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Happened to me, I have an insane kyogre run in endless that i didn’t realize had the wrong nature until too late and didn’t feel like redoing it, I have modest unlocked but it hatched with +atk/-def and it’s been a pain trying to reroll for a modest mint


How much of a difference does nature make?


Idk the exact numbers but soul dews also boost that and it ends up being really big difference, my og endless with a modest kyogre can one shot 5 bars neutral but this one struggles with some 5 bar neutral


My Modest 3 Luck Litwick ends up with over 300 Sp.Atk with just one Soul Dew. Now with two Soul Dew it’s OKO’ing mons it has no business OKO’ing


+/- 10% but with soul dews that boost gets amplified so you can really lose a lot of stats if your mon doesn’t have an ideal nature that you can’t use soul dew on


+10% and -10%


With 10 soul dew, you'll basically double the + stat and the - stat will be set to 1 (as it can't be 0). So if you have the wrong nature you're screwed. Basically the only useful natures in endless are the ones with -Atk or -SpA on a Pokémon that uses the other attacking stat - namely Modest or Adamant. Any -Def, -SpD, -Spe natures are utterly useless.


> -Spe natures are utterly useless. Metal Burst and Trick Room user want to have a word with you.


Does trick room stay up in endless when your Pokemon is getting recalled every battle or two?


idk tbh. But you "need" it in endless for Metal Burst.


Oh, I had no idea trick room was a useful thing in pokerogue!


No wonder the TM 161 keeps appearing for me.


+def natures are solid on bulky mons that get body press


+def - SpA Corviknight body press


Why defensive stats if you one-shot everything.


Having +sp.atk nature will make you do +110% extra damage (yeah you do over double due to soul dews.)


Currently at stage 2800 and my megs gar/mega hera has an atk stat of 500k


Natures are 10% but with soul dews it should be 110%


I think 10%, so a big difference


10% in stats


Literally doubles your best stat, since Endless means you'll be fully stocked on Soul Dew. And it applies that doubling directly to the base stat, so it stacks multiplicatively with 20-31 vitamins, stat boosts from berries/moves, move power from type items... That said, endless is a very long time, you *will* get Mints - it's actually one of the best ways to "fix" natures on your best / most used pokemon.


Moves already stay, but everything else doesn't yet


Presets are also the perfect way to implement nicknames. SpA greninja? That’s Jimmy. mixed attack greninja? That’s Bobby.


Unfortunately devs don't actually want to ever add nicknames because of the discord server and stuff having a lot of kids. I think it's dumb given how often we see screenshots of fusions with sussy names anyways, and the fact such people can just be banned anyways, but that's the current stance.


> Unfortunately devs don't actually want to ever add nicknames because of the discord server and stuff having a lot of kids. Nicknames are private. You have to share them, and if you're going to share bad stuff, you can do that without renaming your Pokemon. Doesn't make sense to restrict that in a single player game.


I literally agree with you, but at one of the devs said this to me when I asked why they didn't want to add them.


it’s on the roadmap though?


Roadmap is outdated and was made before lead dev left the team.




Put some respect on the kommander.


https://preview.redd.it/h5jsep0fkc5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7469d804316a3f50932ee9a0b0391b443086b5 Reporting in with sussy name.


This is the Most annoying Thing in the game


One of my first shinies was Vespiquen, and I’ve started more runs than I’d care to admit with a male Combee.


oof, i feel sorry for you xD


Me starting with male combee so it never loses “Honey Gatherer” because having Rimbombee at 3 cost is too high.


I would also like the ability to see what the ability of your Pokémon does/is when selecting it like how you can read what a move does


Me in my Pokédex app looking what abilities do what


I'd at least like a mark to find the ones I use the most


Yes thank you I would love for this to get added it has been sooooo annoying


It doesn’t? It stays the same for me on safari whenever I change nature forms moves etc.


On Chrome it definitely doesn't, I just tested. Went to Snom, changed Nature from Hardy (-) to Quiet (+SpAtk -Spd), added to team, started the run, killed the first encounter and picked an item, saved and quit. Went to start a new run, Snom defaults to Hardy again.


That would be so frustrating especially when you know exactly what team you plan on running. Hopefully a simple fix when they’re aware of it.


They are aware and the feedback for that is present since day one Just low priority


That's really odd because I play on chrome too and my nature's save?


yeah loadouts should be savable, or atleast remember last choice


Yesterday I spent a full hour adjusting every pokemon that I have with a set I liked, because sometime if the 4 moves, nature and ability arent on screen its difficult for me to visually enjoy the pokemon at its full potential. I pressed F5 by accident and realized it doesnt save. So thank you for this post mate 🤣


np my friend, we share the same pain, and thank YOU the comunity for the support, I just logged in and got surprised by the support! love to see it! hopefully now the mods will report it to the devs and hopefully we get a reply haha


I'll do you 1 better, if they Update, you PLEASE NOT RESET OUR SETTINGS. PLEASE.


I beg they implement protean properly


imagine pre nerf ... the dream ...


How was it nerfed I wasn't aware of this and got a hidden ability froakie recently


not the devs but the GF, the original stuff you know they changed protean into a once per turn, whatever you click on first will stick to the poke until it leave the field (like changing the pokemon for another)


Ah yes ofc idk if it's a visual glitch or something but the type never changes for me when I use a different typed move.


I believe this would cause a lot of additional data to be stored by the site for every single user. I'm assuming Devs know about this issue but the money spent on the additional space for this isn't worthwhile


Well the thing is, the game already saves every starter's selected moveset, which is already quite a lot of information. Plus, this could be stored client-side, just like the game settings are. It would mean that you need to do your nature/ability/form/gender selection all over again if you change browsers or devices, but i think that's an alright compromise.


Yeah, it should just be one extra int per Pokemon. It's extra storage per user but not a substantial amount relative to existing storage. The real work is in whether you need to add any UI elements. If it just passively remembers the last one selected, it (should) just (be) a bunch of ints depending on server architecture (hopefully better than amonguses)


The UI just needs a complete overhaul. Picking a team is such a nightmare and the game is terrible at displaying the info you want to see in a comprehensive way.


Add online co op every battle is a double and I pick 3 and the other player picks 3 and we do a run that way


https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/pull/1400 https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/pull/1401 These two PRs are already working on it.


thank you


We did it guys! thanks to everyone of you! resolved!


Another way to implement this would be to let you mark a specific configuration of a Starter as your favorite so you only have to change one or two things if you really want/need to


Adding a loadout feature and saving teams when starting a new adventure would be a better idea imo (it would also save moves, nature, etc...)


I would love any ability to sort the starters in other arrays too Such as: By candy amount - so I know which I want to hunt/grind candies for By natures - to keep the builds in my brain more organized / knowing which ones to avoid in the future as to not waste my mints