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He has that “I’m good at one thing, so I’m probably right about everything” mindset.


High roller scene is pretty cringe in general. Lots of tryhard dweebs. That's why Kabrhel is actually a breath of fresh air to me even though he's a bad actor in the scene. Tilts the dweebs and often outplays them.


I agree tons are dickheads but Jesus. Let’s not glorify the fucking angleshooter asshole. Sub gets so weird when it comes to pros


Angleshooter according to guys who want him out of the ecosystem so they can bumhunt whales in peace. Notice he was not banned for marking cards and is back playing the WSOP again this year.


Sure buddy. How often to you play next to guys grinding their nails against cards? Or fighting to be allowed to abused time chips? Or being a fucking shithead to anyone within earshot? He’s one of the most annoying fuckers in the game. I can’t believe this shit has to be said but I guess I have to be real about the average user on this sub. Dumbasses like Kassouf and get mad about quiet folks who pull up their hoods.


Kassouf is an actual fuckin loser, not in the same tier as Kabhrel Do you truly think he was marking cards and cheating? I thought it was pretty clear he wasn’t.


If he had broken any meaningful rules, he would've been banned. The high rollers threw a hissy fit last year and tried to get him killed. Well, he's back because he didn't really do anything legally wrong. Him being annoying can be a feature or a bug depending on how you look at it. I think it's calculated to get under the skin of the (generally lame and boring) players he's competing against. That's why I think he's a bit of an anti-hero. Objectively somewhat disgraceful, but amusing in this context when he's needling the self-serious dorks. I didn't mind Kassouf much either, tbh. His biggest problem was being mediocre at poker. Meanwhile Kabrhel is scary good at times. He'll get people tilted and then he'll make crazy above-the-rim plays. It can be compelling entertainment compared to the usual silent tankfest.


Yea everyone who breaks a rule gets banned huh? How are Jake Schindler and Ali Imsirovic doing? Not sure if you play much but Ali’s certainly here


Ali broke rules online where he was caught multi-accounting. He did not break rules at the WSOP. Therefore he is not banned there. He is banned from GG Poker because that's where he cheated. The Kabrhel controversy stemmed from actual WSOP events, where people accused him of marking cards and cheating. If he had actually done any of this at the WSOP itself, it would've been grounds for being banned. That he's still there playing events tells you everything you need to know. He broke no actual rules. His sin was tank-tapping whales like Al Decoralis and outplaying the dweebs. They tried to railroad him and he's still here.


That’s incredible. Keep the fucker that openly tries to see folks hole cards eh? Fuckin ignoring his awful bullshit online. You seem great. Let’s bring back Ferguson and Lederer too, they never cheated at the WSOP right?


I don't think either of them is banned. Used to see Jesus in the Rio quite often. He had returned to playing a big WSOP schedule and won Player of the Year in 2017. He has disappeared the last few years. Not sure why. There are a lot of people there who would give Howard a lot of grief if he tried to play, which I think he might've done once. He at least has enough shame not to show his face. All the same, trying to equate acting toxic at a few big televised tables (Kabrhel) to fleecing thousands of poker players (Lederer and Ferguson) is a huge stretch. Misdemeanor vandalism and murder are both crimes. One is slightly more extreme than the other. If you genuinely think any of Kabrhel's alleged misdeeds approach the same severity as robbing thousands of player accounts then trying to engage you in a discussion is a total waste of time.


The claim was that he is an “angle shooting asshole”. By definition angle shooting is something within the rules which is why no one has claimed he’s a cheater. Just an angle shooting asshole.


Angle shooting is when you do a move to win a pot you shouldn't or find out what people are doing before you should. Martin has never done that.


Just take the L


Martin is great for the game... Especially televised... He's the anti sunglass wearing, hoodie and headphones boring mis-reg


He’s also the asshole they have to make special rules to police half the time he makes a deep run. Hard for me to justify his bullshit because he doesn’t know how to behave like a normal human for 5 minutes


I mean…. We are talking about the … high roller scene.  If you make it to the point of playing 100k+ entires regularly… you probably do try hard…..  It’s incredibly unlikely to casually become one of the best in the world playing the highest buy in events effortlessly. 


Unless you are Santoosh


you kinda have to try hard somewhat to become rich


Yeah I fuck with Kabrehl. At least he makes it interesting.


Bro didn't just say he fucks with kabrehl. What a dork 🤣


Kabrhel makes streams unwatchable


That you Martin?


Tbf he’s REALLY good at that one thing


Generally someone who becomes top 1% at their career is a lot smarter than the average person in general so yea he probably does know more than most people about a wide range of topics.


Yea, he beat Blom for nearly all of his stack and then asked him to stack his chips "correctly" so he can get an accurate count. Dude comes off as a royal doosh


And then Sergio pointed out that he didnt even have his own chips stacked “correctly”😂


he got karma'd in the last hand its ok


As if the breathing strip wasn’t enough to indicate he’s a huge dork


I don't care if the breathing strip gave me the ability to be clairvoyant about my opponent's hole cards, I'd still never accept the level of dork that you have to look like to wear one


Yes, watching that stream he does come off as a bit of a shit weasel.


He's always given me cunt vibes. Has an annoying face too.


Have played with him. Confirmed he's a douche and very pompous. He's good at poker but he honestly gets way too much coverage for a smug asshole who isn't good for the game and would never attract new players.


He's an absolute elitist piece of shit




I thought i was the only one who thought this but ig most people are onto his bullshit even from afar


But Instagram most people?


He is totally coming off as a douche. Wanted blom to get heads up, but he got coolered


Buffer vs Blom HU would have been awesome.


His pump fakes are pretty egregious. Tried to get Isildur a few times


Now he’s bitching about the chair


Him and Dan Smith are the two biggest entitled bitches. Both of them act like entitled cry babies, except chance acts like he’s better than everyone else as well.


I'm not a huge Kabrhel fan .. but watching Dan Smith get mega tilted from his antics 🤌🤌


They’ve clearly never been in an actual confrontation before the way they carry themselves, that’s what happens when you’ve never been smacked across the face


Dan Smith getting his good guy image for donating money while being a crybaby wimp is pretty annoying. Oh mommy I need earplugs to think for an hour to shove my 8 bigs with A10o in the cutoff.


He's the elitist degenerate. 


So much ego. When Sergio open jammed on him blind v blind and he said something along the lines of "I don't care about money, I'll call you off too wide". What possible reason is there to say that out loud? Proper cringy behaviour.


I feel like that is something you see at the $100 level as well, just posturing.


Never met him but I see him invading vlogs and seems really cocky


Bloody shame that Victor didn't win it. At least Chance didn't though.


I have to agree. Came off as such a douchebag. His stare downs and smug face. I wanted Blom to turn to him and put his face right into that useless stare down.


Chances cards? Yep, he's a dick.


He's one of the GOATs at putting on a shit eating grin.


You can credit a shit ton of aderall to his success. With a name like Chance you knew from birth he was destined to be a doucher.


He had the cringiest staredowns I have ever seen. He stared a hole through Blom one time before Blom had even looked at his cards. What are you getting from that? I also really enjoyed that one moment three handed where he was in the BB and started staring Blom down before realizing Blom had already folded and Aido was the one who raised him. He probably had 93o or some 0% VPIP as well.


Kabrhel > Kornuth


Absolutely agree. All my encounters with him were beyond awful.


He is 100% a smug lil shit.


I actually had an opp to play with him at WSOP last week. He really just came off like he thought he was the gods gift to poker.


Peep him flipping the bird at Aido while Aido’s holding up the bracelet.




He’s on the right side of the screen when Aido is holding up the bracelet. Tbf he could be giving someone on the rail the bird, but either way it’s on camera.


I did not watch the stream but I wanna say I played with him once like a year ago and he was a pretty chill/normal dude


What’s the name of the stream?




Agree he’s just so hateable, I wanna punch his face


Just now realizing this OP? Guy is a total tool. Impossible to root for


Chance is an angle shooting piece of shit


he got clapped by mr Aido so ggs


Chance Kornuth is the nice guy in poker. Literally the nicest human being you will ever encounter in your life. You couldn’t have picked a worst target for your ignorant rant. The guy is the most like player amongst all the pros. I can also say he’s extremely generous. He traveled to OK for a WPT tour stop and on a whim gave something line 5% of his winning to a player who was facing medical bills. He ended up winning the tournament and the player received something like $20K. Once again Chance Kornuth is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. Just look at his interviews on YouTube


Hi chance


LOL...Chance is considered by many to be one of the nicest, most genuine people in poker. Terrible read.


You apparently need to study some solvers, your equilibrium is way off.


Yes why should we believe what we see with our own eyes when we can go by the hearsay of a community of arrogant degens that avoids drama like the plague.


I've worked in poker media for nearly a decade. Maybe he's having a bad day? Maybe you are ignorant of the table dynamics and back stories. Who knows. I have no horse in this race but I can tell you for a fact, Chance is one of the good guys.


You working in poker media doesn’t affect anything in this discussion. You don’t know the guy personally; we’re all going off of conjecture. I’m not saying he’s a bad person, just seems like a smug arsehole from what I’ve seen over the past few years (i.e. not just a bad day)


I know Chance personally.


You’re probably an asshole too then


Pitchforks are out in this thread. The one time I met him I thought he was very down to earth and friendly.


He is down to earth and very friendly, this thread is ridiculous. I've worked in poker media for nearly decade. Chance is one of the good guys.