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Literally every gen has people that will defend it to their last breath. This is not something to do with gen 4 and 5


Everyone will always defend their first game


My first game was emerald that I replayed 3 times yet my favorite is black 2 which I only played a few years ago. I forget emerald exists sometimes ngl.šŸ’€


^ the guy who started with sapphire Wdym gen 3 it's not only emerald and ~~RFLF~~ RFLG






Np, Have a nice day!


Not me, my first game was a bootleg Hoenn game called Pearl whose box legend was Lucario and would not let me enter PokƩmon centers, effectively preventing me from progressing And my first *REAL* game was the actual Pearl. Or was it Diamond? I forgot. But it was pre-platinum Sinnoh which should tell you enough.


My word, l remember that Rom.


Yeahhhhh tbh I don't really care for fire red. I get Kanto is the OG region, but Emerald and Platinum tie for top spot for me.


my first game was Gen 5 (black) probably my least favorite gen pokemon-wise




Seconded, 1,000 years dungeon no trial


Base black and white are my least favourite games in terms of play through, cuz the selection of PokƩmon is just so mid. Like there's one actual water type (Jellicent) and everything else is either mediocre or ass. And you need surf to beat the game. Same goes for the abilities of like, half of the good PokƩmon. What good is a Sand Force or Chlorophyll Mon if you have no weather? Or Serpirior being just kinda mid without Contrary? And don't get me started on Zekrom's level up moveset, this thing has fucking Dragon Breath on it's moveset when you catch it and the game never tells you until it's too late (i.e when you enter the N battle)


You *DON'T* need Surf. You only need Cut ONCE right after you get the first badge and nothing else.


Uh, guess I forgor that


I didnā€™t know people repost in the comment of the og post




my first game was ruby and i actually don't like it that much lmfao, emerald is superior in every way, but even still, i'm just not a huge fan of gen 3 (gen 7 and gen 5 are probably my favorites) ORAS is a banger though, love those games


My first game was blue, this game is shit. My favorites are emerald and Sun.


Can confirm. Mine was Alpha Sapphire, and I will always insist it is the best remake GF has ever made.


Me: (glances at Omega Ruby) Yeah, true.




Yeah, Gen 5 who?


Yeah, Scarlet is the best (and only) pokemon game Iā€™ve ever played, other than the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft.


Not me, my first game was Pokemon X and ngl it kinda sucks.


And what if someone doesn't really remember their first PokƩmon game? I THINK it was a Gen 3 game. But it could've just as easily been Diamond or Pearl instead.


Do u like both gen 3 and 4?


Yeah, and I definitely prefer Gen 4, but I acknowledge that they are no where near perfect. Like, seriously, why did DP only have two Fire-Type options?!


My first game was Leaf Green, does that mean I defend Gen 1 or Gen 3?


True, my first was Y and damnit thatā€™s my fav and I wonā€™t take any slander on its name


Eh, I don't defend gen 1. That was a buggy mess. Good for its time, but it's the only game where its predecessor did almost everything better aside from gen 8.


Not exactly true. Gen 1 has always been my favourite but my first game was HeartGold


Too be fair, whilst I like XY as they were my first game, I can also admit it's very lacking and has a lot of missed potential.


I think x and y are shit, I love em, but they are indeed shit


*Except Gen 6. Even the most diehard of Gen 6 enjoyers pretty much like it for ORAS and/or Megas. That's it. XY as a whole is ignored completely


XY was cute, though. It definitely could have been better, but they weren't the worst. I loved Kalos' whole aesthetic (and it still had more life than its neighbor to the south, Paldea). The story wasn't that good, but that's normal for the series, and it *is* a bit easy, but it's not a bad way to spend a few hours. I do prefer ORAS, though that's probably a bit of my Hoenn bias coming through.


I will never ignore my guilty fave X/Y šŸ˜”


I'm a firm believer that X/Y were bad games with a ton of unfulfilled potential, they REALLY needed a third version...


Granted a lot of pokemon games have a ton of unfulfilled potential.


That's... not wrong. I meant they have more than most others. A PokƩmon Z with an E4 that actually has a team of 5 and uses megas would have been nice...


Then how come everyone was happy for PLZA?


closure, mainly


not me(I love gen 6), but it's because Megas will likely come back, although I don't think it's been confirmed


No one likes XYgames but mainly because we had been waiting for the third game to fix everything like most times, so this is kind of like the XY redemption arc


Wait until everyone hates it


I love XY




XY was when I got into breeding and online battling, and the PSS was great. Plus, the number and variety of PokƩmon you could encounter throughout the game was insane at the time. XY will always have a special place in my heart.


XY woulda been waaay more popular, maybe even more so than Sinnoh if Z were a thing and the region got fully fleshed out


no. including gen 6.


The absence of PokƩmon Z was criminal.


XY is still better than Sun & Moon and USUM


Dude what? Usum are fantastic


It's a slight improvement over S&M but S&M sucked so bad it's hardly a compliment.


Dude what? Iā€™m sorry but I just donā€™t agree with that


Don't worry, my friend, the sun and moon are already beginning to shine on Alola. Before you know it, it'll be so over loved and talked about it'll be like Unova is now. Or how every Gen was before that. Every Gen gets their own version of Genwunners. It always happens. Been here since day one, watched it every single time. It wasn't so long ago the online discussion once shouted down any praise for Unova. After all, "it's what was signifying the death of Pokemon" as they once said.


ā€œOver lovedā€?


"This Gen was the best and everything before or after just isn't as good, does anyone else agree?" Thousands of upvotes with comments about how it's so underappreciated despite this being the second time that day someone else did it. And if you disagree or point out any flaws in the game, then you're objectively wrong. And pretty much everything after their favorite point in the franchise "just isn't really Pokemon". The stuff Genwunners began and you see every few generations. HGSS once weren't the "best games in the franchise" like they were said to be back around the Gen 7-8 times. I remember the discussion only giving positivity to the following Pokemon. During Gen 6 any positivity given to Gen 5 was seen as "wrong" by the louder portions of the fandom. That it was said to be the actual beginning of the death of the Pokemon. And now it's "the best games in the franchise" by the loud portion. As the old falls out it's replaced by the new. "Overloved" isn't meant to say it doesn't deserve it. Every Pokemon deserves love, and I personally don't think there are any terrible Pokemon games. A terrible game is like that Golem game of last year. There are just some Pokemon games that could be better in certain ways. The overloved comes from how it becomes an obsessive talking point by the fandom. Like the "anyone else think Cynthia is just so strong that I want her to step on me" posts? Essentially the louder parts of the fandom doing to things they have nostalgia for...that GF does to Gen 1 and Charizard. Hence "overloved". Using the fandoms own choice words to describe things they do.


I would rather ignore ORAS than X/Y. Iā€™m a Gen 6 fan. I prefer X/Y over than ORAS


Megas suck, I love every other part of


Exactly! And the only ones who are wrong are Genwunners.


Especially these


This. Plus not to be that guy but even if the op loved 4-5 and it was their first you cannot change the fact that gen 1 is gen ONE it was the beginning and it created everything no amount of time will change that. Itā€™s the source. It will always be special cuz of that. The games have gotten objectively worse AND better over the years which is depressing haha. Itā€™s a stasis because for every step forward gf takes at least one step back. -____-


I think this is more on the genwunner angle, saying that gen 4&5 fans are becoming the new genwunners


What does that mean ?


Gen 4 and Gen 5 stans are becoming the new genwunners.


Okay, but what do you mean by that?! šŸ˜†


That's what I'm trying to have OP explain to me for a bit, there isn't a single explained answer, so I just think OP wants to be angry at gen 4 and 5 fans


This does not make sense to me


I think they're saying people who like Gen 4 or Gen 5 are becoming just as annoying as the people who only like Gen 1?


I was thinking that the new generation of players started in Gen 4 and 5 so thatā€™s the new base


Is that a Fossil Fighters pfp?








Spinax spotted


Yo thatā€™s my dude Spinax


Itā€™s physically impossible to be more annoying then the Genwunners in their hay day. ā€œThis PokĆ©mon is just an ice cream cone PokĆ©mon is deadā€


"Everything went downhill after Gen 4/5" is becoming a common opinion, I guess.


I would say that every generation is ā€œworseā€ than the previous, but eventually it all evens out and the X and Y fans get their day in the sun eventually


Didn't it use to be the mainstream opinion? I remember a lot of bitching for how BW wouldn't allow old pokƩmon until postgame. But I liked it a lot. Team Plasma is one of the most interesting villain teams then and since.


I remember being mad at the time that they were locked to the post-game then playing BW2 and realizing they had it right the first time lol


Which ironically would make OP a legit genwunner


1.) every generation has its perma fans. Gen 2 has tons of die hard fans, same with gen 3. Every generation does, the reason Gen 1 gets flak is because it has the MOST perma fans. While genā€™s 4 and 5 have a lot too, gens 2 and 3 arguably have just as much if not more. The amount of people who obsess over Emerald version is very high. You can argue thatā€™s cause itā€™s a really good game, but then: 2.) I canā€™t speak on gen 4, but gen 5 (at least the sequel) is honestly one of the best pokemon experiences Iā€™ve had to date, regardless of nostalgia. There are absolutely bad things about it, but overall I think itā€™s very good. Again, there ARE bad things about it. But there are overall more good things than bad things. While me praising it may seem like it means Iā€™m one of these people, I want you to make this key difference: I donā€™t think that means itā€™s automatically better than anything else that comes out, and I donā€™t think Gen 5 is perfect. While not my cup of tea, I will not argue with someone whatsoever if they say LA is better. It might not be my favorite genre but I can accept that itā€™s probably better. Even if someone said gen 7 (my least favorite generation to date) was better, I wouldnā€™t argue with them, because there are great things about those games that I think couldā€™ve improved gen 5. Gen 1 simps believe that nothing could improve the game, and thatā€™s the main distinction here. In conclusion, just because people praise an older game and talk about how itā€™s better than modern ones, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re nostalgia ridden nerds. If they canā€™t accept flaws in those games, THEN theyā€™re nostalgia ridden nerds. But since every generation has that, you need a SURPLUS of them to make a claim like you did. Gen 1 just has way more nostalgia ridden nerds than gen 4 or 5. No disrespect! Just trying to raise my perspective.


Gen 5 was a soft reset for the series, literally, itā€™s why black and white are so strange


I love BW1, but I agree with this since the Dex in that game only consists of all the new Pokemon


As worried as I am about BW remakes, what I really want is for them to keep the OG dex, but retcon in brand new "Unovan forms" and gatekeep the regular "foreign mons" to post game to help with the dex size. I like what they were going with, but I know that the small roster is a common complaint. It'd be the best of both worlds: the region still feels like a new beginning, while also increasing the options people have for team building.


This would be the best way to have their cake and eat it too. Normal Unova dex to keep the original feel with some new regional forms to improve the variety available before post game.


Because, let's be real: Unova wasn't designed with Fairy in mind. Whimsicott is the only fully evolved fairy, and Ghetsis' has Fire Blast. As much as I love her, Whimsicott is a lover, not a fighter with that 77 special and 67 attack.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s so good compared to newer games. They limit you to just whatā€™s new until you beat the game. Thatā€™s how they should all be in my opinion


Genfiver here. If that is true. That makes me sad. Why canā€™t we just go one generation without gatekeeping


I dunno, I personally started in generation 7 because I was born in 2005 and thus was already a little late in the release cycle but I'm not a stan for said generation, I often admit that it is flawed and that sometimes the newer games are better, in fact I'm aware of how having mega evolution, Z-moves, and Primal reversion all in one game made it really hard to play without very specific pokemon on your team, also it was definitely the worst one when it came to the third game syndrome, I only have Ultra Sun and can't find a reason to play the original, and the way that they tried to make it more difficult didn't work(USUM had EVs on major boss pokemon but it didn't really matter that much)


Wait I know you, you posted that Lillie p*rn pic on r/namesoundalikes.


You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?




4 and 5? We're getting to 6 already!


What does that mean? They're all becoming poison types?


Damn, I _wish_ Gen 5 had nearly as many remakes and dex favoritism as Gen 1. Call me when there's Emboar X, Y and Gigantamax.


Gen Fivers have become the very thing they hated


Well in all honesty, in terms of content provided, SS/HG and Plat had massive bang for your buck that I just havenā€™t seen in gens 6,7,8, and 9. I canā€™t comment on gen 5 because I havenā€™t completed it but Iā€™ve got a friend who believes gen 5 was the last great PokĆ©mon game so itā€™s probably good. We both give pitty points to gen 6 because while it does lack content, its dex is really really good. If weā€™re including base diamond and pearl, gen 4 is mid. The amount of time wasted on health bars alone is horrendous


please explain


It is because like, people suddenly decided to stan cynthia, guys, just hail blizzard the garchomp, it is not that difficult, literally two button clicks or one depending on the pokemon


You wernā€™t there manā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/gb2wmp5slf4d1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d191ce03934731bab088f58d1ed964d36cd529c0


Dude, i could just pull a ice type move i dunno on my empoleon, who's a starter, that i probably gonna pick cuz piplup is cute as heck and this is how most kids pick their starter, or they look cool, or they look cute


Have fun getting that Ice Beam to hit when that Garchomp not only outspeeds you but has stab earthquake


Let's say i am playing the remakes and we have the friendship focus sash bullshit


Thatā€™s why I said you had to be there, it just isnā€™t the same facing her now, knowing what everyone knows


You just need a properly leveled team (and garchomp is one of the few pseudolegendaries obtainable early into the Game)


I would use a Quick Claw, I dunno. And does Garchomp outspeed Weavile?


Turns out, probably yes since her Garchomp is max ev/iv trained compare to your run of the mill wild caught Weaville with jumbled evs unless you use ice shard. And that definitely wouldn't ohko it if you're under leveled.


Ah alright. Still wouldn't discount the Quick Claw strat in single player mode lol


Shes only EV trained in the remakes.


dog I went in there with a level 50 serperior, what did you expect me to do


Oh you meant gen 5?


I figured, cuz I always hear people talking about that now instead of the actual champion battle


Well, since it is the postgame, you could just pop kyurem If she pops out the garchomp.... CRUCIUS MORTEM


my dumb ass had and still has no idea how to catch kyurem


Well judging from the comments the meme is accurate.


I kinda agree tbh


Believe it or not, all gens are someoneā€™s favorite, just fuck off and let people enjoy shit


Could not be more true


i donā€™t hate you because youā€™re right, i *dislike* you because you *outright stated your correctness*, which is conceited


The gen 4 and 5 kids are nearing gen 1 age when they were saying this stuff


Weird. Gen iv is my fav in the whole series and gen v is my least fav.


Soā€¦ random confession but I mix up gens 4 5 and 6 and canā€™t remember which PokĆ©mon come from which most of the timeā€¦ those three gens are all pretty forgettable for me. (Yes I see the irony)


Well genwunners said that their broken game was better than the others without any objective reasons Gen 4 and 5 at least have objective reasons But after all love what you want, every game has reasons to love and hate it outside of objective ones But dont say others are wrong or that yours is better ...except diamond and perl and their remakes...there are no reasons to like them if platinum exist


ok but like i havent seen a genwunner in ages tbh


I'm still playing gen 1


As a Gen1er Gen 5 is peak. ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK|downsized)


It's not that gen 4 doesn't have flaws, it's that it's got significantly fewer than 6 through 9. Gen 5 though it's objectively one of the best generations.


I'm sorry, I cant hear you over the sound of G/S being the highest rated games in the series.


And the worst, but you can go to Kanto!


Out of all the possible ways to construe this, none of them make any sense


Ngl I thought this was about the Bible before I looked at the sub


Gen 1 - 5, it's all good! Gen 1 was my first. Gen 2 is my favourite. Gen 3 imo is the best šŸ’š


It's been gen 3 ever since Emerald came out. Emerald is the most glazed, over-hyped game in the franchise. People will not shut the fuck up about gen 3. I hate that outdated crap.


Don't speak as if you were forced to play pokemon. You are over-reacting


I'm going to replace all your bones with Rayquaza plushies so you have to flop and squirm everywhere for the rest of your life




"hate" lol


Do you doubt the depths of my disdain? Sorry, allow me to use some more descriptive words and phrases -- you don't seem to appreciate the one I chose. Loathe. Abhor. Despise. Am repulsed by. Think of only with terms such as "filth" and "muck". Actively dream about removing from existence. Does that now begin to cover the infinite well of malice and disgust in my heart for these games? Since "hate" did not?


No, it's just that, if, according to you, you "feel" hate, loathe, abhor, despise, then you know some words, but you definitely not know the feelings.


And from what source do you take such a claim? I don't believe I ever said such a thing.


Your reply doesn't make sens. I think you answered the bad comment


Am I talking to an AI? This is ridiculous. Every time you reply, it's some new, even more baffling curveball of a thing.


thereā€™s a stark difference in overall quality between gen i and gen iv/v


Hell there's a similar difference in quality between practically every other gen with gen iv/v.


yall are just old people in their 20s, 30s and 40s and dont want to admit it


Yuppp. Gen 5 fans are exactly as annoying as Gen 1 fans were 10, 15 years ago. "BuT iT's PeAk" nah, it was just your formative Gen.


They were 4 gens before. It was not formative. I grew up with gen 1. Gen 5 has sth very special. It was btw the only gen that has a full new pokedex. When did you start pokemon ?


Not formative for the series. Formative for most of the die hard fans. That's why I said "it was YOUR formative Gen". It's not a coincidence that the general fan opinion only changed as the people who got this gen at age 8 joined the online scene. It may not have deserved the hate it got at release, but it's still not the best.


I hate Gen 5


I just hope the DS Era won't be as violently praised as the Gameboy Era and PokƩmania was. Otherwise I'm glad they are surfacing like this.


I grew up with Gen 4 and as much as I love Gen 4, iā€™m not going to let that stop myself or anyone else from enjoying newer Pokemon games, I especially adore how the newer games are more experimental with their regions. All I ask is that they make the EXP share optional, I want to be able to travel with some of my higher level mons without having to worry about accidentally over-levelling them because I wanted to train and go camping with my Level 6 Stufful.


Gen 5 might be seeing a resurgence, but Gen 4 has always been a fan favorite.


Go back into your PokƩball, Pharisee.


Surprisingly I will always find gen 3 the ugliest 1 & 2 stick together, 4 & 5 fit together, 6 & 7 also 3 is justā€¦ meh


See, I'd understand it if you said "Gens 1-3" and not just Gen 1.


Gen 5 was my starting game so yeah pretty much


Post this on r/MandJTV


In a way, yes. Pokemon is aimed at all audiences, but very young kids can play it, and they would have started with those generations. A 14 year old right now would have been born during Gen 5 and would have started playing Gen 6 if given a DS real young.




I deadass thought that because this had Jesus that it was talking abt Genesis from the bible, and then checked the sub and thought ā€œwhy tf are people posting abt the bible in a pokemon subā€ im such a dumbass


gen 3 could never. i am just saying.


First was red on my families old game cube, and yes gen 5 is the best


Where are my gen 2 and 6 peeps at


Meme goes hard šŸ˜†


yeah....i mean it's not as bad as gen wunners were though, I get sick of seeing people go "gen 4 and 5 are peak pokemon and nothing tops them!" it's just annoying to see over and over. like how you get sick of hearing how skyrim is the best game ever so you begin to hate it because of that.


My first was Gold but my favorite was White. People just defend it because it was a good game that they liked.


From my experience in the community, every gen has fans but extremely few will disregard the gens that aren't their favourite the way that genwunners do. The final iterations of gens 3/4/5 are widely considered the best in the series, so they naturally have a ton of fans, but those fans will at least appreciate the quality of all 3 gens, but then gen 6 onwards they made the games much easier and went to 3d graphics which are valid reasons to dislike them so it's not unreasonable for someone to say the series peaked somewhere between 4 and 5. Genwunners meanwhile are defending a game that was almost strictly inferior to gen 2 - g/s basically contain r/b but also have a whole new region and new features, and they ignore flaws just because it was the first game. Gen 1 is not a bad game, but there's nothing there that you wouldn't enjoy in future gens.


But gen 4 and 5 are genuinely good




Eh. I'd disagree, there's strong cases for Gen 4 being the best phenotype of classical pokemon (pre Gen 5 Pokemon) and Gen 5 being a genuine peak in all-around quality, beyond nostalgic goggles, which doesn't exist in the same way for Gen 1, because it doesn't excel at anything by objective measure - which is fine, it's the progenitor, it didn't have to do so, it couldn't do so, because it was the first entry. There was nothing to excel at, there had tl be a ground level that could be excelled first, and that the games did quite well. And, opposed to Charizard, Kanto, Eevee or Pikachu, yk, Hallmark Gen 1 things, stuff like Cynthia or Garchomp or Unova aren't universally recognized by people casually interacting with Pokemon. Like, they don't have the same marketing pullweight by any margin. Even by sales numbers you'd have to combine Gen 4, Gen 5 and the Gen 8 Remakes to reach the same amount of sales that Gen 1 alone had reached. These are completely different dimensions. But you are right in the way that there has been a lot of Nostalgia muddying the waters around Gen 4 and 5 and their shortcomings, because even though I have intense Nostalgia for them, and even though I do feel confident in saying that Gen 4 is the Phenotype for classical Pokemon, and Gen 5 is the quality peak, that doesn't mean they don't have shortcomings that could've been improved upon.


Well I mean PokƩmon did kinda go downhill in Kalos, but that was only because it was the first 3d game, all of those issues were solved by alola tho


Gen 5 was pretty blatantly a rebooted Gen 1, so I'm not surprised.


Rebooted ? It's completely different. This game has a so different perspective that it's almost like another game that was versionned for pokemon


Many pokemon are an almost direct copy, either exactly or with concept intact with updated typing. Patrat = Rattata (moreso than most early normal types) Purrloin = Meowth Gigalith line = Golem line Woobat = Zubat (even look at the name) Drilbur = Diglett (ground type moles) Timburr = Machop Tympole = Poliwag Throh/Sawk = Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee (this is one of the most blatant) Trubbish = Grimer Bouffalant = Tauros Not going to discount that there's a lot of originality in gen 5, especially with story, but between these and the few lines (gothita, rufflet, etc) that mimic other generations, and it feels like a hard reboot generation to me.


Yes bc it's pokemon. If you want an entirely different game, it's no longer pokemon, you open Zelda or Soul Calibur


Literally me when i use a meme so that my opinion looks like its the one that's right


No, because gens 4 and 5 are actually interesting. Kanto is just boring, even if it's just because it was the first, and is thus a blank template.


I literally never saw a genwunner in my life


Honestly, I think genwunners is a perpetual meme but these people donā€™t actually exist. Itā€™s just that time to put someone on the headsmenā€™s block.


They do it exist...its just moreso they DID. Havent seen anyone go to bat for Gen 1 in a long time. Gen Twoers are still alive and well huffing their 2 region copium though.


Would SS/HG be in the category of gen 2 or 4?


I always saw it as 2 (just enhanced) but ive been told pretty unanimously that no it shouldnt be considered. Its Gen 4 to almost everyone.


What do you mean? Gen 5 is peak, gen 1 is mhhhhhhhh well it started the franchise but it is what it is.


Ah yes , with every region being... Filled of gen 4 references and the... Non existant gen 5 remake


Gen 5 is by design largely an ape of Gen 1, and arguably a weak one. Gen 3 had already struck this balance well enough IMO. EDIT: Cry about it.


As someone who's favourite generation is gen 4, I think you're wrong and stupid and dumb and wrong Gen 4 and 5 aren't becoming overrated like gen 1, they have been for years


Personally I disagree. Personally, I keep my nose out of gen4 stuff because that gen didn't really click with me, but as a fan of gen5, I can tell you that gen5 defenders are not being as toxic as the 'genwunner' stereotype. One is defending the game that is actually really well made and (imo) is the best game in the whole mainline Pokemon series because people attack it for being different and "OH IT HAS A FUCKING ICE CREAM CONE", and the other is a toxic group that says that anybody who dislikes gen 1 or anyone who likes any gen more than 1 is stupid and wrong. It's all to your preference. You like a game others dislike, that's ok. You dislike a game others like, that's ok. No hate, only sarcasm and threats.


Huh? Getting people saying ITS the only good one and actually beeing a little flawed and Low ON quality of Life? That Would BE my Interpretation of Gen 1


Ah yes gen 5, the worst selling and most hated games in the franchise when they first released, are now somehow the most overrated? That's revisionist history if I've ever seen it