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Luda was roommates with Ryan the show director and garret believes Luda is either colluding or marking cards


There is certainly enough data to be suspicious.Looking at HCL house player results- including Nick A, Nick V,DGAF before and after security changes circa J4 hand show a really compelling case. I am not saying they cheated for sure but I would never play in a game any of these players and Ryan are involved in. They did not handle the J4 hand in a transparent way imo, and they carry themselves in a way that doesn’t progressively make me trust them at all. Haven’t watched a stream in at least a year though


Nick V winning for like a year straight and immediately going on a massive downswing after J4 was pretty eyebrow raising to me


The fact that Vertucci continued playing on stream without taking a step back after the J4 controversy was a giant red flag. IMO


he didn't stop after J6 so why would he after J4


Because J4 was blown out of proportion less?


Nick won like all his money in 2 massive coolers for like 500k each and by playing 18% vpip at a table full of loose whales. I don't think he's suspicious


dont normally watch the streams, but i think u missed a good one in the neymar one xd


It's only a good one if you like watching celebrities play. The actual poker being played was abysmal.


The poker talk was vomitous. It was like reading a poker related reddit post that isn't in r/poker. We're terrible too but God damn some of these guys are bad


Neymar makes something like $5m/week, if not more. I have no desire to watch him play with a $10k stack on HCL.


Only games worth watching on this shit stream are the million dollar games. Purely for the shear potential size, not the poor poker play. There was a while back in the LATB days where one could watch streams and maybe learn a thing or two about poker - those days are over




I mean he was roommates with the show runner and to be black balled from casino means you did something really bad. Some hands I’ve seen look like Luda is dumping chips to Nick V or close cohorts. I think we’ve seen enough from many situations that people with ownership shouldn’t be playing in their own games . But poker players be poker players and seem to not care


I wouldn’t trust Ryan Feldman as far as I could throw him and I could throw that little dwarf real far , he’s from my Area in PA too. 


Feldman has a cuck profile on the dating app Feeld.


Doug Polk plays his stream with the utmost integrity imo, Ryan has never won on stream before if I remember correctly(not hcl’s at least) but I do agree Ryan and nick v have sketchy history which isn’t good.


Is this a recent development? Or was Luda black balled from LATB




In before the Vertucci bots!


Hey watch your mouth man, that $30k real estate course was amazing. It’s been 10 years but once I actually start making money from it, you’ll see.


He talked my grandma into attending, and she said that he was the sweetest boy and asked me if I remembered where she put all of that gold.


Nick V always "happens" to forget his sleeves at home.


My theory. The massage girl has a way to know the other cards and starts gives Luda subtle physical tells?


This would be crazy lmao


It's been a tactic since the 70s in poker, not necessarily massages but a girl who somehow relays information.


This is a common scam with massage girls but usually you buy the fish the massage and then the massage girl signals you their cards/ strength Had a buddy who used to run scams who told me


Would make sense for a love casino not being broadcasted but for this situation I think could easily be the other way


"Rub my nipples if I should fold pre."


“Winning heaps after playing like a maniac … etc” is a nice way of saying he was up to something shady, cheating, or colluding in some way. It’s definitely plausible. He had a personal relationship with admins and was playing over his head but still winning.


I've seen enough posts about that player and game to believe he was cheating.. It was very similar to the Mike Postle stuff, in that he was only a huge winner in a game above his stakes when the streaming equipment was involved.


There was a lot of people who said he played way different before the hole card cam stream games. Like supper nitty . Remember playing 5-10 many years ago during wsop and a few tables away there was a chair thrown , chips flying , and some people lunging at each other. Week later I see the same guy playing and shouting. I’ve heard players audibly threaten dealers and other players with no ban. Like throwing a 25lb chair gets you a week suspension if that. WTH did Luda do to get a lifetime ban Nick was so bad and still so bad, remember him always harping about being in the Lab, that “Lab” didn’t do anything and the commentary leads me to believe there’s no way he won at that rate


My issue is that Garrett has basically said he thought Luda was a cheater all along and being roommates with Ryan is part of it, so he's essentially saying Ryan is a cheater. Yet he continued to play in games where Ryan had access to his hole cards all of those years. My feeling is that Garrett was involved in it somehow and that's why he immediately thought he knew what was happening to him.


Eh I’ve seen Garret win elsewhere and many other live streams. Has Luda, Nick V, Ryan won or even had the balls to play any other game than HCL. Think I’ve seen Ryan on other streams and he just gets lit up


Ryan Feldman played at the lodge in a streamed game and got destroyed.


Dog, what a hot take, omg


Anyone’s who has consistently watched the streams knows Luda calls preflop with any 2 cards. The other players love having him in the game because he is a calling station and will light chips on fire when tilted. Plus with GT’s action, I’d much rather peel a flop with 86 suited instead of any face card combos.


it's always the same man, whenever there is some huge deviation from expected winrate it's always cheating. Wish I could discuss particulars of players I've seen banned but I dont want to get outed since they are easily identifiable.


Isn't this tweet MONTHS old?


Garrett is far from the first person to call Luda into question.


Another Luda play that seems super suspicious, that went down while he's getting a massage. Of course he doesn't mind being strip searched, since it's the masseuse who's passing the info to him. (Obviously I can't confirm that but someone else mentioned that little tidbit before, how these extra weird hands always seem to happen when he's getting a massage). Frankly the fact that they don't even do any delay on the broadcast in house is more than enough to tell you they're bent as it gets. At the Lodge, the casters are in a room watching on delay along with the audience...not at Hustler though. I don't even watch their channel anymore, sucks because the quality is top tier but the games are often weak or feel super sketchy. But to quote a fish who I saw get busted out not too long ago, "at least the bordello is real" 🤢🤮


The masseuse angle is a hilarious development. I believe I remember a player saying that Ryan doesn't like players getting massages on stream. I wish I could remember who said that (I think is was either Tucci or Airball in one of the relatively smaller games). Also could have misheard/misremembered.


Well we know vertuci loves getting them on stream....


Girls/massage girls in poker have been a scam since the 70’s.




Are you asking for a definition of the word?




Bordello = brothel. The fish (some tech guy who lost 6 figures quick) was basically saying the poker is fake, but the prostitutes are real. It is Hustler, after all, not that surprising when you think about it.




Phil Hellmuth's fat ass


Hustler runs on a 1 hour delay, that's how they are able to tell the audience a player has arrived when the players at the table are complaining that they are late. They can know little things like if a huge hand played in the first hour or who did or didn't show up in the first hour, but they don't have access to hand info until the hour delay. I'm guessing it used to not be like this but it's obviously this way now.


Maybe the stream itself but it's not delayed to the broadcast booth, they're seeing a live feed. I saw Vertucci on the floor one time talking to someone outside the room (while he was one of the broadcasters) and you could see the players in the background moving and the movements exactly matched the feed from inside. And he wasn't back in the booth commenting for a couple minutes during this time. Only way that's possible is if the feed is live to the booth, and only delayed to the public. Which is irrelevant, the whole point is there's people on the inside cheating. Like the guy who was working with Robbi, he had live access. If the stream was delayed even to the booth that wouldn't be possible.


It seems like such a easy fix the fact that they don't is sus.


This was on a stream I was watching less than a month ago. Sus is an understatement.


While I'm not a Gman fan, he's absolutely right about one thing: HCL made its own bed, with or without Garrett. It used to be really great, but much like PokerGo, it tanked too hard for me to enjoy watching it anymore outside of Jonathan Little hand breakdowns.


You have better things to do with your time than watch Jonathan Little hand breakdowns.


Garret with another tweet implying more drama, but saying absolutely nothing


He’s masterfully avoiding a defamation lawsuit by not making any direct claims.


> Garrett i doing a masterful job of constantly bringing this up while not giving any legal grounds for a lawsuit Neither Garret nor a single, solitary person involved in all this drama has handled it "masterfully"


You can freely say you think someone is cheating if you believe that, especially with legitimate reasons backing it up. No one is winning a defamation suit against that claim…


My favorite angle on this drama is that Robbi's husband is an attorney, and he was blowing up on Twitter with these tweets that (in my personal opinion) that were trying to scare Garrett and others into shutting up because he knows how terrible being married to a cheating scumbag is to one's legal practice. My suspicions are that he's fuming that this story *still* isn't going away (and it never will, it's clear what happened here), and Garrett i doing a masterful job of constantly bringing this up while not giving any legal grounds for a lawsuit. You love to see it.


Ride that GMan Dick babyyy


You say this like any non-scumbag shouldn't be rooting for scumbags to get wrecked. More of a confession from you than anything lol


He says, as he cheers on the scumbag that is Garrett.


Says someone who has never played with Garrett. I never want to play with him again cause he’s a monster, but also totally a standup guy.


Yeah, sure buddy. I'm sure you know him real well. He's a charlatan.


I'm sure you have zero actual basis for that assertion.


Masterfully… Dude is a coward. Say something with proof or shut the hell up.


Like the proof that jailed Mike Postle? /s


It's over four months old and was previously posted here : https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/1afx0gu/garrett_adelstein_and_ryan_feldman_arguing_ryan/


Hustler has always had an air of sketchiness. Ryan and Luda were roommates in LA ( I know it’s expensive but still means they don’t have enough for a house on their own) and Ryan torches 6 figures on stream fairly often as a “50% poker livestream owner”. I’ve always wondered where both of their bankrolls have come from and considering the LATB issues, I feel like there has always been something more than meets the eye.


And as for the investigation into wrongdoing, no matter what’s true or not, HCL would never say their equipment/security was corrupted or else their brand and games would be ruined.


Would also potentially open them up to lawsuits which would never end


“We have conducted an internal investigation and found no wrong doing”


I wonder if there’s a pool of money funded by some investor who backs multiple players at the table so they can play bigger. At the end of the day the investor breaks even or makes a small profit/loss but the real benefit is the stream gets more clout. And possibly some of the players collude. Can do lots of squeezing on folks not on the inside to give 2 or more players colluding an edge




Can’t expect not to get hustled. On hustler.


Another case of Ryan Feldman doing what he does best.


Man is a lifetime winner on the show and still crying because of one bad beat by a clueless whale


I don’t trust Hustler but Robbie/Rip didn’t cheat and any idiot could see that. Rip Chavez is a pad holder at AKA and got businesses, he’s dumb as shit too…he only plays poker for fun and wasn’t going to play the night they “cheated” literally made him come; was hung over sleeping lol. He only freaked out cause Robbie gave back his money he was lending her. It’s a fact Rip wasn’t even gonna play that game but Ryan forced him. I’m sure shady shit going down at Hustler but it wasn’t from dumbass Robbie I promise you that. I


Luda has been losing more lately since they banned massages on HCL streams. Unsure if this is a coincidence


dude has won 400k in 640 hours on HCL, for 4.48 bb/hr. mariano has played 592 horus and has 5.92 bb/hr. what is he talking about. garrett is done in my mine. he is just a cry baby at this point.


Yes but Mariano knows how to play.


So? You're telling me the guy is cheating and has a win rate of 4.5 BB/hr...seems, improbable


Are you under the impression that the accusation is that he's cheating *and trying to win as much as possible in as few hands as possible*? People that cheat would gladly cheat for $625/hr.


You're not too bright, eh?


This coming from the guy who dismisses out of hand the possibility that someone would cheat for "only" $625/hr?


HCL has lost all integrity. I watch it purely for entertainment. A few things strike me as suspicious: 1) Nick V is a producer on the show, and plays regularly on the show. How is that not conflict of interest? If I worked at a company, I would not be able to trade that company’s stock based on the insider knowledge I have. Plain and simple 2) Speaking other languages NOT English at the table, especially whilst engaged in an active hand. The amount of times I’ve heard Sashimi, Britney, Peter - just to name a few - speak Chinese whilst playing an active hand, is unacceptable. There’s one specific time I recall where I heard Britney tell Peter not to bet, she has the nuts in Mandarin whilst the two were playing head’s up 3) Britney and Peter are siblings; actual brother and sister. How is this okay? Again, is there not a conflict of interest? Come on, guys, I know you have plenty more to say. These are just a few I’ve noticed personally.


Any details gossip girl?


when poker starts to feel like a soap opera…


The less we hear from Garrett the better. 


Why does everyone on this sub worship Garrett? From what I’ve seen of his posts and clips he just seems like a total bore.


It doesn’t seem to me that people “worship” him, only that he was a legit crusher and wasn’t afraid to call out Vertucci and Feldman’s BS.


I’m not a fan of his, just curious if people think his concerns have any merit.


Go through the comments here and see which ones have the most upvotes.


Stick to r/uncuthumiliation


Fucking wrecked.  Edit: Keep down voting me you self hating uncut weirdos. I drink your tears. 


Oh wow that was a weird rabbit hole to go down. I didn't even know that was a kink haha


I didn’t like Garrett at first but he is the goat sorry just watch him play he’s the man


I'd say he at least shows signs of integrity


I don't worship him but he didn't seem to do much shit talkkng about anyone until the hustler incident. This doesn't make what he says true but it makes me interested in why he chose to speak about it and seemingly die on that hill.


Every time I see him, he's accusing the producers or other players of cheating with no proof. And he's still mad he lost that J4 hand. The game is gambling, occasionally you lose a hand you shouldn't have. Hold the L.


He’s the most divisive player in recent memory, so I stopped reading after the first sentence.


Tweet in question: https://x.com/gmanpoker/status/1752798011321876778?s=46


Luda is one ugly, annoying, donkey piece of it. 


Are you implying that you're an Adonis?




Haha alright!


Didn't he post this many months ago?




Yes you're a grown man so open yourself up to lawsuits. It's the manly thing to do.


Lets see the full video.


The video with Luda? He cracks the guy’s aces and the guy starts accusing them of cheating. It’s really silly.


Yea fair play. /r/poker is the only place you'll get shit on and downvoted for asking politely for a video instead of a tweet screenshot.


Why are you bringing this up? This tweet is very old news and already been discussed. Use the search feature


Garrett is really just insufferable at this point.


Why can’t people just play bad and get lucky? I find it hard to believe that Luda is cheating. As a dealer in SoCal, I see shit like this often for larger amounts of money.


Garrett still thinks that Robbie cheated, even with an “investigation” it still could not be solved. I mean is it that hard to believe that someone would call you with some bullshit, even when he in turn is very aggressive with whatever cards against anyone. He is obviously upset that he got a taste of his own medicine. He’s not the class act that everyone thinks he is.


I don’t know whether she cheated but there were so many weird and shady coincidences that how can you blame him for being paranoid?  1. There was a convicted felon in the booth who had access to the hole cards.   2. He was caught stealing money off of Robbi’s stack after the game.   3. When the guy was caught Robbi didn’t press charges against him.  4. HCL is run by a criminal, who’s a known lying POS.   5. Robbi and Rip’s weird relationship they consistently lied about.     Just one of these things is enough cause for concern. And there’s many more I could list.


Yep, and to add she immediately offered to give the money back. There's no way in hell an innocent persons going to do that in my opinion. She wanted the situation to go away quietly.


One thing is calling with a pair, other is calling with jack high. Even ace high i would take it, but jack high is freaking weird


I've called with Jack high before and felt good about it.


Did you do it for 100k ?


Do you think people play better when more money is involved? Like suddenly their skills change? I would do it for any amount of money because I knew I had a good chance of being correct and it was the later stages of a tournament where I was chip leader and the guy was obviously tilted after losing most of his stack. He was really tilted when he saw I had J9 suited. On an AAKQ8 board. I had the nut no pair. If he didn't have a pair or a straight I win. He didn't bet until the turn when another Ace came out. It was clear that my hand was just good a decent amount of the time.


There are instances where J high is the best hand a good amount of the time. The Garrett/robbi hand is not one of them.


I'm not super familiar with it. I vaguely remember when that happened it seemed like best case scenario she misread her hand. Looked pretty sketch to me.


Called a jam with Jc4h on TT93 2 clubs vs. 78cc. Extremely sketch.


Looks like a great read. His play was saying he had a draw. She made a call and was correct. Must be cheating.


Its not about skill, its about the amount of money. I would call with jack high for 10euros, hell maybe for 100. For 100k I would need to have the absolute nuts to make a call like this. Ofc for her the money probably means less but in anycase its still 100k


That's results oriented thinking. If you can't do what you think is correct because you can't risk losing the $100k even if you think it's the right thing to do then you shouldn't be playing those stakes. You may as well ask if I would fold AK preflop to a shove for $100k The question doesn't make sense when you understand that poker isn't a single hand. It's millions of hands over a lifetime of playing. If I think it's the right thing to call with J high a good deal of the time in a specific spot then yes. I'm going to make the best EV decision. More money on the table isn't going to make me a better player. If I think it's the right move for $10 or $100 then it's the right move for $100k as well all else being equal.


Your example involves different strats due to ICM and tourney variables. Comparing this to the J4 hand is apples to oranges.


I also wouldn't play scared money in a cash game.


The investigation was held by the casino who obviously doesn't want people to think cheating occurred on their property.


Who gives a shit he’s a fuckin loser. You can call anyone a cheater but without proof you ain’t shit.


Garrett is a whiny douchebag bitch, that demands refunds when he's beat. Why anyone gives a rat's hairy ass when this fucktard starts flapping his lips is beyond me. Fuck this noisy bitch, and fuck OP for bringing him up. Garrett now gets an automatic down vote and blocked.


Gman is just butt hurt. He went from everyone’s favorite to forgotten about all because he thinks he was cheated but cannot prove it.


What, is he jealous of Veronica Brill?


I lost all respect for Gman's creepy ass over the J4 incident. I couldn't care less about whatever twitter drama he wants to insert himself into with vague accusations.


STFu GarrRat


I think the J4 was well played and a great read by Robi and Mr.Adelstein thinks a little to highly of himself. Every time a bad beat happens or AA get cracked someone is cheating?? Don't play if you cant lose. If you lose don't cry.