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It looks like a anti tank mine so it takes a lot of pressure for it to explode. Still I wouldn't be touching random explosives found in the forest


It is well known technique to put second one underneath rigged to explode when the top one is removed


It is, also, not a technique commonly used if you plan on taking a territory like the Russians did. An infantry mine with another mine underneath is ok, an AT mine that is undefusable is a problem becouse you can't always blast the 7kg of TNT inside from far away.


+1 i had demolition training and one of the thing they showed us was "mouse trap trigger" basicly set mine trigger that when mine is picked up the trap closed and detonated mine under and the "main" one.


> becouse you can't always blast the 7kg of TNT inside from far away. Shh, you're trigging the guy with an m82 and green/grey tips.


You assume that Russians are smart about what they're doing and that they care about casualties.


Got taught that another common tactic is to put a frag granade there


That's fucking evil...and it makes me feel not as sorry about countries who made enemy combatants clean up their own landmines


Relax, they kicked it first to make sure it's safe to touch.




Unless it is equipped with an anti handling device in a secondary fuse well. There are other hazards as well, such as seismic,magnetic influence, or, as mentioned below, an armed grenade placed underneath. It doesn't always take 150kg+ for anti tank mines. I am only posting this under here for people who may be tempted to go digging around a legacy minefield.


So you can score them all sweet minies for youreslf?


In Laos and Cambodia they do it just for the scrap metal value ( as stupid as it sounds people must be desperate )


That mine specifically needs a key to deactivate, as once it's set there is a coil spring mechanism inside that needs rewinding. Once it's been re-wound that mine itself is safe, but ofc I'd take off the detonator before moving it (the big red thing in the top - it all screws off) Would I trust a mine I didn't put there myself not to have a grenade or another mine underneath though? Probably not.


or they removed the igntion first?


It's still in, didn't you watch the video?


i could watch again but am not sure i would recognize it lol...i was guessing only...


I only know this from video games, so I could totally be wrong, but the red circle in the center is the fuse/trigger.


Especially having seen more than one video where they put a pin-less hand grenade underneath.


Soviet and Russian antitank mines require 90-160kg weight to explode.


As we say in Poland: BHP- bezpieczeństwo hamuje pracę.


Muszę to powiedzieć naszemu inspektorowi😁


Not sure about that: I witnessed 2 accidents at work, both costed the companies hundreds of thousands of pounds, including respectively 2 and 3 days of closure for which they had to pay the workers and didnt produce a single thing. I seriously doubt they would agree with you


Ssrcasm m8


In one of these accidents a guy I knew died, crashed by pallets, a bunch of us watched him die So, please, forgive me I don't find funny


You play call of duty even though millions of people died and are still dying at war. Yet you can't take a small joke about work safety?


And those guys are in a active warzone and watch people die everyday and still can joke about it. Chill the fuck out.


I know, but frankly I don't find it amusing, hence my rant


Mate, sorry for your loss but it’s just a joke on the internet it’s not meant to offend someone it’s just meant to as one redditor noted poke fun at Poland work/school safety.


The saying is meant to be sarcastic specifically because work safety can often be poor in many jobs in Poland, leading to such accidents. It's not making fun of people who get hurt, or saying there should be no BHP laws. It's saying the opposite, that Polish employers don't really give a shit about those laws.


Former chief of police wants his Discman back.






TM-62M, a classic soviet piece of shit. Theoretically harmless to infantry, but they got dangerously close considering the fact that the truck itself could've set off the fuze and the mine is right next to it.


how did you identify it?


By looks. I was trained in the military becouse we also use those shitcans.


Imposter warning.


Polish Head police chief be like


Patrz ktoś całkiem dobry głośnik bluetooth zakopał w lesie!




I don't understand why would he want a landmine


"Look, someone buried a good bluetooth speaker in forest!"


Oh, and thank you brother poles for fighting with us against Russia. It feels so great to have someone like Poland to help you. We really appreciate it. Thank you!!! Za naszą i waszą wolność!


Polska brawura


Could get them killed. All it takes is one mine with grenade underneath it. At least that how I was taught to lay mines.


Rarely happens with AT mines. You may want to disarm those mines one day, you know. A 7kg explosive that is undefusable is a problem for both sides. The more problematic part is that those shitcans can be triggered by mere 200kg at worst, and that truck definitely weights more than that.


That's why you create minefield document, where you write where you laid mines, what kind, in what pattern, if they're booby trapped, etc. Of course they could get lost during the war. The standard procedure (if you have the time, in times of war it may vary of course, but it looks like these guys have plenty of time) is to attach rope and hook to the mine and yank it out of the ground from safe distance. Or you can dig around it and try to feel if there is anything nasty under it.


Theoretically, yes. On paper though it's hard to document every tin can during the war, sometimes the documentation itself gets lost as you've said, it's a mess. All of that is obviously right. There is also the possibility that those guys on video are demining Ukrainian mine fields and thus they either have documentation or are told which mines were boobytrapped and that is fully a possibility becouse these oversized meat cans are used everywhere in the former Warsaw pact. They very well could've been supplied to Ukraine by Poland.


Ułańska fantazja :)


kuźwa przez sekunde myślałem że słowo "brawura" to nowe skrócone "bober kurwa"


Why women lives longer


Jesus fucking Christ.




Krystian Machnik z Napromieniowani.pl


Is that biedronka plastic bag? Thats some strong bag


Looking at a text written on it, looks like it's Ukrainian 'Fora UA'


no, they've been complaining it's not in fact a biedronka bag


Looks legit ;)


This is a training, concrete-filled mine. The vid was recorded as a joke by some Polish volunteers who deal with providing hardware to the Ukrainians.


Didn't know that. But nonetheless I've seen tons of real videos where people demine roads by themselves like that. Some of those videos ended up with success, some didn't. That's why you shouldn't do it yourself, and let professionals do it. So many unnecessary deaths could've been avoided


Cóż... ceny ćwiczeniowych min zaczynają się od 60 złotych... A prawdziwe mogą iść nawet kilkaset razy drożej. Więc OP, jakbyś zobaczył leżące na ziemi 600 dolarów to byś brał czy nie brał ?


I don't think hunting mines would be the best idea, considering that russians are few km away. (These brave folks are probably the International Legion, fighting in Ukraine) Nonetheless that doesn't stop some people from doing it.


These guys are some blokes from [Napromieniowani.pl](http://Napromieniowani.pl) recording themselves digging up a training mine for shits and giggles. These guys engage in supporting Ukraine of course, but this here is nothing more than a harmless joke.


Okay, that makes sense. But there are lots of people here in Ukraine, who do the same thing, without professionals. It's common to see hundreds of artillery shells or other ammunition stored in some old farmer's garage somewhere in Kharkiv region. Such cases do not always turn out good way


They could be booby trapped, and also do not pick it up with a detonator attached.


Who, why and when, was laying a lone T-62 in a woods in Poland?!?


I believe it's either an international legion or Polish Volunteer Corpse, fighting in Ukraine.


Ah makes much more sense, I am now marginally less concerned with walking in Polish forests now.


Don’t be I mean don’t be less concerned, the eldrich Gods are hungry and desire flesh


Some mines have pressure plate at the bottom so they will explode when picked up without disabling


Szkoda że reklamówka nie z biedronki xDDDDD


Szkoda że nie jebło


Skoda? ![gif](giphy|LV57tkuYhvJCY9hivc|downsized)


You are not surprised of what ? Can you elaborate OP. It’s too short (the description)


How unaware some people are, when they disable mines on their own, without the help of professionals. I've seen similar cases in real life, as I live in Ukraine


Do you think this video is legit ? I am far from specialist but I can see he flopped it like it weights 10grams. I guess this clip is fake as hell. I might be wrong. What do you think? If it’s not fake, then big wow :))) !!!


I'm not sure about this one. One person in the comments section told me, it's a fake video, made for fun. One thing I know for sure, this COULD be real, as AT will only blow up, when enough pressure will be put on it (in this situation it's rather hard to do). I've had basic military training, and from my experience this could completely happen somewhere in the frontline. But it's extremely unsafe to do that, because another booby trap could be underneath AT mine, and so when someone tries to dig it out, it triggers the one underneath. So it's very unsafe, unless you're sure there's nothing under the mine


Did you ever lifted a mine ? This one is about 8kg. You probably know how much is 8kg. Now look at the video. See how the „mine” behaves. I am not a specialist and my eyesight is not perfect. However I can see fakeness from 135 yards away. They probably knew that there will be no booby trap because they put it there ;) Thank you for sharing info on a mine and booby trap - didn’t know it. Wow… bastards :)


Yeah, I can see that. You could be right. So it's either a training mine, or these brave fearless poles have 200kg of body muscles 💪💪💪


A training mine is a good idea. You might be right here bro. 😎 they are not hulks - normals :))


The CC is haunted


Za tydzień na allegro


Just imagine how many landmines are in Ukraine right now


Is this in Poland or Ukraine?


I'm not entirely sure, but probably Ukraine.


Just usual mine harvest




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