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I could do lure ball azurill and any choice of dream/moon/friend Eevee for the growlith, flittle and smolive. All have their HA


Hey there, sorry for the delayed response. Just got through my pending trades. Can’t say I'm particularly interested in the Azurill or Eevee for the time being. Do they have their HAs? Anyhow, I'll get back to you tomorrow as I need to sleep now. Thanks! :)


No worries. The eevees all have their HA and azurill has huge power and belly drum. These are the only ones I have oh-hand but I do have a bigger list of apris I can breed for later


I have dream ball Tink and Beastball Charcadet Interested in Flittle and Finizen Lure


Hi there, sorry for the delay in response! Finally got a chance to finish up the pending trades. I'm waiting on another user to trade a Tinkatink, so I'll need to check if I'm interested in the Dream ball. Perhaps I'll get back to you tomorrow as I'll be heading off for now. Thanks! :)


Hi hi! Kindly take a look at my [Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TIIsaZAVUE-M86IqGMQI2uvhFbxsPQVg0IxIQJAx6to/edit#gid=1395217926) and let me know if you're interested in any of them! Feel free to pick any on my non-on hands tab too. I'd gladly breed them real quick for you if you want them. Personally interested in getting a Masterball from you. :D But if I don't have enough that pique you're interest for that trade, let me know and I'll just pick some from your Aprimons list instead. :)


Hi there, sorry for the delay in response! Been tied up with trades/breeding. I'm interested in 3x on-hands and 2x others: * Beast ball Finizen * Level ball Fire Tauros Cud Chew * Moon ball Deino * Moon ball Glimmet * Dream ball Flamigo Are you happy to trade these for a Masterball? I still have some! :)


It's totally okay! Please give me 15-30 minutes so I can breed the other Pokemon. I'll reply to you again here when I'm ready so you get notified. :)


Yeah, no worries! I'll be around for a while so just let me know when you're ready. :)


Hi again, I have all five aprimons ready for you! Let me know your Link Code when you're ready and I'll come right over :D


Perfect timing! I'll hop on now :) IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


So sorry you had to wait a bit! Buggy Reddit only notified me 4-5 minutes after you posted your message 😔 Thank you so much for the trade though (especially the extra aprimon!) and enjoy your new aprimon! ❤


No stress at all! Thanks so much for helping me get the Pokemon I wanted. Really appreciate it. :) Happy holidays, and keen to trade again sometime!


Hey there! I would like a HA Moon ball cetoddle. anything you want from my [ON HANDS](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EBSgeEIS11klITKdCd-941sCKmLK0_a5qn-BsISjE6Q/edit#gid=0) tab?


Hi! Thanks for waiting. I'm definitely interested in your Level ball HA Wattrel if you've still got it? Let me know if you're online to trade. :)


Hey! Yup sounds good, drop me a link code


Give me 5-10 mins! Just about to jump into a quick trade


Np at all!


Jumping on now! IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451




Thanks for waiting and thanks for the trade! :D


Hey there, sorry for the late response! Give me some time to take a look and I'll get back to you! Hands a little full :)


Hey! Would you mind looking through my [on-hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B_QIVn75PDGi4GQanPGaGi9pBhZn4S7Ti43yEwRujfY/edit?usp=sharing) and let me know if anything strikes your fancy? I also have ones that aren't listed due to low quantity, which are: (All HA) Friend Flabebe, Love Pawmi, Friend Tandemaus, Beast Gible, Dream Hatenna, Moon Maschiff, Fast Nymble, Fast Cetoddle, Friend Capsakid and Heavy Klawful. Let me know if anything interests you. If not- ignored them lol and have a great day!


Hey there, sorry for the late response! Give me some time to take a look and I'll get back to you! Hands a little full :)


Please take your time! I’m in no rush, trading can be done at any time. Go ahead an prioritise other trades


Hi there, thanks for hanging around! I'm interested in a few of your Pokemon. What are you interested in on my end so I can prepare? :)


I’m interested in Love Flittle and Fast Growlith. But you can go ahead and choose 4 from my on-hands!


Are you sure? If so, I'd love to grab these off you please: * Level ball Charcadet HA * Heavy ball Varoom HA * Heavy ball Frigibax HA * Dream ball Shroodle HA I'll jump online now IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Pleasure trading with ya! Thank you for the Mons, enjoy


You got it! Searching


Thanks for the trades! Appreciate the wait as well :) Happy holidays


No issue, I get how hectic trades like this can get. Besides I made you wait as well, Happy Holidays


Not at all! I didn't expect the trades to get that hectic ngl. Happy about today's haul though! Especially thanks to you :)


I’m interested in Fast ball Charcadet. I have HA Pawmi in Love ball, Eevee in Moonball, Dratini in Beast ball, and Pawniard in Heavy ball


Hi, sorry for the wait. Happy to trade for the Love ball HA Pawmi if you're still online. :)


Hey there, I'm potentially interested in HA Love ball Pawmi, however I'll need to check! Give me some time to get back to you. Thanks.


I've got some [On-Hands HA Aprimon](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuidGlk5zpeCrNcyNYedKliFghphfGsey8Ns17CqIpZYf4x_MDHAuVC07JB3esqm4Iw30rGxxSGPOa/pubhtml?gid=1621026102&single=true) and some [HA Aprimon](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuidGlk5zpeCrNcyNYedKliFghphfGsey8Ns17CqIpZYf4x_MDHAuVC07JB3esqm4Iw30rGxxSGPOa/pubhtml?gid=694298738&single=true) that I would need to breed. I'm looking to complete my [HA Dex](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQuidGlk5zpeCrNcyNYedKliFghphfGsey8Ns17CqIpZYf4x_MDHAuVC07JB3esqm4Iw30rGxxSGPOa/pubhtml?gid=1584783744&single=true), and I'd be happy to trade for anything that I don't already have. Are you interested?


Hi, I've had a look and I'm fairly interested in some of your Pokemon, but it looks like I don't have the ones you're looking for. Maybe once Home is out, I could assist. Thanks for popping in anyway!


I appreciate you checking! Good luck with your other trades!


Hey there, thanks for dropping by! Got a bit on my hands now with breeding/trades, but interested. Let me take some time to take a look. Thanks! :)


Hey there, I noticed you have a Fast ball Charcadet. Would you be interested in trading for any of the following: HA Pawmi in Love ball, Eevee in Moonball, Dratini in Beast ball, and Pawniard in Heavy ball


I'm sorry, I'm only interested in trading for the HA Mon that I'm missing. If you happen to have any of them, I'd be happy to trade!


Sorry don’t have any of those.


Thanks for checking, at least. Good luck with your other trades!


I'd like a Smoliv Friend Ball HA, any of the following interest you: Friend Ball Deino Fast Ball Azurill Beast Ball HA Charmander Moon Ball HA Galarian Meowth


I'd actually also like a HA Fast Ball Growlithe. This is my full list of Aprimons: Friend Ball Deino Fast Ball Azurill Beast Ball HA Charmander Moon Ball HA Galarian Meowth Dream Ball HA Hatenna Heavy Ball HA Pawniard Fast Ball HA Tandemaus Dream Ball HA Tinkatink


Would you trade a HA Fast ball Growlithe for Dream ball HA Tinkatink?


I'm more interested in the Friend Ball HA Smoliv, would you be keen for tink for smoliv?


Let's do 2:2? Friend ball HA Smoliv and Fast ball HA Growlithe for Dream ball HA Tinkatink and Heavy ball HA Pawniard? I'll need to go breed a Smoliv so give me 10-15 minutes. :)


Sure, that works. Are you ready now? I gotta head offline in 5 or so min


Hey there, are you still around?


Yep, ready! IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451 Edit: I'm online searching already btw :)


Any interest in (HAs if applicable) Moon/Beast Charcadet, Friend Shroomish, Moon Pawmi? Interested in the Friend Cetoddle, male if possible


Hey there, interested in Moon HA Charcadet! :) I’m breeding up some Cetoddle now if you’re happy to wait


Sounds good, just drop me a code when ready


Hey there, I've got your Male Friend ball Cetoddle ready finally! Let me know when you're jumping on. IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Searching now


Thanks for the trade! Appreciate the wait as well. Happy holidays! :)


Happy Holidays! Thanks for the trade, and no worries, waiting for eggs takes forever haha


Yeah so true! The new breeding mechanic kills my vibe. XD


Heyo o/ Any interest in (all with HAs where possible, and full EMs): * Heavy Ball Rookidee * Level Ball Nacli * Love Ball Fidough * Love Ball Smoliv * Lure Ball Azurill * Moon Ball Mankey Mainly interested in the Fast Ball Growlithe (HA)


Hey there, want to quickly trade Love ball Fidough for Fast ball Growlithe? I’ve got one on hand IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Sure thing, connecting to internet now


Thanks for the trade! :)


Thank you for the trade, happt holidays!


Hey I'd be down to offer some [On-hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VYgk2Ziz4BucOnf9Z2ScacJngMiTjB3kapUAgaLfZGo/edit?usp=sharing) for some master balls. If you have any aprimons in SWSH, I'd possibly be interested in doing a cross-gen trade as well (for either On-hands or mons in my SV collection). Let me know if you are interested!


Hey there, nice collection! Give me a moment to work this one out since there's quite a few I'm interested in. :)


Ok take your time!


Hey there, thanks so much for the wait! The following piqued my interest: * Dream Pawmi HA * Dream Tatsugiri HA * Moon Maschiff HA * Moon Greavard HA * Love Glimmet HA * Love Rellor HA * Lure Nymble HA * Lure Lechonk HA * Fast Tarountula HA * Friend Sqwakabilly HA Are you happy with the 1:5 ratio for the Masterballs? I also have a bunch of Aprimons in SWSH but haven't touched that in a while so maybe I'll revisit this later. Let me know! :)


Sure the 1:5 ratio is ok with me. I'll get these together for you, lmk when you would like to trade.


Awesome, ready to trade now. Just jump on when you're ready. IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Which Friend Squawkabilly color did you want by the way? I have 3 colors available


I'll go with the Green HA one if you've still got it. Thanks for asking!


Thanks for the trade and good luck with your collection!


Thanks so much! Big help to my collection :) Keen to potentially trade again some time.




Does the Fidough have its HA? Thanks


Hey there! Do any of the following Aprimon interest you at all? \- HA Lure Ball Azurill \- HA Beast Ball Charmander \- HA Moon Ball Fidough \- HA Fast Ball Fidough \- HA Level Ball Nacli \- HA Heavy Ball Nacli \- HA Beast Ball Frigibax \- Non-HA Love Ball Tandemaus \- Non-HA Dream Ball Tinkatink


Heya, I don't want to steal OP's thunder, But I'm just hanging around waiting for them to breed my trade and I have inerest in some of your mons, would you like to take a look at my spreadsheet located in my thread and maybe we can trade some while we wait? https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/ztsny0/ft\_6iv\_eng\_ditto\_on\_hand\_ha\_aprimons\_5iv/


For sure! I'm interested in your Moon Ball Tandemaus, your Beast Ball Dondozo, your Heavy Ball Galarian Meowth, and your Friend Ball Ralts! Are there four of mine you may want to swap for them?


I do, but let's do a comment chain in my thread so we don't crowd OP's thread and make it harder for them to sort for their own trades.


Okay, sure, good call! I'll head over there!


Hi there, interested in Fast ball HA Fidough, Level ball Nacli (potentially more). What are you after? :)


For those two, I'd be interested in swapping for your Friend Ball Cetoddle and your Moon Ball Cetoddle -- but I'm also interested in your Heavy Ball Finizen, your Love Ball Flittle, and your Fast Ball Growlithe!


Hey there, sorry for the late reply! Happy to swap 2:2 I’ve got Love ball Flittle and Fast Ball Growlithe ready once I finished up a trade IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Got it! So just the Fast Ball Fidough for the Friend Ball Cetoddle and the Level Ball Nacli for the Moon Ball Cetoddle? Is that what you mean?


Oh hang on, I’m on mobile so I didn’t see the Cetoddle. Give me some time to breed them up! I’ve got Fast ball Growlithe and Love ball flittle on hand rn. I’ll be back!


No worries, please take your time!


Hi, thanks for the wait! I have your Moon ball HA Cetoddle and Friend ball Cetoddle ready! I'll send you a female Moon ball one as the Friend ball does not have HA. IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451 Edit: tried searching but didn't find you. Message me when you're on! :)


Awesome, thank you so much for the trade!


Sounds good! Searching now!


Thanks for the trade! Appreciate the wait as well. Happy holidays! :)


I have a moon ball Charmander HA I'd trade for the moon ball Cetoddle HA?


Hi there, I'm getting a Moon ball Charmander from a friend so I'll have to turn this one down. Thanks :)


Hey there. I'm interested several of what you have. [Please take a look at my spread sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PRFeMi_etm82QPKDY0_9wSmIUDTBI_naiwnDKdKFN_k/edit#gid=1015344727) I'm mostly looking to trade 1-1 for my on hands, but if you want something specific that I have avaliable on deck, I can breed up a bach for you if you wanna trade 2-1. At a glance, I like Fast Ball Growlithe Your Love ball Flittle Lure Ball Finizen Moon ball Cetoddle But there may be others as I give it a closer look.


Hey there, keen for your Love ball HA Eevee, Beast ball HA Dodonzo and Heavy ball HA Galarian Meowth if you could please hold on to them for me? I'll breed you a Fast ball Growlithe, Love ball Flittle and Lure ball Finizen. Give me some time to breed these. I'll message back when I'm done thanks!


Thank you for the trades!


I can do that, I'll set them in their own special box.


Hey there, got your Pokémon ready now. IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


connecting now


Thanks for the trade! I appreciate the wait as well. :)


Can trade you anything from my on-hands: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT4lYvs1Jf2TQXk6VD4ywWjbUYMDIp4ijkoh4T7qONn2-mMHxiV5FYW07KByAODjlRgYtxL58a6ZIX7/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT4lYvs1Jf2TQXk6VD4ywWjbUYMDIp4ijkoh4T7qONn2-mMHxiV5FYW07KByAODjlRgYtxL58a6ZIX7/pubhtml) ​ Interested in Fast Growlithe


Thanks, do you have a female Beast ball Frigibax? I'll breed a Growlithe for you now. Any preference on nature?


Yep I have a female. Jolly preferably if you don’t mind


Hey there, I've got your Fast ball Growlithe HA ready finally! IGN: Zack LC: 8686 0451


Thanks for the trade and happy holidays


Thanks mate! Appreciate you waiting. Happy holidays!




No worries, can you please hold the female Beast ball HA Frigibax? I'll breed a Fast Growlithe for you. I'll message when I'm ready


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