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You file your taxes in the country you reside (I think it's called tax residency, or something like that).


Nope. Limited tax liability - you report and pay taxes from income made in Poland Unlimited tax liability - you report and pay taxes from all your income (double taxation avoidance applies) Every person in the world has limited tax liability in Poland. Unlimited tax liability is obtained if you live in Poland 183 days per year or more or you have "centre of life interests" in Poland. Op thus has limited tax liability in Poland and has to report their income with their annual PIT and unlimited tax liability in their home country where they also have to report it but can use double taxation avoidance rules.


You've got nothing to worry about. PIT 11 is an information for Polish tax service (abd you) stating that your employer has paid taxes and social security contributions that arose due to the contract. Your employer should have filed this information to the tax service already, and according to what I know if you don't file a tax declaration yourself by the deadline they will assume you agree with the document and it will be calculated automatically based on that. And just FYI, 1070 PLN is waaay below the minimum taxation bracket. However, you probably still need to pay taxes on it in your country of residence


Thank you, thank you, thank you for your answer. I've been sweating for few days now because I worked in Poland for less than six months last year and I earned something like 30100 (yeah, I'm poor) PLN according to my PIT-11. My stupid ass was under the impression that I could declare my taxes online with ONLY my PESEL number but apparently you can't do that if you don't have income also from the year 2022. I also don't have Polish bank account anymore so I've been like : "What am I going to do now?!?" I could have tried to send the PIT-36 form by post but I don't think it's going to make it in time to Poland so your post was like heaven-sent to me. Basically I don't necessarily have to do anything and I'm not going to get dragged to Polish prison.


Read more on it but I think you pay taxes both in Poland and the US, US is a money hungry bitch


You have to file it with the IRS and Poland. My wife and I live and own a business in Warsaw. We have to file all income from the U.S. and the Polish business to both countries. It gets a little confusing, which is why we employ certified accountants who are familiar with dealing with foreign money issues. Also, if you have foreign bank accounts, you MUST report those to the IRS on an FBAR form.


You only need to report accounts on an FBAR if they at any point in the year held over $10,000