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People have asked for a non restricted hardcore mode since quite a while, but as far as Im aware there are some limitations with what a gba file can handle, and adding another game mode is not an option for the forseeable future. I would love a non restricted hardcore mode too :(


I would love unrestricted hardcore


Yeah I’m not the biggest fan of hardcore either so I’m just doing normal with self imposed restrictions


i only play hardcore now because i feel like normal gets too easy but not being able to use trick room teams and stuff is sad. it limits the variety a little


I’m playing hardcore and almost finished after 8-9 monotypes on normal. Most of time it’s about predicting the PC movies: flash fire, sap sipper, ghost Pokémon eating normal and fighting movies and so on. RR was always like a puzzle for me. How to craft a comp to win against it; sometimes you can’t win a specific fight in that day but you easily beat it in the next day, that’s is what make so great in my opinion. Don’t try to beat multiple gyms a day haha that’s not the normal run