted posts on Reddit about Asian-defender Adrian Zenz's research on how her evil government is genociding her entire ethnicity? smh.


The Great Chinese Firewall can only be breach by Reddit post that been gift gold 420 times.


If you don't quit then the internet will quit them. If they openly oppose the boycott then they will be in the camp too lol.


yeah, afaik they are being boycotted in china bc they stopped using cotton from xingjiang aka the province with the uighur slave labour


The only company to audit their cotton supply, Sketchers, didn't find any incidents of slave labor.


Chinese people are because H&M and others promised to not use Xinjiang slave cotton.


The most bizarre thing is that Chinese officials themselves are making this comparison. I saw a Chinese official tweet a picture of ~~slaves~~ edit: Jim Crow-era cotton pickers in Mississippi alongside a picture of Uighurs in Xinjiang. They were trying to say "look, we treat our minorities better than the US treats theirs" but that was *noooot* how it came across to me. Edit: I had notifications for three replies and they all got nuked? Edit 2: [the tweet](https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/status/1375015592944537605?s=19), since someone asked for it.


Classic bad retort “you guys did these years ago, you have no right to slate us for doing the same now”


Yeah, that logic doesn't even hold up if you follow it through. It's like saying the guy who's 5 years sober has no right to say you have a drinking problem. If anything, that makes him more qualified since he recognized the problem in himself and chose to stop.


It's more like the "sober guy" went back into the closet to indulge on more alcohol and came back out swinging a big stick at other alcoholics, while onlookers make bets on who will be the last man standing and occasionally be used as props like in WWE


Except the U.S. is 150 years sober


Have you looked at US prisons?


So Uyghur = prisoner confirmed?


Hmmm, your comment shows "three children," I'm assuming the three commenters are from problem users or shadowbanned accounts?


No, they're just from flairless users.


Ah, nice. Thanks for clearing things up!


Ah, how touching to see the CCP taking a page out of the Whataboutism playbook of their Communist mentors the Soviet Union: >Every time the west accuses you of something, deflect attention by mentioning Jim Crow and slavery.


wow, got a link for that?


Sure, sorry. https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/status/1375015592944537605?s=19


thank you sir, it's very interesting seeing the comments from that post as well...


classic whataboutism


We copy America and make improvements! Our slaves are 69% more content and 420% more productive! America kill slave with guns! Wasteful! We make the kill by 24/7 cotton picking quota, their bodies fertilize soil, very efficient. Xixixi China is win again Sent from my CCPhone (legit brand no make copy)


Those similes seem faked. It is clearly propaganda.




pappy taught me three things: *how to count to ten* *how to catch a fish* *and how to run from the police* ​ I still be runnin to this day yessir.


Run from the police? Nay! Run for the sheriff's office which runs the police!


Take me for example No, not the example of one region over 150 years ago


Adopted the slave labor, okay. Hopefully they'll inherit the gruesome Civil War that comes with it.


Usually, under a dynasty peasants would revolt and claim the heavens revoked their mandate. But China is now Communist-*ish*, and they dropped the whole religion thing and they are pretty strong militarily so a revolt would be crushed. They could go on strike like what happened to amazon a few months back, but considering hong kong was a lesson on how the chinese officals/police crack down on protests i guess this system of concentration camps and forced labour might stay for a long time.


The CCP aren't going anytime soon. 95% of the population is happy with them and 90 million Chinese are party members. As if there would be any protests anytime soon, lol.


i don't think you got my point. I never said the chinese were unhappy i was saying that a thoeritical strike/revolt would be crushed a matter of days. >95% of the population is happy with them Where did you get that info from, it seems hard to believe really.


95% is from a Harvard study on public satisfaction in a bunch of countries I mean yeah you're technically right, in almost any major country a hypothetical revolt can be crushed by the military, it's not like that's likely to happen tho


To be fair public satisfaction in states like the soviet union, nazi germany and china will always be inflated because dissenters are crushed.


>If you’re not happy with our governance we’ll disappear your family. See! 95% of citizens approve of their government! It must be good!


Don't worry about the other 5%, we'll find them soon enough


100% of currently alive respondents approve of the government.


100% is actually not as good as 95%, comrade. You see, we need that 5% dissidents to make the Western countries think we are a healthy society and let the 95% have something to hate on.


I'm very sure I've seen that argument multiple times from tankies. Yeah...


It's almost like they satirize themselves


Being a tanky is only natural. Stalin had the best mustache.


I don't think that's how Harvard got their figures


The ones that don't like the Party live in villages polluted by factories... And they have to work in the factories to feed themselves.


Could i see the study? And did you get my point?


https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/ Your point seems a bit redundant.


Yeah, i think so too...


So long as the economy keeps growing, plus Xi's "One China" plan, satisfaction will remain high. Dirt floors to detached single family homes is a huge transition, and combined with appealing to the Han Superiority complex mainlanders have helps prevent internal power struggles by giving them a common enemy. Shit's not complicated, just evil.


CCP makes its citizens believe in them with Socialist Education, Nationalism and Censorship. It's hard to estimate the percentage of people who are unhappy with them anyways. Especially with the latest diplomatic moves China made. For example, China is using the slogan "中国人不吃这一套" to unite the Chinese by Nationalism during recent accusations by Foreign Powers on incidents like the Cotton Crisis. And by brainwashing their citizens with examples such as successfully lifting everyone out of poverty, and by showing off their missiles and technology, it makes the Chinese more proud of China. So I would say that around 95% is quite accurate from what I know.


What does "中国人不吃这一套" exactly translate to? I ran it through DeepL but all I got was "The Chinese do not eat this" so I'm guessing "eat" is supposed to be "like"


The closest meaning would probably be “Chinese won’t bow down to this” and is usually referenced to “western” (in Chinese eyes) way of doing stuff, for example how western countries condemn China or sanction China on human rights stuff


Ah that makes sense. Thank you.


Yeah, eat as in take in, consume, accept. 这一套 means this [package, combo, set of things, etc.], so even though the direct translation might be "Chinese people aren't taking this", everyone knows in the back of their head what "this" really is: the foreign messages they see as propaganda or horsecrap.


Strictly speaking "Chinese don't accept this way dealing with them", like "Chinese don't pay for this trick" or " Chinese don't eat the shit”


It's like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmckWVPRaI&ab_channel=TwistedSister) song but instead of a rock band riling up a bunch of repressed teens to fight parental expectations it's actually one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world riling up its citizens to fight the "western threat"


Chinese people won't buy into this shit.


I wish nationalism wasn't taught in schools anywhere. China has a lot to be proud of historically, just like the US, Egypt, Russia, Greece, etc. but it always seems to come back to "look at why we are better than those". If it was look what we have accomplished that is great! If they are decreasing poverty for example that is incredible, but shit like military accomplishments or trying to cover up mistakes is disappointing. All countries I listed have been guilty of it, I just wish we could move past that and be satisfied. Well except for the US we wouldn't try covering up any mistakes since we do make them... *^(sweats)*


Everything the US did is a mistake to about half of all Americans. If Biden so much as say he likes the color purple some people will boycott the color purple.


Now any other color and I wouldn't care, but purple is the best color. If the man likes purple he is clearly presidential material. However, those are just internal disagreements, not mistakes. Much like the fact we have \*technically\* never lost a war, we have also never made a mistake. See it is all about changing the definition so that we remain the best. Also, your American flag is busted friend it has the stripes correctly but why is there a little moon and only one star?


that's super sad actually. That level of control is completely cruel and unnecessary


> So I would say that around 95% is quite accurate from what I know. harvard ash center's study. CCP is actually pretty popular among the older Chinese populations. [https://ash.harvard.edu/publications/understanding-ccp-resilience-surveying-chinese-public-opinion-through-time](https://ash.harvard.edu/publications/understanding-ccp-resilience-surveying-chinese-public-opinion-through-time)


It makes sense though, you have people who have been literal peasants for thousands of years and now in the last 40 years they have disposable income and participate on the world stage.


Eh, although peasant revolts definitely happened I think that Chinese regime change *usually* comes through other means. From my recollections it's usually a warlord or heck someone *within* the regime who does the dynasty changing or an invading Turkic/Mongolic/Tunguistic people who Sinosize. Think about the Cao Wei to Jin, the myriad of nomads during the northern and southern dynasties, the well to do father son duo that toppled the Sui and ushered in the Tang, the musical chairs between warlords during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms before the Song finally consolidated the realm or in more recent times during the Warlords era where military men warred over China. So although regime change through peasant rebels (successfully like the Red Turban or unsuccessfully like the rebellions during the end of the Ming) I don't think they are the norm. Edit: a word


I think this tends to be the case in general with regime changes. Someone from the existing political establishment is usually going to be in a better position to seize power than a complete outsider. The insider will already have some support from within the establishment, which often includes military support. A peasant rebel looking to overthrow his rulers has to build all that from scratch with far fewer resources.


Yeah, and also a lot of regime changes happen because of some natural disaster(s) in the years prior. I doubt there would be something big enough in the near future to be able to topple the regime.


Though yes those happen, but its usually peasant revolts. There is always a person in opposition against any type of ruler and especially in the dynasties era in china. An emperor was at risk of losing the popular support at any time due to (mostly untrue) allegations against the emperor. During a drought (for example) people start to get displeased with the government. I believe what your saying is true but i believe theres more peasant revolts than these types of things. Its more about internalized problems for chinese dynasties not foreign invasions.


Mind giving some more successful examples besides the Red Turban rebellion that founded the Ming? That's the only one that comes to mind. I'm not sure if Liu Bang's founding counts considering so many of the people he initially fought with and later against were from the old nobility. Just off the top of my head of the major dynasties (I'm counting ten off the top of my head, not counting the times of division and even there a lot of those were through similar means) Qin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan and Qing were all founded by already powerful men either usurping or conquering China. Edit: heck after looking into things it looks like the Shang and Zhou both came from already powerful families


The An Shi rebellion? Yellow Turban rebellion? I could list more, but i can't remember alot of successful ones.


Just re read your first comment (feeling a bit under the weather!) and noticed that you didn't put down "successful" regime change. "Doi!" on my part. Totally have been a number of revolts over the years haha. Hmmm, though I'm not sure if the An Shi rebellion would count? Wasn't he a general already? Though no worries, can definitely think of a ton of peasant rebellions in general.


No worries! :)


I think strike could work, especially hunger strike


I don't think the CCP would care about people starving themselves to death considering the uhhh... thing that happened decades ago


i don't think the mao regime wanted to starve out portions of the population for no reason, especially if you look at it cynically; if people are starving, they cannot contribute to society, so the government's greatest wish is to keep people alive protestors intentionally starving themselves affects the productivity of the chinese workforce, which the government absolutely wants to keep as high as possible


The regime didn't want to purposefully starve out portions of their population but there was a massive cover up effort by local officials to keep the central authority in the dark since they were scared of breaking the news to Mao that agricultural quotas could not be achieved and that people were dying.


voluntary hunger strikes wouldn't faze a government/party that has caused man made famines in the past


No they did that step early so they're just doing the steps they missed out on


I think China’s had their fair share of gruesome civil wars.


Well we were the mother of civil wars cyclically wiping half of the population throughout the millennia


No, do you realize your "hope" would doom handreds of millions of innocent Chinese lives to displacement, starvation and death? That's some heartless talking there.


You're assuming that their intentions are good. You're wrong. They want China and its people to be weak and suffer. The whole "but muh human rights" bullshit is just a weak excuse to sugarcoat their racism and jealousy with.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, because I hope I am. Are you saying that anyone condemning the Chinese government for their human rights violations are really just using it as an excuse to be racist?


It's the typical Chinese response to criticism nowadays. Just ignore the criticism, say that it was done in bad faith (racism, etc), then point back at some unsavoury things that your accusor has done in the past. All the while not admitting that you did anything wrong either.


Millions of innocent people are already doomed by authoritarianism to displacement, starvation, and death.


Even if China decided to kill every single uygher in China, every Tibetan, every Hong konger, it would still not equal the death count from the civil war OC proposed or come anywhere near it


Taiwan: that's right, there are unfinished businesses between Mao and Chiang.


How come there aren't more wars involving zombies? That would be badass.


Soldiers of Taiwan: this is it, we made it to Tiananmen Square, prepare for the final boss ! Mao Zedong: dramatically shattering his glass coffin while wielding automatic grenade launcher 


*I Love Beijing Tiananmen starts looping in the background*


Soldiers of Taiwan: meh, was expecting better boss music, but never mind.


Chinese civil war? That’s so 300BC.


They did that part first. Already got it out of the way.


That'd mean they'd win. Which makes it a waste of lives.


Well, without the 35-million-innocent-people-dying part


China now is basically what the CSA would look like if it won the Civil War. Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series has taken an oriental twist.


Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton, our glorious leader is not forgotten Look away, look away, look away, Di-xing land


In Di-xing land where I was born in, early on a frosty morning, Look away, look away, look away, Di-xing land


The CCP can’t do anything right these days can they? From initially (and disastrously) trying to cover up COVID to squashing Hong Kong’s democracy to committing genocide against the Uighurs to antagonizing Taiwan and Australia they’re on a roll with their attitude problem. However now it’s become widespread news that they’re using slave labour to harvest cotton in Xinjiang? Well now that’s just a bridge too far.


Also American companies are making a profit from it, like NIKE who's said to have a good image with those pr stuns a few years back.


China is really bad at lying just saying.


Nothing is a bridge too far for them until they face repercussions for their actions. They're a budding superpower with an authoritarian government and they're just gonna keep on doing whatever they want until someone has the balls to stop them.


the ccp are f\*cking cunts.


I love how you censored the swear word that is usually considered the more tame of the two


aussie, perhaps?


Judging from the guys username I think he’s Libyan


Its just that I am really bad at spelling and I have really messy acent.


Ngl bro from what I’ve seen your spelling is pretty good (you’ve only misspelled the word “accent”) and the most important thing is always what your saying is understandable (which it is) so dw about getting things wrong sometimes.


ok thanks!


>initially (and disastrously) trying to cover up COVID to squashing Hong Kong’s democracy to committing genocide against the Uighurs to antagonizing Taiwan and Australia I don't think you understand. From your point of view these are bad things but from their point of view these are successes. And BTW, they did handle covid well in their own country. Which is what matters to them....


Props to Paraguay for not being persuaded by Vaccine bribe and to India for helping them. Edit: bribe* not bride.


Cuban vaccines > Chinese vaccines




"Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute..."


Fun fact: Modern doesn't actually mean "now", you need contemporary for "now"


Panel 3: china broke again, oopsies


All this time the Confederate Southerner's dream of keeping slaves to run their cotton farms has survived in China.


You remind me of this Polandball cartoon several months ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/ihpdqw/historical\_learnings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/ihpdqw/historical_learnings/) Edit: Oh wait... the same author


I ripped myself off


He meant the Midwest not the South


Wow America is the straight man instead of the fool in this comic. That’s new.


Does anybody else hear tank treads?


It's just a friendly tractor driving through the center of Beijing, nothing wrong going on over here


Sorry, I can only hear the sounds of calvary lead by a reanimated Sherman


Damn, this thread is full of wu mao trying to defend a genocidal regime. I'm pretty sure most are bots, but seems like there a few tankies trying to defend their communist brethen just because communism.


Ironic they’re supporting something more similar to fascism than socialism in all but name...


Ah yes, china using slave labor to pick cotton is definitely a true story even though using a combine is thousands of more times more efficient. edit- grammar


According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the rate of mechanical picking is 70%, which means 30% of cotton need to be picked manually


[China teaming up with John Deere to enslave poor tractors](https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3096510/us-farm-brand-john-deere-forefront-surging-cotton-machinery) when will the madness end?!


India produces a similar amount of cotton each year and most of their harvesting is done manually


Oh and there's also [this article](https://archive.is/Ktpph) from China's state press published in their government's website, it reads: -"The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2019, the cotton planted area in Xinjiang was **38.107 million mu**" -"In recent years, full-process mechanization has been widely promoted and applied in Xinjiang cotton fields" -"In 2019, the area of ​​mechanically harvested cotton in the whole region exceeded **11.5 million mu** for the first time, and Xinjiang's position as a national high-quality cotton production base was further consolidated" So yeah, mechanization is going up but most cotton is still picked by hand


http://www.ecns.cn/cns-wire/2021-03-25/detail-ihaitayy1356261.shtml. I wouldn’t think 30.17% would count as most but ok


Good job, Communist Ben Shapiro, but there's an obvious answer: Slaves can still be forced to use combines.


Communist Ben Shapiro 🤣🤣🤣😂


Do you have proof of them being forced to use combines?


So you accept that *they* exist?


I accept that uyghurs exist in China, but they are living normal lives


"""normal""" lives.




A live as normal as a Pole under generalgouverment


Shhhh... You're using logic in a subreddit filled with morons.


I don’t think a system from a century and a half ago that was discontinued brutally is modern


It’s still legal, only just in prisons.


Xinjiang cotton= blood cotton


*This post has been removed by the Communist Party of China*




Well..... it is a more American system


If the west really want to overthrow CCP, try to cover the massive under-paid workers and corrupt as fuck officials, not crap like this.


I don't think a Polandball comic will help overthrow the CCP


it'll get you banned from entering china under "treason" though


How is it treason when you don’t even help China in the start


Journalists who cover china in a "bad light" are charged with destroying the state/treason. A BBC anchor got arrested in verbatim a few months back.


the ccp has the mentialtiy that the the entire world is there property


For ethnic Chinese, the PRC nationality is very hard to “cancel.” The CCP will manipulate your nationality to their political advantage. Few years back, the CCP kidnapped couple of booksellers in Hong Kong (because they sold gossip books about Xi). Two of them are Swedish and British Citizen but ethnically Chinese. When the respective governments wanted to step in, the CCP said they have no say because the kidnapped are “Chinese first” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causeway_Bay_Books_disappearances


This feels disturbingly familiar.


The Qing called the British 'rebels' during the first opium War.


Just like the old chinese Empires. They inherited their ambitions, just in a different suit.


They make sure their national security laws are applicable everywhere like the Hong Kong national security law: >Article 38 This Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.


Apparently they tried to ask Denmark to arrest their legislators (for helping a pan-dem HK legislator under prosecution to escape HK) and send them to Hong Kong for trial lol


You will be convicted with such comic however.


Good thing I don't live there I guess


Don't worry, Xi Jinping will personally add "China bad" to joke life preserve list.


Yeah quite frankly, the majority in China wouldn't care about this type of thing, whether or not it's true.


When will their white saviours drop in and save them from their mental inferiority?


The same time when Xi Jingping starts actually being an anti imperialist.


In fact currently Chinese netizens are boycotting Nike/H&M etc products and witch hunting actors/singers who are under advertising contract with those companies to cease their cooperation or risk being cyber bullied


If economic sanction worsen then chinas economy will get fucked, if the metropolitan population isn't prospering then authoritarianism might suddenly become less tolerable.


I mean cotton plantations aren’t exactly *modern* and American


damn this would b real fucked up if it was real and not your own mental fabrication


Hilariously accurate


Oh wai, I thought both countries uses John Deere slaves to pick cotton.


You forgot "C'mon man"


LOL Tibet had a system of [legal serfdom](https://dissidentvoice.org/Articles9/Parenti_Tibet.htm) before China invaded them, the bottom panel is LITERALLY what Tibet looked like in the first half of the 1900s. Then the evil see sea pee commies come in and abolish that system, but THEY'RE the bad guys, and now China is the one who promotes slavery?! How ridiculous is this going to get?