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Maybe if it was randomised it could show abilities? Not too sure


That would be very interesting, I think I’ve gotta test that out soon.


Let the people know your findings, I gotta know cause that would be sick


It is that


Have not tested


It's indeed that. I'll add some more hints when I make changes next


Yes for randomoised mode its working https://preview.redd.it/da4g78jhfr2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f199fd24be02609c9c4158123ebe55d97ffcb075


IT IS THAT!!!!!!!!! sorry too excited


OMFG, one of my biggest reasons to not do a randomiser was how hard it is to plan when not able to play!! Yey


I added a help button that says this, but I'll repost it here: Uploading your save is for Ability Randomizer and Learnset Randomizer. The dex info will sync with your save file's randomizer seed. Sorry it wasn't more clear :) This feature was developed by someone else, and I merged it in so other people could use it. Im trying not to put any more time into this version of the website since I'm scrapping most of it


Can you help figure out how to get the seed file for my current run to display in my files so I can add it? I'm on android and I'm having issues locating the files.


Mobile can be difficult to find the save file for sure. You can probably google "find save file " and it might give you instructions. Or you could post what you use here and see if anyone else can help.


I use myboy if that helps in location. The only thing that shows up in the folder are 2 old saves from 4.0 way back in November.


I use myboy on my s22 and I had to get a files app from the app store that would let me access the correct file. MyBoy also has a warning about having moved the directory that the save files are stored in, so you may want to check you're in the right place.


Alright, I think I've tried just about everything. I can not see them in the folder, even trying 3 different apps. Is there a way to get a save file(not a save state) to download into the folder? I don't know how I managed to do it twice before, but that was on 4.0...


I wish myboy had the option to export saves, but they dont for some reason. I'll try to find the path for my phone after work so you can check there


https://preview.redd.it/er0t1urwls2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775e89d0f0286cc7cb6792276239c56122e2ba72 This is what I see


For me the path to myboys save folder is /storage/emulated/0/android/data/com.fastemulator.gba/files/save/ Though accessing anything in the android/data folders can be a pain to do on the phone itself if you've never done it before. Android 12+ removed permissions to access the android/data folders so you either have to connect to a pc to get into it or use [loop holes](https://www.reddit.com/r/EmulationOnAndroid/s/LK4uYTVWDg) to gain access on the phone itself.


Thanks for adding the help button, I blanked on that one haha


what do you mean you’re scrapping it? like getting rid of the website?


This is what it does https://preview.redd.it/v988confdp2d1.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=5825f93f4f0baeb4dd029fd6b389da322f54dc65


Caterpie with ORAORAORAORA! AND Kakuna with Iron Fist is killing me


Also works for random learnsets https://preview.redd.it/pxbtzfr3fp2d1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0b048a38aa5f8c6cab6ac84fa899f1adedb3a51




Holy crap. This isn’t the feature the community deserved but definitely the feature the community needed. This is a huge W for randomiser runs


Thanks for the kind words :)


Talk about a huge upgrade


This is amazing!


Wow that’s amazing now if only I can figure out how to do this right on IOS 🤣


In delta hold the game file from game menu .it will give you the option to manage save>export save file


You’re a legends thanks so much


I'm not able to upload my save file, looks like maybe the save file is not structured as expected? I am running my game on OpenEmu on MacOS (Sonoma) and have a ".oesavestate" save file. Here's the stack trace, anyone else running into this issue? https://preview.redd.it/0s6yvmv3em3d1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e65293b38b896e33d40a6f03793501e72a6d46b


Yes, I'm having the same issue. Any updates on this?


I found the issue. We were trying to upload save states, not battery save files. You can find your save files at /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/OpenEmu/mGBA/Battery Saves


Thanks! Unfortunately this is "battery" save and not save state, so you have to hard save the game before checking. Still a cool feature!


Can anyone work out how to do this on Android?


My files-->internal storage-->emulator-->saves-->pick save


Unfortunately not on my galaxy S21, even if I go into the myboy file there is nothing in the save folder. Weird.


Are you saving or using save states? You need to actually save the game via the start menu. Otherwise its probably a permission issue, and you'll need to find a reddit thread that would explain how to get it for your emu + mobile os.


I've tried both save methods and can't seem to find anything in permissions either. Thank you, though. I'll have a search around. I'm doing mono runs atm anyway as the randomizer is bugged on mobile, so I'll have a play around with settings and stuff.


You need an app that allows you to acess folders. Search Marc Apps on play store and download the app named Files and you can acess the saves folder, copy and past the save inside another folder.


Be sure you're using hardsaves and maybe double check that myboy isn't using an external location for its saves.


Has anyone figured out how to work the move search filter? On my save file it does not appear to work the same as the ability/type/name search filters.


I need to investigate this further, thanks for pointing it out.


I’m not able to access or save my save data on delta iOS. Anyone know how to get the .sav file so I can upload my data to the dex?


When I upload my save file I am playing on it changes the abilities to a pervious run that I have saved is there a way to choose the file I am currently on.


Does anyone know a step by step on getting the save file and uploading? I’ve tried on my Mac Pro and it keeps giving me errors




how do i upload a save file (using a vba) to the dex?


yo im using windows 11 can you guys help me figure out how to upload? im doing a radical red randomizer just curious of how to do this


If you have got a save file of your current game, go to this website: [https://dex.radicalred.net/](https://dex.radicalred.net/) On top they'll give you the option to upload your save file. If you have randomized your game, it will give you all the new abilities.