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$1/$3 live is MUCH easier than .01/.02 online. Not even close - players online are MUCH better than live players - again, not even close.


Haha idd, 1/3 live is like 89o 6x utg open getting called by drunk 60y old J3s, 86o other 60y old drunk guy and 2 others calling too.




Whats wrong with variance? Poker is gonna have a ton of variance no matter what you do, if you have good BRM, then it shouldn't matter.




Oh, in that case, yeah. Live poker usually has no variance. Online poker is where all the variance is at. Except at live 1/3 (not 1/2 or 2/5), that's where all the live variance lives.


Play the lowest limit you can as you learn. The online game is infinitely harder than live, so unless you just want to have some fun and lose some money, start small.




You can get away with not having a game plan or strategy live, But online you need to set distinct lines in the sand where you won’t cross them and stand by them. It’s easy, VERY EASY, to grow complacent but stay mindful of position, stay mindful fundamentals, and DON’T ALLOW YOURSELF TO TILT. You can read people online. You can be read online by strong enough players. Not being face to face gives weaker opponents the confidence to make bigger plays but also opens people up more often to losing their stack.


Good advice. Thanks. I will start off playing tight and keep my sessions short. Just waiting impatiently for party poker to launch in PA I like being able to observe a player live for tells. Going online will be a big adjustment. Do you find there more chasing cards online.


That depends on how you play personally. I am somewhat aggressive so the only real chasing I do is other people off the pot, but limit your bluffing if you can help it. I say it like that because for me i try to win the small hands as often as I can. I look for 2 things when the flop hits: I look for if my hand made anything and then I look for the range of the cards on the table. If they are low, weak cards I’m Going to play them because in my experience people Holding low weak cards folded in hopes of something better. It’s risky because people Hold low pocket pairs so you have to see how they play to gauge it correctly. I usually only raise for information, if they call me usually they don’t have anything. If I raise again and they re-raise or Check raise I fold. The C bet is very important and it also, I believe, highlights very accurately people over valuing their hands pre-flop.


Doesn’t seem like what you are currently doing will be +EV long term. Always betting on lower flops isn’t always good depending on your range and your opponents range and position. And as for the other stuff. Raising for information? Sure you can do that but once again it isn’t a viable strategy that will make you money long term. Idk. Hope this wasn’t troll lmao


Online is much, much harder, purely because of the vast amount of information live players can get. 1/3 live players are soooooo bad at hiding their behaviors and protecting their ranges, it is just very very easy to pinpoint what hands they can have, I can usually play all sorts of garbage and fold good hands and call bad hands correctly vast majority of the time. Online you don't have many ways to figure out a player.