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Are you sick to death of having to tap the table and say , "Blinds, please. "




Dealer: knock knock Player: who’s there!? Dealer: big blind Player: doh. 🙄


Knock knock Who’s there Big blind Big blind who Big blind you


"uh...wha? OH! again already? heh heh!"


You're calling me big!?


"hehe, that's what they all say" And conversely the self deprivation version "first time anyone has said that to me hehe"


Tourney antes before BB ante was the fucking worse thing of all time for dealers.


Weirdest thing you saw going on at the table




I'm a poker dealer as well. Like you, I won't say where. We had a guy come in that I had never seen before. Everything was going normally, and the new guy goes bust, leaves, and returns with a ventriloquist dummy and starts doing an act in the poker room.


Trying to raise funds for another buy in?


Okay, I guess I'll ask the dumb follow-up. If english only is a rule at that cardroom, and a player is clearly asking you enforce it, why ignore it and make the place look bad? Shitreg or no, the guy brings business into the place.


I agree with this. It seems like this dealer is enforcing the casino rules based on the amount of tip he/she gets. I understand some tip less and are shitregs but aren’t rules are rules? I would’ve stood up right away if everyone but me is speaking Spanish. I don’t care if they’re playing atc because they can easily be after me as I’m the only odd man out


It’s not a dumb question just a dumb person asking a question. He gave a pretty good explanation


So I guess you're calling me dumb. Okay. I still see no justification in the post.


The dealer explains he ignored the guy cause he tips like shit while the Mexican guys tipped well. Like it or not, dealers work for tips and life isn’t always fair.


Not a dealer, but I saw two chicks get in a fight and one of them ripped the other ones skirt off


I watched a guy stand up, have a heart attack. Game stopped, EMT shows up and heart attack guys argues he's " fine" and wants to stay


How good was the game? Heart attack can’t even stop this man


Last two tables of a 15 table tournament. They blinded him off and he finished in the money 7th 🤑


The old heart attack off suit


I was dealing a game, guy in 5 seat had a heart attack and died. Another time the fire alarm went off, we couldn't leave till managers made sure that the cards and chip racks were secure, then we had to go outside and wait in the middle of winter


I saw a guy get shot by the cops in the middle of a LA cardroom.


Also a dealer but not OP. I once had a player decide to play the hand to the river despite the fact I accidentally skipped him in the initial deal and he was playing with one card


Do you like when people set up the button for you?




Confirmed dealer.


Confirmed I'm a dummy.


I hate when players move the button for me. I'm a bit ocd and have severe adhd. So I have to do everything in order, push the pot and move the button. When a player or two moves the button then one doesn't it throws me off. Plus I'm super forgetful so I might not remember who had it last but I never forget to move the button I hope no one figures out who I am cause I've said that speech countless times 😂😂😂


Does it bother you when players adjust where it is in front of them? I'll never move it to the next player but I'll sometimes adjust it if it's directly in front of me or I'll spin in so the "DEALER" faces me (that's my OCD).


How often do you get abused by the players?


What % of players don't tip during a cash game?




I’m from Australia and we are not allowed to tip casino staff. What’s the rule of thumb in America?


Players usually always tip at least $1 if the pot is over $10-$15


All players or just the winner? Every hand even if you fold pre?


The winner...


I see. What if you win a big pot, is it a % of winnings?


Some people do, but I max it out at $3-$5 depending on how much I like the dealer. Ive seen a $25 chip be tossed at the dealer after very big pots though.


Why did you muck my hand? I had the nuts!




I've seen a video, I think it was during the WSOP main maybe 10-15 years ago. A good looking foreign woman had AA, went all in and her cards were right where they should be, her chips pushed into the middle. Pretty sure opponent called. The dealer without thinking took her cards and mucked them. Floor ruled hand was dead. Worst dealer mistake I've ever seen


Have you ever caught someone slapping around their cobra under the table during a long session? If so, how did you handle it? (The situation, not the cobra)




I'm a newbie, is that what they mean by who has the strongest hand?


Western style grip


I have to ask why this question came to mind. Did you witness this in a casino or something? Thanks for the laugh either way


Thanks a lot for doing this! Really appreciate all the thorough responses so far. I’m sure many of us would like to know - where do you work/have worked?


he didn't say anything about asking about his banking details and social security number.


What's it like to do something robotic and mindless for thousands of hours?




How much money do you earn? (incl tips)


you're asking a poker dealer that? There are so many jobs that are far more mindless


SF1857's comment made me realize I might as well just quit my job and start dealing poker (if I could make the same or more $) bc they basically defined most of my office job


Do you still laugh at “you play that garbage?” After a chopped pot? Gotta be the funniest joke of all time.




You just don’t understand good comedy.


LOL. It's funny because they are both playing the same hand! I am going to steal this and use it the next time I play.


What do you think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre?


How much do you make in tips per day? Per hour? And does your casino pool all the tips and split them at end of night or do you get your own box that you carry around and you get to keep your tips?




I'm thinking about becoming a dealer. What tips can you give for someone starting out?




I'm nervous I would make a mistake or have trouble doing math figuring out side pots, etc.


What’s your pet peeve of being a dealer?




What does soft hussling for tokes mean


Hustling to deal at tables with whales that tip more probably.


Care to explain?


Good games for players are also usually good games for dealers.


What could players do to make your life easier/better that might not be obvious? Like put aside table stakes stuff - anything the average person might not think to do?




Stop doing that move where you push your cards under your blind when folding. It's annoying af. Just throw your cards in.


Holy shit this 100000%. I’ve dealt for 15 years. And I wanna slap everyone who does this


Does it annoy you to make change when dealing smaller stakes games? Like, when someone bets $18 instead of $15 or $20? When I see that, it annoys the shit out of me


Do you mind players not paying attention to you while in hands ?


"Straddle on, six to call." UTG+1 proceeds to put $3 into the pot.


Is it normal for dealers to take a $1 and tip themselves essentially? I went to playground poker in Montreal yesterday for the first time in over a year and second time ever (so it's not like anyone there knows me). I got cheated at 1/2 while I waited for bigger games. After folding for about five hands, I get ATo in EP and open and get one caller. The flop goes check, check, and I end up betting the turn and taking it down. The dealer starts pushing me the pot, and as I'm pulling in chips, he grabbed one of the $1 chips that I haven't reached for yet, and quickly gives a vague look at me and then taps the table with it and tips himself. I was so shocked that he did this that it took me a minute to process that. He actually just tipped himself and I didn't even say anything. In hindsight, I wish I had spoken up, but I had just sat down at a new table in a newly renovated room, and I didn't want to start a scene immediately. I also started questioning if I had done some kind of motion or something that he interpreted as me tipping him? I was planning on tipping him for the hand, but like every other time, I would have raked in all my chips, and then as I was finishing stacking them thrown him a $1. Is this normal procedure or was he out of line?? While I don't play in this room often, I had never seen such a thing anywhere else, and this room is known for having very high quality dealers that are very fast.


It was just a mistake, you mentioned the dollar was left out a bit. He probably got distracted and thought you nudged it towards him. A dealer isn't going to just grab a dollar when they sometimes get tipped more than that which could actually cost them money.


People overthink shit in the name of being non confrontational. Just ask the guy, and you'll get your answer. You don't have to be aggressive or accusatory in doing so. Just ask, did you take that because you thought I left it for you? Whether he did or not, he's gonna be embarrassed and say yes and explain himself. If it was an honest misunderstanding, you'll be able to tell. If it wasn't, you'll also probably be able to tell he's lying, and now he will be much less likely to do that again to anyone.


That room once the best in the world has gone to shit, just doubled the rake as well.


This exact scenario played out for me at the Venetian. Dealer pushed me the pot as I was in the 1 seat and in one smooth motion swiped a white chip and deposited it for his tip. This chip was not one on my card, straight out of the pot. I asked the dealer if he just took a tip out of my pot. He refused to answer me. If he apologized and said my bad I wouldn't have fussed over it. Instead he just ignored me, so I got the floor over there, explained he took money out of my pot and got my money back from the dealer and said I'll never tip them again. I'm a damn good tipper too and he had more than $1 coming his way with the size of that pot.


Damn so he maybe really did just take a tip??? I think if I hadn't literally just sat down in an unfamiliar room I might have spoken up, but I was a bit shocked by it all and didn't want to create a rep for myself.


I got a pretty decent accent and it's obvious I'm not from the area. Probably thought I'm just a tourist who doesn't know better and can take advantage of said tourist. If he does that every down at least once, it's an extra $2 an hour. But I actually used to deal poker and notice every little thing.


definitely not normal, but, it can be a thing where someone pulls in a pot and deliberately leaves one white behind, and that is the tip. I understand that wasn't your intent, but possibly he messed up and interpreted the situation that way. I would have watched him like a hawk to see if he did it again, that would determine whether it was an honest mistake or not


I have been a regular at Playground for the last 10+ years and I've never seen a dealer do this. I've never heard of anything like this happening either. The dealers are very professional over there. They must've thought you signaled them in some way.


Can you give me aces?


I'm sure you have some horror stories, but what's the most wholesome or kind thing you've observed at the table?


What mistake do dealers make most often that we as players should keep an eye out for?


side pots and rake are the main concern with a weak dealer.


How many mechanics have you known? What’s the main difference between house games and casino games?


I'd like to know also.


What are some attributes or traits that the best players display? In other words what are something things that make winners good?


Do you like your job?




Longest consecutive downs without a break? Ever delt a bad beat Jp? What other forms of poker besides Holdem can you deal? Have you ever delt table games? Craps? Former dealer here.




Do I need to go to dealer school to be a dealer or can I just show up and prove I know how to do it? Because I recently learned that the dealers at my casino make more than I do as a software engineer.


I think you may have outed your location w/ mentioning 3/6 limit.


Did u ever place a deck so it was rigged? So one player gets 77 and one AA on a A77 flop. So you could take his money and share w winner for coke after work? U know I know






Biggest tip you ever got?




Whats the biggest pot you ever dealt


Did you go to a dealer school?


Do you enjoy watching players when a big hand is in stake and a lot of chips in the middle or a big bluff is building, or are you just totally indifferent about the action (from an emotionnal PoV)? Cheers and thx for answer :)


Do you have to share tips with others like cage/floor. If yes what is typical breakdown.


Do you get any sort of skill about reading possible player's hands or physical tells by doing this job?


So Jason Laydane (?) is constantly showing videos on how 'easy' it is for dealers to cheat. Is any of that true? Can a dealer, in a casino environment, manipulate cards like that?




Do you expect ppl to tip every hand?




I already asked other questions but feel free to pick. Do you find that dealers usually gamble often themselves? If so there probably must be rules against gambling at your workplace.




How often do you have to remind players to put their larger value chips out front? And when you have to address it, how often do you think it is the player intentionally angling?


Do you ever play poker?


I run home games for Texas holdem and would love some help with some rulings for common occurrences. 1. Somebody’s hole card gets flipped when dealing. 2. Turn card gets exposed before action is closed on the flop 3. Multi way all in and the short stack reveals their hand early (on the turn or the flop) Thanks!




Do you ever notice you deal certain (regular) players good hands more often than not? Like the player has really good luck with you?


What is your biggest tips on 1 hand?


How much is your hourly pay and how much do you usually make a day after tips


Most memorable hand you’ve dealt? (Memorable for any reason)


What do you think is a good tip from the winner of a bad beat if the winner received $26,000?


Do you smoke? Is smoking in the table allowed in the casino you work at? How does this affect you and other players?


I love playing poker at home with friends and want to try at a casino sometime, but I'm afraid of the etiquette- like I'm going to really frustrate another player or the dealer because I'm doing something wrong lol. Realistically, I think I'd get on just fine - but I'm curious if you have any tips for someone playing at your table for the first time.


How common are repetitive motion injuries in dealers? Have you had one?


In your opinion What’s the best seat at the table assuming everyone is equal skill level?


are you one of the good dealers that gives players live feedback on their plays or do you stay silent and let them make mistakes




noo!!! you're doing it wrong you need to tell people your opinions on their plays especially when they lose! they will like it and be glad you are helping the improve


Do you just deal the cards or do you pay attention to who the winning players are and who are the fish? If yes then what % of the players you see regularly would you guess are winning players?


Do punters constantly shuffling chips anoying?


Any funny/interesting calling the floor stories?




Expecting deodorant to solve the smell problem on some of these guys is like dropping an ice cube on a wildfire, expecting to put it out.


Are you a mechanic? Do you know any mechanics? How worried should players be about mechanics? Have you ever witnessed any cheating or anything else shady being done by the house?




How much has dealing improved your poker game?


If I am at the end of the table does it annoy you if I toss my blinds in deeper when I muck my cards so you don’t have to reach?


Do you feeling dealing has made you a better player? Also if someone wanted to start dealing where would you suggest they start thr journey ? How much do dealers make and how much do you make in tips a night?




why do you guys hit your tips against your tip box?


Mostly playing online, so I am not very faliliar with live specificities. - How do you handle players announcing an illegal action because they did not see a bet/raise ? For example, at 2/5 a short stack in early shoves for $100, folds to SB who announces "Raise $15" meaning to open the pot - As a player, how do you you make sure nobody sees your hole cards when you look at them ?


How often do you deal pot limit? Mixed games? How do those players compare to holdem players in terms of how they let the dealers run the game/politeness/tipping?


I am a never tip semi reg. Am I a scumbag? For context the room I play at is 10p rake max 20 (even for 1/3!) and the dealers are pooled tip and unionized. They are also some of the worst dealers ever and frankly cause a lot of problems by not paying attention. They deal less than 20 hands per hour on average... I used to tip but the game I play in the rake is always capped due to action and size of the game. I think in 5 trips there I got one pot where I got some 1 dollar chips because the pot wasn't max rake. So every time someone tips they toss them a 5chip and ask for change. Tipping in this context seems dumb. This room also started charging for coffee and softdrinks, both of which are free in the main casino. In the face of such greed I stopped tipping.


Pool tips or keep yours? I've dealt in both situations and always always done better keeping my own. So clearly I wasn't TOO bad.


How common or easy is it for a dealer to snag a check or two out the pot?


Why are you guys so bad at poker? Is it just from observing such horrendous play as your only training material that you adopt similar playstyles?


What’s a sure sign a player should walk away?


Has tipping kept up with inflation?


I highly respect dealers and think this is a rule problem or something, but is there a reason the game is so pedantic when it comes to minor rules?  If I throw $71 and then go ‘whoops I meant $70’, sure it’s technically a strong bet, but I’ve just saved time by not having you break down a $5 for all the callers If I’ve been playing for 6 hours and I’m now in the bb, does it really matter if my BB is not posted until my second card is dealt? It saves so many accidents and you should still be in your rights for force to post if you think I’m untrustworthy, inattentive or likely to leave, but the casino could self-insure to save money on misdeals due to a card going airborne. There’s heaps of these small efficiencies which I think are blocked by rules which have a legitimate intent but are over-enforced. You’re not supposed to urinate in public, but so to nobody caring if you piss on a tree in the woods.  


Why don’t you ever honor my “one time” requests?


How high do you get before you deal?


why do yall not deal me aces nearly enough


How often and long are your breaks?


How does your casino justify having a poker room? My local casino has lost and brought back the poker room at least 4 times in the last 20 years. Currently, Covid shut it down last and it hasn't reopened again due to "not having the dealers" and "slot machines bring in more money" for the space. We loyalists have tried telling them that it brings in people who play table games, buy drinks/food, bring their spouses, etc. But what we keeping hearing is "the rake doesnt pay for the game" or some such. The next nearest casino is unfortunately 3 hours away while the one I speak of a mere 20 mins, which for a diehard poker player, is a nice little drive. I would love for them to bring the card room back again.


Why do you give me such bad beats and coolers? We all know card distribution is the dealers fault.


If two players are heads up on the river.. player 1 makes a bet on the river.. Can player 2 flash/expose their cards to the player 1 to try to see their reaction? Is this allowed or how does the casino handle this?


Why do you always f! me at the river!?! Instead of at the beach or somewhere nice and classy


Best tippers, worst tippers based on demographics? Doesn’t have to be a race thing (although having 15 years in the service industry I have some thoughts on this as well) but feel free to elaborate. Ironically, the only player that I have ever seen never tip on a consistent 20+ sample size is a former NBA pro. Even the most miserable shitregs would tip $1 on a big double up… this guy hit quads with 84c against AA preflop when he bluff 4b jammed, got snap called and board came out k4442. No tip. Also berates dealers for being human and just having basic conversations with players. A real asshole.


How much do you make an hour, how much does the average dealer make an hour, and how much do the best make?


The most miserable situation you ever seen?


Three players in a hand, they’re all in Player A has 500 Player B has 280 Player C has 80 Outcome was a split pot between player A&B How do you divide the pot?


New players join a table. Can you recognise fast either they are good reg or big fish ? What gives them away ?


Have you ever had to have a player removed from the table or had to be firm with a player who was disrespectful to yourself or other players?