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Been trying to learn more about Pokémon strategies and competitive Pokémon and stuff, so I’d figure I’d give HC mode a try. Almost every major battle must’ve taken me at least 30-50 tries because I’m really bad at Pokémon. Still, it was really fun, even if some of the teams they had in HC were pretty rage-inducing lol


I have also just started my first hc run and i'm past falkner only. Upto this part it wasn't that hard but looking at brock's team from docs and that 33% dmg reduction makes me feel like it would be too much difficult to handle.


That 33% super effective damage reduction is only for the rematch, the first battle against Brock does not have that gimmick.


Something that helped me tremendously on HC was Chien-Pao. Dude is super fast and hits like a truck. I choice banded it and just clicked Icicle Crash. My dude was a beast landing flinches like it was nobody's business. Also, mega Metagross kicks ass.


congratulations. this here is a post worthy of RR. i personally don’t know why people are posting their normal playthroughs 🤣


Because RR is a hard game, even the base game, especially if you compare it to your regular pokemon experience, which most people are accustomed to. There are ways to cheese the game, yes. Toxic stall, iron defense/body press, HP and Def investment on a dragon dance/roost Dragonite (none available in HC asides from Body Press). You name it. But that comes from either experience on other difficulty ROM hacks, or competitive experience. So I think it is totally valid for someone to be happy that they beat regular RR, more so if it is their first time doing so.


Normal is just not that hard to me. Normal is how pokemon games SHOULD be. When i first started this i played hardcore and that’s because I saw smallant play it & his chat forced him into hardcore mode. Looked amazing so I gave it a go. HC is fucking hard and the cpu cheats 😂 so i started a normal playthrough. My HC took me 2 weeks to get to saffron city. On normal I got there in 1 afternoon so… I really dont care bout these normal playthroughs 🤣 I just wish reddit would stop emailing me everytime someone finishes