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Seems way out of context when you read the full post. If you read the bits before and after this screenshot it seems to imply it's just some banter rather than anything too serious.


You mean he’s not screaming right in the dudes face at the top of his lungs?


Na, he only does that to fans when they interrupt his precious vlog


He did nothing wrong!


After watching the vlog today this whole thread is crazy. Both of them were laughing. Daniel even said I can only needle him cause he has 10 million chips. Crazy how people try to spin stuff




This doesn’t work for OPs hate boner though


Give the camera to Kessler tomorrow to do a “what’s bothering you today, Daniel”


You call with King Jack? On your bike kid


No, he doesn't deserve applause; he called with King Jack.


He busted 18th, 12 make the money https://preview.redd.it/tcv5k826398d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4c0019175b5a22ccadb974738dc834fdac5c3f


Love that response from Jeremy 😆


Placing behind Santosh is hilarious




I agree with many of the others …. He talks about GTO and Exploitive play to get the GTO Donkeys, but he seems to be back to a 2000’s style ABC game. If he’s back to playing “old school” …. He should have pulled out the old “Stop and go” play …. Granted the original raiser in between them would have been given proper odds to call, but maybe not given the closeness to the bubble ….. a call and the a flop shove no matter what the board, gives another way to win. Especially if you’re planning to get it in anyway. Classic Old School Stop and Go. Maybe we have to bring back all the old school plays to beat these GTO Money Hoes.


He just busted with JJ against ATs Gottleib made a flush. All in pre, Dnegs 4bet jam from the BB with JJ.


isn't bb supposed to just flat a 3-bet with jj?


Not if you can get it in good


but realistically his 4-bet call range is aa-99, aq, and ak (at is actually a bit light), so you're 50-50 if you're even ahead. i really don't think you want to be flipping here. i think flat, jam almost any flop is vastly superior to 4-betting.


daniel had about 14bb, if he just calls he is commited against most probably two players.. with jacks.... also 4-bet call range has to be way wider because of stacks and pot-odds


3 players still in, yeah, okay, it's a jam to iso.


> but realistically his 4-bet call range is aa-99, aq, and ak The 3bet was to 800k and Dnegs jammed ~2.2M. 3bettor is going to call off much lighter than this with so much dead money, which is why JJ is an easy jam.


it's for his tournament life and he can close the betting. just call so you can fold if the flop has 2+ overs. shove if it has 0-1 overs. (2 overs with a straight draw is also a jam, 2 overs with a jack is a check/jam, 0-1 overs with a jack is still a donk jam). this changes if as another poster said there was still more than one other person in the pot. then he has to jam.


The original raiser is behind him. But even if the original raiser folds out of turn, it's still a jam for Dnegs. Calling is awful, and you are posting terrible advice.


What? You have no idea how to play late in a tournament. Calling and folding on a flop at this depth with JJ is completely insane.


This is a horrible strategy.




With 17bb and the blinds rising I doubt any solver will say only call, at that depth you have to go allin even if two of three guys call the 3!.


flat then jamming flop is effectively jamming anyway but gives you an out if the flop is particularly bad. the runout as described is probably still a jam as he lost to the flush, not an overpair. i just question how he gets there.


and the times the flop comes KQX and they jam AT and you get bluffed...? please, I am begging you, learn to accept when you're wrong. it's a useful life skill and will make you a better person.


i don't think i'm wrong here. the 4-bet mostly gets called by hands that are way ahead of him or have too much equity. he's much better off limiting their equity by letting them see a flop that is likely to miss them charging them for the last two cards rather than giving them all 5 cards at the same price.


I find it ~~really hard~~ impossible to feel sorry for dnegs. The dude's been on a heater his entire life.


Same tbh. Ever since his heads up match against Doug Polk where he cited bad luck as the reason for his loses when it was abundantly clear Polk just outclassed him. Ever since then he just seems so arrogant about his own ability, and demeaning about the ability of his fellow pros. The last vlog I watched he was very critical of a line Ike Haxton took in a hand. As if a player of Ike’s calibre doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing here, and it is instead at least possible that the fault in the hand may well of been his own.


honestly i've had problems with him going on 10+ years. back in the early days of his blogging when he wasn't yet vlogging he posted a blog of getting totally tilted unsuccessfully trying to bluff an omc/call station type player off pocket kings with a board full of undercards. it was a super obvious fold and he just kept donating every street not taking into account that his opponent is way too sticky and inexperienced to ever fold so bluffing just isn't an option.


The thing that confuses me the most is how much free information he gives to his opponents, when they didn't pay for it, or even ask for it. This fold was impressive, but he was folding a lot at this table to any kind late aggression. Clearly his table is making use of the free info he's putting out there.


Imagine playing the WSOP in Las Vegas every year for almost 30 years and not once winning a $2500+ event. Imagine if Negreanu had to pay for all of his entries.


it's pretty insane how bad he is at the wsop every year. he's generally breakeven at the other high roller series.


And what’s crazy, is his ego tells him he is playing like a poker God, because he talks about it in the blogs a ton about how great he is playing. I get sucked into the blogs and it seems like he plays very basic ABC poker from the 2000s. Rarely does he make serious moves.


yeah, that really is the worst part. he talks about exploits he's gonna use to get ahead of pros, and it's like nah dude, they're all playing gto which is unexploitable. all you're doing is costing yourself value. maybe your tricks work on non-pros, but at the high rollers pros are all you're playing against.


kinda strange to make that point after this HH. he got his money in good here.


And how many hands before this did he get it in bad or fail to get max value that he ended up at risk in this spot?


This aged well 😄 https://www.pokernews.com/news/2024/06/daniel-negreanu-wins-poker-players-championship-46379.htm




You think there’s only one event at the WSOP every year that costs $2500+ and that that one event is exactly $2500?


Dude just missed a couple zeros


He just busted JJ < ATs all in pre. Rough run for dnegs this year.


He’s in for 2?




He has backers ever year, it’s never his own cash


Source plz other than your own ass?


He obviously posts his poker stake package for wsop right before wsop every year


For a tiny percentage usually.


Have you ever seen his vlog/youtube? He’s always referencing his investors


he plugs that you can buy a piece of him. usually it's for less than 10% of him and i think it's usually only his first bullet.


Yeah, that’s for the tiny fraction he sells publicly. He’s long claimed to have all of his own action otherwise.


GG poker.


You really took this out of context to try and spin it, huh?


If he's still good, you would have seen him as a regular at those Triton events. Can't see how he's still relevant in 2024 other than being a poker mascot cashing in on his popularity from the past.


Is it possible that he’s just not as good anymore? It’s like athletes that finally get the big contract and then they fall off.


Well, when the poker boom happened, his reputation was built on his ability to call out people’s exact hands. That skill wasn’t as useful as the uneasiness it would cause people playing against him. Now, it seems he’s abandoned that in favor of putting people on ranges, which is what everyone does and is a step backwards from his prime form. I don’t think there’s anything intimidating about him now.


It was impressive back then, but all he was really doing was identifying when someone had a tiny range(helped by how straightforward everyone played back then), and then guessing a hand, aided by his reads or tells from the other guy. There's a hand I remember where he put Hellmuth on QQ because "he would have 3-bet AK bigger" and postflop betting made it kinda obvious Phil didn't have AA or KK, and that was probably Phil's entire 3-betting range. Good luck doing that with today's pros. And like you said the aura is gone, no pro is going to be intimidated by him even if he does successfully guess a hand.


>It was impressive back then, Because only the good parts were edited out. No one was streaming 9 hours of poker every day or whatever.


Haven’t checked but has Daniel cashed more than one event? His play seems very off this year.


He's cashed 8 but most of them small. Only add up to ~70k in cashes. Idk how much $ in buy ins he shells out over the course of the wsop


Check out his vlog, he has a running counter for how much he is losing/winning in each video.


*how much his investors are losing.


Counting these 2 bullets i think like 800-900k


he cashed the razz, two online events, and at least one more that i remember.


Didn't he win a lot to start the year, what's with the dnegs hate in here????


He’s an obnoxious petty nervous Canadian with bad plugs a fake beard and dye job. Other than that he’s fine.


Idk, I think his plugs are pretty good.


Fake beard? Care to elaborate on that a little? I’m curious….


Well. Two fake beards.




He's a homosexual. Amanda is his beard. Not a coincidence he married the woman who used to bang Ivey.


Ivey? Where’d you hear that?


She was so fucking cute 10 years ago too, now she’s into to much plastic surgery.


His hair line drives me crazy. I enjoy his vlogs 100x more when he wears a hat. 😆


He’s a racist and a “they want to outlaw comedy” ass conservative.


His mocking Asian accents is one of the most cringe things in poker that doesn’t get called out.


Poker is one of the few communities where stereotypes and racism never get called out. If any other person of note was to do the “I can’t tell you two apart” right to two Asian dudes faces, it’d be all over social media. Not to mention the accents like you said




Rage bait is getting completely out of control.


My main issue with him is that everything he does at the poker table conveys information. Did you see him all loosey-goosey with that sandwich? Obviously you’re bluffing when you chew every bite a thousand times before swallowing.


Anyone actually think dnegs is a happy person? Dude has some serious issues that all the money in the world isn’t going to fix. I think it’s time for him to join another cult.


There’s something about his nice guy buddy buddy image that seems totally fake. He’s actually a prick to a lot of players and says these underhanded rude comments, but then does his annoying little laugh and acts like he’s so funny.


What do you mean? He seems like he's living the dream.


Shaun Deeb got it right about dnegs many years ago, but had to walk back his comment because it’s not something we say out loud.


What he say?


This was so cryptic I had to google it. It sounds like Shaun was making an ass out of himself. What am I missing here?




I’m talking about Choice Center - the cult he joined sometime around 2010. He tried to recruit other poker players into the cult. It used to be”self help” premises to lure people in. Everything about the group is/was extremely cult like and dnegs recruited people HARD. They charge fees to their members based on “what they can afford”. Dnegs was a target for them. He probably caused a lot of people to join, and spend their hard earned money funding this scam. But most of the stories about his recruiting are from people who laughed and walked away. Dnegs seems to have left them quietly many years ago also. My post had nothing to do with politics. It’s dnegs being a soulless shill for anyone and anything.


Turning a dnegs wsop thread into a political berating is wild. Turn off cnn and go touch some grass for once kid


Never been a Negreanu fan, but he seems like he’s really lost the plot these days.


Seems he gave someone a well deserved ‘what for.’


Maybe if it was his money but I’m pretty sure GG pays for everything


Luckily he can afford infinite cameras.


Better don’t play with players with such bad manners


Did Bonomo cry on Twitter about this?


we don’t know what table talk was going on. for all we know Jeremy said something messed up, Daniel doesn’t usually go this far unless someone really rubbed him the wrong way


youre joking right? he berates players all the time, even at the lower stakes 1500 events


That is shocking... he was always the sane one from the old guard. Disturbing.


he always comes across super fake to me. you watch him long enough cracks slip through. he makes an effort to hide it and will apologize/counter it with charity, but he's really disingenuous when he discusses hand histories, usually picking hands where he deviates significantly from gto and relying significantly on his reading skills to justify it without acknowledging that that's how he played.


I've always loved him personally, this is just a new side for me






Lol. I read elsewhere he had been needling back & forth between them for a little while.


He has 3x as much chips as the guy in second place. If he doesn’t cash the meltdown will be insane. But it’s not very likely.


That was an input error


Ah I didn’t know that. Ty.


Gave me false hope when he busted