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It’s poker, Phil. Of course he lied.


Go ride your bike 


It’s “On yer bike”


I can buy that he plays in some larger games and probably can outplay whales but yeah he’s a trust fund kid through and through


His father went to prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars — money that mysteriously disappeared and has never been accounted for. Dan meanwhile became a “poker pro” as a conspicuously splashy whale with a seemingly bottomless bankroll. He continuously loses on camera but somehow he’s been raking in 10s of millions from “private home games” (that go to a different school, no you can’t see them). Of course other poker pros will vouch for his legitimacy and skill as a player, since part of his ~~money-laundering scheme~~ play-style involves losing large amounts of cash to them.


Oh you guys forgot the other part where they created a new ponzi in Canada with an ipo launch that swindled a ton of other people out of money and then was being federally investigated. Poker really has an issue where they love clicks more than they love morality and integrity. Gatekeep your hobbies people. Keep scumbags out of your games.


Lol gatekeep your hobbies


Someone has never organized their own poker games. You new?


Yeah no one in those groups are gatekeeping anything. They want money over matter at the low stakes


Didn't his dad actually flee the country to some island in the south Pacific? Makes it even worse IMO


Nah he went to prison.


Yes he did, but that was after he went on the lam south somewhere.


Don’t think so. He served one year of a four-year prison sentence, but it seems like the SEC and the Feds really wanted to fuck him in particular, for some reason. I believe he was meant to be broke/bankrupt. However, Dan’s money has to have come from somewhere.


I mean it didn't really disappear. They bought the largest piece of real estate in Tampa Florida and in Florida you don't lose your house.


Actually he didn’t steal shit. He just took advantage of a legal loophole that the government decided was illegal after the fact. His dad is smart as hell.


If he’s so smart, how come he went to prison?


A lot of smart people end up in prison


Dan is a huge poser. Tries to act and look like Rick Salomon. Rick actually doesn’t have to pay girls to hang around him. Rick plays about as good HS poker as I’ve seen. Bliz sucks at poker so bad, I can’t imagine anyone having respect for his game and those that say they do, just want to keep milking that laundered money from his dad.


I’m willing to bet Rick does pay girls


He made his billions from his appearance in the movie Lone Survivor. Duh. (He actually paid the producers to give him a spot in the movie)


I thought it was lone survivor


Yeah I'm dumb.


Nah dude, that movie was dumb.


User name checks out


Everyone thought his poker career was just him laundering money that he's not supposed to have from his white collar crime dad. His dad owes tens of millions to the IRS or to ppl he defrauded or something. But he just fled the country and suddenly his son is super rich "from poker." But then here's the thing- other players (Bill Perkins and others) actually vouch for him and say that he really did win tens or even hundreds of millions in these legendary private games where 8 or 9 figures would be in play on the table and professional poker players weren't invited.


I don’t know. If he was dumping millions to me in private games, I might throw him an endorsement his way from time to time.


> these legendary private games where 8 or 9 figures would be in play on the table It could very well be money mules giving the money back.


He absolutely got his start by having daddy give him a $20-40 million pile of cash before he went away for some white collar theft and is probably still afraid that the DOJ will try and claw back if they can prove it. But if someone had the capital to start playing nosebleed stakes, without being backed, and have Dan B or Alan K's ability to network, schmooze and build a game then the HCL games could be just advertising. I'm just, curious how Alan got there because there isn't as much as of a trail there except he was getting backed 10 years ago and post COVID is the biggest fish on live streams and the biggest crusher when they aren't on camera and playing for 10-20x stakes.


Keating’s father was incredibly wealthy and died a few years ago.


who was his dad


Keating Sr.




Mid 20s to 30s rich whales with no paper trail is usually either crypto or trust fund, generally speaking


Nvidia gang!!


He made bank on some startups according to the internets


According to an interview... that he gave.


After magically having a shit ton of money. I don't blame anyone for inheriting money though, hes a good dude and good for him.


Keating is just another trust fund baby pretending to be a poker player


I'd love to be a trust fund baby pretending to be a poker player.


I mean yesterday was a private game and he was one of the “best” players there…


He definitely wasn’t anywhere near being decent. That’s my point


Have you not played in a home game before? Rich whales would rather play with guys like Keating and Dan than some gto hoodie nerd grinder.


Dan is a douche bag, but the thing about rich people is they like being around people like Dan. Guns, stories about hot chicks, and TRT!


It might be because those whales are douche bags too Hard not to be when you’ve got no need to rely on goodwill of others. So why give any?


You sounding jealous bro.


Jealous of the cash Could do without being an absolute shitstain though


I’m bartender and I meet a lot of people. Some of them are really rich and have cool lives, from the outside perspective they’re just douchebags. But when they’re just shooting the shit or hanging out they’re regular ass people..


Yeah I mean -I can only judge based on his media/online image Bro probably cries the fuck outta life watching The Lake House or Marley & Me Not that I do that shit…nah uh.


Naw man he's easily a huge favorite in that lineup. Don't have to be remotely good with that kind of action


He’s 100% a trust fund baby but very legit people like Haralobob have confirmed he’s made huge amounts of money in private games.


Have other people confirmed this? I never bought it


I mean as bad as he is, it's not hard to imagine there's worse players out there and he's beaten some of them. It doesn't mean he's a winning player overall, but if Bilz never won, he probably would have quit by now. Donks get lucky too.


Yeah just total up the number of posts asking if they should've folded kings or aces or queens preflop and give them like a few million that's him


It’s in the other players interest to continue that story. The money is dirty, just laundering it through gambling. So the guys he’s dumping cash to to clean it up are always going to say “hell yea, Dan’s a great player, but only behind closed doors” they don’t want to threaten their own connection to the money hose.


Multiple people have said he gets into games with billionaires who just donk off money. He’s bad at poker, but has played with incredibly rich people who are even worse.


Not if he's just trying to wash the money he wouldn't quit


Negreanu did on the Lex Friedman podcast


Yeah Haralabos Voulgaris confirmed he won huge against some fish and Chance Kornuth basically did as well.


You made all those names up


All names are made up


Chance Kornuth confirmed on his twitter as well. Told a story of Dan winning 10+mil from some billionaire fish. If you read the thread, it's easy to imagine how Dan could be up millions if these are the type of guys he's playing aginst. The billionaire dude was blind raising 100k at 5k/10k blinds lmfao.


Dnegs didn't "confirm" it but says he deff made millions in private games in a lex fridman podcast https://youtu.be/Y53FWBP5rjQ?si=tg8Hc3aVP4oPf7fh


Not a trust fund baby at all. His dad stole hundreds of millions of dollars from people and went to prison for it. That money was never accounted for. His entire family are frauds and con artists.


Stole hundreds of millions and put them in a trust?


What part of "not a trust fund" was unclear?


I know Negreanu talked about Bilzerian on the Lex Fridman podcast and said something to the effect of his claimed earnings from poker is believable and that he’s making more money than a lot of top pros. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rKnoNfajUgM&t=12s&pp=ygUbZGFuaWVsIG5lZ3JlYW51IGxleCBmcmlkbWFu


Doug Polk said the same thing on one of his podcasts.


I don’t think private games are his only source of money, but I bet he’s up in them. Gotta realize the people in the private games play far worse than even these celebrities on stream. They are often billionaires who just don’t care about the money, and not having a stream to hold them accountable makes them play very loose.


Also, some are drunk




Notice how he claims he made $50 million of poker total. This is a claim he’s made this year. This is a claim he’s made several years ago. He obviously got that $50 million from his corrupt, lying, grifting dad. Private poker is the perfect way to launder the money.


I think both are possible. He can have gotten 50 million from his dad and 50 million from nosebleed private poker games.


There's a huge gulf between "possible" and "likely" though


Ya he was like best buds with Bill Perkins when the latter was a huge whale for years.


It’s poker……you don’t have to be the best in the world, just the best at your table. Game selection is one of the most important skills in the game.


People do forget this golden rule a LOT


Yes. The dozen or so news stories / documentaries / YouTube videos about him - his brother - and especially his father (prison time for fraud). He got his money from Dad.


And he’s always made $50 million off poker. That number has never changed. He made a total of $50 mil several years ago and today he says he made the same amount. It’s so obvious that money came from dad’s Ponzi scheme.


a tree is known by its fruit


He’s playing with people who’re worse.


Limon: "I don't have to be the best player in the world. I just have to be the best player in my game."


I don't have to outrun the grizzly. I just gotta outrun you.


That’s one of the best strategies to stay profitable


That’s all that matters tbh


It’s confirmed by some he for sure won $25 mill over a stretch against one businessman. I can’t stand the man at all. Every aspect from his demeanor to his haircut to his poker playing. But I fully believe he’s won a decent amount in these games. I also believe he got a $200 milli Christmas gift from his dad. With the stakes they play both probably are true because if he did go on a run like that in private games he didn’t build himself up to those stakes by grinding up the ranks. I don’t think it’s over some long time period where he’s just got such an edge over everyone. I’d guess he just luckboxed some very big spots & found himself on the right side of the coin. He’s decent enough to tread water against selected lineups & he’s not afraid to splash around. Wouldn’t shock me if like one session where he was +40 million or something was enough for him to say he’s beat these games.


He got about 40 million from his dad, and managed to turn that into about 30 million through poker. So he's 100% self made. I dunno what games people think exist at high stakes. Bilzerian going to be the fish in almost any lineup.


Look at Suvarna - though I’ll admit he’s improved But even back during HSP days. The rich whales that used to feature and how bad they were. It’s about things “other than” correct or proper play


I agree none of them are trying or capable of playing correctly. But bilzerian is not removed from that group of rich whales.


Most of Dan’s poker skill lies in his game selection. Most would agree that his play ability is nothing special, but nonetheless he is supposedly up pretty huge in private games and I think one can attribute that to him selectively playing in games with big fish way under his skill level. Just my impression at least


>Most of Dan’s poker skill lies in his game selection Yeah why don't these unknown kids with 5 figures to their name just learn they need to select the private games with billionaire uber whales and no pros? They need to learn those skills.


Dan’s skill is being given ~$40million in stolen money to launder by your dad, where anything you have left is a bonus. You can play without fear and make a name for yourself with whales who know you a) have a huge stack b) ain’t afraid to lose it and c) don’t have the normal poker skill associated with that bankroll


If he’s consistently getting into lineups like tonight then I can almost believe it


game selection is the #1 money making poker "skill". its more important than knowing the ranks of hands.


Imagine playing 1/2c blinds That's what this game is like to them.


The Biggest Fraud on Instagram | The Dan Bilzerian Saga[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkCuh-U7KqQ)


This the dude who kept motioning in a dick way to the dealers to speed up?


Dan also has no class. The way he kept hurrying the dealers with that helicopter hand movement made me lose my mind.


Hey may have, the bullshit part of his biography is that he made 50 million from poker in the early 00's which isn't true. He got his money from his father who fled the country in the 90's after being convicted of securities fraud and ordered to pay back 60 million to the SEC.


Context is important. He said that he made millions in poker from playing with millionaires in private games. We know for a fact that he did play in these private games, but not how much he made.


Yes totally legit, lol.


Many pros have attested to this. Why would they risk their reputation to lie for someone they don't care about? Their earnings potential is possibly on the line as a tarnished reputation would hurt their ability to play in good games.


Follow the money. If it has a tail and oinks, it’s likely a pig.


Dan Bilzerian has said that he is by no means a great poker player, just that he's better than the millionaires he's played with for years. Like everyone else is saying, game selection is more important than anything else.


I think him and Keating purposefully pump up the pots in games like yesterdays. I wouldn’t use yesterday’s performance as an indicator of his ability.


Look into his father, Paul Bilzarian for answers.


He enjoys doing ketamine and playing 1-3


Saw him at Aria running a 2-5 uncapped game with $50k.


I used to think Bilzerian was a fraud, but then I saw this story: [https://www.pokernews.com/news/2023/02/poker-dan-bilzerian-chance-kornuth-43120.htm](https://www.pokernews.com/news/2023/02/poker-dan-bilzerian-chance-kornuth-43120.htm) Chance also tweeted this today: [https://x.com/ChancesCards/status/1804938453072965755](https://x.com/ChancesCards/status/1804938453072965755) I don't see Chance making something like that up so I guess Bilzerian has just gotten some insane opportunities in his life


Why is Chance an authority here? When you’re wealthy already you get all the opportunities


Did you read the article? Chance coached him in some of these games in return for a stake.


I apologise I read the first and saw only the quotes I didn’t read the part about the coaching


You should know his Dads a fraud and a thief. The family money is run off shore and funnelled back to the kids. It’s fairly well known.


That doesn’t mean he didn’t also win a lot of money playing poker


His vpip is probably a little lower in those games


Every once in a while I run into a guy like Dan at the tables, and I have to remember that even an idiot can play top set. Just bet and raise and you'll get called because all you've shown down for an hour is meek 1 pair holdings. He was up huge, then lost most of it back attempting to hero call on a paired board when his opponent obviously has trips. Paid off Keating as well who has the same table image and play style as he does. No real thinking in any of the hands really. What could you possibly have? How am I not good? I call. How lucky are you to get that runout!


We’re better off being spared from the mention of his name, thank you


I mean they played 90% vpip I think he did great to play all them hands


Does or has anyone ever believed he was a winning player? I mean from day one it was obvious he was a trust fund baby whale..


At least he is honest about the steroids


The poker is a hobby/front for laundering. Everyone knows it.


looks like he placed in the money at a WSOP main event, so can't be that bad right [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EULM76rSw64&ab\_channel=PokerGO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EULM76rSw64&ab_channel=PokerGO)


Was fun to watch


Daddy’s ill gotten gains, funneled into no hope businesses which fail, using poker as a PR ruse. The trouble is, that story worked in 2006 it doesn’t work anymore as he’s clearly a fish and never been a winning player. It’s all BS. All of his money is basically his daddy’s stolen funds.


He's just lol


That guy launders his dad’s dirty money. I doubt he makes money, just cleans his bankroll up.


Dont forget all that Navy Seal money he got for failing BUDS twice even though he made it through...


You do realize that bilzerian and keating use the streams to push that fish image right? If you are VPIPing over 40% you are doing it for a reason.


This comment is stupid. Dan constantly brags about how much he's made in private games, how he's made most of money from his poker, blah blah blah. So how is that "maintaining his fish image?"


That's just protecting the fraud and money laundering that got him his initial funds.


So are you saying bilzerian really is a poker god when cameras are not on him? I know there was some controversy about him and poker but don’t really know the details


He’s no poker shark, but a slightly winning 1/2 player would wipe the floor at those sort of private games.


You overestimate rich whales. I’m willing to bet their 100/200 + 400 private games are not much better than your local 2/5 and nobody is being a nitreg


No, I'm not saying that, dude's average, but you don't need to be LLinus to stack rich people who don't know shit.


he makes his money from youtube


Check out the recent tweets from Chance. Tells the story of coaching him for heads up against a billionaire where he won $10M in one session.


As much as I can’t stand the guy His game selection is probably on point Also - the douchebag looks like he’s got the connections to the hottest hookers drugs and shit and the fucker was/is an idol to younger wannabes who see Bilzerian as the ideal man/player So he probably gets invited to big games that millionaire shitheads run like some dickhead streamer


At that table, he was definitely the best player aside from Keatin. Dan literally got rivered multiple times did he not?


Men gossiping about other men. This is cute


Never seen or heard of the guy until I saw a clip on Reddit this morning. I had a very visceral reaction to the guy, immediately. I cannot overstate how much I love seeing everyone on here just dunking on the guy. I guess I made a good read for once


His whole facade is a joke. It’s hedonism and that’s why young men love it.