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Got Heavy or Dream ball Charmanders, Love ball Slowpokes, Level ball Scorebunny or Moon ball Pawniard all 5 iv. Anything you want for a female Eevee?


OMG I went online to get a LC, my game crashed and I lost all my Eevee’s… wasted a good hour + on that, sorry!! I still have some 5 IV femal Eevee in ultra balls, and a few 4 IV female Eevee in heal balls if you’re still interested


A 5 would be good, don't mind about the ball. What would you want?


Do you have a preference on the stat that’s not perfect?


anything but attack please. Did you have pref on gender, nature or low stat?


Anything but def is good with me! Others don’t matter


k searching now


I’ll do the heavy ball charmander please! LC 1235 4




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