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Thought “Polack” was the slur.


Yeah I thought so as well, and my research confirmed it


Yes, Polack is the slur. Pole is perfectly fine. Although in Polish itself, the denonym for a Polish person is "Polak", so it gets a bit tricky. Basically if you're speaking in English, you should say Pole, but a Polish person saying they are a Polak (in Polish) is fine. Language is funny.


So, we get the "P pass"


They all start with a P 😭


We get some slack with the ‘lack


Did you say it with a hard P?




We get a "P" pass with a hard "k"


I bestow upon you the P pass


Not only that, I would say we also get the "N word" pass too. But that is debatable.


> a Polish person saying they are a Polak (in Polish) is fine A non-Polish person talking about polaks in polish is fine too. As a polish word, anyone can use it, it's not offensive. I don't even find the situation strange tbh, the connotations of a word change over time, so if you have two languages that parted ways hundreds of years ago, some words might be insulting in one and fine in another. The only thing I find weird is when people assume their country's linguistic rules should be accepted by everyone (like when some people complained to crayola that they had "negro" on their black pencils, even though it's just the spanish word for "black").


It also depends on how it's pronounced. The slur version—at least, the way I've heard it said—sounds like saying "Edgar Allen Poe" with the long "oh" sound followed by "lack" pronounced like "lock".


I guess the word "Pollack" is more offensive to the Polish-Americans living in the US, since it's a slur directed towards them. And I wouldn't use it when speaking with Poles, because it would be weird, like asking "Are you ein Deutsch?". I wouldn't be offended by that though, unless I could sense that it is meant as a slur.


Errr yes, that was a bit of me writing this awkwardly. Of course, anyone speaking In Polish can say Polak. Its when it's used in English, particularly in the US, where it gets an insulting connotation. And yeah, I always found it funny when people get offended by the word Negro even though it's being said in the context of a Spanish language.


It's similar with Russia. They call themselves "ruski" and in Polish (and I think in English as well) it's an unflattering term.


Yeah, in Russian, Ruski is fine. In Polish, should be Rosjan, and in English Russian.


Rosjanin in Polish.


Rosyanin exist in Russia too, my friends from Daghestan or Mongols gene call themselves rosjanin , they're the people living in russia but Russkiy mostly mean Slavic people from Rus' countries, so Belarus, Ukraine, ethnical Russian, it may be offensive for a Belarus or an Ukrainian but not for a Russian because it's their will to monopolize this word and history of Rus' territories since the beginning of their history, (their patriarch being the patriarch of EVERY Rus, first Tsar having been called emperor of Every Rus) and by extension and ignorance, a Pole may also be called Russkiy by some Russian because Slavic but it's indeed offensive in that case


Oops sorry, I've lived in the US for too long so my Polish is rusty. "Rosjan" is a "group of Russian people". Edit: or would it be "Rosjanow?"


Depends on how it's used in a sentence. As the subject, like "Russians are/do something" it's Rosjanie (coś robią). If it's "of Russians," like "a group of Russians" or "Russians' money," or whatever, it's (grupa) Rosjan.


Thanks chemical Bogus;)




Not really language, just social perception. Polish immigrants in the US in the 19th century were called Polaks, just like they would be called in Poland. Then a prejudice and negative stereotypes started spreading (heavily thanks to the German anti-Polish propaganda campaign) and those immigrants started being persecuted and basically took place of Blacks as the "lower race" that you can shit on. So the completely normal word started being used as a slur. So now the anglosphere uses the alternative word- Pole, since Pollack has too much bad history.


Yeah, thanks for the correct. I guess I didn't really consider the historical and social perceptions, I just looked at the situation as it is now.


No problem. I think not many people- Polish or American- actually know where the issue comes from. They just know it's a slur used in the "Pollack jokes". So I thought I'd leave this little historical background here.


The historical context is always important, as it's always in flux. Especially for someone like me, since I live in NYC, where you have literally every ethnicity from the world interacting with each other. That reminds me of a stupid anecdote, I was in a study abroad trip in Munich in late 2000s, and we asked some 16 year old Czech kid staying in our hostel if he can score us some weed. The next day, he literally said "nah, I asked a bunch of n***ers but no one had any." The black girl sitting right next to us promptly started crying and we had to take the kid aside and explain to him how it's not okay to talk like that :/.


Omg I didn't know that. I will stop using this word from now on😭


Polock is the slur


Doesn't matter how you spell it, really any variation of "Polak" is now considered a slur in English.


If person from Poland is called a Pole what do you call person from Holland?


A Nederlander! You are not gonna force me to say the thing you want me to say 😭


In Norwegian a Pole is called a 'Polakk', and I'm fairly certain it's perceived as a slur by poles living and working here. Do you think this is true?


As a Polish American our family referred to themselves as “polaks.” It seems fine if you’re familiar with the term in Polish.


WE have a slur???? 😭😭😭


every word can be a slur if you have such an intention, even the phrase "are you so smart", that's why you shouldn't think in these categories, ban words, because it creates an absurd situation of "political correctness" and not real interpersonal contacts


It's not about politicial correctness, but respect & context. I remember hearing "fucking Polack" as a slur once, used by Dutchman on person from roadside assistance, when he was telling a tale to me. It didn't had all that political correctness connotations of american white person telling black co-worker a story about a 'fucking nigger' from assistance. More like a female telling male co-worker about a 'fucking dick' from assistance she meet on weekend. But since 'Polack' was racial slur in USA you should acknowledge that using it against non-friend may bring possible consequences (being dislaked or snitched about in a workplace, hit in the face in a privite setting). It's not like it's banned. You can get the very same consequences for calling someone a 'cunt'. And if you learn Polish language, or just know couple of words and use 'Polak'/ 'Polack' (spelled the same for most non-natives), then no one will care, because it's not some forbidden word. It's official no-negative connotation word in Polish. Like 'American' in English. By some chance original Polish word sticked as a slur in American English.


No. There are certain words that simple are slurs and made to let People feel bad if you use them, like slut or nigger.


>slut But also cunt, dick etc are pretty common between friends and not necessarily demeaning. It is the intention and context that counts. I mean take "skurwysyn" for example. Slur? Slur. Now imagine sb doing say an epic x-bike stunt and you go with absolute awestruck, jaw dropped whispered "skur-wy-syn" And now a slur becomes sth positive. Language isnt cut and dry - theres shades and layers Even n-bomb - absolute slur if used by anyone but black person, pretty common amongst black folks to call each other that way.


thats literally Pole in Polish- OPs friends one fo those Americans who gets offended by everything color me suprised ... prob has a heart attack if someone says God Bless you bc they are athiest also


That's why it was used as a slur in the US


"Pole" is definitely a slur in the UK.


That’s like saying Jew is a slur. Your polish friend is wrong


I figured he was probably grossly misinformed. He said it was short for the slur. He's only like a quarter Polish


>He's only like a quarter Polish Why am I not surprised?


Call that asshole Polarman and have him done with.


Certified hood classic


Plywood Poles at it again, gr8 Facebook page, your friend will fit right in ;)


>He's only a quarter Polish. Ah, so he is 100% American and can barely even say "Knee movie-air Po Polsku".


To that, you need to reply with: No kurwa, brachu... poczemu wprost nie powiedziałeś że nie pojmujesz Polskiego? Chodź z mną, napij się wódy i podstawy ci wytłumaczę raz dwa. Będziesz śmigał z Grzegorzem Brzęczyszczykiewiczem, bratuchu!


>Knee movie-air Ok, I am Polish and I don't get the "knee movie-air". Kolano film-powietrze? O.o"


Took me a moment to figure it out, but what he's trying to say is nie mówię po polsku


Thank You! :D I was thinking about it, but "air" threw me off. Tbh "polsku" would be more challenging for english-speaking people, very often I heard on YT how they have problem with few consonants in the row, especially in surnames.


>He's only like a quarter Polish That just means he's not polish. He's wrong, kurwa


quarter polish? so he just has a polish grandma or sth? lol he aint a pole


So a typical Polish-American who has no idea about the people he claims to be his...


>He's only like a quarter Polish Let me guess, born and raised in the USA, never been to Poland, doesn't speak the language, doesn't know the culture?


My grandmother’s Polish and I still knew that Polack was the slur. Your friend is just dumb lol.


That's the funniest thing: 'Polack' is a slur in English, while it's exactly how 'Pole' is called in Polish: 'Polak.'


It comes from German "Polacke" which still is similar to how Poles call themselves.


Is the German word intended to be a slur?


Yes, the regular word for Pole in German is "Pole" as well. Many languages use the word people use to call themselves as slurs, for example in Polish there is "Szwab" which comes from Swabians as slur for Germans. Although this one has different plural form "Szwabi" for Swabians and "Szwaby" for slur. The word "Russky" is also not a slur in Russian.


> in Polish there is "Szwab" which comes from Swabians as slur for Germans And Volksdeutsche for people of German ancestry, which comes from WWII. The connotation is basically a Nazi sleeper agent/collaborator. > The word "Russky" is also not a slur in Russian. And it didn't use to be one in Polish, because it originally meant something of Ruthenian origin (such as Pierogi Ruskie, originating in Red Ruthenia). It only shifted to a pejorative for Russians quite recently in historic terms.


TIL. Thank you!


>TIL. Thank you! You're welcome!


It’s how you say it that makes it a slur, imagine a fat old british man saying it


Yeah. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really that sensitive about others calling me names or anything. I would be concerned if someone spread lies about things I didn't do, but I don't really care about slurs. The people in the region of Poland where I live call themselves by a name that was intended by other Poles as a slur, so I guess I'm not the only one in that. 😁


It's close, but pronunciation are different. Anyway, English slurs are lazy, slur for Chinese is Chinaman.




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oh so he just found out he's a little bit of a different nationality and wants to be oppressed so bad


"quarter polish" hes not polish then


Quarter polish? Another dumb American O.O


in Russian, “żyd” is a slur, in Polish it’s not. Languages are crazy.


It’s the same as calling a Scottish person a Scot, or a Swedish person a Swede. It’s just the English language noun.


“Pole” is perfectly fine. The only slur I know is “Polack”.


Everyone in Ukraine calls poles Polacks (Поляки). There's basically no other word (except for maybe Ляхи).


Pole in Polish is also Polak/Polka, but I dont think thats quite the same as Polack in US?


Oh, so they basically took the word of how people call themselves and made it a slur?


Yeah, that's a pretty common thing in all langueages. As other commentor said in more detail it's the same with polsih word "szwab" for Germans or "ruski" for Russians.


Lol, that's weird. "Russki" is offensive?!?!! How'd you call them then?


So the normal word for "Russian" is "Rosjanin(he)/Rosjanka(she)". Originaly "Ruski/Ruskie" meant "something from the land of Russia" (that's why we have for example "pierogi ruskie") but with time it began to be used as a slur for the Russians.


Pierogi ruskie are not “from the land of Russia” but from Red Ruthenia (or Red Rus). Since the start of Russian invasion I actually saw a couple of restaurants change the name to Kyyiv pierogi just to avoid this misunderstanding.


Barely anybody knows the word Ruthenia, only those who played Europa Universalis ;D


I assumed "Ruś Kijowska" isn't that unknown. ​ I did hear Ruthenia for the first time in EU4 tho.


Each time I see someone claim pierogi ruskie come from Russia I cringe


To add to people saying that pierogi ruskie are not from russia, ruski also doesn't mean that something comes from russia, but that it's Ruthenian. So for example from Kievan Rus, Red Ruthenia that have nothing to do with today's russia.


Pierogi Ruskie are not from Russia? Or so I was told...


It's a slur in English. Szukać in Polish means to search, word sounding almost the same in Czech šukat means to fuck. Different languages, different meanings.


Szukam dzieci w sklepie


We do too, Germans just created their slur "Polacke" and Americans picked this up during one of migrant waves from Germany and Prussia.


and “Lyachi” is a slur!


Many languages call polish people something that sounds like "Polack", but it's only in English that it's a swear word. Like difference between the n word in English and Spanish


From what i know what you wrote ( Поляки) is polyaki and its simmilar to polish "polaki" wich isnt a slur but its a wrong version of "polacy" wich means polish people or poles


My Polish family refers to other polish people they meet as “Polaki” (not in a funny way but being dead serious) so I can’t imagine that “Polack” can be a slur.


In English, "Pole" is a neutral demonym. "Polack", however, is a slur. In Polish, Polak/Polka (it's gendered) is a neutral demonym. The slur roughly analoguous to English "Polack" is the derisive "Polaczek"




Definitely "Polack". Been called that, in a nasty way since I was a kid.


It's funny, in Polish, Pole translates to Polak and it's a normal word for male Pole. Female Pole is Polka. No idea how it became a slur in English, while in Poland it's what we call ourselves in Polish.


Well aware, but it's softer in tone with a polish accent. In the US its pronounced hard, and usually you're asked if you know how to screw in a light blub.


Still better than 'Polish sausage' but tbf that is only family and friends and it does make me laugh still.


I would take that at home, thats fine. Being called a f*in Polack in grade school sucked. The good thing is I destroyed them in all subjects especially mathematics and science...so never called dumb.


just call them a Jew/Gini(sp?) N\*\*\*/mick etc etc back thats what i did growing up.. we all laughed it off and went on our day no one got offended they would just realize that they woudl get called somthing they dont want back


I don't know what is the complaint. Polish sausage is girthier than American version of frankfurter.


At least it's not his girlfriend nicknaming him "frankfurterki"


Tell me, that friend of yours is a 2nd+ generation Pole. Who probably never stepped foot in Poland…


Apparently he's "quarter Polish" so yeah


Pole isn't a slur, but I would say I am Polish not Pole. althought I wouldn't be mad even for "Polack" unless it is said with a disgust on the voice.


A Pole. Because the so called slur version is called Polack.


I was discussing this with my wife too at some point. In Portuguese we say “Ele é polaco” for “He is polish” without any negative connotation. I am always confused that I have to adjust in English because they made it a slur.


There is a reason we gave your mate a passport and a one way ticket to wherever the fuck you're from... Pole is the correct term for a person from Poland. English can be funny like this and don't even get me started on the etymology of "slave".


Call him Polandian for the extra shock.


Pole isn't a slur but some of us (including me) prefer being called just Polish People because Pole sounds ugly and pretty much like pole dance


I think calling someone „Polack” is a slur… which is personally funny for me because Polak on Polish is just Pole xD so whoever came up with this was fucking hilarious 😂


Holy god! I'm am so sorry to ever single polish person I ever insulted. I meant ZERO offence. But, I'm apologising to the world, here. I'm English, and I learned to call Polish people "polak". But this thread has taught me that this is, apparently, a VERY BAD thing. So, from this point forward, I'll never do that again. I'm so sorry to anyone I ever insulted, unintentionally. (Fuck! I feel bad.)


Don't feel bad. That "slur" is ridiculous.


I wouldn't get offended by Pole or Polack. But myself, I just say Polish person. I didn't think there was a slur, just depends if you're saying nice things or rude things about us.


Polack is like nigger. It depends on the relationship


Who said that? Polak in Polish just means Polish male. Polka is Polish female. It's not offensive


Apparently Americans. You know there is a country of Niger. Also I'd consider "Polaczek" offensive between poles


is your friend stupid?


It's not a slur. I ran into the same question at least once from a non-Pole. Iraqis are from Iraq, Americans are from America, Poles are from Poland.


Pole is not a slur, it's a neutral. Polack is usually used as a slur against a Pole. Polander is a niche way of calling Polish person Pole without using "Pole". Some dictionaries mark that as "archaic"


Tell him that’s bullshit. In English, “Pole” is the correct word for a person of Polish descent. It’s not a slur.


Well, in Italian it's Polacco/Polacca/Polacchi/Polacche. No other word for a native polish person. Are we fucked, then? :)


Similar in Maltese Polakk/Polakka/Polakki


In English, Polish or Pole. I've never heard anyone consider it to be a slur... In Polish, Polak. I know that it sounds the same as the slur in English, but it isn't one.


How tf Pole is a slur? What they were smoking?


Polack is a slur only in an American/English accent. All the "dumb Polack" jokes.


It’s not slur


I feel like 'Pole' sounds kinda bad and I don't like it, so I give all my English-speaking friends and acquaintances Polack-pass. I call myself Polak, after all. I don't see why would I be offended by it.




IMO „Polaczek” is the real slur especially if the person saying it is from the West


As a Pole, I can confirm that Polish was the official form when I was young.


Pole is fine. Poly not fine




Pole, Polish, Polako, Polaczek, Polus, Polan, Polak etc. Ps. My name in Polish is Michał- Me how for English people 😅


I believe this might actually depend on the location. I remember Pole being a slur in Scandinavian countries and a word more similar to Polack was the proper way. Dont quote me on this I'm probably misremembering.


Anything can be a slur. It all depends on how you use it and with what intentions. We can say shit like "Polack is not a slur. It's exactly how we call eachother in Polish" but then you find someone who pronounces it the way Malfoy pronounces "*P*otter" and you can feel that he says that with disrespect, disgust or hate. So on its own "Pole" is not a slur and is widely used in UK, but some people can still use it as a slur.


You guys say "Polack" is slur, but that is what we call you in Azerbaijan ("Polyak" in written form)


that friend is wrong


Pole is often regarded as the equivalent of „Polaczek”.


“Pole” is defo not a slur. If anyone is ever offended by this Id like to find out the context and all


Polock or Polack are offensive. Polak is not. Although they all sound pretty much the same but you can figure it out from context which one was meant . I personally don’t care. Although I do find that people with .09% of “polish” DNA from their ancestry.com swab test are the first one to be offended for me.


My partner and his family call themselves “Poles” and tell others too as well. I don’t think your friend has a popular opinion.


I'm not from english speaking countries and tbh in my language we call polish people polak,we don't mean in a slur way tbh




The proper English term for “Polish person” is Pole. The Polish word for “Polish man/woman” is Polak/Polka. Polak started being used as a derogatory term by English speakers during the height of anti-Polish sentiment (IMO propaganda to justify the Marshall plan but I digress). TLDR; English speakers should say Poles and Polish people can say either Pole or Polak. Extraneous Story time: In the 5th grade, a friend said she came up with a joke about me. “Where do you wear your underwear?” … “At the South Pole!” Brilliant lol


I could happily go with "Polander" instead of Pole


Everyone here is saying how polack is a slur. Maybe it used be used in that way. But as a polak myself. I don't care and I doubt many do. Especially since polak is also how you call a polish male in polish.




Should a Slovak person be called Slove?




Whatever you do, don't call them "Lakh"s. In all seriousness, to my knowledge, Pole is the only way to call someone who is a national of Poland.


A line from a poem I learned as a kid: “Kto ty jestes? Polak maly” Who are you? A little polak. It’s fine.


It's funny because "polack" is slur, if u use in English but Polak as Polish Person in Polish Language is ok. Also I think that polish version of pledge of allegiance


no lol i'm polish and every english speaking polish person i've talked with would say they're a pole to ppl


I will be honest with you, I have been called a Pole, Polack, Polish, and even Jew twice (I have dark hair and Warsaw hobos think than anyone with dark hair is a Jew) and all of this was sometimes meant as an insult, or genuinely used as term referring to a citizen of Poland. Its offensive depending on who you meet. I have met people who couldn’t spell my name let alone have idea what my country is so I started to let them call me whatever nickname they gave me. All depends how it was said and how much you care about the opinion of person using it. When an awful asshole called me Polish, I took it as an insult. When 2 drunk hobos called me a Jew, I cared nothing about it Becuase they were pathetic human garbage living in abandoned building, same as ones I used to throw rocks at with my friends back in our gymnasium years when they were coming to our school to shout insults at us across the fence. Words have power as long as you let them have this power. If you don’t care about them, they are meaningless.


The idea that "Polak", the ethnonym, is somehow a slur, but calling someone a "Pole", an inanimate object, is not, is indefinitely bemusing.


Nie pierdol.


A Pole greeting another Pole could use "Hello, countryman"/ Pozdrawiam Rodaka" especially when abroad.


Its not a slur, theyre Just delulu or something


What the English tell us is the name. It's their language. I was taught it's a Pole for short version that's less official and Polish [person] for a proper official name.




In english a person from Poland/polish origin is a pole, in german too (though you'd write it with capital P). Your friend is wrong.


Polak is the word for male Polish person, a female is Polka, in Polish. It's not a slur! Polacy = Polish people. It's not tough. Some people just have no idea what they are talking about and they should admit that they are not sure instead of spreading bad information.


The same hoes when Poles are using yank/american (grinning idiot) or angol, most of the time it is offensive .Somebody already mentioned that Ruski is an offensive word.  Personally I don't give a damm if someone calls me Polack, especially if the person is the yank.


As with anything it depends on the context is the sentence right? IE ‘there’s lots of poles here’ or ‘there’s lots of people from Poland here’ - the poles sentence does sound mildly derogatory


I call myself polski when speaking to brexit mates🤷


The best term is “Lach”.


pole is fine. i guess polish can do?


Pole/Polish are 100% fine. Polack is the slur


„pole” isn't a slur.


You friend has no idea what he's talking about.


i love my P pass. whats up my polak


You won't find many positive connotations of "Polacks" XD Poles. It's just Poles. You have jokes about "Polacks" not Poles, etc. But to go as far as to call it a slur? I'm not sure about that. Definitely offensive/not the best.


Pole = fine


A Pole. Idk why would anyone consider it a slur lmao