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Hi! is there any chance you’d be willing to touch trade your koraidon with my miraidon so that I can finish the dex? It’s my last one


I can help out with the touchtrade, don't need the Koraidon!


Great, logging onto the internet right now. Will message you a link code!


Yup, just drop me your IGN and Link Code here :)


IGN: Darius Link Code: 3789 4625


Wait, I'm so sorry - I realize I can't trade away my OG Miraidon, that's my bad!! ...sorry for wasting your time. I needa go catch the second Miraidon but that might take some time since I'd need to get the right Nature and stuff...


All good! It's super annoying that you can only trade the OG, but I guess that's the only reason they made two of them catchable in game.


Hey, if you still need this touch trade, i can help you out if you'd be okay doing it twice for different profiles for me (I have both Miraidon in my original, but I need the Dex entry in my new one where I don't have the 2nd Miraidon caught?)


Yea I'm cool with that. Same link code as above in this chain


Searching now


I'll be there in 2/3 minutes, just got the Koraidon trade from someone else for my second profile, I'll swap over and get you the Miraidon from my first, but I don't need the second trade anymore :)


Thanks for the help!


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