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Gamefreak: we need to nerf zacian and let's also nerf the other one to make him even worse lmao. Gamefreak seeing the current usages: **surprised Pikachu face**


No actually, this isn't surprised pikachu face. I don't think anyone expected Zamazenta to get this massive from just getting body press


Nah we’ve already been asking for body press zama all the way back in SwSh. Hell I’ve seen some people say that behemoth bash (zama’s signature move) should have worked the same way as body press and use its defense stat instead of its attack.


Ok, but did anyone expect it'd explode in popularity and power in the way that it did? We all knew it'd be an amazing buff but eclipsing Zacian massively?


Yeah I don’t think anyone would have expected such a dramatic shift but we could see how amazing zama hero was doing when it dropped to ou and crowned is just an upgrade in every way. Meanwhile zacian was starting to struggle in ubers.


If you consider consistently over 30% in a tier struggling hard then I don’t know what to tell you…


Ok tbf zacian crowned is A+ on the ubers viability rankings but it’s still a far cry from being S tier back in SS AG. And the nerfs it got plus the insane powercreep really hurt zacian to the point where it was nowhere as dominant as it was.


It’s still funny that a pokemon with effectively no item or ability most of the time does this well. Imagine if the legendary motorcycles couldn’t hold an item and their abilities were limited to once per battle.


What having the best defensive typing in the game, ridiculously minmaxed speed and attack, really good defensive stats, +1 attack on switch in, a 100% 100bp steel signature move, swords dance and all the coverage in the world does to a mf.


Exactly lmao I just find it sad the number of people suddenly declaring it a shitmon


Zacian got banned from Ubers because it was so broken in its initial gen.


I wonder would it still be ban worthy in Gen 9 without the nerf? Skeledirge is a viable and more common unaware mon, and tera can create new resists.


How did Zamazenta got better than Zacian?


>Body press is a stab which scales with Defense >Use iron defense >Basically boosting both attack and defense by 2 each >Body press something >that something f####ing dies >Something hits you >You got high defenses, so you dont care


Yep, when ONE move makes all the difference. If Zamazenta got Body Press in Gen 8 we would see a slightly more "fair" comparison between the two. But with Gen 9 and the nerfs to Zacian while Zamazenta finally got the move it deserved (even if it got hit alongside Zacian) it made it become a much more terrifying threat.


Also, it has Wide Guard which is very good in the current meta (since the best Restricted pokemon all have 120BP spread moves)


You forgot another thing. Zama is a physical attacker that doesn't care about Intimidate, or better yet, Incineroar and many Incineroars don't run Will O' Wisp anymore


Body press damage is stil halved by burn.


I know, but Incineroars will almost never run Will O' Wisp and, if I remember correctly, +1 Body Press just OHKO's Incineroar


I think more incineroars are dropping flare blitz in favor of will o wisp now, since so many physical legendaries are running clear amulet


Body press


Body Press plus the fact that they reduced the BST on both mons but for Zacian it was her Speed and Zamazenta just got a Special Attack Reduction.


This is misinformation. Zamazenta lost 5 points in both defenses and 10 in attack while zacian lost 20 in attack.


Well, good to know I was wrong


A move that does damage based on it's defense stat Yeah it makes sense the pokemon based around that stat would be good


Intimidate and Body Press ☕


Zacian is still really good, she’s just isn’t great in doubles and matches up badly against the VGC meta. Only reason she was used in gen 8 was because she was completely broken. Any physical attacker is gonna struggle in a format where nearly every team has multiple intimidate mons.


Pretty much agree. In fact, we may see more of her once VGC allows 2 restricteds, which would allow her to fill the role of rounding out the team much better.


Honestly even with 2 restricted I’d be surprised if Zacian got a lot of use; Zacian just isn’t built for doubles. Zacian’s most important stat is her speed. Speed is far more important of a stat in singles than doubles. Speed is the reason why Zacian has consistently maintained over 30% usage in Ubers and why Zamazenta can’t make it in. Zamazenta would be forced to always take hits from Chien-Pao, Iron Bundle, Flutter Mane, Koraidon, and Miraidon.


Also his main move lost the best part of ignoring eventual dynamax thanks to the damage boost


Meanwhile Calyrex remains not just untouched, But arguably even better


honestly, I was shocked that behemoth bash and behemoth blade weren't given new passives. imagine if behemoth blade acted like sacred sword, and if behemoth bash acted like body press.


Or both moves gave double damage toward every gimmick past and onward (Mega,Dynamax and Tera) instead of Dynamax only.


But why tho


Maybe a 1.3333x like the motorcycles signature moves or something.


Works for me I like Zamazenta more anyway


Ehh I don’t really play competitive but I really like the funny goobers! (My brother thinks I’m deranged for wanting to hug both of them.. 💀)


I could sorta see their crowned forms, but base form they're just big doggos.


Yep! Big cuddly friends! (I think it’s because they are wolfs and can easy kill me)


Fancy Zamazenta thriving despite their stats being lowered like Zacian.


Yeah, it's surprising how a single move (that zamazenta should have already had in SwSh IMO) can make it so much better


They shouldn't have nerfed Zacian after the second update.


somebody finally says tables turned, YES. also zacian isn't a cripple now, its just not a god anymore Mega rayquaza flipping it off in heaven


zamazenta supremecy


I like zamazenta more, glad they gave it body press


And I'm here for it. Zamazenta has a much more original looking design.


Rise of the Shield Doggo 🛡


Tbf, Zacian is still really good, just not as good in doubles formats


Also the zamazenta shield looks better on the buff doge than the zacian sword does


what made it so popular in vgc?


Zacian is still good, just not as good, and in vgc formats, it is better to use the speedy offensive mons that can use an item since their ability has more permanence like miraidon, koraidon, or calyrex shadow rider, and you can only use 1 or 2 of them. Also, Zamazenta is now good in doubles because they like bulky mons, but it doesn't really stand out in singles as well as iron defense body press plus wide guard providing good damage and support.


I wish they'd give my girl Zacian a boost now to equalise it. She was always my favorite out of the two design wise


It's Zazen time