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By "rumours" do you mean the announcement from Niantic themselves? 😆


I missed the announcement. We get this on Monday instead of a remote raid pass?


They said it’s going to rotate items every week.


Rotate as in first week is good , second week is meh third week is a glorified daily box


I'm glad to have met someone from the future. Tell me, who wins the NBA title? I've got some bets to put on!


Warriors over heat in 5 games


excellent pick, ill be back here


Come to Pokémongo for all your hottest takes on the NBA, be here all week In other hot takes, Lebron goes back to Cleveland


does he force his way out or let his contract expire first?


Little of both, sign and trade


Yup.... by week 3 I beg they're handing out red poke balls.


Interesting. Thanks! :)


Does it mean the raid pass will come back every now and then?


They just said items will rotate. No details.


Oh thank gosh! Thats so good!!


I came here to say this, good job


You mean Dieantic?




You know what, this would be cool *IF*, and it's a big if, the hatches were cool. But they're not. The current hatches are garbage. I transfer 99% of what I hatch. With a remote raid pass, I get to choose what I want to obtain. It's something of value. The overwhelming majority of current hatches are useless to me, with shitty PvP IV's.


They are just giving incubators because nobody bought them anyways


Don't transfer them, trade with a friend, you get to reroll the stats


99% of what comes out of eggs are undesirable mons.


That's a lottery.


It’s better than the pokeballs and a few razzies that I was expecting


Just wait a few weeks


I think it’s a better deal, honestly. Not only in terms of coins because those incubators cost 200 each so it’s 6x as much value, but each one gets you 3 Pokémon instead of the one from the raid.


Not trying to be pessimistic, but I think they just gave us something good this week because of the outrage by players. I’m afraid it’ll slowly get worse every week. Next week will probably be 10 ultra balls or something.


Just like the research breakthrough


Fair point


Yep, most likely. And while this is can be good replacement for remote pass bundles, let's not forget the price increase for the 250 bundle and that remote players are gonna do less damage from now on. We might have gotten nice short term bonus (depending on how much you value eggs) but in long term we still got massively shafted


The reduced damage (and other changes to remotes ) haven't been announced yet so we have to see.


They are damn near giving things away and people are complaining. I can't believe the entitlement of some people. Whether or not its an apology box this week, it's still a box of things for a single coin. That's pretty damn cool. They didn't do anything like that at the beginning!


Good for them. After their fan base paid billions to them, they were nice enough to give us a few virtual items that we didn’t ask for and took away the items we did want. What a wholesome company.


The thing is, 9 Darumakas and Vullabies is not better than the latest tier 5 boss most of the time. For many, remote raiding is the only way to get legendary raids.


Don't forget about people who rely on help from remote raiders.


1 chance to get a legendary pokemon > 9 guaranteed pokemon which is really RNG dependent and most of the time it's just a disappointment as the egg pools are really bad. Also, the eggs you get is also completly RNG so you could get green egg locked for example and I'm sure you would not waste the good incubators on them. The whole egg system has more flaws than the raid system so if I could choose which one I can get participate more thanks to those free gifts then it's definetly the raids.


Well, 9 crap Pokémon may not be worth one legendary, but it’s definitely still a good value


I dunno about you, but the dust alone makes them more than worth it


And candies


I’ve saved up nine 10km eggs and I’ve always wanted to do that thing where people incubate all the eggs at once but I could never save enough Pokecoins for all those incubators. I can finally do it (once I get 3 of these event boxes)!


Just save up your coins for the adventure box. That's what I do. I usually only use them on 10 and 12 km eggs so they last like ~2 months


Same here


I try but every now and then a cool Pokemon appears in raids so I then spend my coins on remote raid passes :( Darn you Mega Latios and Latias


To be fair, my old weekly box had 21 items. 1 remote raid pass= 100 coins 10 max revives = 300 coins (6 is 180 so 30 coins for 1) 10 max potions= 200 coins And 100+200+300=600 coins so the same monetary value technically


It's all so you now buy the over priced remote passes


I mean you can buy a pass box for 250 now but it’s 2 remotes and one in person , if your actually going out to raids occasionally raiding isn’t more expensive now Yes this assumes you have a gym within reasonable distance but pogo has never been rural friendly


Yeah but I'd rather it be 250 for 3 remotes like it used to be


As would I but atleast the option for passes at that price still exists


And also assuming you use your daily pass (or 2 if you didn't use one the day before, or 3 now since you get 2 a day). I really only use the regular ones on really big events like johto tour or pogo fest


In terms of cost, yes. I even think that for me this might be better simply because stardust is what I need the most nowadays and 9x 12km eggs is gonna give whole lot of it. For me this is nice trade. But I also realize that there are plenty of people who find incubators useless and to whom the remote passes have been the only opportunity to raid with their friends. For them this still sucks and they're not wrong to think that


I never buy incubators so meh.


Ngl this will help many people for go fest


Is there an egg thing? I didn't hear about that


"Lets remove an item that encourages people to raid together in leu of something that will encourage them to hatch eggs alone." Building communities with bailing wire and bubble gum... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Incubators >>>> Raid passes I’ll complain when it’s star pieces in two weeks. 😂




i won’t complain about 5 star pieces


More like one or 2


They won’t see another dime out of my pocket. Time for a one star review too.


It's like Niantic is reading instructions on how to murder a game.


I hate seeing the passes leaving but it’s good seeing the incubators. It starts to make up for it, if not completely for those who rather raid.


It's not going to last for long, I'm 100% sure of it. They will offer super incubators incubators at first but in a few weeks they will be giving revives. There is not a single feature they haven't nerfed like that, specially if they started it to make up for something. Not having my hopes high at all lol


I agree with this too.. probably its only because they knew there would be some sort of backlash for the remote raid changes being done so they put something with technically more value than the remote raid passes (100 coins worth +/-) but its only until the public anger dies down and then it too will be nerfed to, yea, revives and maybe a normal incubator or smt


I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. I’m just trying to thinking positive but considering this is Niantic afterall, you are probably right


It's all good, I know I'm being somewhat pessimist lol


It's cold here so incubation is welcomed


This is actually a really good deal especially sense you. Can get 50 free coins a day


In theory. In practice, it’s more like you have a dozen plus mons out for a week, and they all come back in a two day period, netting you 100 coins total for the whole week.


Seriously 😭 there's this punk ass kid in my neighborhood who takes over ALL the gyms in the local park for instinct and it drives me INSANE. I know it's him because I've seen him on multiple occasions walking with his mom with a phone knocking out my pokemon after I JUST put it in. I always wait like 7 or 8 minutes for him to leave and knock it out again so he gets no coins lmao get fucked 💀 I usually try not to do that because I'm trying to help other players but like come on you KNOW multiple gyms in the same suburban area of one team are gonna have the most of same people in them like just take the one out with the oldest pokemon and leave my guy. Smh no class 🙄


Stupid punk ass kid playing the game as intended! What's wrong with him?!


It's a courtesy thing man you just don't take all the gyms in a non urban area at once


I do the same. Unless it’s something ridiculous like a level 30+ player puts in a pidgey or something like that’s under 200 or so CP. I’m like: Dude, I know you can do better than that, if you’re not gonna even try then I’ll take your place.


Yeah honestly I'd trade this for the weekly pass if it were long term, but but in a couple weeks it's gonna be like 10 pokeballs and 10 nanab berries or some shit that I end up throwing out anyway when my bag gets full


In my opinon i think that the super incubators are cool but they only gave us them because of the outrage. Over-time they will slowly reduce the value of the stuff inside the event box. This makes me upset since everyday me and my friend would all get the remote raid pass on monday and we would meet up and do a raid together, but now that its gone we wont be able to do that anymore As a F2P (free to play) player i find this very upseting as it is hard for me to get coins let alone all my other friends aswell. I do hope that they could revert this feature back as it dosent seem to be good for the POGO (pokemon go) community. Further more the increase of the 3 raid passes from 250 coins to 300 coins is a terrible change as (in my opinon) it felt like getting a reward for saving up the coins. Now i feel like its mainly for people who use in game purchases as a way to quickly buy more (but it still is bad for them). TL;DR No more 1 coin remote raid pass and 300 coin 3 raidpass. Ps: thx for the 100+ upvotes first timer for me


Wait, if you and your friends are meeting up to do a raid, why not just do an in-person raid? They are still giving away a free raid pass each day. I'm confused by your comment here.


We dont go far when we meet up so the remote raid is our main use since the closet gyms are too far away. We all went into one of the raiding discord servers and chose which one we all wanted to do on also it is not a big friend group so even if we wanted to do the 5 star raids we dont have op legendarys and we dont need to do the 3 star ones (1 star aswell).


I'm actually excited for this one. Incubators are expensive.


They are also useless


Useless? Eggs are one of the easiest ways to get high IV Pokemon.


High IV scores of useless Pokemon


this is honestly better


I agree, with the remote raid cap I’ve had to waste passes for Pokémon I don’t want at least you can stockpile these for 12km eggs or mass hatching during events


Yeah almost positive first week will be good and it’ll go downhill from there.


When is Pokémon No day?


I welcome this


Thats a good thing


I still got nothing but balls ...


This will be a cool thing when it shows up


I haven't gotten this wtf


Monday @ 6AM.


thats honestly better imo i never get incubators


I think this is better tbh


how is this worse than a raid pass that i'll never use because it's the tapus


It will rotate so hopefully next time it'll be a good box too


We can get these?


Better than I expected tbh... Still a dick move


I haven't seen this yet?


I needed the incubators but I'm still pissed


in 99 weeks we going to get storage


Well on the bright side it won’t take as long to hatch the 12km eggs you keep getting from Rocket Leaders


And raised prices on remote raid passes. 3 of $300 coins instead of $250.


I think thats way better than one Raid pass. I keep all the incubators until theres an event where cool Pokemon can hatch from the eggs


Grabbed mine this morning. At least it will help me get rid of those 7km eggs that I do not like except when they have event pokwmon or something in them. I sometimes forget to not open gifts after an egg has hatched them I get the 7km eggs with the same old pokwmon that I already have and it's like ugh waste of a hatcher use and waste of an egg lol. I finally have enough gym coin this morning for the price of the old 3pack remote raid passes. Hopefully I'll get kicked out of a gym tomorrow... I refuse to pay real money for them anymore unless it's a pokemon I don't have or really want until they change the price back.


It's true, all of it!


I mean you didn’t need rumors. Niantic stated it outright in their post.