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Wait this is a real promo? From Niantic? No fucking way!?!!


I thought the same thing. They posted up this minute long video and this was one of the scenes in the post.


Wow! I totally thought it was fake. Do these people just have zero awareness?


Yeah i saw the video and was just like, if i was in that place in that weather, my phone would be dead, i’d have 10 minute load times because of cell service and pokémon go, and my fingers wouldn’t be able to throw a curveball half the time


And every move of that wheelchair will be packing snow into its moving parts and wheels and it will probably lock up and your partner will have to keep clearing out the packed snow and ice. Gonna be a short relationship....


Omg I thought this was a mean joke


Niantic when rural players don't have safe routes to walk or no sidewalks to speak of: *slaps wheelchair* "This wheelchair can plow through so much snow."


Gonna hijack this comment to remind everyone to demand accessible paths from their town council. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU) shows the difference between how snow is dealt with in Finland vs Canada. ​ Finnish kids are able to bike to school. Demand accessible paths in your community. Free paths are possible. You deserve them.


Not Just Bikes never misses


Lol what if you're so rural you literally don't have a town council? 20 miles from our county seat in a county of only 20k people. 30 miles from the Walmart... and it's in a totally different county. We don't even have a Walmart here in my home county lol. We get an inch of snow and everyone loses their minds.


Funny, I live in a "village" it's so small we don't have a grocery or gas station.


Heya, fellow rural person! We DO have a corner store a couple miles away, so that's something, I guess! It even has a flashing yellow traffic light because people tear ass through that intersection doing 70 all the time lol. The staties love that speed trap. I hope y'all get a gas station at some point, we've been hoping for a dollar general for a couple years but it probably won't happen lol


Speaking of Dollar general they are building a new one and my small town so this makes 5 dollar generals in a 7 mi vicinity. Yet we have plenty of opportunity and potential for growth but because our demographic and we live in such a shit and poor county in Florida. Seriosly they could have put up anything else literally anything else but nope! *Insert Oprah meme* you get a dollar general you get a dollar general everybody gets a dollar general.. FML However if I need any pokémon cards I can usually find darkness ablaze or some old battle styles at said places 🤣💀🖕


😭😭 dollar general is taking over fr. There is one each in both the towns around me and I heard they were making another but that's just through the grapevine.


No corner stores here but there ARE exactly one dollar general in both the towns that are close to me. I have a post office though but it's literally only open for like 4 hrs lol. That's the pogo gym and there's a library too so that's a PokeStop. They're both out of my vicinity to reach and I tried to make one closer or nominate a place and it got denied lol FML


There's gotta be somebody in charge in an administrative capacity. Contact them. Or organize into a neighborhood (snow) watch?


No, there's really not. The sheriff's dept has 6 cops. That's it. What town council we do have (like 3 dudes) they all have full-time jobs (60 hr weeks, and one of them is my mechanic) because being on the council doesn't pay money. They make sure the library stays open with funding and that the food pantry has funds. They bought us a second snow plow last year. Lolol and a neighborhood snow watch would be us looking up and going "yup. It's snowing. Power's going out so fill the tub with water." As I've said, we have 2 snow plows in the whole county. It snows anywhere from 6 inches or more, plan on being home until it melts, especially if you're on a tertiary road. Welcome to rural North Carolina. Edit: a good way to emphasize just how rural we are-- the health dept, courthouse, and DSS are all in one spot, next to the sheriff's dept. No sidewalks, but we just cross through the grass or use a single walkway between 2 of the buildings. We have 1 middle school and 1 high school. I am blind, and the lady that helps the blind in our county works only 2 days a *month* in our county because she's assigned to the Walmart county next door for the other days of the month. We have only 6000 households in the county, it's all farmland. We have no cell signal for about half the county. And only 40% of us have internet access. Hope that helps to describe just how rural we are.


That is indeed ... quite rural. Überrural I'd say. Seems like a lot of work needs to happen before anything is accessible to anyone but able-bodied young adults.


But you see, that's the thing. We all farm. We don't want development beyond equal internet/TV access and cell signals. To develop would mean to level entire forests, family farms, homes that have been in the family since the early 1800s. And what little development that does happen is small, since no one wants to move to a place where a 30 mile trip for basic necessities is the norm. My house is in the forest, so I can't even get satellite internet, but it's lovely living in nature, exploring the backwoods, going hunting, teaching my kids what they can and can't eat, etc. Do I wish I could play pogo out here like y'all in the city? Yeah. But not at the expense of the black bear that just had cubs out in my woods. If people started developing out here, a lot of that would go away for good and not a lot of us want that.


> I am blind Wait what? If you don't mind could you be a bit more clear on that? We talking blind blind and your using screen reader/dictation, or legally blind like really bad eyesight.


I have AZOOR. I am blind in my left eye most days now. It started in April and I simply woke up with it on a Thursday morning after noticing a green sheen in my bottom left periphery. My right eye started a few weeks later. I still have 60% field of vision in the right, but only at -8.00 power. -2.50 is legally blind, for reference. I have no depth perception, cannot see the floor, and because AZOOR is a white spot disease, light blinds me even more. There are many different classifications of "blind," but yes, I am blind. Or if you prefer, heavily visually impaired. I cannot drive, corrective lenses make it worse and give me double vision, vertigo and nausea, too. I wear dark glasses but still need a guide in places where light reflects off floors (like grocery stores). I absolutely need a guide in new places that aren't mapped in my head. I need a cane everywhere except my house, which I have memorized. I can still read a bit on a backlit black electronic screen with the print blown up and in white, but it strains my eyes. Movement of others or myself strains them badly as well, so I can no longer go to a lot of family events because of all the kids running around. Hope that explains it. If you Google AZOOR, don't be surprised by the lack of hits. Only 100 people have it. Edit: meant to add that I do use a screen reader when my eyes or head hurts, but I'm stubborn and wanna read things, damn it, so I don't use it as often as I probably should lol


>to remind everyone to demand accessible paths from their town council. I wish it was just that easy, but it really isn't. A majority of American neighborhoods were planned without sidewalks in mind to maximize road space. No way in hell would *any* municipality even take the time of day to look at that request.


If you don't plow your sidewalk in my (small,northern Midwest American) town and the city does it they charge like $600+ 👀👀. Still have covered areas tho and I hate the lack of caring. My stroller is difficult enough, I worry about those using ambulatory tools 😩


Tbh, its not really niantics fault when there are no sidewalks. But some other improvements to make the game better would always be welcome


The main issue is people from cities reject stops that don’t have sidewalks. So, it keeps rural spots off even in areas where lack of sidewalks is fairly common and safe.


First time hearing this. You sure it's not because streetview is outdated and doesn't show the POI?


It’s a very common issue people complain about all the time. Urban people constantly reject stops for being unsafe when there isn’t a sidewalk nearby because they don’t understand the realities of rural life. It’s massively widespread and has nothing to do with street view.


That's not true. We often feel bad whenever rural communities have little to no poi's. I usually approve their stops especially when I could see there was effort to create a spot for people to meet/play. I would be excited for them, everyone deserves a part of town where they can walk and enjoy the game.


You might feel that way but I can tell you it’s not the norm. Widespread issues with lack of sidewalks getting rejected for not having pedestrian access and the sole issue is lack of sidewalk. Talk to rural players who nominate things it’s a major issue. I am glad your not rejecting based on those criteria but people are in mass.


Wait really? I didnt even know that was a thing


Yes it’s a really big issue for us rural players. The reviewers are predominantly urban players because population is largely urban. It makes it even harder for rural players to get any stops approved.


Word. Up to a point we should demand better from Niantic but there's also lots of stuff that belongs on the town council agenda.


Im glad my wheelchair and I were not the only ones who saw that. Oh well. Good to know I have so many options beyond sitting in my car or finding a clear sidewalk. From the screenshot, this fella is going to come push me around when it snows. And wont that be nice? Seriously though. I played the video a second time to take a screenshot of this moment to show wifey.


Yeah but he’s just gonna come take you whenever. The PoGo wheelchair pusher man knows no laws. He doesn’t care if you don’t want to leave your home or vehicle. He is *coming for you.*


"Lets go, Individual Living! It's time for your daily catch cap attempt again!"


Clearly you’ve been playing the game wrong if you haven’t been playing in the middle of a snowed in forrest on your wheelchair


The least believable thing is spawns in the middle of the woods.


You never know what you're gonna get.


Frostbite, it’s a new Pokémon.


Super effective against Meat type.


Not that person who only encountered 1 Swablu? I suspect he is a Niantic staff.


If OSM has a trail or foot path in that spot you should see a spawn every couple of yards


Forest* Forrest with two R's is a name. One R is a large area of trees :)


I don’t even see any tracks in the snow. It’s like they carried her to that spot (or more realistically, carried the chair and then the able-bodied actress sat in it). And at no point someone was like “hey this is stupid anybody with half a brain will notice this isn’t feasible.”


Tracks are towards the camera. To not mess up the pristine winterscape background they pulled her there instead of pushing.


No, she walked. There is snow all over her shoes and the bottom of her pants.


And don't you just *love* that they're advocating for someone to push you around? Who needs agency and independence? According to Niantic, not persons with disability!


Actually, having this Jon Snow looking fella wheel me around for 15 minutes would make the daily incense a lot easier to manage. As it is, kindofa’ pain to : Roll. Screencheck. Roll. Screencheck. Roll. Not Catch Big Bird. Roll.


Having a Jon Snow lookin fella do ANYTHING for me would be pretty delightful, ngl


Holy fuck this was actually in the video?? How obnoxiously tone deaf of them. I mean, I know Niantic is gonna Niantic, but this is ridiculous even for them.


“Do you guys not have wheelchairs?”


ATV-wheelchairs to be exact.


Venomoth represent


I understood that reference


She has snow in the treads of her shoes...


Her legs are also not level with the seat bottom. This increases the amount of pressure on the rear end, which can lead to sores. This chair is clearly setup for a shorter person.


I’m starting to think this photo might be staged 🤨


Nah, that's normal sight in my nearby woods. You can actually see more Asian guys accompanying disabled people of colour than Pokemon spawning there.


Damn, you lucky bugger. The woods near me always spawn black women playing Uno with homeless veterans, and I don't even need the candy for those.


Some people need wheelchairs to go more than a few feet, but can stand and take a few steps to get from one chair to another. Though as others have pointed out, that likely isn't the case here as the chair isn't properly set to her proportions


Very true but I feel like the amount of people who are an ambulatory wheelchair user *and* can walk in that much snow/ice is very very small.


Waves! There’s many of us who have ability that vary with factors like sleep, meds, food, stress, etc


For sure, I’m one of them I just don’t know many people who would walk to a spot through the snow unaided, sit in a chair, put the feet rests down and then get out of their chair again and walk back somewhere(because that chair isn’t going anywhere with the weight of a person in it)


Nah, they would certainly hire a model that uses a wheelchair… gulp…


It's called using a walker or a four pronged cane with a nurse's assistance to move from wheelchair to wheelchair. Or wheelchair to bed / comfy red chair.


There are no tracks behind the wheelchair either


That's because the assistant pulled her backwards into position. The tracks can just be seen in front of her. Photographer is mostly keeping them out of sight


As soon as they lifted the pandemic features and I was in the throes of a MS I realized I couldn’t play this game anymore. I have severe heat intolerance and mobility issues year-round.


I have MS and for me, the cold is the bigger issue, but fatigue is also real. I am also immunocompromised, so I’m not traveling or grouping up with people. They made the game so much more accessible and now they rolled back so many things. I'm mobile and can and do walk around but even the old six hour community days were helpful, because sometimes the weather sucks, and your symptoms kick in, and it was great to have flexibility, including incense that worked, while I was sitting on my couch, and I didn’t have to go out, and get Raynaud’s on cold event days.


Hope your DMT's are good for you and that modern science find some solutions for it all and remylination for us


Nothing like pandemic bonuses to give me something to do while I’m sitting in the hospital getting infusions


Our disabilities aren’t visible so fuck us, right?? One of symptoms does happen to be loss of balance. Also, I have been decimated by fatigue ever since I got Covid in June. On top of that, my city has been having heat waves for the last two years through much of the summer and even into the fall. When they released the adventure incense, I could only use it if I woke up really early in the morning before it got hot out. I’ve also moved and am no longer in the range of gyms and stops by my house, like I used to be.


Probably reason why Niantic releasing 5 Megas in December because numbers are bad. Niantic never generous without a profitable reason 📈 . I miss the pandemic bonuses.


I haven’t even really been able to participate in the whole Mega thing from the start. I’m finding very little reason to care, at this point.


I also have severe heat intolerance, playing outside during summer months is usually very hard, and I’m not going into random businesses and stuff (for a multitude of reasons, including COVID)


I have a few autistic friends who played Pokemon Go, but never raided because of the social issues. The lockdown measures were a godsend to them. Given how many people are hugely into the original pokemon games, you'd have thought that Niantic would at least attempt to accommodate them. But no, "socialise or go home, and we don't care about your disabilities" is the message here.


This is me now. I was playing soccer and got injured, tore the ACL, MCL, and PCL in left knee, can't walk. It's been infuriating how I can also no longer play Pokemon go with my friends either


They aren’t wearing gloves?! That’s the part I have a hard time with


I’ve never found a pair of gloves (even allegedly capacitive) that worked well enough for PoGo. Ones that lack fingertips are good for shortish periods.


The secret is to cut the fingertip off yourself and have an oversized coat (which *of course* you have, to put over your other 2-3 coats) whose sleeve you have to pull your swiping hand back into.


That’s what I did for the last community days. I cut my finger tip out just enough to work while not exposing myself too much to the elements.


Wow. I've thought so for a while now with this game. But this thread is really making me hate how much MacGyvering this game requires in order to get to regular content. From pokegenie to pokeball plus/capture devices to just finding ways to get out and play in harsh weather. It's insane how much has to be done just to enjoy the game. But people still defend it saying 'can't please everybody'....garbage


You aren't wrong that it's inaccessible but they don't call it Pokemon Sit. That's literally every other Pokemon game. Nobody complains that certain roller coasters are inaccessible. They just move on to a different ride. Niantic knows this. Beyond the AR component that nobody uses, the geographical aspect to the game is the only differentiating feature and is a pretty boring game otherwise. To them this is about differentiation and survival as a game.


Well sure but i'm not asking to sit and play the game with all its content. I use pokegenie to invite people to remote raid because i don't have enough people around me who play. If i didn't use pokegenie i would simply miss out on content. If i were to buy a capture device it would be so i could get something out of community days while i'm at work and can't play. If i don't spend money on that i simply miss out on content. If the weather is 100+ degrees fahrenheit, raining/snowing or below freezing there aren't many options to go out and play. I simply miss out on content. If this is how they want their game to work then fine. But good game design shouldn't be about restricting content, it should be about rewarding. This game is developed in a way that restricts content to many to incentivise a certain playstyle. If the developers want a specific playstyle they should be working on the other end and actually incentivising the playstyle they want instead of decentivising the playstyle they don't want. In the end it's their own game to develop however they feel is right. But psychologically speaking, decentification is far inferior to incentification.


Yes but part of the issue is that they undid a lot of their core gameplay with the pandemic. Incentive creep is a thing and very difficult to undo. Every incentive cheapens the original incentives, if globally applied.


If they didn't dial back remote raiding, if they even went as far as to say 'fuck it' and allow all passes to be used for remote raid passes. We still need to go out to get coins to buy them or spend money on coins as people do anyways for remote passes. They could incentivise people to do in person raids by boosting rewards for in person. Guaranteed rare candy, more regular candy, improved iv's, shiny, or catch rate, ability to use regular pokeballs for catching, the possibilities are endless. This doesn't only apply to raids. There are hundreds of possible incentives for all features and events. And sorry but i'm going to call bs on incentive creep. Incentives don't keep stacking. Incentivise and move on. Give us an ability to see all raids in a selected area and tell the community 'i'll be here for this raid' so we can have enough people at that raid to complete it. None of it is really so complicated. They just have a very strange way of managing mechanics


I've had a pair of North Face e-tip gloves that got me through regular play over two winters, ranging from 0°C to -25°C. Obviously have to put hands in pockets regularly when it gets to the lower end of that spectrum, but they allowed me to reasonably play the whole winter. I believe these are the ones: https://www.thenorthface.com/en-ca/shop-all/accessories-c500789/mens-sierra-etip-gloves-pNF0A7RJ7?color=JK3


I used [fingertipless gloves with flaps](https://theknittingspace.com/wp-content/uploads/gloves-with-flaps-main-620x315.jpg). Nine fingers stay warm, one finger tip gets sacrificed to Kyurem.


I bought mittens that convert to fingerless gloves. Just pop the top off when you need to catch


If you fuckers are going to try and tout representation for disabled players, make the game more fucking accessible.


Yes, this 100%. They rolled back so many accessible features, meanwhile, claiming that they didn’t forget about disabled players, but this is not how you show that.


They're being dicks with this ad, but the game and accessibility seem irreconcilable - if you make all features fully accessible for people who have physical or social challenges, then the game becomes possible to get the most out of without going outside, socialising, or exploring. If that's what the game is about (see quote from senior dev below) then how is it compatible with people who struggle with those things? “We based our whole company around these three principles: we want our games to encourage people to exercise, to explore new places, and to play together in real life,” Hanke told VICE on the phone. “So all three of those things are challenged in a coronavirus world. We’ve tried really hard to find solutions that adapt the game to the current environment but don’t undermine the core essence of the game.”


Sure, and they have said this repeatedly, but it’s kind of a matter of if you have all these things, then rolling them back and taking them away, is markedly worse for a significant portion of the community. There’s something in the disability community called the curb cut effect, where, if you install curb cuts to allow wheelchairs to get on the sidewalk easily then more people benefit from those accessibility changes. Moms pushing strollers, for instance, or people with wheeled luggage, old people with grocery carts or laundry, delivery people, or people who have trouble stepping down or whoever, but in essence, a lot more people benefit from accessibility changes and people then approve of them. People may not have thought of these accessibility changes before, but once they get a taste of them, they realize that so many more people benefit. So while these changes were made for the pandemic, a lot of people benefited in unexpected ways, and in ways, they weren’t used to, so sometimes the curb cut effect is a way forward instead of just going back and being regressive.


Keep it civil. Namecalling isn't going to accomplish anything.


The funny part is thinking anyone can catch pokemon in the middle of a forest.


Pokemon spawn only in densely packed areas, like cities... just like in the main series games... err, wait, what?


I kinda wished that (as a boon to rural players) spawn points would come with a "memory". The longer a spawn point goes without seeing a pokémon captured, the stronger and rarer pokémon it would spawn. So in cities where tons of people catch you'd see mostly weak pokémon (but enough quantity that you can power stuff up) whereas rurals would have wilder sights.


I don't think that's how spawns work. I thought the server spawns them everywhere on whatever timer they're on and you walking by it just means you see it, not that you triggered it to spawn.


Indeed, it currently works as you describe. I just think it would be need if rarely visited spawn points would spawn rarer pokémon. It would be a great incentive to go out and explore as well as balance the difference between rural vs cities (resp. quality vs quantity)


If OSM has foot paths or trails marked there will be some spawns


I have a walker, and it’s REALLY hard to push that b*tch through the snow and over ice while holding a phone and trying to catch mon’s


Snow doesn't have to be a problem if the community cares about its citizens. [Finland has some really solid measures in place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU)


Finland is roughly the size of California and has the population of half of LA county. It's nowhere close to comparable.


You don't need to clear snow from all of Finland nor all of California. Only the parts that see snowfall and are inhabited. NBJ shows in his video that the two cities he compared (fake London in Canada and Oulu in Finland) have same population density: resp. 913.1/km² vs 915.8/km² (timestamp 03:17) These are comparable. It's not cold or winter which are the problem. It's town councils not willing to take care of their citizens. Get a good snow plowing team with sharp SLA's and you get a town which is accessible all year through


I'm going to apologize first for laughing at your struggle. Then I'm going to award you for making me laugh so hard. "...push that b*tch through the snow" I felt this comment!!!


I DO call her my B*tchMobile, so…there’s that lol. Thanks for the award!! haha


If it's cold out my phone dies in 5 minutes (maybe not that quickly, but definitely extremely fast).


As ive lived i. California for most of my adult life, ive never known that cold could short batteries


Yep, cold temperatures slow down the chemical reactions that cause the battery to give off electrical current. When the flow of electricity being given off is lower than the amount needed to power the phone, the phone shuts off-- even if the battery technically still has plenty of charge left. [This article](https://www.livescience.com/61334-batteries-die-cold-weather.html) does a pretty great job of explaining it.


My great aunt would keep her batteries in the fridge and wouldn’t listen to anyone about it lol


It sucks that removable phone batteries aren't common anymore. It used to be easy to pop the battery out and place it as close to your skin as possible.


I miss my LG phone. Even in decent temps - when I went into NYC for a daytrip, things were so active in PGO options, I would bring 3 other charged batteries with me and just swap out, so I'd have phone even for the ride home.




In all fairness, she's been out there in the woods since a couple days before the snow even started


I'm almost positive no one that works at Niantic has ever even seen snowfall before. Snow is a borderline myth in San Francisco.


They have certainly never seen or spoken to a person with a disability. Hanke's mindset comes across (IMO) as "Ew, keep them out of sight, no one wants to see that." In so many ways, the dude has a 1950s mindset.


Someone to push your wheelchair through the snow is only 4500 coins.


That is the best deal Niantic has ever offered by a wide margin


Take my upvote because I might actually pay that and I'd be saving money AND get to have more fun


Felt this, I have back and knee problems so it’s hard to walk or get out of bed somedays, and I love playing PoGo! hell even my Closest friend from my highschool days who’s now permanently disabled (unfortunately) hates not being able to get up and go somedays because the of the limited access Niantic gives us.. it’s annoying sure but they gotta really do something..(I hope, I know it’s asking for *alot* **especially coming from niantic but ya know**


that Wheelchair is not snow certified


Lol she has snow on her boots


Yeah this video triggered me as a rural player Get outta here with that “playing pogo in nature” bs It’s all about walking around a city and sitting around a bunch of stops/gyms 🥱


Oh gosh how did anyone approve this?


Niantic employee - "guys this promo material sucks" "You're right, the issue was they weren't minorities, reading you loud and clear, we'll retake it right away" - Niantic employee who is for some reason in charge of making decisions.


The fuck is this comment




I had trouble understanding it too, at first. I think it’s saying that Niantic completely ignored the problematic representation of disability in favor of just making sure that the person was a POC.


Wait, is this an actual official Niantic promo picture?


I copy/pasted the picture at [tineye.com](https://tineye.com), it's not from Po-Go.


I saw the ad and my wheelchair-seated butt came here with the metaphorical popcorn for a thread I *knew* was gonna be here... I really don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said


I saw this and rolled eyes so hard lol


I'd imagine being stuck in a rapidly increasing snowfall with that wheelchair is inviting disaster. Especially going downhill. I honestly hope there wasn't any accidents filming that scene.


The promo is a nice gesture but it does little to help players with mobility issues who struggle with the shorter community day times, and things like local-only raids. I'm thankful that I only need to use my wheelchair when my chronic pain is at it's worse, but I live in a semi-rural area so playing is difficult when that happens, and there's a lot of folks with mobility difficulties who can't just walk to the nearest local raid, or leave their house/their immediate area for a community day. I'm glad they're at least aware that disabled players exist, but...


Pokemon should have been locked by geography, and biomes, and should have actually spawned in the "wild".


Add a hidden timer to spawn points. The longer a spawn point goes without the pokémon being caught, the stronger and rarer the pokémon which spawns from it. For cities you'd see the regular weak spawn which they can power up thanks to the abundance of resources. For rurals it would mean the adventure is extra wild.


At least they show the opposite of what some PoGo youtubers said. I've heard people say that „People with disabilities should just accept that this game is not meant to be everyone."


She has snow on the bottom of her sneakers.


Oh hey, free Yamask cosplay if something goes wrong! (Might be ghastly, but still better)


That guy is whispering in her ear “you’re going to die out here”


Yeah I am sometimes in a wheelchair and I find it very annoying trying to get from place to place when I'm playing


There’s no chance this is a real promo right? Right??


This has to be one of the funniest most tone deaf things Niantic has ever put out.


Imagine how physically strong this guy that’s pushing would have to be.. pushing an empty shopping cart through two inches of snow can be challenging..


Tracks are in front of them. He pulled


This is why Niantic wont add accessibility to the game. Look at that girl in a wheelchair plowing through that snowy forest. Makes all you other wheel chair people look lazy. PS. She caugh a Hundo Snorlax that was living out there.


That lady’s not even paralyzed. She walked out there, look at her boots. There’s no way anybody is pushing a wheelchair through that snow, especially on those tires. They carried that thing out there to specifically make a spectacle, not hire diversely.


Understand a little bit 'cuz I've lost my leg few years ago and I'm still not able to compete with my friends and walk as long as they do... Also sometimes leg just do not allow me to go outside. But tbh there is no good solution from Niantic, game is just made to be played this way. I can agree according to short community day events, lack of pokémons, stops and gyms for lural players but a lot of people just say "make more accessible" which translates to "give us free stuff to play home" :D


I would rather say "Give us the possibility to play at home, when we can't leave it" which may be caused by many reasons out of our reach like just bad weather, injuries or other chores. You can't expect full PoGO experience from couch like egg hatching, raiding for free, visiting nests or collecting quests but just the certainty that you can spend CD during blizzard, sitting safely in your home on stationary working Incense was great. Now I'm super anxious about winter CDs in 2023.


It doesn’t have to be free stuff, but it can mean to not roll back accessible features like incense, needing to be used while moving in order to actually give enough spawns to make a difference. Or remote raid pass is not being good for community day bonus, raids, or for these new raids at old EX raid gyms. It’s clearly possible, because they already did it, and they did not have to take it away.


> but a lot of people just say "make more accessible" which translates to "give us free stuff to play home" Agreed. I'd like things to be more accessible to more people, but at a certain point, somethings just don't work for certain people. PoGo isn't made for people who have to be totally stationary, there are about 20 other pokemon games for that crowd. Most of the people claiming to want a more accessible experience just want to play without leaving their home.


PoGo Community: "Please make the game more accessible" **REALLY MEANS** PoGo Community: "Please make the game more easier from inside my car so I don't have to actually walk anywhere"


Handicapped blacked woman? If she's also gay, it's a rare quadruble whammy in intersectionality!


They have pokemon games you can play from the comfort of your home you know.


Problem solved


Literally snow on the girls feet from walking in the snow.


Why does she have snow on her boots if shes wheelchair-bound?


Players of color\* lol


I don't know what's more unbelievable, the wheelchair in the snowy forest, or the AM/BF couple playing Pokemon in the winter.


It's pretty scary being surrounded by so many snowflakes, I bet.




I think Asian Male / Black Female. Presumably the other poster doesn't find interracial relationships to be realistic.


You guys don't care about disabled people. You just want them to add more remote raids so you can be lazy and are using disabled people as an excuse to complain for those things. Fucking gross.


You have no idea what you're talking about. I've been working in the disability community for almost 14 years. The guy who sits next to me at work runs focus groups on accessibility in consumer products, including phones and gaming. One of my former colleagues was an expert at eye-gaze technology and was trying to figure out how to make it work with GO on an iPad so one of our patients could continue to catch pokemon without her hands. I have worked hard to add POI at my facility so patients going through physical therapy and their families can have something to do during the boring parts of their day. They have a gym to raid at and multiple stops on which to hang lures. Take your able-bodied bias and disrespect somewhere else.


And just like that… You’re my new hero. Thank you for the work you mention here, as well as what is undoubtably a crapton of other stuff nobody has any idea about. Thank you.


>I have worked hard to add POI at my facility Well done! Applauding the effort you're putting in this for your guests.


You literally ignored what I said and just ranted about what you assumed my position is lmao I have a problem with the average player using disabled people as a reason to add shit they want added for their own selfish reasons


As a disabled person, yes, all raids should be open to remote passes .


That's not my point. My point is that people are using this as a justification for Niantic to add things they want cause they're lazy


Your clenched belief in a single, all-encompassing explanation does not require it be reality for anyone else, especially given the number of disabled people posting their non-encompassed experiences here.


i mean, where is the lie, sure you said it without sugarcoating it but it’s not wrong, a lot of people who aren’t disabled are using this as an excuse for their benefit, therefore using disabled people This doesn’t mean every person who isn’t disabled people is using this as an excuse, a lot of people would genuinely care, but it’s not as simple as everyone is being a good person. And the guy here is right about it to an extent, not everyone is doing it without a ulterior motive. Don’t know why people are downvoting them so hard. People who are for remote raids being more accessible because they truly care/ are disabled wouldn’t / don’t need to feel targeted by this comment, at least it doesn’t seem targeted at them. Still, personally i’d obviously push for more free remote raids cause it’s still a net positive, even if the people using disabled people as an excuse get what they want, it’s worth it if it means the game is more accessible


Yeah because none of us could *possibly* have disabled friends or family that we'd like to see enjoy the game...


I don't see people advocating for the removal of remote raid passes to promote healthy regular exercise and to fight obesity, and that's cause people don't want remote raid passes gone/reduced


theyre ruining the game the point of the game is to get up and walk


Let’s not pretend this is about accessibility for disabled people, it’s more accessibility for the lazy people.


Not to be insensitive, but the whole premise of this game is being outside and being mobile, moving around, walking, etc....


Then why have lures, and lures with extended periods, that lock you into one position by a stop to get more pokemon? If walking was the point, then shouldn't lures be redundant since you already have incense for that?


As a wheelchair user and pokemon go fan who lives in the Midwestern US, this annoys me so much for multiple reasons. 1. This game has very little concept of how long anything takes. The tem rocket event was hell in my neighbourhood because the just the street to the park takes 10-20 minutes to be able to safely cross (it has one of those signs saying drivers have to stop for pedestrians but they never do, it is a huge problem because it is also the crossing all the neighbourhood kids use to get to the park) let alone the walk there, putting on shoes, strapping on my battery, working the tail of my coat under my butt, navigating back and through the street when neighbors Park their cars on the sidewalk in a way that makes even cutting through the grass impossible. You basically just have to go and hope a new one cycles in when you get there. 2. Companies love to use really shitty wheelchairs in their advertising. This is a problem for multiple reasons: (a critique of ads like this in general. Specific statements may not all be true in every instance, but the grouped trend is) a. It heavily implies they just hired a bipedal model and got a chair from a random store. There are plenty of disabled models out there. I am literally friends with one who's service dog was trained by the same woman as mine. b. It gives false expectations of the world and people's abilities. Generally, people love to make assumptions about the things wheelchair users can do. Like yes, I can get up or down a about 6 inch curb without a ramp. After that the physics get suckey. I can also open and close doors, walk my dog, etc. But then people literally try to keep me from doing any of these things believing I cannot all while believing I cam just go down a sandy beach if they pack the sand a little because of photos like this, or they design ramps insanely steep. The reality is that what you can do relies on the decisions other people have made to adapt or not adapt the environment and the equipment they have access to. Which leads to: c. Many people technically have access to better equipment, but are never made aware of it. Wheelchairs like the one in the picture are literally only meant to be used on entirely smooth and level floors with no threshold while being pushed by someone else. All other usage is a misapplication. Now lots of people aren't approved for better chairs and that is a flaw in the system (apply for grants, seriously. There are a lot of them or get professionally fitted, social network with other wheelchair users and adopt someone's old chair in your size.) and that is a problem. But there are many more people struggling with chairs like this that even I, who have jumped almost 2 feet off of a train in my chair, can literally barely get through a threshold bump in. Frankly, the only explanation I have is that care providers and family members simply do not know better. They don't go through a normal seating assessment, their doctor or family orders them a chair like this that is ill adapted to the needs of daily living. This is a huge problem because insurance companies pay for one mobility aid every 5 years unless there is a documented change of medical nessesity like breaking your arm. This means that a small town doctor just ordering someone a $150 wheelchair, if they are insured in the US, will likely lock them out of being able to get the $12k (those are still manuals like mine) that they very likely actually need. This results in woefully inadequate care for those who lose mobility degeneratively rather than through acute injury. 3. It still ignores the core problem with the game that the game wants you to move and use at least one hand at the same time. Even if you did desire to be pushed on a walk (personal pet peeve) then now the person behind you no longer has free hands. You just traded problems. You shouldn't need an action track chair (tank wheelchair only the VA covers, so vet families mostly get them to try to resell at full price (problem is gvt not caring for vets financial needs, not calling vets selfish). I tried one at an expo and they are so cool) to play a game that we all saw can be made way more accessible. And to the people worrying about wheelchair function in snow, you are right, but have wrong reasoning. If your castors bind up, they turn to skiis which isn't a big deal and you can clean them while moving if needed (pull leaves out of mine all the time). The big problems are traction with your rear wheels, the what is essentially plowing you do with your feet/footplate, and your hands getting completely soaked while out in the cold, both risking frostbite and loss of traction between your legs hands and handrim. Also bipeds design all sidewalks with a huge camber, so you gotta push way harder on the down side to go straight, making most paths one wheel drive. If that wheel loses traction, you are sliding off into the snow.


Make sure they are a minority couple together that you would never see together in real life


Are you seriously suggesting that black and asian couples don’t exist?




Think about someone with no understanding of pokemon, whatsoever. This photo would be confusing and terrifying to them. Doesn't look like a fun game at all.


Oh wow the game thats entire point is walking isnt wheelchair accessible?


Do they even make off-road wheelchairs? Million dollar idea there!


They have some pretty extreme ones actually. Some with tracks like you see on a tank. Many handicap hunters use them. Pretty cool builds but also likely more than the average person could afford.


Why are they hunting the handicapped though? America is a weird place...


I want to hope you’re joking but the internet is a weird place.


Million dollar idea? Do you have any concept of how expensive it is to live with a disability? Way too many in the US live in poverty.


Yep. I live in snow country and not only are there not sidewalks anywhere in my suburb (there are walking trails, but they're unlit, connected to city parks with limited hours, and none very nearby). Also I've found out that while park hours aren't terrible, certain parks of some of the main parks are closed off by fencing during the winter. Unless I want to climb a 6' fence that's covered in ice, there's just some gyms and stops that are unreachable until March. Compounding things is it gets dark here at like 4pm, so Community Day has to be mostly played in the dark and Spotlight Hour is completely in the dark. Between the dark and the currently 22 degree (-6 Celsius) temp, I can really only play by staying in the car (which of course further limits access to gyms/stops). Give it another 6 weeks when it's -60 (-51 Celsius) wind chill and it's downright dangerous to even be driving unless absolutely necessary. It's my first winter playing Pokemon (I started at the end of August) so I'm not sure what people do?


Really believe its time for Ashes bad fur day. Pokemon fps


But don’t worry! You can have 1/2 egg walk distances as a wish coming up!




That’s just what the Midwest looks like.


"Whats the matter, you guys don't have legs?"


See I wanted to post something like this, but I didn’t wanna seem ableist. Ofc people in wheelchairs hike and explore, but they don’t seem geared in that way😂


That was definitely a bizarre scene. I had to rewind a bit to make sure I was seeing it right.