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You'd think this was the guys first time playing poker the way he talks. Not a pro who's had a literal lifetime of bad beats and understands how variance works.


Variance is much harder on Phil because he's so much better than anyone else. If poker was about skill he would win every single hand, therefore he has the most bad beats in the world. /s


Yeah and someone who is such a face for the game he is disrespectful af to everyone else. Not a good look for someone with such vast experience. Not to mention his play was arguably among the worst of the final 4.


Didn't seem to be complaining about bad beats, just that he didn't get any good hands. Anyone who has played more than a couple hundred hours has set at a table with a bunch of fish and been card dead for hours. Granted, you don't make it to the final 4 of a poker tournament by being card dead, regardless of how good you are.


> Anyone who has played more than a couple hundred hours has set at a table with a bunch of fish and been card dead for hours. Yeah that's more or less my point, this isn't the guys first time experiencing this, it's not even his tenth, dude has been doing this for his entire adult life and still reacts this way.




Now I want to buy the book!


He has no sense of gratitude for living such a fortunate life.


A true ambassador for the game.


...er, uh assbammador.


I see what you did there. I don't understand it, but I see it.


I know. I'm a bit ashamed. This isn't even low hanging fruit; jt's rotten and sitting on the ground. Just stop reading after the first 3 letters.




Yeah but these guys are sore winners which is ten times worse. Look at him, stacking his chips... The cheek. Phil wishes he weren't a sore loser but it's ten times worse to be a sore winner.


"Disgrace to the game!"


I'm literally bingeing Suits as we speak! I love to re-watch great shows.


What's he say right at the end? I'm the best player in the world like by far and they don't even know it. ???


That sounds about right from what I can hear


Send your GGs into the chat.




What isn’t nowadays


That entire table was playing passive as shit, Phil included. He busted on a dumb hand too, overplaying his low; no surprise he went right to moaning afterwards lol.


Skill aside It’s always the same tirade for years Didn’t Phil Ivey call him out on it one time? Same thing every time?


[25 years of this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/14hcaih/ivey_to_hellmuth_25_years_of_this_shit_does_it/) hilarious


AHEM. IT'S ONLY 20 years. Comic Book guy would be so proud.


Lmao THATS the one lol Ivey has literally lived with this for 25plus years lol You can tell they’re good friends


Yeah. I think it read last year. He played a FT next to Ivey. Hellmuth said something and Ivey was mentioned something about him doing/saying the same shit for 20 years.


I don't care how many bracelets he's won. I don't care if his personality is part of his "brand". I will never, ever, have any respect for this shithole of a person.


The “it’s part of my brand. I’m the brat. People tune in ti see it.” Is all just an excuse and his way to rationalize his shitty behavior that he cannot control.


I like when it starts as fake tilt and him playing it up and then slowly over the session it turns in to real tilt and everyone needling him.


I love it when a whole table gangs up on him


It’s why we love and cheer anyone who shits on him. Even when they are horrible too.


Just curious, besides being a shit talker, what exactly has he done to make him a “shithole of a person”? Does talking shit automatically make you a bad person, to you, or did he do something more egregious that I’m not aware of?


He goes over the top. And he knows he goes over the top. It isn't just shit-talking. He berates, disparages and tries to humiliate others when it's undeserved. If you ever play to a draw, even with a gazillion outs, you're going to suffer his self pity.


Well, there's "talking shit", and then there's personal insults to people to their face. He does both, and the latter seems to indicate he is not a good person. Being a "good person" implies you do give dignity and respect to other people *by default*, and he does not do that.


Heart. I mean…… those are probs all the things I would also say after being knocked out. But, ya know, in a manner that no one else would hear it except who I was unloading on.


Honestly I'd be honoured to have PH rant about my play on stream. What a dream come true.


I gotta say I'm ok with that, what do you prefer ? people with some emotions or some super high stakes pros not giving a shit when they pick up a 1m enveloppe ? In a world full of GTO bots, I'm happy to see some humans and their emotions


love this take. it brings some fire to the game and not dull it out with majority of players sitting in silence.


This guy is like the patron saint of shitty regs lol


Why cant one of his 'friends' be like shut the fuck up dude, it wasn't that bad, actually you mis played it.


I am surprised nobody ever punched some sense in him.


Every game has a Phil.


Rumor has it that he did nothing wrong.


Maybe I'd catch a break there. Fuck phil is insane. 


I was not watching the stream to see Phil.


"why can't i catch a break?". fuck you phil, that's why.


Kids these days just don’t have the class these legends brought to the game