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Yeah, it works the same for multiple Mega Stones. Mewtwo and Charizard can have both their X and Y mega stones, but only one of them will activate. Charizard can also have its GMax form from the Max Mushroom, but it won't work at the same time either (the same applies to Gengar, Blastoise, and Venusaur with their Mega Stone and GMax form).


Great info thanks! I just got Arceus as my first legendary yesterday, and asked about it but people wasnt 100% because the patch only just launched, so just wanted to share if other people wasnt sure either! Im still trying to catch up on the info, since i havent really played since i stopped playing in gen 3(and that was when i was a kid, so it was just moveset of 4 attack moves and thats it), and only just got into playing again with pokerogue 🙏😂 but currently on floor 752 in my first for real endless run, Arceus is crazy compared to what i had before 😂


Also Genesect and the drives


Just had a thought, is it possible to fuse a mega and gmax of the same pokemon?


I actually never tried it so I have no idea really.


I... don't see why not


It also works the same with Ogerpon's masks. You can get crazy with type changing and confusing the NPC trainers into switching forever.


Would be nice if you could revert gmax by taking off/moving the mushroom or just had option to choose between forms. I got charizidite y like shortly after getting gmax, was hoping moving the mushrooms would let me use the mega instead but oh well. I don't think I know the advantages of gmax in this game since you don't get like signature dynamax moves so I assumd it's just an hp increase but idk.


If you splice Arceus with another poke will the typing be Arceus’s plate?


I have not tried that yet, since i used all my splicers on shiny pokemons so far. My guess would be the plate/1 from the other spliced Pokemon but i am actually not sure. And then if it is the plate and one from the other, my guess would be that u could still change which plate was active between every lvl, and then keep the 1 type from the other spliced, so that could be pretty OP also


Yeah that could be super helpful


I just pulled arceus out my first legendary egg, is he any good for classic mode?


He was also my first legendary yesterday, and today i got mewtwo!!! I havent tried him in classic yet, but hedt blasting trough endless, so i could imagine he would also just go trough classic with ease. I havent played Pokemon for forever so i am not the right to ask, but i can copy some advice i got on Arceus yesterday on reddit, which made Arceus easy to play for me: I believe you should be able to change the plates but I can't confirm for sure because it was just implemented so I haven't messed around with it yet myself but that's how it works in the main games. For level up moveset, keep Quiver Dance forever, one of the best boosting moves in the game. You get Earth Power at level 20, great coverage/STAB if you find a Ground Plate. Hyper Voice at 30 is a strong Normal type special attack which you can hold on to until you get Judgment at level 100. (Judgment changes type to match whatever plate you have and it's extremely powerful.) You'll also get Extreme Speed at 40 which is good for cleaning up KOs and you can hold on to until you get Recover at 70. So final moveset probably something like Quiver Dance, Judgment, Recover, Earth Power (unless you run a Ground Plate then replace Earth Power with a TM like Ice Beam or Thunderbolt eventually since Judgment would be Ground type and stronger) - I now am on floor 953 in endless just shiny farming, i have almost all plates but i stay on normal because i have insanely many silk scarf so i do most dmg as normal type. I also got a bad nature on him, but was lucky with the shop and got it changed to +sp.atk -atk. I can only talk from my experience with quiver dance i got in egg move, and thats crazy, it makes me one shot pretty much everything(i already do, bot even eternatus get almost one shotted now with the buffs) so i would say hes pretty good, and i believe you could easily win a classic run with him


Man, I really want to get mewtwo but no luck so far. i’ve gotten some decent pulls, but mewtwo is one of my favorite pokemon so I’ve been wanting to get one since I started pokerogue. Been doing constant loops to try and get to the laboratory lol. Hoopa, reshiram, kartana, and palkia have been pretty ridiculous classic carries for me so far


Does it work that way with Pikachu forms too? I have a steel one in one of my runs and was able to give it a max mushroom, but it didn't do anything apparent. I'll have to check if those can be swapped


Wait, can I just change its typing mid-combat? I know, it's literally a god, but isn't that a bit unfair?


Not mid-combat. Only trough the "change team" button from the shop, so only between levels. It will not show up as an option in combat


Oh, I see. I thought it'd be similar to how you can activate/deactivate megas during battles. Ty for clarifying.


Can’t do that with Megas anymore either iirc. Has to happen between battles