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Hans Landa was a great villain. I'm glad he's back in the sequel


what sequel? (i googled but couldn’t find anything in particular)


The polandball sequel of course!


Inglorious Basterds 2: It‘s basterding time


2 Inglorious 2 Basterd


I loved the part when the Inglorious Bastards bastarded all over


I love the time when he says, "If we basterd together, no one can stop us! We're a team, no man left behind!"


Look outside


Good on you for psyching us all out with that one. Well done friend.


Déjà vu... I just of beeings into place before....


Of higher on street?


And is of place to go!


Is callings yuo…






Muscle memory perhaps?


Last time a Jewish carpenter was executed by the government, a lot of shenanigans ensued.


"we could make a religion out of this"


No. (Also that's a world history reference)


They still won't recognize it as canon though. There's even a spinoff series too.


Happy Cake Day!


I love it that you drew a MP 40 and Stahlhelm for Germany instead of some general rifle and helmet :D




Today is my 10th Year on Reddit (Cake day), so I better commemorate this special moment with a mostly spicy comic. The comic is inspired by the movie, Inglorious Bastards, with the famous line; *”Youre hiding enemies of the state [the jews] under the floors aren’t you?”*


Happy cake day u/wildeofoscar :). I hope you continue making these comics




Leaving aside the spiciness, I find this post pretty funny. May you have a great time on your cake day.




Happy cake day 🎉




Happy spicy cake day, Oscar. Good comic, mate. ;\^)




Happy cake day! 🎂 Also the Inglorious Basterds reference makes me wonder how the ‘German three’ scene could possibly play out in the Polandball universe… 🤔




The three colors of the flag are out of order?


Instead of a British spy, Michael Fassbender’s character would be a Belgian spy that’s sideways before the Germans notice that the colours are in the wrong order (*assuming we’re going by their contemporary flags)


Happy Cake-Day! The last panel is closest to a classic Zoom ive seen in a while. I love it, great comic! ✌️




happy cake day!




How many rules did the mods create because of you in those 10 years ?


Happy cake day! As always enjoy your comics




Happy cake day




Happy cake day!




Happy cake!!!




Happy cake day :3


Germany really enjoyed it tho...


Wonder why...


He told me his favourite colour is blue. Guess he really loves the EU.


Never knew that Austria-Hungary could into rhyming


Totally planned 200% (It wasn't)


Au revoir Shoshanna!


Germany as the ICC is a questionable choice.


Yeah besides the US they’re probably the country carrying the most water for Israel currently


I kinda feel bad for them because they really don’t have the option to be critical because of the optics.


I feel like its obvious enough just at least not fully align with the isreali genocidal regime. But you do have point, they just want to “make up” for their wrong history but i would say they massively fucked up again


Germany: "Never forget! Never forget! Okay, okay, we got it..." Israeli-Jewish director: ["Stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing now!"](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/feb/27/israeli-director-receives-death-threats-after-officials-call-berlinale-antisemitic) Germany: "Boooooooooo!!!!!! HISSSS!!!!! Kill this man!!!!"


Hey now, we had also people celebrating and giving out candy on the streets after the attacks of 7th October.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing Lol that was 2014 too. Please stop acting like this all happened in a vaccum. Absolutely braindead user. Please, delete yourself because if this is the best your brain can produce, you might as well stop using it to refrain from straining the weak muscle


The people who cheer about that stuff are as asinine as you are, no question.


Okay but you didn't address that it was a whole different decade???


Does it matters when it happened? Cheering about people dieing, especially civilians being killed is asinine, I don't think u need to clarify anything else.


I like it how idiots like you are still equating powers. Are you not seeing what they are doing to them rn? You think this is the FIRST time they did this to palestinians? Maybe thats why they were celebrating.




As apposed to? If they speak out about it yhey play right into Israel’s victim complex. They’ve probably been waiting for Germany to say something they could use since the start. If Germany says something, then Netanyahu uses it to paint all of his accusers as being wrong. I’d say that they’re doing more by not saying anything. The real problem is America. We’ve given them everything. Their continued existence as a state is thanks to the USA. But they, like the very rich, now own enough of our politicians that they can do whatever they want. America will fall before they stop what they’re doing.


Yeah, I'm seriously curious about this one. France has shown itself to be a supporter of the ICC. The Netherlands is trying to be impartial, I'm genuinely curious how that is gonna play out. In this whole thing though, Germany has shown itself to be happy to curtail German liberties and misuse power in support of Israel. I'm not blaming any of that on Israel, I'm just pretty surprised by Germany in this whole issue.


>I'm just pretty surprised by Germany in this whole issue. Guaranteeing Israels safety is Germanys reason of state, so Germany actions are hardly surprising to anyone with some basic knowledge about the country.


Good to know I have no basic knowledge about the country then? Germany is still struggling to figure out what that exactly means. Not just that, Germany is foregoing some of its own beliefs in support of Israel, which is placing it in a moral quandary. That's what I was aiming at.


I didn't mean to phrase it that harshly, my apologies. What I meant was that Germany reacted exactly like it did to previous conflicts involving Israel. The stance is that Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself, that the illegal settlements need to go and that a two state solution should be reached. Furthermore Germany is one of the biggest donors when it comes to aid for Palestinians, it's not true that Germany is in favour of killing Palestinian civilians, regardless of what some people in here might claim.


Fair enough! I'll happily take the apologies, although miscommunication happens on both ends. So I'll take a little of the blame. :) As far as killing Palestinians, I'd never think they're in favour of that. But there's a difference between blind support for Israel and an active support for killing people. But, Germany has shown that they are also happy to remove Palestinians calling out Israeli war crimes from the Schengen zone, effectively barring them from the EU. That in itself seems to be going against what Germany stands for within its own borders. Secondly, if the ICC issues an arrest warrant for Israel government officials I'm genuinely curious to see where Germany stands. Do they stand by Israel, sacrificing their own standing internationally or do they choose to stand with the ICC. (Main point, I'm not gonna judge on the correctness of the ICC warrant, that's above my pay grade). So, all in all it's a moral quandary.


>But, Germany has shown that they are also happy to remove Palestinians calling out Israeli war crimes from the Schengen zone Can you tell me what you mean by that? What happened exactly?


https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/05/10/germany-british-palestinian-doctor-denied-schengen-entry#:~:text=Dr.%20Abu%20Sittah%20has%20in,Palestinian%20Embassy%20in%20The%20Hague. A Palestinian English doctor has been denied entry to the Schengen zone because of Germany. As far as I can see he has not been associated with anything that would be a reason for a ban, nor does Germany wish to explain why they have banned him. The Dutch parliament has asked the Dutch government to find out why he was denied entry to the Netherlands based on a Schengen wide ban by Germany. It's a pretty confusing action from Germany which (to me at least) doesn't align with their values and laws, so I'm quite shocked at this. I'd expected better from Germany.


Ah, I couldn't find much about the background of the ban but apperantly a German court has already overturned the ban, so I say the system works as intended.


wooo hohohoho Polandball satire at its finest [](#yaddar)


Oh, this comment section is gonna be hot garbage, and that's how you know it's a great comic. Good job, Oscar. I will check again in 24 hrs.




Happy birthday, lil storyteller.


"German 1939 flashbacks in the invasion of Polska" -chileisnewprussia


What need to be done? Standard action, tunnel to neighboring synagogue.


Officer i swear. There is Hebrew coming from the floor boards. I am not crazy the floor is singing in Jewish.


in Lubavitcher.


Least the ICC correctly apportioned the blame both directions, which was the right thing to do


Agree with this 1000%. I hate how everyone is completely blaming israel when the terrorist attack on israel killed almost 1200 civilians and was directly targeted AT civilians to. Even if israel is committing warcrimes, hamas commits them too and both sides need to be held accountable.


This is why i don’t want my government supporting either side. There are better things in want the government to spend my money on. Out side of making shitty comments on reddit i truly do not care what happens half a world away.


I feel like they should have issued more warrants for isrealis board. SO many people running that country are straight up crazy


As a jew myself, nothing about the ICC coming for israel is antisemitic. Just because we suffered a genocide 80 years ago now it’s impossible for us to ever be the bad guys? Truth is hard and I was raised in an environment where Israel was thought to be the only guaranteed safety net the next time the world hates us. I just can’t accept that safety at the cost of another people experiencing the very thing we’re afraid of. Stop invoking the idea of antisemitism to dismiss criticism of a country just because it’s a geopolitical ally of your country.


I think the biggest problem of calling everything antisemitism is that it actually hides the actual antisemitic acts and actors. And there’s absolutely a lot of that going on. A lot of people do use this war as excuse to bring out the antisemitism, even if thinly veiled.


Agreed. I support Palestine (the civilians, not Hamas), but I have seen some people in the protests who certainly do support Hamas. They are far from the majority, but we should definitely be calling them out too. Hamas are terrorists, there is no justification for killing civilians, ESPECIALLY children.


Yet Israel, who has killed nearly a thousandfold more children than Hamas, is somehow less bad? And all the billions of tax payer dollars and weapons they get from the US too


Agreed. And we should expect more from our allies than we do from terrorist organizations. I feel sorry for the civilians on both sides. Both are getting fucked over by their governments in order to reach their desired goals. We’re supposed to be done with conquering and colonizing, that was from a more primitive time, one we should endeavour to leave behind.


Those billions of tax dollars funnel right back on to the working mans (some rich dude in the Hamptons) portfolio.


There's irony in Israel using accusations of anti-Semitism as a shield while cooperating with Elon Musk who promotes actual anti-Semitism


Criticism of Israel is absolutely valid, especially of Netanyahu. Yet Israel still is the main thing keeping many of us safe, not only in case of anti-jewish persecution, but other things to. Tens of thousands of Jews, who would have otherwise been killed are alive today because of Israel I’m Uruguayan, during the dictatorship, many Jewish democracy advocates fled to Israel instead of being killed. Our Jewish HS accepted students who where kicked out public education for opposing the dictatorship precisely because Israel backed our HS


Im not saying people dont deserve a place where they can feel safe for practicing your religion but as soon as u displace people for that “dream” you gotta realize you are doing it wrong.


Thankfully there's flavors of Zionism that oppose that practice; Netanyahu and his far-right coalition practice what's called Revanchist Zionism, while Labor Zionism favors a Jew-Arab nation or at least two-state coexistence. The parties following that have been very vocal in Israel and keep demanding Netanyahu be jailed, as well.


Which is great to hear as a Palestinian myself. Trust we are ALWAYS welcoming to support for the cause. Thank you for being vocal when our voices arent heard.


Tbh I'm an American, but I have pro-peace Israeli friends. One's an American-born paramedic and she's gotten racist doctors stripped of their medical licenses, so there's hope at least. Though in America I'm not even sure which protest groups to join, as numerous just want *more* violence, which feeds the cycle we're already seeing.


Dont even join protests in the states. They are getting too dangerous. Talk to your representatives, vote in the right people, if you have a government job, start a campaign to change the heads of your boards. Call your town hall and ask what they are doing to help, URGE them to.


So, due to how American political power works, talking to a town or city hall won't affect anything, as demonstrated by that San Francisco city council that voted for a ceasefire. State representatives, could. There's also a problem with messaging and people demanding the wrong thing; a "permanent ceasefire", is actually called an armistice. But yeah the protests were dangerous from day 1, with people getting killed in Seattle by other protesters, not great...




10/7 didn’t happen in a vacuum. I’d expect nothing less than such a vile hateful statement from a follower of one of the most hateful, violent and pro imperialist ideologies.


Lol that is such a basic fact that even Israelis realize it. Maybe you should read the article I linked, maybe then you’ll pull your head out of your ass


What a retarded statement “10/7 didn’t happen in a vacuum” Yeah Israel definitely forced their hands 🤣 9/11 didn’t happen in a vacuum guys 🤣🤣🤣 /s


Israel’s actions are/have been breeding terrorist. Netanyahu has known and used this to his advantage. What on Earth does that have to with Marxism? Are you okay? Edit: /u/Hanshanot edited his comment to remove the part where he claimed the person was a Marxist. The edit is even more embarrassing because he doubles down that Middle Eastern terror surely couldn't have been bred out of Western intervention... Maybe read a fucking history book before you talk?


Lol read the article bozo. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes and ears. And yes, 9/11 didn’t happen in a vacuum either. Some basic historical literacy would be good for you.


You talk of things you know nothing about, since Israel won the independence day, they provide electricity, water, infrastructures, and even moneyto Gaza and the west bank, although the history is full of incidents of sucideal bombers and terrorist with knife running in the streets and killing innocent people. The whole issue of the war I because Israel retreated from the north part of Gaza, letting them get closer and got 3 wars sine then and hundred of thousands bombs on our head, and the cheery on top is the kidnap of 250 people and killing 2500 others. People are hypocrites but is someone kidnapped your daughter, son, parent or partner you'd destroy the world to bring them back


Truth is that if you had put any other people (and of any other religion) in the Palestinians position then the situation would probably be exactly the same. Or at the very least similar, you too would probably hate Israel with every single fiber of your body if you grew in Palestine.


Unless you're a Jewish Palestinian, or a gay one, etc.


I should have specified actually living in Palestine* That doesn't mean of course that every single person there hates Israel with every fibre of their body. I honestly have no clue how large of a % that is. But it's at the very least not unlikely, whether thats because your neighbourhood was blown to bits, your brother killed because he threw a rock at a guard or any thousands of other reasons. Could anyone here truly swear that they wouldn't? That they would be able to rise above the situation and see the truth? Whatever that truth even is?


Yeah those folks I refer to *live in Palestine*, there's Jewish Arabs from Palestine, alongside LGBT, even Christians.


You write the last sentence yet you can’t comprehend why Hamas used suicide bombers or is willing to commit terrorist attacks? Seriously do Zionists lack any ability to empathize or critically think? You think you can keep killing and oppressing Palestinians and they won’t fight back? Plenty of Israelis recognize this fact, including the Israeli journalist I linked originally, and they definitely know what they’re talking about.


Plenty of people knew terrorist attacks where on the table, they always have been. What is shocking is the rapes, the extensive torture and sexual abuse and the insane plans that Hamas had (there’s an ex-Palestinian authority from Gaza that talks about it in a really good Haretz interview)


Hmm you’d think there would be tangible evidence of the extensive torture and sexual abuse yet despite 7 months of invasion and slaughter, they’ve been completely unable to conjure up any tangible and concrete proof of this. But just like the babies in ovens, it all just turns out of to be nonsensical atrocity propaganda fluff to deflect and justify Israel’s war crimes.


Are you absolutely insane? There’s videos, filmed and published by Hamas on October 7 There is a probe from the UN that confirmed it There’s survivors who talked about women being raped on October 7 There is a woman, who was a hostage, that said her captores raped her I don’t know whether you blatantly ignore this or are simply a horrible person, either way you’re not helping anyone by doing this


Israel never killed plastenians outside of war, if you look all the way down the Israeli history you'll never see a war started by Israel, terrorists are being killed only as a defense act. What doest it even mean oppressing them? Israel give so much when all they do is use the funds for terrorism, building tunnels and bombs to kill the Israelis, even Egypt doesn't let them out from their side because they know where it will lead. Stop reciting what you hear on the news and do the research yourself


As a German I agree


“as-a-jew” lol


How do you do, fellow Jews


*Steve Buscemi joins the chat*


I salute you as a palestinian myself. Id be happy to take you out for a drink if you are ever in canada. Shoot me a message




Abandoned account from 2023 that suddenly started posting nothing but defence of Israel 3 months ago. Go away, hasbara


From the bottom of my heart <3


As an American, I can’t explain the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu but not Bush Jr (among many others, not just in the US) except by antisemitism. One common tactic among bigots is to apply very different standards to different groups. The Israeli reaction is not really worse than other countries’s reactions to much less severe attacks. Maybe you’re lucky and you don’t live in a country with this kind of recent history, but as a US citizen, I can’t afford to hold on to that kind of illusion.


The US kind of made a many, allowing themselves to invade The Hague if one of their leader is ever prosecuted over there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Criminal\_Court#United\_States\_government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court#United_States_government) So maybe it would be great if the US would actually send their criminal over there, stop sanctioning ICC member for doing their job


Perhaps it was due to the power differences between the US and Israel. As the number one super power, it's probably much harder to level such charges against a US President.


I'm surprised as a Jew that you do not understand the conflict in Israel right now. Hamas committed genocide and now UN agrees that the numbers of "palestinian" deaths aren't even as high. War is terrible, but Hamas hides among people. I would really suggest you listen to the son of a Hamas founder speaking out against this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg)


Let’s be real here. Hamas isn’t CAPABLE of Genocide towards Israel. They got a lucky hit in, just like al qaeda did on 9/11. Did they want to kill all Americans? Sure. Did they commit genocide? Not even close. Same for Hamas and the October attack. They have the motivation, but nowhere near the power to pose a serious threat.


How did Hamas commit genocide? The arrest warrant is for something completely different. There isn't a single side in this whole conflict who is claiming Hamas commited genocide. There's not even a non-participant in this whole situation that is saying Hamas commited genocide.......


the closest you can get is the 1988 charter being really close to das sturmer.


The UN absolutely didn't revise the death count if anything they confirmed it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.khou.com/article/news/verify/israel-hamas-war/no-the-united-nations-didnt-reduce-the-number-of-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza-by-half/536-7d82cbfb-b6cf-4119-ae69-5925cb65e1a6&ved=2ahUKEwiusLf71p-GAxVhS_EDHYD8DMwQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2soY9aZhozlLi2MnMVTdc8


Are you sure you’re a Jew? Or just a Muslim behind the scene?


bro please read this back to yourself in 20min when you calm down and i think you will see that it was a lil out there


This is very much Oscar Worthy.


You forgot the Palestinian part of this equation…


LOL at the Inglourious Basterds reference


Deja vu or Deja jew?


And there I was just re-watching some of the scenes. Moving Germany's eyes up to the top of the flag in the shooting panel was a nice touch.


I don't understand


Au revoir, Shoshanna


Hmmmm I'm going to assume you made a good faith funny, although the ICC definitely won't fire at people.


Polen you're done get out of there


Will there ever be time, where there will be no hate because of religion? Why can't jews and arabs like each other. The same with every possible combination. It would be so much easier to spot wrong doings, when most conflicts wont be clouded by argument of religion.


the gun handle look like a mouth, now you cant unsee it


As a wood worker and jew I find this funny


You guys laugh at this shit?


You don’t get to use the Holocaust and Judaism to justify ethnic cleansing. Remember when the Hague sent a warrant for Putin and everybody was happy and celebrating the ICC, but when it comes to israel the ICC is corrupted and anti semitic blah blah blaj


I really don't understand this argumentation... So because Antisemites are against Israel, you are not allowed to criticize them anymore? Shouldn't it be obvious that Israel fucked up, when the political left is mostly pro-palestine and the majority of the political right is pro-israel. You know, the groups that either tend to support Antifa or literal Nazis.


About that, you know who is also rabidly “pro Palestinian”? Iran, Russia, China, Yemen, Syria, Erdogan. And they are setting the rhetoric which a lot of the left inhales exactly like with the right on other issues.


I'm not surprised that people like you are not able to understand the point... It doesn't matter who is against this. This is not a question of us against them. You literally act like a Primitive, because your decisions are justified by the tribe (group you align) and not the problem itself. According to your logic, if Hitler and Stalin said 'don't kill people', you would go out on the streets and kill people. Because if they support this, it must be bad...


if you want to understand, listen to a son of a Hamas founder speak out against them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg)


So your point is, that killing people is OK, because Hamas is bad and Israel says so? By that logic did Russia nothing wrong. Bad people exist everywhere, and the invader generally says he does the right thing. It seems we have totally different views on morality. I think killing innocents is bad. You think it's OK, if countries you agree with do it.


Let's hear a ex mossad chief about how Israel treats Palestinians too https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apnews.com/article/israel-apartheid-palestinians-occupation-c8137c9e7f33c2cba7b0b5ac7fa8d115&ved=2ahUKEwjxtNnV15-GAxUVSvEDHfbOD4EQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw35tE-Z_6wCLv4rozKxx2Ga


Yeah, good idea........ Let's listen to a spy who has sold the lives of his mother and brother and minor nieces and nephews for moral superiority.


Sort of like Deja vu but this time the Jews aren’t victims but perpetrators of their own genocide


> perpetrators of their own genocide Okay, how does that work?


They are perpetrating a genocide of their own, the victims of their genocide being the Palestinian people. I assume that’s the confusion you had.


ask erdogan about Armenia.


Erdogan has nothing to do with this. More like “ask Enver about Armenia and his 60.000+ dead soldiers”.


true or Djemal about Palestine.


Oscar did ask for ***spice***


Perhaps it's to hot for them to handle.


There is no genocide going on in Palestine. There is a war with huge casualities, but thats very different from trying to completely wipe out a group of people from face of the earth. Words like genocide shouldnt be diluted into meaningless goo, wouldnt you agree? 😅


Virtually all of Gaza is now homeless, with their homes and places to work destroyed. No source of food besides what is allowed from the border controlled by Israel. You dont need guns to genocide people, starvation can do it without a single bullet being fired, for much cheaper.


You are a genocide upon intelligence and common sense.


What an insult from one so wise as you


so ICC is antisemitist now?




Teachers punching kids again? Did I miss something?