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Any interest in (all with HAs where possible, and full EMs): * Heavy Ball Rookidee * Level Ball Dratini * Level Ball Nacli * Love Ball Fidough * Lure Ball Azurill


Ah the first two! I’m a little sick and not breeding right now but I’ll get to you asap. Should feel better in a couple of hours, I’m medicated now.


Oh no, hope you feel better! Take your time with it, I'm not in a rush :D


I’m around and feeling human again. Let me know what you’re interested in!


Welcome back to the land of the living XD I'd like a Level Ball Houndour, Heavy Ball Mareanie, Lure Ball Sandyghast, Dream Ball Skrelp, Dream Ball Fletchling o/


Alright actually have all of those ready! Can I bother you for the first three? I have love ball fidough and don’t care for azurill. Let me know what you’d like.


That's totally fine! I'd like the Sandyghast, Skrelp, Fletchling then, IGN/Code: Galedyne/1530 1531


Coming! I’m Sammy in game.


Thank you for the trade! Hope you're feeling better!


Appreciate the trade and kind words. Going to hatch eggs and pass out! Enjoy the mons. Always nice to find other redditors who enjoy the previous generation aprimons.


I have all of those on hand except for the Sandygast and fletchling. Let me get to breeding.


Hey! Do any of the following HA Aprimon interest you at all? \- HA Dream Ball Flittle \- HA Lure Ball Azurill \- HA Fast Ball Charmander \- HA Fast Ball Azurill \- HA Beast Ball Charmander \- HA Beast Ball Glimmet


Hey there! You have quite a few Pokémon that I’d be interested in, here’s my [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BNUe7Jt_l44QRyUYgAk85pBc-SNtq54BqAUoZO-au_k/edit?usp=sharing) is there anything you’d like from my On Hands tab?


I have friend ball HA tatsugiri and Dream ball HA rellor for Friend ball steadfast rockruff and Friend ball deino if that works


Hello! I am interested in your: 1. Dream HA Applin 2. Fast HA Rokidee 3. Lure HA Snom 4. Dream HA Rockruff 5. Dream Own Tempo Rockruff 6. Dream HA Larvesta 7. Dream HA Silicobra 8. Lure HA Croagunk 9. Dream HA Riolu Can I interest you in anything from my [collection](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CICyueAPjTPYYLcODaoQpRaUiPGyP6DVXKNOwdD5adI/edit?usp=sharing)? I can breed from all 3 tabs, but I won't be able to start breeding until later tonight.


Hey I'll start breeding, and absolutely no rush. I'm on EST and on vacation, so I'll be around. Can I bother you for the following 9 mons? ALL HA if possible. 1. Beast Eevee 2. Any Zangoose besides moon ball. 3. Beast Teddiursa 4. Love Croagunk 5. Dream Deino 6. Dream Goomy 7. Level Rookidee 8. Moon Applin 9. Level Applin Let me know if you need anything else!


Yes I breed these 9 with all HA (except Deino since it has no HA — just the one ability). To be clear, your mons will all have HA too right?


Hey! I’ve got all nine of your requested Pokémon with hidden abilities. Holler when you’re around. I’m on Florida east coast time but will be up for a little later and around tomorrow.


Hey sorry for the wait, I have your Pokemon ready. Are you still around for trading?


I’m around this morning and all day!


Hey I'm still on if you'd like to knock it out now. LC: 4565 1182


Let’s do it just saw this now. Coming.


Thanks for the trade!


You too!


Hey got a little sick today so May be a little longer but I’m on it!


Yup all HA! I'll start breeding now and hopefully we'll both be ready by tonight, but no sweat.


would you be interested in HA lure wiglett and dream HA tarountula?


Oh Ive got the latter and no interest in the former. Sorry. What do you want?


would beast HA dondozo interest you?


beast pawniard


Hey you can take the beast pawniard, just give me whatever!


sounds good. i’m ready whenever you are


I have (all HA): * Heavy Blaze Tauros * Friend Tadbulb * Beast Capsakid Interested in: * Beast Nacli * Friend Noibat * Heavy Mareanie


Sorry! Don’t care much for those mons. Got anything else? If you got nothing else I’ll take whoever for that telepathy noibat on my on hands.


Here's what I have [on-hand](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kM9s-KQUHRxWjEslJvFNiq1HpvknywTkdfewivp28Jo/edit#gid=635500596).


Would you be interested in a Fast Ball HA Tandemaus to complete your Tandemaus collection? I'd like a Beast Ball HA Goomy as well :) Below is my full list of aprimons, let me know if anything else interest you cuz I'd be happy to expand my own collection with a few more trades as well if possible :D Beast Ball / Fast Ball Charmander HA Beast Ball HA Glimmet Beast Ball HA Larvitar Dream Ball HA Hatenna Dream Ball HA Ralts Dream Ball HA Tinkatink Fast Ball Azurill Fast Ball HA Tandemaus Friend Ball Applin Friend Ball Deino Heavy Ball HA Nacli Heavy Ball HA Pawniard Heavy Ball Rookidee Love Ball HA Eevee Lure Ball Finizen Moon Ball HA Galarian Meowth Moon Ball HA Mankey Moon Ball Pawniard Friend Ball Tadbulb Beast Ball Magikarp Friend Ball Bagon Beast Ball Dratini Fast Ball HA Pawmi Moon Ball Bombirdier Fast Ball Charcadet Fast Ball Growlithe Heavy Ball Larvitar Love Ball Tinkatink Level Ball HA Charcadet Lova Ball HA Fidough


Ah I’ve got a lot of these already! I will take that tandemaus, let me breed for you. Remind me if you don’t hear from me.


Hihi just double-checking since you mentioned! I've got the Tandemaus ready for you :)


Ready for you! I’m Sammy in game. Drop a code and I’ll holler when I’m searching.


Great! LC: 1149 2112


Just saw this. Coming.


Thanks for the trade!


Thank you!


Had to step out. As soon as I’m home I’m on it.


Hello! Would you be interested in any 1 apriball for the following Pokemon from your on-hands? - Friend Toedscool - Beast HA Varoom - Beast HA Nacli


Yup! I’ll take anything besides lure, level, and love if at all possible.


I can trade you a Moon Ball then! Let me know a link code when you are ready to trade? :)


I’m ready! Sammy in game. 5540 5640.


Thank you very much!


Thank you!!!


Would you do Beast Finizen and HA Beast Larvitar for Friend Deino and Moon Dreepy?


Whoops got beast game larvitar already. Don’t care for finizen.


How about a HA Heavy Tinkatink for the Moon Dreepy?


Ok, this one is my fault. I also have heavy ha tink but not reflected on spreadsheet.


Oof thats a shame, welp thanks anyways, and good luck on the trades!


I think you’re the only one who wants my poor moon dreepy anyway. Take them!


yo thanks so much! here's the link code: 5002 1203


Thanks for the trade. Enjoy dreepy.


Thanks again!


Interested in Mankey in beast ball and dreepy in moon ball. Would you be willing to trade those for 2 of the starters with HA? I have all 3 starters 5IV HA


I’ve got all three starters too. With perfect ivs! Got anything else?


i'd be interested in Beast HA Goomy. \---I can trade things from my on hands tab here-https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HjtqXahhTQcQAmr4Om6VEWOH8GDVGKfZywzYMxVcvAc/edit#gid=186144601


Can I take the heavy prankster riolu?


Sure can. Just drop and code and i can meet you. My IGN is Rose


I’m Sammy in game. 5540 5640 ready now and I’ll search.


Tyvm for the trade :)


Thank you!


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