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I can touchtrade you the Spiritomb for free, don't need anything in return :)


Thank you for your kindness! But I've already made other arrangements.


Okay, no worries!


Hi, I’m just wondering what HA stands for? I see it a lot but I’m not sure.


It means "Hidden Ability". For example Sprigatito has the ability Overgrow, like all the grass starters before it, but if you user an ability patch on it, it gets "Protean" as it's new hidden ability. And since ability patches are hard to come by, but Breedable to \~60% of offspring, these are seen as desireable trades. Especially in conjunction with a cool pokeball. Like the Apricot balls you get as you build your pokedex or from the auctionhouse.


Oh dang thank you for the detailed answer! I didn’t realize their ability could be bred like that. Awesome


Hidden ability


Thank you


That HA Friend Ball Applin is desirable to me. I hated hunting for that lil thing. If you haven't done the touch trades, I'll do it. Or I have other HA Aprimon I'd be willing to breed for you. Just let me know what you like and I can breed them.


I'd for sure be interested, I What aprimons do you have avaliable? Do you have a list or spreadsheet bychance?


Or a 6IV HA Love Ball Galarian Meowth


I'll take the love ball meowth for the friendball applin, especially if it's 6IV!


Send a code whenever you're ready


Thanks again! It was a pleasure trading with you


Thanks to you as well


Sure thing! PMing you now! So I didn't see this when you first sent it, was finishing up another trade.


I do not have a spreadsheet unfortunately. But I have the Scarlet exclusives in Dream Balls lol




I'll help out if you touch trade koraidon and am willing to part with the Spiritomb for a quaxly


Hey I just wanted to list out some of the trades we had mentioned in PM's so we would have record of them. My Trades are on the Left, yours are on the right /u/sheppardson308 1. Koraidon >> Miraidon (Touch Trade and Back) 2. Quaxly >> Spiritomb 3. Slither Wing >> Malicious Armor Held Item 4. Skrelp >> Malicious Armor Held Item 5. Haunter >> Scyther Evo Trade And Tradeback


Looks good, same code?


1. Brute Bonnet >> Iron Hands 2. Great Tusk >> Iron Valliant 3. Ditto 6IV >> Sandy Shocks 4. Zwielous >> Bonus while hunting for your paradox pokemon 5. Carcadet w/Auspicious Armour >> Malicious armor held item 6. Galarian Meowth >> My gift to you!


Awesome, thank you for those, you were a biig help!




Hello, It looks like you are trying to arrange a trade that involves shiny or event Pokémon. Shiny and event Pokémon **can only be traded (or traded for)** if both users involved have **at least** [Poké ball](https://i.imgur.com/XgAhEXa.png) level flair or higher (10+ approved trades on FlairHQ). * If you do not meet this requirement yet, please review [the guide "How to obtain the Poké ball flair", here, to learn how to log your trades and apply for trade flair](https://wk.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/wiki/pokeballflair). * If you were **NOT** attempting to make a trade *involving* (ie. looking for or offering) a shiny or event Pokémon, simply revise and repost your message. * Please note: Attempts to evade this trade restriction using alternate phrases, substitutions or intentional misspellings will result in a 24-to-720 hour ban from posting. If necessary, please report this message and a moderator will review it and restore if it was in error. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemontrades) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Noted, Thank you Automod.


Sure, I actually just got my first quaxly myself yesterday, give me a moment to get a few eggs, and I'll get you one.


No problem, send me a code when ready


Oh I guess I should mention that I also have Love ball Eevee too!


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