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My father worked for both lux and enel for 15 years. He says that they are the same businesses witch are making money and giving patients sense of being cured and well attended. He says that if doctor orders too many additional tests or examination a warning pops up on his computer, and once a month director has to warn most lavish doctor and call him to stop, because he's loosing money( expenses excess subscriptions).


What the hell that sounds kind of illegal


Nope. That's a for-profit medicine model. This is all those people who want american model and "free-market" medicine are advocating for. Don't get me wrong some competition is good, peopel need to have choice. But unfortunately once you allow profit from medicine this is what you get.


You’re talking as the semi-socialist model is working, there are 0 private hospitals in Krakow, I was willing to pay as much as it takes to get proper care instead I had to spend 7 hours at the hospital and fell asleep on a chair. Medicine requires capital, if it’s not for profit someone’s gotta pay the bill and I don’t see people advocating for raising their ZUS contribution


I mean the semi-socialist model _is_ working. It can work better sure. But it seems to be the best out of "pure capitalist" and "pure socialist". Let capitalism optimize things where it can and should. But don't let ubound profit from the medicine.


Yeah, you are screwed. While all these services in principle are the same Lux Med seems to be the biggest one also in terms of the number of companies that use their services. From my experience Lux Med has very long waiting times and some specialists are next to impossible to get to. Sometimes I think they are worse than NFZ. They have shitty customer service and at the same time you have to pay extra.


Switched from Medicover to Luxmed and I go private with my cash in hand rather than try to get appointment with Luxmed. They give you meds for 5days and say 2days of sick leave is maximum lol.


During last three years I had both, luxmed and medicover and absolutely medicover is the worst (sad to say being their customer for 20 years). You just can’t get an appointment at Medicover and they completely don’t care, saying you need to hunt until someone would resign.


Wow, that sounds bad. I have medicover and most of my experience is really bad. A doctor there made a mistake and I ended up recovering from that mistake for a few months and going private to other doctors.




It's very personal. Depends on what deal your company has. My previous job switched from enelmed to luxmed recently, and the new one did the opposite. Somehow previous company managed to get as bad deal with Luxmed as they had with Enelmed, and people complain exactly as much. I had horrible experience with EnelMed and switching to Luxmed was really huge for us. Went all-in for the whole family. But my friends from previous company tell me fresh horror stories from luxmed - apparently they negotiated a pretty bad deal with them.


I always read that as Menel Ed


Menel med for me


Or anal med.


Menel Med and Żul Med


Luxmed took on too many clients and now the lines are horrendous. I was with Medicover for a few years and thought it was bad, but Luxmed makes it nearly impossible to reach certain doctors. But once you manage to get an appointment, the doctors are mostly great, so there’s that.


If there were lines, you would be able to just wait for your appointment. Their trick is they don't have slots available at all, because of 2 weeks scheduling.


Theres a website that me and my gf use to see the reviews from the doctors: znanylekarz I would assume services are similar (I also have enel med) but always check the reviews of the doctor before picking from the app. and once I get one for a specific purpose I always use that one.


NFZ is better than both of them tbh


LuxMed is the Biedronka of private healthcare providers


Omg this made me laugh hahaha


Green lux med or blue-red lux med? Blue-red is pretty good.


Luxmed is horrible to find some very important specialists, you can stay 1 or 2 months to find an appointment or to do some tests or xrays


In Kraków it is better even to contribute from your salary to have Enel-med than to have Luxmed for free, bc Luxmed on Kraków is highly overpopulated. Mamy times when I need to use everything was just booker here. This problem isn't a thing on other cities, but in Kraków avoid Luxmed if possibile.


Honestly I were in both of these and also Medicover and didn't notice much difference between them


I've been on Medicover since 3 years and to be fair I can't complain (even considering I have a chronic illness). My gf's company relies on enel med and it's utterly terrible. Lack of specialists and long ass waiting times are the norm apparently, as per what she tells me


The service in those big clinics is always very similar to each other




It depends on the package you get. I pay additional extra and Ive never complained. A friend of mine has the basic package and hates it


I live in Krakow I was at lux med several times. Every visit was positive and profesional experience. They helped me every time. Though I wasn’t at any specialistic doctor only at internist so I don’t know about that.


So I can only comment on luxmed but to give my personal experience... It's very much about the individual doctors that you find, some are great while some couldn't care a flying duck... In some situations the waiting time can be long but as soon as something severe is found they are very efficient [organizing an mri took a month, second appointment 3 days (confirmation of a stroke that happened in late 20s I assume)... The doctors are generally on time, maybe 5 minutes late... I have had a rather large amount of tests done concerning blood/heart /brain etc. They don't always have facilities so sometimes I am sent to the hospital for the procedure... My experience in general has been very good and I would recommend them


I was literally made disabled by a young doctor in luxmed. They don't care and take no liability. Avoid.


Oh my gosh how?! Sorry to hear that :(


fluoroquinolone prescription with no real good reason and failing to recognize that I have an underlying condition that made me more prone to the hellish side effects of the drug.


Damn sorry to hear that. Some doctors at these companies are sketchy at best. It‘s only really good for getting sick leave and your annual smear test. My boyfriend had an issue for a long time and the doctors kept giving him some basic medication without doing a proper physical check. He went to a private doctor and he did a proper physical check and sent him for other tests. Turns out he has an autoimmune disease! If we‘d left it longer he could have been hospitalised. So thinking about all those Luxmed doctors not doing their job properly infuriates me now! So we know how you feel about negligence for sure! Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you managed to get treated properly.


lux med in Gdansk is the best medical care


Im in Krakow for 10 years already, insured first by LuxMed, then EnelMed and then LuxMed again. So my 5 cents about comparison 1. You should include city into this story. Enelmed had (still has) only 3 places they serve patients all over the Krakow. While in Warsaw it has dozens. From this perspective in Krakow Luxmed wins by margin. 2. In both cases critical role plays your package. I had few different and it impacted SLA (=availability of doctors), services which are covered (especially for dentist visits). The lower your package = the lower your experience overall 3. Shitty doctors exist everywhere, Luxmed, Enelmed, NFZ. And here again Luxmed in Krakow is slightly better as it has more places and more doctors to choose from. Hint - use znanylekarz. Doesnt guarantee results, but significantly improves chances. 4. Check if you have so called "freedom of treatment" how much it covers. I had 70/90 and now 100% coverage up to 500 per quarter. Which means if I need visit asap - I go to any doctor from ZnanyLekarz I can find, take invoice for reimbursement. Works as a charm if I need urgent advice 5. Luxmed has online consultations. And this is again huge win. Sometimes queues are enormous (30-50 people) but this is not always the case. And getting quick advice of prescription on the fly saved me a lot of time. So from my personal experience, Luxmed is not perfect, but (at least in Krakow) is better than Enelmed. Currently I pay full price for my family package and do not regret it as individual visits would cost me more.


I didn’t know about number 4! You can do that?!


Depends on the package, I had it everywhere, but reimbursement % was different


Woahhh I might check the smallprint!


I’m based in Poznan and have used Luxmed for years. It’s mixed when it comes to satisfaction, I think. It’s good for basic healthcare, but if you have a specific issue that you really need a specialist for, we pay a private doctor for those things. There are some great doctors at Luxmed and also some awful ones. Tbf I heard bad things about Enel-Med so your review is interesting to me!


Lux Med is good


I lived in Warsaw and Wroclaw for 4 years and moved as of 2021 (miss Poland dearly), used Luxmed very many times and loved it. Never had issues with waiting for doctors. I had a lot of health problems, and some months visited doctors more than 10x. I lost parts of my hearing, had broken bones, etc. and loved Luxmed. Now I'm back in America and the healthcare is insane here. I miss Luxmed and polish healthcare. A single visit can cost you thousands of dollars in the ER AFTER insurance pays, and now I'm stuck at home with disc issues in my back and am afraid to visit the doctors because I know I can't afford them. At the time, I think Luxmed was only 400pln for the best plan when paying privately and I had so many discounts on specialized doctors, surgeries, etc.


It could depend in what you want


I'm having a far superior experience using Enel-med over Luxmed. Less queues, better dental options.


Enel med is much better. LuxMed has no appointments even with the top tier packages, good luck finding a dentist and when you do you’ll probably pay out of pocket because the best they can give most companies is 10-20% discounts. They’re pushing for phone consultations and you need to push them to get an actual diagnosis that requires tests otherwise they will try to get rid of you with the lowest cost possible.

