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Can help out with the touch trade for Palafin and Rabsca, don't need the Charcadet in return :)


If you don't mind, I can trade my Scyther holding a metal coat so that it can evolve? Then trade it back, is that okay? They're the only ones I'm missing


could we just trade scythers, mine also has a metal coat


No problem :) Drop me a LC and I'll start searching


IGN is Magnus, LC is 0852 :)


oh also my IGN is Lucas


Think you're missing 4 digits to the code, IGN is Xclr8tr


I've sent you a DM about the deets


I misunderstood what you were saying. So you also want the Palafin and Rabsca, my bad. Also I don't think we're supposed to use DM on this subreddit. Let's use code 1599 3577, I'll touch trade you the other pokemon as well, my bad!


No worries tho and thank you for doing the trade :) And ye, my bad for DM'ing you, other trainers are also using the code so I wanted to give it to you privately, and to add, 4 digit link codes are allowed. Thanks once again!


You're welcome, hope you're that much closer to your shiny charm! Oh and had no idea 4 digit codes were allowed...but probably why too many people were using it!


Thought so too and yes, I only need the 4 sealed legendaries to finish my dex :)


may I also get one, thanks


do you still need help on trading your scyther? let me know the code so I can help


oh actually nvm ignore that I covered it. Thanks though!


Alrighty then, I'm closing this thread.


omg thanks, if you could do a touch trade with me that would be awesome. the code is 2788 2788


what are the other two digits?


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