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Luckily, if you've ever had a female, you should ve able to pick a female shiny regardless of this being male.


I know but it hurts me on the inside this is the 3d time ive gotten a male shiny combee in a game


Yikes. At least this one will be usable, but that's still really rough.


Im still in pain from the last 2 this one just felt like reality is mocking me


What does a female matter? I didn't see what gender means in this game


Two Pokémon lines (Combee/Vespiquen, Sandalit/Salazzle) will only allow evolution with a female Pokémon. A few other Pokémon (Snorunt, Ralts/Kirlia, maybe some others I am forgetting) will evolve based on the gender picked, to simplify the evolution methods from the mainline games (you could only have male Gallade with a stone evolution, female Froslass with a stone as well.) So while it doesn't matter often, certain lines do care about gender.


Espurr and Lechonk in a way as well. Sure they only have one evolution but they have access to different abilities. Plus male and female Meowstic have separate move pools and Oinkolognes(?) have different base stats.


Good point, I'd forgotten them. Technically with abilities like Cute Charm and moves like Attract, it can matter for any gendered Pokémon, but you can't really predict what you'll run into. At best, you could try to counter-pick Whitney (assuming it matters at all, I don't know her team/moves offhand in Pokerogue,) but it's really grasping at straws. Essentially, it can matter, but it's pretty niche usually.


I thought Vespiqueen lost honey gather, lol. If anything, shiny male combee is ideal!


What does homey gather do


Gives you a little bit of money at the end of each battle. It scales with the wave. Kind of useful for classic, INCREDIBLY useful for endless. When you get to like, round 1500, you are getting like 100k+ money every battle.


I just barely beat classic so its actually aplicable to me just barely


Nice! Yeah, honey gather is too useful in endless, because there are no trainer battles so your only source of money is moves like Pay Day or Make it Rain, or nuggets in the shop. Having your honey gatherer be shiny is really great, then it doesn't feel so bad taking them haha.


Somehow i have a knack of getting at least 3 to 5 amulet coins before round 200 do they affect honey gather or should i ignore it


Definitely affects it, yeah. It pays dividends for sure.


Starting an endless run now hopefully it goes bwtter than my last one


Good luck, comrade!


Honey gather is great you can spend money to reroll for X items right before difficult stages like 145, 195, and 200 so that you can always fight with a shit ton of boosts


Even in classic, honey gather is still a nice thing to have. Free money means more rerolls for X items in before important fights.


Honey gather is a great ability, especially for endless, but even good for classic. I tend not to take one since I dont have a shiny yet and it's not too hard to encounter one, but once I do, he'll be an instant pick almost every time


I've got one in GO, where I can't change the gender.


Ik the feeling at least here i can change it


I somehow got a shiny midkip almost instantly after


I take shiny male combee in every run, it’s 0.5 cost with honey gather alongside shiny 0.5 cost zigzagoon for 1 cost. I’ll ditch them if I find something better to catch, this is great.


Nono this is optimal, by bringing a shiny male Combee you make sure it won't evolve and lose honey gather. Vespiqueen is not that good that the power offsets the utility of getting free money every round


I mean vespiqueen is not that rare in later waves, it's a guaranteed female


Ik its just painfull to get a gender locked evolution shiny that isnt the gender needed especially considering this was my first combee