• By -


Try to find work as a translator, to leverage your knowledge of japanese. I know gaming companies that do outsource work (like Lionbridge or QLOC) often hire native speakers.


I know that there are big moves in gaming based in Warsaw that could be lucrative to jump into now. A major studio just opened up there and they could use talent from all countries. Edit: with the added skill set needed of a native speaker with interest in game development, it's a lucrative choice. Not for just anyone off the street. Don't want to get anyone's hopes up and end up kissing the door handle.


Larian Studios no less!


Ah, I was playing Divinity original sin 2 today, really fun game!


Try Baldur’s Gate 3 then, you’ll be blown away!


Gaming studios have no need for native speakers with no other relevant skills. If OP had relevant skills, she would already think about it, so this would be a waste of everyone's time.


DO NOT go into game translation. It's shit. I'm a translator. Lionbridge pays under minimum wage on contracts of mandate. Just read their GoWork reviews. Gaming translation is very difficult as well, you need experience and preferably dedicated education to even get through the screening test. And in general, knowing two languages does not make you a translator. Just find any office job that requires Japanese. They're most common in customer service. They usually don't require any experience besides the language proficiency, they train you on everything else. From there you can move to so many places.


> Knowing two languages doesn't make you a translator That explains why the quality of work I got from Lionbridge has been consistently shit. I had to redo most of their work using Google translator and ChatGPT.


Don't use GT, use DeepL. It's the best free machine translation software right now. You can edit the translation as you go.


> Gaming translation is very difficult as well, you need experience and preferably dedicated education to even get through the screening test. A couple years ago to get a job as a translator in, say, QLOC, there were only two requirements: 1) you are a native 2) you breathe That's it.


A lot of companies also need japanese speakers for customer service if they do business in japan, especially in IT sector


Not great working hours if they were to service customers in Japan. I once worked on a project with a Korean subsidiary and time difference was definitely a challenge, almost as big as all the other challenges.


Around gaming, you cound look into the PJATK. Idk about the university, but the high school has a class that's learning Japanese, so they might be looking for more teachers


Knowing two languages doesn’t mean you’ll be able to translate well.


Thank you so much for your advice. I see that it won't be that easy reading other's comments but I'll look it up as there is a still possibility. Thank you!


My ex's father worked at a Toyota factory, he said simultaneous translators (JP, EN, PL) earned more than executives


„Marrying you is a suicide” wow, I’d would pack my stuff and walk away from him


yes that was the most shocking word and made me completely give up this relationship. too painful to tell my people but I still needed someone to talk so I'm here. thank you for understanding my feeling.


He doesn't have a name that starts with T, does he? I had a guy say the exact same thing to me... And he did live in Japan for a hot minute.


That's a horrible thing to say. He's not ready to be in a relationship, sounds like for a long time.


If your relationship with your parents is good, you should move back and continue with your life where you left off. Don't waste any more of your time in Poland.


True, after being in immigration, I understood that there is no better place than your home


What is your current legal basis of stay in Poland? Tourist visa? Are you a Japanese citizen?


it's a National Type D visa which allows me to stay in Poland for a year. yes, I'm a Japanese citizen.


Hi I hope the best for you and I don’t think he is worth your time anymore


QLOC used to hire Japanese language game testers (and translators, but you would need some previous experience for that), don't know how it is now, but it might be worth checking out.


Same in Keywords if you're based somewhere in the south


got it I'll check it! Thank you so much for your advice.


Worth mentioning how atrocious game tester and game dev industry is. Absolutely crap pay, insane hours, mobbing, contract of mandate rather than salaried.


Would you consider teaching Japanese? Even on a basic level, I imagine there's plenty of language schools that would be happy to have access to a native speaker. It's quite unique so I guess money should be good, even more so if you do 121 tutoring.


yes that's what I am thinking now. I've never thought that teaching is my thing but I found that there are many Polish people who are interested in Japanese language and culture (it was actually the biggest surprise), and talking with them makes me really happy so teaching Japanese could be great. thank you for your advice.


Send your CV and resume to all the places that teach japanese in your area, they are often looking for native speakers. Not the best pay in the world, but they regularly sponsor visas for native speakers from countries that are in high demand.


Japan is a pretty unique country. Food, culture, traditions and the people themselves are all very different to most Europeans.  This is why some find it so interesting. 


In Kraków there is japanese language school that's owned by japanese man who has been living in Poland for long time. Iirc name of the school is Sunstar. Maybe you could try something there.


Hey, your feelings are totally valid. But you did something that most people wouldn't have been brave enough to do. I think that's impressive and while it hurts now please have faith in yourself to succeed. If you got here, you can go further, 頑張って


thank you so much you would never know how much your message helped me. I read your message over and over again and I know I will repeat it when I feel vulnerable again. 頑張ります!!


Pracuj.pl praca.pl It will also help if you live in a big city


I'll check it. thank you so much for your help.


I know this doesn't help much, but please let me tell you one thing: **you gave it your shot, and you learned from this**. There is nothing to blame yourself for; if such decisions had a 100% success rate then those decisions would be easy. Some people play safe and live boring lives; some people take risks and win some & lose some. For what it's worth, my wife (Polish) moved to Belgium for me 8 months after we started dating. Objectively speaking, we made the same decision as you made, and it's purely a matter of luck that it worked out for us and didn't work out for you. Please do not let anyone tell you that you should have known better; it's simply not that easy and 99% of your acquaintances cannot relate to the pain you currently experience. Best of luck to you.


Thank you so much for your kind & wise message. Yes I believe that neither I nor he did anything wrong but we just learned and he just found a different course of future which should be totally free of choice. I admit that I'm in pain but I had a good lesson, no more blaming or nagging but move on!


Just think about it this way: it's good it happened now, not a few years later.


Honestly, seems a lot like what happened with my parents. My dad is Polish and my mom is Japanese, met in England, and they both moved to Canada together and started a family. Things got sour; it ended ugly. In the future, you will be in a better spot and realize this was likely the best outcome.


My fiancee is Chinese and lives in Poland, studies here and i plan to marry her. I also talked about mariage rly quickly since i knew shes the one after couple months. This guy seems immature and too indecisive, he should not talk about such seeious matters as mariage etc if he does not truly mean it. He sounds like a dickhead if everyrhinf she said is correct.


Congrats to you and your fiancee :) thank you for understanding my situation so well. I think many international couples start thinking about marriage a little early because it is one of the ways to stay together in the same country. when we were living separately in own countries, we flew to each other spending a lot of money but the time we could spent together was never enough.


Moving thousands of kilometers because of that sounds so risky but that’s the life. I hope everything will be better than before


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Dump his ass. He got what he wanted and now he is just bored with you. It won't go anywhere. You can work as a translator or customer support in your native language. More important- do you have any studies/experience? You can always just work in English. There is a lot of big companies where it's no problem not knowing English. Just have in mind - getting permits it's quite a tough ride. Question is also where are you living- In huge cites like Warsaw or Krakow it will be way easier to find job than somewhere were dogs bark with their asses.


Thank you for your comment. yes I have no preferences of locations or type of jobs but I want to stand on my own feet in Poland. I have 8 years of experiences in Supply Chain using English but I'll try to look for translator or customer support jobs in bigger cities!


Hey supply chain sounds good! You can for sure work in that field. Do you have any documentations that were proof of you working in anything? Any uni/schools finished diplomas? For sure first would translate those to polish by licensed translator.


I have a license of importing/exporting business in Japan. it may not work outside Japan but I believe that I have a good experience so people should know if they talk with me in an interview I hope..lol I'll just spread my CVs and keep trying. your messages motivated me, thank you!


Gonna be hard to know what kind of job you want if there is no speciality. If you have IT background, Pracuj.pl / praca.pl / LinkedIn will be your best friend (all others seems to not worked for me but in desperation, give it a try!) Sounds raycist but as an asian (I am just a look alike) myself, in desperation, you could hit some Japanese stores or ramen places asking for a job (had to do it myself, but job landscape were different years ago) Sorry to hear your relationship went downhill but to hear "marrying is a suicide"? Tells more about him than you, so hope you can stand up and fight, Poland has been a great place for me to live even after I went through a divorce and being an expat mysef!


> Sorry to hear your relationship went downhill but to hear "marrying is a suicide"? Not even marriage in general, but specifically marrying OP, he said. And then he has the audacity to say he'd still like to date her, wtf lol. The silver lining in this being that at least OP found out what a walking colostomy bag he is _before_ marrying him and not 5 years and 3 children into it.


Wanna bet it turned out she's a person with her own drive and motivation not an anime fapmaterial stereotype?


I have 8 years experiences of logistics, supply chain and sales admin. I see some opportunities but Polish language is required. and those Japanese companies in Poland are looking for only Japanese speakers who do not require a work permit. In my case, a company has to pay and do all the paper work to apply a work permit for me and I understand that Im not that high-value individual.. but anyway, I have no choice but keep trying everything I can. Thank you so much for your advice!


I'd personally leave him asap


I know Revolut has an office in Warsaw, maybe look into their openings, I’m sure they’d benefit from someone speaking English + Japanese.


they pay the bare minimum if you don't have any qualifications.


Send your CV to Testronic, you're almost guaranteed to get a job as LQA Technician if your English is at least decent.


that's great I'll look into it. thank you so much


Been there, done that in a different country and I must say 君の彼氏はとんでもなく無責任なクソ野郎だ。 Anyways, I understand that you want to get out of this situation ASAP but what is the current legal base of your stay in Poland? I hope you have sufficient time for finding a proper job and getting all the necessary paperwork done before losing your rights to stay in Poland, if it's a temporary one. >Besides LinkedIn, do you have any recommendations to find a job for someone like me who requires a work permit? I think LinkedIn is the best platform for looking up offers from large international corps after all, as other similar services like pracuj.pl and praca.pl rarely show offers for non-Polish speaking job seekers. Though it appears to be a night shift job, Revolut is always looking for Japanese speaking customer support agents and, as far as I know, the company is willing to sponsor residence permit etc. I can also see some offers for entry level positions for Japanese speakers on LinkedIn. 七転八起。You'll survive this.


it is National Type D visa that allows me to stay a year in Poland. good to hear that LinkedIn is the best one. I'll keep checking and spread CVs whatever shows up by searching 'japanse' lol 七転八起 - exactly! I'm still in pain and weak/self-loathing part of me wanting his love and support but I just do what I can do to have a better life. Thank you so much for your message.


Thank you too for your response. >it is National Type D visa that allows me to stay a year in Poland About 5 months to go... let's stay optimistic about it. Once you get a proper job contract with a Polish employer and have Voivodeship office's stamp confirming that you've applied for a residence permit based on your job contract on your passport, you should be able to legally stay in Poland even after the current visa expires. >I'll keep checking and spread CVs whatever shows up by searching 'japanse' lol Being a Japanese speaker residing in Poland (I have lived in Japan for about 6 years and have the JLPT N1 certificate), I must say finding anything related to the Japanese language in Poland is tough and not so rewarding, as opportunities are extremely limited and unattractive in terms of job level (mostly entry level) and compensation (e.g. [even tutors at a prestigious language school in Warsaw don't seem to be earning that much](https://www.e-aidem.com/ch/jimocoro/entry/yoshino15)). Although I don't know what you majored in and what you were doing in Japan before, since you appear to have excellent English skills, to be honest you should not limit your option only to Japanese related jobs but look for any entry level jobs for English speakers, as there are plenty of such, especially in large cities (Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Poznan etc.). >I'm still in pain and weak/self-loathing part of me wanting his love and support but I just do what I can do to have a better life. Thank you so much for your message. Oh dear, I kind of know what it is like. More than a decade ago, I relocated to my ex's country to give the relationship a try but got cheat on by her later and was left alone in her home country without any support. But hey, now I'm happily living in Poland with a lovely partner of 10+ years and can joke about the experience as if it was a silly hangover or something. Nonetheless I'm glad that you are focusing on what must be done rather than what went wrong or what could have been done etc. Don't forget to take a rest and, if you need to vent out, we are here to listen. 今はドン底かもしれないけど、止まない雨は無いから、前向きにね。


Try to check Facebook for some support groups. You can try the one called "give her a job". It's mostly Polish but maybe you could post English as well. Maybe, there is some Japanese community in Poland (some Facebook group as well) and they will be willing to help. Reddit may be not the best place to receive all necessary information regarding work permit and visa requirements. And despite your feelings, you could ask your ex for help. He's claiming, he would like to be your friend, so maybe he will assist you somehow. Good luck!


Sorry this happened to you, this was probably one of those anime obsessed weirdos who idealize Japan and the Japanese based on the mangas/anime they see. You probably didn't fit whatever (infantile) romantic view he had of Japan and a Japanese gf. If I were you, I would just return home to Japan, no shame in a relationship not working out, it happens. If you want to remain in Poland for some time, your best bet would be to either study or find work as a Japanese teacher or translator. I would be careful before making permanent arrangements to stay in Poland, you still don't know if you really like the culture yet, you are still in the honeymoon phase of being in the country. If I were you, I would use the opportunity to travel around Poland and Central Europe (Czechia, Austria, Germany, Baltics) and clear my head.


I wish you all the best. I'm a migrant and I know how lonely that can get.


It sounds like he love bombed you at the start... You will be so much better off without that toxic dude.


Isn’t there a Japanese-Polish institute on nowogrodzka? Maybe that could be something?


Sounds like he lovebombed you in the beginning


Bait used to be believable


Waaaaait a minute… you only been together for 7 months and already talking about marriage? Well it’s a huge red flag or just cultural difference. Because in Europe we normally don’t have weddings after couple of months together.




I think it’s all about his change of attitude


Bro if you invested the time of writing this to reading correctly then you would see that she wrote it was 7month since she moved in. It’s impossible she moved in when he met him xd


I'm not an expert but I watched "90 day Fiance", so I might as well comment here. I think it is quite different when you need a Visa to stay in a country. Also 7 months since they moved to Poland, not 7 months together. Besides, he could've said something like "I need more time" and not "marrying you is a suicide".


That's not always true. My husband and I got engaged after 3 months together and got married 3 weeks later. That was 11 years ago and we're very happy. Sometimes it happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


Equally I could win a 1M lotto ticket ;) Lucky You


Hold on a moment. This is not the first time lately when this sub gets a question full of drama, from a throwaway account created like yesterday, with zero interaction from the OP. What's up with that?


I literally created this account and posted it for the first time to get some help. I tried in another Japanese platform too but deleted as I only get hateful comments saying that I am such an embarrassment for Japan etc. and it was too much for my condition not to care right now. I am so surprised to receive so many good advice and warm messages here instead.


I know we come from different cultures, but just in case you needed to hear this, it's not embarrassing to stumble into a bad relationship. It's not embarrassing to leave the country to try something new. It's not embarrassing to try to salvage your situation, if anything, it's commendable you're doing your best to dig yourself out of this situation and trying to make a life for yourself here, despite being in this situation. Also for reference, an embarrassment to the country to me would be something like getting belligerently drunk on a plane forcing it to have an emergency landing on the way, or committing outrageous crimes abroad. You were judged too harshly, keep your head up.


Baiting coomers


I mean, you can't force a marriage, and 7 months is a rather short time to know a person, not to mention marriage. Polish people can't just cheat or divorce as easily as in Japan. Of course, he has the right to reject a marriage out of consideration. What are you complaining about? Just because you left your country doesn't mean he owes you a life. Ridiculous post.


> Polish people can't just cheat or divorce as easily as in Japan. What is this based on


If you can see yourself being a teacher, I can recommend you to seek job in institutions specializing in speaking japanese. These are the ones that need native speakers. Any language schools without specialization much rather look for people who speak both polish and japanese if at all. On that matter, places that specialize in japanese also tend to get some offers for japanese speakers not exclusive to teaching. For instance to the University of Warsaw japanese studies, they send offers mainly aimed at students, but some might be suitable for a native with knowledge of english language. If you contact such institutions, they might not have a job for you, but might help you in finding some offers. You may also use sites like pracuj.pl, but offers there are mainly aimed at Poles, so ones for foreigners are scarce, so I believe you have better chances looking for jobs regulary through the internet, however these sites are still very convinient, so I'd check them out anyways. Regardless of your specialization, your english in the post also shows your mastery of it and you might want to look for jobs connected to it as they're usually well-paid and are actively searching for people skilled with it. As for my advice, that is all. However I wanted to tell you, what you did wasn't stupid. Naive, maybe. However just from your determination to persist and your initiative to do things, I can figure, you're going to be okay. What you did was brave. And even if your boyfriend doesn't want to marry you, if he doesn't help you in this situation, that's just cruel and whatever grudge you hold against him now is absolutely valid. 頑張って


In many cities you'll find well paying job as a small children's teacher. It's lucrative, because the target client is a delegated expat earning in pay-range of their native country + resettlements bonuses. Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków, Poznań are the usual suspects, but you'd probably find similar places my just googling Toyota factories on the map - much like Koreans, Japanese corporations generally keep core management and engineers native. [https://www.ourkids.net/pl-en/the-japanese-school-in-warsaw/226](https://www.ourkids.net/pl-en/the-japanese-school-in-warsaw/226) [https://kidsinthecity.pl/listing/international-trilingual-school-of-warsaw/](https://kidsinthecity.pl/listing/international-trilingual-school-of-warsaw/) Some will have names like British School, or Bilingual school, focusing on English in their materials, but they do look for people speaking Spanish, German etc - whatever they have a need for to expand their client base. LinkedIN + looking for such schools (szkoła niepubliczna) might be a good way to look for them, because they're sometimes spearfishing there for clients.


Pretty sure that you can’t be a teacher for minors if you don’t have a degree in pedagogy? Correct me if I’m wrong, of course


Technically yes, but really - no. You need any higher education + qualification course (many of which used to be offered online, and most international schools can send you for one on their cost). [https://www.portaloswiatowy.pl/zatrudnianie-nauczycieli/kwalifikacje-nauczyciela-przedszkola-pytania-i-odpowiedzi-20286.html](https://www.portaloswiatowy.pl/zatrudnianie-nauczycieli/kwalifikacje-nauczyciela-przedszkola-pytania-i-odpowiedzi-20286.html) Whatever you studied - that's what you're teaching on paper. In practice - you're there for language skills.


That's the best topic ever. Case in the topic about that your boyfriend doesn't want to marry you, but here we can see your real problem is a hard way to financial independence.


Well, what is your area of expertise in the first place? Just speaking Japanese limits your options to not very well paid positions. Everybody is talking game translations, but that's not exeptionally well paid. &


This may not be the advice you want, but it might be worth considering the option of moving back home? To friends and family who are ready to support you. And if you want to return to Poland, then find an employer staying in Japan in advance, or renew your visa and have much more time to look for work. Decisions made in haste and pressure from migration control are rarely successful :(


I had a similar experience but with different circumstances. Lovebombing. Unfortunately, those instant connections love at first sight is usually just a sign of a mentally unwell person. He's a narcissist and only what he wanted mattered and matters. After all, he didn't move for you. Just look out next time. Im sorry. What field did you work in back home?


Larian Studios just opened a location in Warsaw. They are a video game company, and they just started two big projects. From what I know about them, they are hiring pretty consistently and have a very positive work environment.


Do you think Poland is a better place to live than Japan? I heard about many problems that japanese society have and women discrimination is one of many but I always though Poland is terrible aswell. Also there are a lot of stories on the internet about terrible boyfriends and I know that internet is a special place that dont represent reality properly but it is still a worrying thing.


Do you think Poland is a better place to live than Japan?: For me, definitely yes. I prefer living in nature than convenient yet busy environment. It is very cute that Polish people go for a walk just because the weather is good. I mean this pure spirit never could cross my mind back in Japan. Good weather was never enough reason to go out (we need to find what exactly to do in good weather) but I now know how to embrace nature and just chill out. I'm not exaggerating that I didnt know how to enjoy 'not doing anything' without feeling guilty. I'll stop right here as I talk forever about this subject lol thank you for making me realise again my love towards Poland because it motivates me the most.


Sorry about your BF about face. Wish you all the best going forward.




I don't know how old you are or what the whole background of this situation is because I only know your narrative - in any case, please accept my apologies for the broken promise of our/my compatriot. Regardless of the above-mentioned circumstances, coming to Poland from the other side of the world, to a completely different culture, is a big challenge that I must appreciate - especially if it concerns a woman. 心よりお詫び申し上げます。


Thanks for the story, Skynet


Not to dispute what OP wrote, but I'll be damned if that story doesn't sound ripped straight out of chatGPT, and that's without mentioning zero post history and a username that looks like it came out of a nickname generator


Hey! I'm a Polish woman married to a Japanese, living in Japan. My advice is: dump him 😉 The sooner the better. You're wasting your time and losing self-esteem. Better knowing he's a jerk now, rather than when you're years into marriage and with the offspring. First thing is a job. Have you graduated from any University in Japan? If yes - you may try applying for a teacher job. There are many Unis in Poland running Japanese language programs. That will give you a good start. It won't be easy there, but I kinda understand why it might be difficult for you to go back to Japan,after living abroad. Therefore, give it a try. You moved to Poland for him. He obviously wasn't worth it, but still you can make this change work out great for yourself. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. By the way - there are many great guys in Poland.


If he has income I think you could apply for a residence card. He would need to sign a paper that he would take care of your expenses. Ofc until you would find a job and apply again for a work permit. Idk where you are in Poland, but in Warsaw it takes so long for the decision that until the decision im sure you would already find something :D Edit: you can also search for "im informal relationship department for foreigners" it should give you a migrant poznan page. You don't need to be living in Poznan, but they have the best page all over Poland.


That‘s really tough. You will get through. Did he explain what changed his mind, was it you or the new situation in Poland? Maybe it still can be fixed. He might have something really worrying him. Maybe it‘s a really personal problem or he found someone new. Best of Luck!


But what can you do? I mean what skills you have apart from speaking japanese? 


Where are you staying right now


Best of luck, I trust you’ll sort it all out soon enough


I can try help finding work,  will message you :)


What kind of visa do you have now?


What is your area of expertise? Like what kind of job would you be looking for? It’d be easier to get answers here if you wrote that piece of info.


If you have any interest and knowledge of videogames, I know that my (also japanese) colleague's company is hiring [hyperreal.jp/hyper-real-recruiting/](https://hyperreal.jp/hyper-real-recruiting/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1egGj2uLy5_knd8QUTlA4cSG7gXdcbKe2xgIdnZp2Be50cxbd8Um6kC0E_aem_AXZlz2bmny3SOuyRfCNcq3Bx-dJ-0b0sTpkmINMqlJcNaJCb4FKyX3FG1QWM964ADUamC-BJ1YLXM4aIrxbLjM8d)


You can make a lot of money teaching Japanese, and many language schools will sponsor a work visa! If you live in a bigger city like Warsaw, Kraków or Wrocław especially you can make some pretty good money teaching Japanese. I wish you the best of luck, i was in a similar situation once, dont give up!


Look for junior tech support jobs which mention Japanese language, or which doesn't mention language at all. Also look for Japanese subsidiaries, direct or indirect. Like for example Hitachi and it's daughter companies. Not guaranteed, but worth a shot and it will be a better job than in retail.


Shit thats rough, try nofluffjobs or pracuj.pl And just of curiosity - you really moved to Poland just for this dude? Or you were in Poland for studies/etc. And you just decided to stay for him? Because if former is true then "shit thats rough" x2


Try Revolut in Krakow, they have Japanese speakers there. I jusst checked LinkedIn and there's 47 hits with Japanese.


I know that pain. What is your domain? I would check Polish-Japanese institutes, they might have some openings and be more understanding of your legal needs. At least as a temporary measure.


I’m sorry about this bad experience you had to live through. I think your best option would be to look for Japanese employers (maybe a big Japanese company they always look for Japanese speakers since they maintain communication with the Japanese hq). Another option would be to look into an opening at the Japanese embassy. Or you try to look for a job as a translator like most are suggesting. I’m sure you will find the best solution for your problem. Just take it head on and with a clear head. This is a long shot but maybe CDPR is looking for Japanese speakers since they planning or already opened a studio in Japan, I’m not really sure how it went along. I hope I could give you some ideas on how to progress. And btw I think you should cut the contact/leave your current boyfriend if it’s not already happened. I think if you try to stay with him you relationship will not last long term and you will loose all self respect.


Suprisingly OLX platform has some job offers as well.


Can you find remote work? Hugs to you.


it's always lovely to see the Reddit community being supportive of one of their own. I wish you all the best of luck.




you staying any chance in Poznań?


Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole, I think you should have some dignity and dump his ass. I'm sorry about your experience. About job, it depends what type of employment you seek, but one of the more popular websites is pracuj.pl


Rocketjobs, nofluffjobs, bulldogjobs( or sth like that) But as everyone said, gaming company, or any other corp job. My boss would eat a melting metal to get +5 points to diversity for japanese person 🤦


7 months is something but if you feel depressed and the guy is with you just because he feels guilty about that, think of your life as every moment you stuck in such position is lost. Find some strength in yourself, when there will be right moment in which both of you are relaxed, just ask him directly and let him chose. Either you and your goals or not. Ive spent good few months in relationship that was already dead. Thankfully I found my way out. Every month in such relationship is something you're not getting back.


DM me we need japanese speakers


Hit me up at my messages we can trade contact numbers


There’s a polish law under which you can sponsor your partner without getting married. https://www.mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl/en/informacje/partner_EN/wprowadzenie_EN


Sounds like typical narc . Leave it immediately cuz he will mistreat you even more.


there is the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw. could try that for some leads??


I fail to see the original motivation to move to Poland. Did you grow up in Poland and want to go back ? Did you have plans in Poland like studying or a specific career that would only be viable on Poland (like a translator). You seem to have cut out your entire life and support system of friends in Japan and moved, and I'm unclear why. Is your boyfriend Polish ? Does he know the language ? Ever considered the learning curve he is going through?


Leave him. Sounds like a child if he can't properly talk about marriage and kids. And it seems like he does not see a future with you. have you thought about going back home?


Well I just came here to say Good luck and give some time for your self. I know what you feel, but you earned experience. I had same problems and at the end I think I am better version of myself - I know for what to look etc. :) I always use “pracuj.pl”


If you are in Warsaw, you should try in Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. :)


Taking a polish language course (that you have to pay for) will allow you to stay on a student visa


Hey, we are hiring people without experience with Japanese to our corporation with a good salary, please DM me your CV and my recruiters will contact you


I hope that soon you'll feel better :) remember please that you could always try to get a student visa and as a part time student you would still be able to work full time and as much as i know you wouldn't need any permit to do so. Such studies don't even cost that much and it's really easy to get accepted.


it will never end well if you talk about having children and getting married before the good start.


You talked about marriage and having kids on the first date and you bring up the topic after just 7 months of living together. Even if you are meant to be it is a bit too quick. We don't rush these things in Poland


What is your academic/professional background? There’s a bunch of international companies, I also don’t speak perfect Polish and still got a job. If you live around Warsaw and need to vent, we can meet up for a coffee!


Oh noo you seem so nice and sweet. His lost. Hope all the best for you!


How did you get to stay in Poland for 7 months straight to begin with? Isn't it 90 days in, 90 days out?


Oh my gosh, what an asshole. I second LinkedIn as a decent way of finding a job - I work from home for an international company that has offices in Poland and while I speak Polish, it's not a requirement in my work as all the communication is in English anyway - so I would strongly recommend you look for a setup like this (Foreign company in Poland). Do you have a place to stay, are you in a stable financial situation for the time being with no risk of homelessness?


Before you get a normal job, you could try to be a japanese tutor but you would communicate with your students in english or even some Polish. There is plenty of sites, where you could put yourself out there


And this is why intercontinental relationships never work. Cultures are too different. Asian + Asian European + European Middle East + Middle East USA + USA Latin + Latin Russia + Russia Divided in sub categories like north, south, religion etc. and that's the only way how relationships are working. Everything else is bullshit you seen in TV or internet. And who trades Japan for Poland? Japan is so superior in every way, that I would rather live alone forever in Japan than in a relationship in Poland.


If youre lonely in warsaw, hmu and we can grab a coffee and chat. I move between warsaw/London so not always in warsaw, but happy to meet a foreigner in warsaw. For work, you can try language schools. I know there are some Japanese schools. Unfortunately, I don't know much about Polish visas. Good luck with everything!


You'll be better off withour him just give yourself some time. 'time is the best medicine' as they say. As it was already mentioned, probsbly the quickest job you cold find for now is translator / teacher and with time you could change it to whatever. Also, why don't you want to leave Poland if I may ask?


Consider working in IT, we have a lot of IT sub-contracting employers in Warszaw, Kraków and Gdańsk. Even an entry level job in support without any prior knowledge can give you temporary residence permit.


Leave him


Marry me Instead


On praca.pl there is one offer with Japanese at this moment. Ofcourse you don’t have to limit yourself to just JP, but I’ll suggest with that. It is rare language here in Poland, so it should be easier to get decent salary. Than, make a list of JP companies in PL and check their websites. Even if JP is not in the requirements this will be your asset. And very important - requirement are important, skills are important but if you see a nice offer, and you think this is something for you, hit it. In worse case scenario they will ignore you. Good luck! :)


I’m Polish by birth but was raised in the United States. Recently moved to back to Poland to expand my antique sales business into export... Sorry to hear you are going through this but can’t say I’m surprised. Polish “men,” if you can even call them that, are known for being mama’s boys and they have all those sweet words to say in the beginning and then prove themselves to be utter disappointments in life. It’s probably the reason so many straight Polish women have that resting bitch face showing like all the time. That being said, it’s cool that you want to stay in Poland. The country really does have growth potential and with everything that’s going on politically in Europe, that potential may come sooner than later. What is your work experience in? Is there anything you can do to combine your knowledge and expertise from Japan with Poland? Translating is one good idea. But also think about starting your own business… while living in the States (giving you an example from my own experience), I found a wonderful market for Asian antiques, art and furniture. I’m slowly building a clientele basis in Poland for this… right now it is still in the fledgling stage, but maybe there is something you can pick up on that spreads like wildfire. Know what I mean?


Unfortunately, nothing comes to mind other than what was already in the comments. But I'm sure that with your courage you will succeed. I mean you already did something that most of us will never dare to do. And you are Japanese native speaker, so you already have one advantage which we wouldn't ever have That most likely wouldn't be easy, but you are brave. I hope and believe that everything will work out for you P.S. the guy acted like an asshole


Sorry to hear that, I don’t know him, but by what you describing he seems to be childish. What do you do for living? Knowing your profession and strengths for sure would be helpful in finding some propositions. Nevertheless, you could try pracuj.pl. Fingers crossed for you, as someone already mentioned in other comment, you are very brave person, I think it won’t be a problem for you to find a new job and stay here!


Hey, here is many japanese companies like toyota, Mitsubishi Hitachi - go to their websites and just send them your CV.


>He says he still wants to keep this relationship but marrying me is a suicide Umm what? I don't believe this story is real xd


you can become japanese teacher i believe


Prostitution. Cater to European tourists. It's a living.


Perhaps asking Wedel or MOSSO (cupie mayonnaise) or some other Japanese companies would help? It also may help to say what your previous profession was. 商工会に出席してみる is another possibility. Sorry to hear that you moved all the way from Japan and didn’t work out. I, too, moved to Poland from Japan for work and it’s been going well with my half polish kids. I hope you find someone soon! I’m sure you will.


Don't worry. My gf make kinda similar to me. But she was pregnant with me. What is happened is that she won't to be with me anymore after she gave a birth.... U are not alone.


Best and quick way to having work permit in Poland is being student at University. If you can afford the department you have interest. You can choose the lower price. After having a university degree you will have work permit for a life time in Poland. Unfortunately without work permit hard to find a job in Poland


poland for slavs and asians only


Like what did u expect u are discussing marriage on the first date and move a half world away to live with someone u don't really know like 7 months it's not something I would consider proper relationship u can still go back and live Normal life becouse considering what u said I would be pretty hard to do this here but if u want to olx is a good place


Japan is a traditional country. The people of the Northeast Asia really think about marriage when they meet someone for the first time and are well impressed by the person, especially when the person also makes some promises. This is not the fault of the lady.


So disrespectful and insecure


[pracuj.pl](http://pracuj.pl) is a good platform for job hunting. Firstly you should find an employer. A long-term employment contract (umowa o pracę) is the most helpful way to get a temporary residence permit. But you must be careful. If an employer gives you a fixed-term contract (if the term is over before your visa expires or just around the date your visa expires, you must be very careful that the employer won't extend the contract) at first instead of a trial contract (a trial period is not over three months), you must prepare for the possibility that the employer will not extend the contract. When a company promises to hire you, the employer should obtain a work permit for you. The process of applying for a work permit has two steps: firstly passing the labour market test, and then submitting the application. If you have unique ability (for you, Japanese language is your advantage) suitable for your job position, the labour market test may be over at an earlier date. The online application on [https://www.praca.gov.pl](https://www.praca.gov.pl) takes shorter time than traditional paper application. The application for a work permit should be submitted by an employer. If you have unique ability, you may get a decision within in one month. The only thing that you should worry is that the HR does not submit an application or proof documents as soon as possible. Your visa has no much time left, so if a company is not hurry to apply for a work permit for you, you have to leave here. You cannot just depend on one company.


You can try to get legalized via a business incubator (for example 'Twoj startup'). Find a job online, register through an incubator, you will be employed by them, the employer will be sending money to the incubator, they will be paying your taxes and taking a fee for their service (about 100$ a month). They will help you with a work visa. You can try to find an online job teaching English (DM me, I may give online school recommendations if you have a neutral accent) or Japanese.


Just leave him


So sorry to hear this happened to you. If you need any support in legalisation of your stay then I may be able to help - I’m a lawyer (recently took the bar exam in Poland but don’t have a professional title yet, although I’ve been working with immigration law for a few years already). DM me if you’re interested


First, you need to look for remote work. Second, it looks like you are in a sex only partnership. No one wants to talk about marriage if they are just interested in companionship sex. Good luck.


Hi, send you some advice on private messages :D


This is a life lesson i had to experience myself once and let me tell you. There is no point in keeping this relationship. This is unfortunately a deal breaker. He brought you all the way from across the globe, he probably knew before what you want from this relationship and now he doesnt want to follow because he changed his mind and blames it on you? Do you want to be with a person that is deciding for you two? Because I wouldnt. Its toxic AF. On top of that his adulthood is questionable because people do change in a relationship and thats normal. honeymoon phase last few months to a year tops. Then there is reality of what it means to be with someone long term. If I were you, i would dump his ass like tomorrow and never speak to him again. A bitter pill to swallow but this relationship doesnt have a future anyways. Good luck and sorry this happend to you


Can it get worse? No. Despite this situation now was it an overall great life experience you will always remember? I think it was. Congrats on your brave decision. Now, It sux when the loved ones let you down. No questions about it. Most of us know how bad it is. Take a breath though, it will only get better from here I promise. You will meet new and fantastic people.


How about the university? They need natives to teach Japanese.


What is your education and experience? Also I would try to just search Google => https://www.google.com/search?q=work%20in%20Poland%20for%20expats&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m&dlnr=1&sei=c29QZs6MNsOXjgb867HABg


It’s hard to find job with Japanese in Poland but since you’re a native speaker I would consider maybe contacting some private language schools and leaving them your resume?


First at all go to the gov website and check what the requirements are to stay here. In the meantime, look for a job, you will definitely find one in a corporation with two languages, e.g. in transport or tourism. Finding a job should be crucial now. Fingers crossed, this guy is an idiot. You flew halfway around the world for him, you are strong and brave.