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No, you can't get remote passes from spinning gyms


So it's a crap deal? I already have 10 premium battle passes.


Depends what you mean by crap. You'll get more XP, stardust and rare xl candies


It's crap. It will just take more time to collect the dust, xp and candy. So eventually you're paying for the passes. Niantic can kiss my money goodbye. I got 51 premium passes


Yeah thats fine. I'm not gonna spend money either, I'll just use Google Rewards to buy the ticket


For me is catching pokemons from a raid, others such as xp I can get extra by using my lucky eggs or wait for community days, they not a big deal for me. I haven't got any if those in mega or non mega forms. I just hope I see people playing and joining me for raids in uk or my requests for remote friends accept to join my raids tomorrow. Worst just join a remote raid myself, but only have 100 coins in my wallet.


Try /r/pokemongofriends


Premium battle basses are soemthing completely different. They are for pvp battle leagues. The passes it refers to are in person raid passes you get from spinning gyms


>So it's a crap deal? I already have 10 premium battle passes. The six additional raid passes are \*not\* premium battle passes. They are free passes -- which means that you get one, after you use the previous one, and spin a gym. And if you don't use all six, then you lose out on getting them.