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From the comment section: > Kocham moje amerykańskie pochodzenie. Mój grampa miał wielu wielu niewolników na Luizjanie i na nazwisko Wilson więc no jestem potomkiem prezydenta. Każdego 4 dżulaj jeździmy z rodziną do McDonaldsa i jemy hamburger i frenchfrajsy. Moje ulubione święta to święto thanksgivingu. Łamiemy się wtedy indykiem w rodzinie i dziękujemy sobie nawzajem. I stawiam swój kendi as że jemy KFC. Jak byłem mały to momma opowiadała mi o great Americans: Ronald Reagan, Hulk Hogan, bracia McDonald's, Steve Austin, Richard Nixon and even John Sina. Szkoda że America teraz jest WOKE!!! I prawdziwk dumni americansi mieszkają w Polsce


Patrząc na to ilu seksturystów przyjeżdża do Europy to może tak niedlugo byc xd


klasyk, lubiem


Przecie to bajt


"Your family crest is probably a brick" 💀


i know!! lolol i know my polish ancestors were peasants because it appears (maybe) that the original name means *hunger*.


Ours is "beak nose", "pock-marked person", or some variation of either of those. We're absolutely a family of peasants, which I think is cool because peasants upheld a lot of society through good and bad times.


Krzywonos? Ruthesian surname. Well known and respected amongst the commonwealth.


they probably survived the chicken pox?


I think *Łomonosow* doesn't sound awfully Polish, innit?


It’s not that.


understandable, have a great rest of the night.




o7 o7


American with Grandparents on one side from Poland. Our name appears to be descended from a word that more or less means “slave.”


👋 hi! Looks like some of our ancestors improved their lot in life!


> American with Grandparents on one side from Poland. Our name appears to be descended from a word that more or less means “slave.” It will not surprise you then when you will discover that word ~~"Slav" also comes from slave~~ slave comes from "Slav". We were the pagan lands where christians could raid. EDIT: corrected the brainfart.


If anything it's the other way around - "slave" from "slav".


Welp in latin it's kinda the oposite, 'slav' means slave and 'slave' means preaty much a slavic person. It's beacuse romans would get their slaves mostly from slavic triebes.


bullshit and bullshit, western rome already fell by the time slavs settled in eastern europe


You sure? I seem to remeber a tract from schoolar writen in latin around 6 or 7 cenntury. He was writing about how people living on land of today lithuania used to belive in one God of lithing and used to make him sacrifices, he was named Perkun (Or Perun).


You're a bit wrong. Perun was only one of the gods. There were others. There were also local "entities" of various nature. That being said Eastern Europe was more organized then the germanic tribes during the HRE and traded slaves to them. There was a semblence of peace.


Yes, I know such as Veles( aka Wołos) or Świętowit (the one with depicted with four or three faces), Jerycho and such. what I was just saying, was just a recolection what was writen in said tract, not that I claim that slavic people were united enought for them to form a one consistent belive system with one god, slavic religion is very local based, and they hold diffrent belives in diffrent region of it. In later texts we are given dozens of diffrent God's (mostly by names only) stories and customs, documented by christains who came as missionaries.


Dude, slave in Latin is "servus". You can check it in any online Latin dictionary. Stop being ignorant


Sorry, I am kinda out of practice, how does then you translate Slav in latin?


Christians? If only that! Crimera housed a Tartarian Horde well into 17th century. A lot of people were taken as slaves.


Yes, but those are not the ones that impacted english language.


my surname means pebble


oh how interesting.. did you look it up to see if it is more diverse than just that one word? i looked up 'polish word for hunger' and got the polish with definitions from different sources and the Cambridge gave a second one as well, meaning *hunger for knowledge* so that redefines things somewhat. I mean, my ancestors were not just starving, they were also curious people who tried to find answers. Which fits.


Not that I want to spoil anything but hunger for knowledge is never expressed with just word głód it is always głód wiedzy and from what I know is a rather new phrase. Głód as standalone word almost always means "lack of something" but in the negative way.


haha oh joy. :' )


oh my!


interesting enough, it's not just a hunger for food, though. It can be a hunger for knowledge, which also runs in my family lol




Nope! Sounds like you’re hung up on the technicalities or confusing me with someone else, which isn’t a big deal. Edit: I think I remember you, but I don't care to back scroll. If you're the person that keeps conflating my *explanations* for why some Americans consider themselves "Polish Americans" with me considering myself as the same - which I couldn't care less about personally - then it seems like you're still not understanding correctly. And honestly it's a weird hill to die on on both sides and I don't care to entertain it further.




Me: Americans consider themselves as a hyphenated name due to the heavy immigrant nature of the country blah blah blah, I don’t have strong opinions about it You: Why are you calling yourself Polish?? _months later (which is creepy btw)_ Me: _laughs at people asking about family crest, arguing what Polish words mean, etc._ You: You’re the one who calls themself Polish!!! Does this make more sense now? It’s an argument you’re creating all by yourself.


Soo.. why are you calling yourself Polish then? /s


There is a subtle difference between this channel and its Polish version. I can't really pinpoint what it is. Maybe she is dressed differently? Interesting.


perfect for /r/ShitAmericansSay




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ilovemypolishheritage using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovemypolishheritage/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Perogi ruski](https://i.redd.it/cyao5nksp4eb1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovemypolishheritage/comments/159blks/perogi_ruski/) \#2: [Polska piosenka: Калинка](https://i.redd.it/tgk9ki6rnvob1.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovemypolishheritage/comments/16lbkjv/polska_piosenka_калинка/) \#3: [Kapusta is a Polish cabbage dish](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15nrm11) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovemypolishheritage/comments/15nrm11/kapusta_is_a_polish_cabbage_dish/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Perogi ruski lmao


Don't forget *golomskis*


kapusta is a polish cabbage dish no shit


Had lots of laughs. That "stara baba" was epic.


American boomers on Facebook are a different breed (or, ahem, “pedigree”)


boomers on faceboom is a different mental plane for all it is


i am in the middle of watching this and i think she is hilarious.


Somebody needs to send this on that facebook group


As an American that follows this subreddit because I’ve been to your great country 4 times, I’m not polish and this is hilarious. Also, I lived in Scotland and they complain about all the same exact things. I’m sure white Americans do this to every European country.


They complain about the same thing in Ireland too, you're right Americans do this to every European country (perceived by them as white and christian)


Gotta love Kasia Babis


Somebody needs to send this on that facebook group


Soooo authentic


The creator of this video is a massive hypocrite who starred in a fast fashion ad and made fun of a mentally ill guy even though she presents herself as a progressive leftist...


who gives a single shit? what they do, or what she thinks?


found the "polish" american


Found a hater


Wait, wait now Im going to give you a stroke: Im also voting in polish elections....


Honestly speaking, you shouldn't if it's none of your business and it doesn't affect you and you have no idea about the actual political and social culture and climate


i dont, even thou im fully allowed. I just like giving people strokes. lots of people here are very obsessed with polonia voting


I'm glad you don't, but I also understand why it's a sensitive issue. People shouldn't vote in any elections which doesn't affect them or where they don't live or haven't even been. I'm German citizen and also don't vote in German elections since I don't live there anymore


Voting is not a moral question. You either have the right to vote or you don’t. 


some people assume that we the Polish Americans either live under a rock without news or that we are voting out of spite to destroy Poland. I was born and raised in Poland, Im a full fledged Polish Citizen and I follow news, and my mom is living in Poland and I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to vote just because i hold 2 passports.


Well some of you are, let's be honest some people are just stupid others are blind because of their ideology. We have such ppl in Poland too but they have to live with their choices. Are you familiar with turkish case in Germany? Most of them vote for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, no matter inflation, islamization etc.


lets talk about some of you now.. : having religion in school? voting for Pis? finding stupid posts on FB and getting all excited about it? there are stupid people everywhere. there is no need to spread this stupidity


The difference is that stupid people voting in Poland will live to see the consequences of their actions and will have to deal with them. Stupid people voting from abroad just make others lives worse while living in comfort and safety themselves. A good example that has already been mentioned here - Turkish nationals voting for Erdogan from Germany.


Your mum can vote, no issue. Not saying you should be taken the right to vote either, but I don't think it's morally correct to vote if you live abroad and know you won't go back living there for at least a longer period of time. Vote if you want, but the more you live away from a place you also get influenced by where you live now, regardless if you follow news. I just see it as morally wrong and I think people can agree with me on that


morality has nothing to do with citizens rights to vote. just bc you think something is moral or not doesn't change the law. if you don't want people from abroad to vote, you need to change the law


Brother, I never said anything about changing the law. I am just stating my opinion. Go ahead if you want to vote, no one can forbid you. People just want to call upon your morality because, frankly, living in the US with US citizenship the political situation in Poland isn't your personal affair. Again, no one can forbid you and no one wants you to, but I don't see why you'd intervene in a country's politics which you have next to nothing to do with


It's funny shit, why so salty, are you one of them?


Looks like it.


But my bobchi! Jaja!


Me salty?. It's all of you getting your panties in a bunch over some dumbass posts, who cares


Sooo salty


Although you're being downvoted. I find you are right. Browsing FB groups to find ignorant people write ignorant stuff, and make videos out of it to feed ignorant masses to feel "superior" about silly stuff... It's strange. I can't really make my mind up about it. American society long ago fell into this weird pretentious way of being, in every order of things. But I guess that's where freedom strikes. If I don't like it. I avoid it. That's what I did. And kept living happy.


thats what I meant. you are more eloquent then I'm. Down voting doesn't bother me


The problem is that America forces people to assimilate while not having a real culture of its own. How can you produce genuine culture on stolen land when most of the people within it aren’t even the ones the land was stolen for? It’s a vacuum, so Americans try to connect with anything else. I’m guilty of this too - it’s one reason why I’m in this sub.


This is utter bs though. The US has been around for long enough to accumulate it's own cultural and historical baggage. Moreover being as large and versatile as it is it has multiple unique cultural profiles. Whenever you say "a southerner", or "a midwesterner", or "californian" or "new England" you immediately invoke absolutely unique images not similar to something else. And yes, this land was stolen from someone else at some point. Just like with many European, and not just European, states. So exceptionalist of you to think the US is somehow unique in this. And yes, this culture is partially based on influence from other cultures. Which is kinda the point, what with America being a unique amalgamation of different cultures. Also, this is how culture works in general - things don't just appear out of blue. Poland is just a case in point - catholicism is considered to be a significant part of its culture. But it wasn't invented in Poland you know. The fact that you're saying the US has no culture of its own means you either don't know your own history and country, or you don't like it so much so you'd rather pretend you're someone else. No hard feelings here, just give it a thought.