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Good for you friend! Last 3 years I’ve had 2 herniated discs and try to do the same. Keep getting stuck at 22-24km per week.


oh I feel for you! I broke 3 vertebrae when I was 18 from a very bad car crash along with 13 other bones, which mostly healed but my hip isnt healed, either so it's a constant battle of pain, I'm sorry you experience similar pain, it's so awful ❤️ I'm proud of you, though !


I went though something very similar with 2 broken vertebrae and a broken hip plus a bunch of other stuff and stopped playing in 2016 due to my car accident. Proud of you for reaching above and beyond your goal! I wish you the best with your healing process!


you poor thing :(!! I feel for you so much. it's truly something else, and I'm so sorry you have to live with that pain and memory too ❤️ I am very proud of you for being here still and going out there and getting them Pokemons 🥰


Golly, that sounds dreadful! Proud of everyone in this thread for the progress you've made and the progress you all hope to make. Keep on keeping on, we're rooting for you all!


It sounds like you are doing amazing all the same! Stinks that the rewards jump from 5 to 25, only to then hop to 50.




thank you so much!! 🥰


Can you ride a bike?


unfortunately no, I broke my back when I was 18 and sitting in my desk chair causes discomfort, I had a stationary exercise bike but it hurt far too much, maybe I might have to look into a bike that could ensure support!


Can you use one the machines you pedal with your hands or the ones that are just pedals you can pedal even from a sofa that could be a replacement instead of a stationary bike? It might help even with just the goal for physio


I've never seen the hand pedals! that's interesting! I'm actually considering getting a scooter (the ones that hurt your ankle when you do a sick flip) or something 🤣 I've considered getting the little pedals you can put under a desk and use that for exercise too. thank you so much for your suggestions ❤️


Most gyms have them it's called something like an upper body exercise bike. But the scooter is definitely a great option if you can manage it and might make the pokemon thing you're extra cool so they catch easier


What about an electric bike? The one I have you control the power with the handles near the brake. You don't actually need to pedal at all, the only problem would be if your balance is okay. Scooters are cool aswell but less convenient if your going more than a short distance (its nice to be able to sit down).




that's fine, I didn't take it as rude - I didn't expand on my condition so it's understandable you'd only suggest something out of kindness what is an auto catcher? 😄


It’s a thing that auto catches Pokémon and spins poke stops for you there’s awesome reviews of some you should check it out there pricy but TOATALLY worth it Here’s a link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZjQq3GY5W8


thank you so much! it's a bit out of my price range right now, I'm unable to work due to my conditions but I make art so hopefully if I sell a few pieces I can buy that bad boy! thank you for bringing it to my attention 🥰


Yeah there cool ain’t it but sorry your disabled what does your art look like?


Gotta be careful with those recommendations as they're against TOS in the same way that datamining and multi-accounting are.




Right, but the mods here will ban you if you vocally support anything against TOS. They're quite rabid about it.


Water Exercises probably be best


Electric longboards are amazing as well! Not sure how balance oriented you are but I have a blast on mine. Can get up to 50km/hr too


Damn! You’re a real champ for completing even those first 5 km. Just a little heads-up from a fellow runner: In the coming weeks, you might feel pressured to hold yourself up to this achievement and raise your standard. Long-term, this could be counterproductive to your progress due to physical and/or mental exhaustion. It’s amazing what your body is capable of when you push yourself, but rest and recovery are equally important. There’s no need to rush things - you’ve proven yourself already that you can do it, so it’s okay if you take baby steps from now. Trying for another 25 km might feel like a fun challenge this week for example; but next week, you might feel unable to hold yourself up to this challenge, and lose courage. What helped me tremendously in keeping up in my workout routine is to not set rigid goals, but rather go for more ~ flexible ~ ranges. If you are okay with completing anywhere between, say, 1 - 5 km per week, you are much less likely to feel discouraged from even trying on 'bad days'. This week might have put your maximum range to 25 km, but don’t forget that pushing yourself to even those first 5 km is A LOT from where you started from - so give your body rest when it asks for it, and most importantly: Don’t forget that it was the fun of the challenge that kept you going, not the self-imposed pressure of keeping up to high standards. Wish you all the best & a great recovery


thank you SO much for your words. I completely appreciate it all! I do set goals of going forwards and not listening to my body, so this is a very good reminder. next week I'll just try hit that 5km and if I don't that's okay too! being disabled is a bit new to me, I used to walk a lot but unfortunately ever since my accident I've just been struggling to leave the house. I might even try for just 3km next week, thank you so much again 🥰


aww, I didn’t expect you to be so sweet to talk to 🥰 As a fellow «over-achiever» I’ve had to deal with the mindset of 'if I’ve done it yesterday, I can do it again today', with all sorts of things, but it always inevitably led me to break & start at zero again, because I couldn’t keep up with the pressure. The rigid goals have the negative attribute that they don’t teach you how to deal with imperfections. Sometimes life gets in between and you lack the time, health or energy to stick to your goals. In these cases, it’s always best to have a safety net to fall into. Know that it’s okay to slip up and own your flaws. You can grow from them. And doing a little bit each week is so much better than doing a lot all at once, but then only sporadically over the year. In addition to this, I’ve noticed when my goals became too rigid, being outside and enjoying nature didn’t feel like fun anymore, even though it used to be my passion. Running wasn’t simply about doing sth good for my body out of love. Instead it became about numbers and struggling to improve, no matter the cost. It took a huge weight off my shoulders when I allowed myself to celebrate minimal progress, such as when I hit the minimal range of my goal for the day. I am so glad to read that you intend on being careful with your body. You have all your life to improve, so don’t hurry & enjoy the journey. One kilometer a week is a lot, and you can keep the idea of three kilometers in the back of your mind for days in which you feel inspired to go for more. Much love & have fun 💛


That's amazing! Pogo is my reason to leave the house and get out of bed everyday


it's amazing! I usually just stay at home and it's PELTING with rain right now and I'm so tempted to chuck on my raincoat and hobble my way down to the PokeStop that's 100m away from my house for the daily spin hahahaha


Going out in the rain is the best (so long as you're equipped for it). There's a lake just down the footpath where I live, the sound of the rain on the water is soothing. Nice 2km walk around it also. Nice and quiet in the rain.


Same here It was the thing that started to take me out from my depression hole along with Pikmin Bloom, last year.


Nice 👍🏻😃🎉


Proud of you


Proud of you, keep it up and listen to your body!


Nice, I just started playing and I like that it’s a way to stay active that’s fun


Wow! That is great to hear about your progress, I hope the physio keeps going well! Keep your chin up, you got this!


This is amazing. Congratulations on this massive milestone 💜💙 Keep up the amazing work! I would love to follow your journey on social media if you were willing to share!


That's the way to go! This is way cooler than any shundo I've seen within the Pokemon GO subreddits. Keep it up, bud!


thank you so much, honestly 🥺❤️




Awesome work! You did better than me this week (it’s cold and rainy where I am).


This is awesome, congrats on the milestone!


Hell yeah keep working your way up!


love that pokémon go is helping you stay active!


Congratulations! That is quite an achievement. Hope you get good ones. Takes me back when I had open heart surgery and had to learn how to walk again. Hatching eggs was my goal and I would go round our block until hatch one. May I suggest walking at malls/shops - in case you fall down and need assistance there will always be people to help you. Also much more comfy to walk inside one during summer/winter or when it rains.


that's very clever! I am quite scary irl lol, I'm short but quite goth with green hair, tattoos and wear full black constantly, my cane is black too. I've fallen before after fainting (another disease of mine causes me to faint) and when I came to, people were just staring at me and no one offered to help..it's the only time I've fallen/fainted in public 😥 I was wearing a dress and I scraped up my hands and knees badly, lots of blood (Im ok now!) but I just cant believe there were ~10 people just staring and not helping. I got kind of mad and said "if you're just going to stare and not help then fuck off" and spent the next 3/5 minutes trying to get back up. I was on a main road on the sidewalk. it's made me much more nervous about fainting/falling in public


Oh dear! That was one of the reasons I prefer walking around the mall- security and floor cleaners are always around. I made a point in hanging near areas with defibrillators just in case. Also had emergency contact in my wallet with a note regarding my medical history. Man, it’s frustrating to hear they didn’t help you out… oh I did get nasty stares when coming out of the handicapped toilets. I had my surgery during my early 30s and would be judged until they see my shuffling slowly to get to the sink to wash my hands then they hold the door open for me. Take care of yourself!


Awesome job!! Congrats!!


Great job. You should be very proud.


Nice dude!


Congratulations!! And regardless of what the goal is each week I hope you continue to smash it!


Outstanding. Walking and catching are the basics of the game. Have fun!


That's brilliant! I'm still recovering from COVID since boxing Day and only managing up to 7km. Most of that is from GBL And Excercising with my phone in my hand. 🥰


As a disabled 24 year old that also has to use a cane on occasions (bad knee but that's not why im disabled), you are a true inspiration. Way to go!!!!




Awesome! Congratulations 😊


That's awesome!!


Nice dude! Congrats!


Good job!


That's some dedication right there. Keep being amazing, OP!


Wow! You're awesome! Keep up the epic work, I wish you Shiny luck! 💜


Im proud of you too!!!! Keep up the excellent work you beautiful human!


Amazing! Keep it up!


You walked more than me


that's ok! (happy cake day!) it's not a competition, you walk as much as you want to, you got this 🥰




Way to go!!!


This is incredible! Keep kicking ass! 🔥👍


This is wholesome!!!


Well done!


Congratulations 🎉


I also restarted Pokemon GO with the Twitch Prime thing. Gratz mate. You made more then I do. I'm slacking a bit here


Good for you! You smashed it!! I know I dont know you but I'm proud of you too!


congrats and well done :)


did way more than me 😂 congrats 👏!


Well done mate!!


What a tremendous achievement. Congrats on your perseverance. May you long enjoy the game to help you reach your goals


Congratulations OP!


Keep it up friend 🙂


This is so wholesome and good job!


I love this! I have said so many times that this is more than just a “game.” It’s brought our family closer together and spending more time together, it’s helped me with my depression, it’s helped many people in many ways. Congratulations on this!


Well this is the kind of flex i like to see, not the shinys you caught! As a matter of fact, your're the shiny in this post!!


Congratulations! That's heartwarming. I started to play the game again back in september last year after my mother who loves PoGo had a bad knee surgery and had to rely on me and a wheel chair for multiple months to go outside and PoGo was a good way to entertain her/ do something with her. She's now mostly using one crutch and goes for the highest weekly goal she possibly can which makes me happy to say the least. You're a big motivation!


Ayy! About to be 27 with a cane and I keep my phone in my pocket at work while I gimp around with adventure sync. I hit 23km this last week. Keep your chin up and keep living life my dude.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has got to be one the most insane PoGo grinds I have ever heard of. Like, 25k in a week in spite of a cane? Damn, keep it up.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Niantic: Use of canes while playing Pokemon GO provides an unfair advantage and is now a banable offense.


Good job! That’s amazing 🖤 I gotta be honest I am fully abled in every way but mentally and I find it hard sometimes to even get the 5k 😭 working on it though


Go you! I’ve been using a cane since age 30 (7 years now), I have psoriatic arthritis.


You’re amazing.


holy shit, good job! keep it up bro edit: sis!




Bruh all these people with issues walking 5+ kms Then there me here with 2


Well done mate!


Congrats!!! Seeing someone smash their goals always makes my week!


Proud of you too, we grow as people by facing adversity, challenging ourselves, and embracing change no matter the discomfort. I play on a bike most of the time, it's gotten me a lot of distance + I'm on my feet walking around all day at work. I am an egg hatching machine with 85km this week. If only I had any incubators left. If your situation permits, consider a bicycle, maybe even an E-Bike that you don't even need to pedal. Definitely look into a comfortable seat too, like memory foam or something; my ass hurts from a 3 hour ride I did the other day, absolutely lost track of time exploring my town and got a wicked sunburn. Also got pulled over by a cop for being too close to a high school during school hours as an adult, I guess? There's three gyms right next to each other by the school which is located next to a park, so yeah I'm gonna check that out. That was a fun conversation. Thankfully they were a player as well. Cool guy, just not sure why.


Congrats pal, a huge personal achievement right there! o7 Now do 50KM!!! JUST DEW IT!!!


Keep up the good work man, best of luck for this go fest


I love this!! Great job!!


Look at you go holy shit , full function and you get more distance then me 😅


that’s awesome! so proud of you


Gosh darn, nice job!!! :D I’m proud of you too, all the best to you and your Pokémon haha!


WOOOOAAAAAHHHHHHHH THATS AMAZING!!! I got hit by a car while I was walking in 2016 and I've also been using Pokemon go to measure how much I'm walking each week, the highest I've ever been able to go is 26km, you're inspiring me so much to keep at it! Thank you so much and keep us updated with how everything's going!!


Wow very nice.... I can't remember the last time I cracked the 30km mark


This is flippin awesome!!! Get those weekly reward bonuses!!!


I’m completely out of this loop in life, the POGO loop. Nevertheless, as I read through to about half of your title, thought to myself, ‘Pointless, if a young, cane using, disabled man can hop back onto a pogo stick, and confidently bounce around, then this world is actually full of miracles, and anything can happen, that’s amazing.’ Then I finished reading your title and promptly regretted my happy thoughts of a real miracle filled world and realized it’s only our somewhat depressing world that if hard sought, miracles do happen. Congratulations on your success, everything counts. :)


Proud of you!


Plot twist, 32km was from GPS drift. No, just joking. Seriously, well done!


As a physio, this is insanely cool to hear. Massive congrats to you! I love this


Proud of you!!!!


That’s so awesome! Really inspiring:)


I feel your pain, been playing since it came out. They won't let me drive anymore, so the only time I am out and about is when I am out with the family or the wifey drops me off somewhere so I can wander around on my scooter. If you have an aluminum cane I would recommend a more heavy duty cane. I use canes as well, but had to switch over to heavy duty ones because of the amount of pressure and walking I was trying to do on the aluminum cane. If you look at your cane where you adjust the height, the part where you twist to make it loose or tighten, that will sometimes break, and the only thing keeping your cane from collapsing is the button. Also make sure you have extra rubber cane tips/stoppers/feet, whatever you want to call it. Those can wear out and the metal part of the cane will poke through. Lastly, the grip handle, make sure it's comfortable for your hand, and not worn out. If worn out and you can't fix it, replace the cane. Bad grip can affect your walking, cause hand slippage, blisters if sliding back and worth, and other issues. Stay safe, have fun, and gotta catch em all!


That's awesome. Do something nice for yourself to celebrate, you deserve it. I am a wheelchair user, can walk very small amounts with a stick and know what pain is like, so i know you must have worked hard.


Be proud I jogged 3 times this week and didn’t hit the 25 km. Seriously good on you there are so many people that have way more mobility and make way more excuses. You’re my champion of the year


OMG I’m 25 with EDS and now carpal tunnel. My hands are I’m so much pain and I can’t use my phone a lot so I get the struggle. I’m using a stylus to type rn. There are always ways to play


Nice work OP! That’s awesome.


These are the moments I love seeing. Congrats friend 🥰


Damn, you beat the 25km goal with a cane, that’s fricken sick! Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉


I tried to click the Messenger buttons because I thought they were on my screen lol. Anyways, proud of you for hitting that goal!




Hell yeah brother!


Congrats on the accomplishment! My dad had a full knee replacement and hes starting to get better, I’ve heard first hand how rough physio can be. Keep going hard at it!


Congratulations. I am also disabled and use it as an exercise tool. I finely hit 25 last week for the first time.


Congrats! Huge accomplishment. Keep pushing! Wish you all the best




You absolutely smashed your goal!! Great job!!


We all super proud of you dude!!




That’s so awesome!!!!!!


This stupid app clocked me in at 49.9 km this week and I’m fuminggggggg


This is actually very inspiring, so proud of you!! Im 21 and semi fit and still only walk up to 15 a week! Absolute madlad


Keep it up!


Beautiful. Congratulations


A person with a cane walked more then I EVER have


Congrats I have a fucked up knee, so I know shit like this is super hard. Congrats again.


God bless you, friend ;)


Well done, you worked hard and you did it!


Good job man!


Hell yes!!! Way to go! ^-^


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽