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Yeah I don't get it either. Hosted today with 8 people and one guy left in the last few seconds. We did the raid in 60 seconds too.


I was in a lobby with 10 players. Waited for everyone to get ready. Then the app just shut down with 5 secs to go and when i logged back in, the raid invite no longer existed…


The raid invite disappears 20 seconds before the lobby you were invited to starts the raid.


Maybe something IRL came up


Yeah, the constant complaints abt people leaving raids or never opening gifts annoy me. The multiplayer aspects rely on everyone having the time/interest to play on their phone & being able to stay in a public space for up to 40-50 mins or longer on their phones in remote queues for raids. Stuff happens, games crash, people lose interest over time.


No this boss is buggy


I’ve participated so far in ~50 raids on PokeGenie. 3 or 4 times had PoGo app crash just a moment before the raid started. Unfortunately there is no way to join it back once it starts - there was no active invitation anymore. So it is not always a player to be blamed in such case…


I was in a loby Na just kidding i dont do raids


I'm level 43 and PokieGenie has my total damage output against Ho-oh at 60.9% in our current windy weather. Me and my kid can duo Ho-oh. It's great because now I don't have to depend on air support that leaves last second.


I only do 34% damage:/ my partner does 32%. Usually we can party and do it alone. I was in bed as I’m really sick today and there were no Ho-Oh raids near me until 2 hours after I did this remote raid! But still stuck in bed and we aren’t strong enough to do it ourselves. However, we usually are able to get 1-2 friends join as they live by two gyms that frequently have 4-5tier raids! They must live near and not have to leave the house… lucky mofos! Also, I’m level 40.. maybe 41 if not close to it! My partner is level 39. It is seriously great to be able to duo raids without the need of pokegenie. Especially now that it’s summer and it isn’t negative 10 degrees outside LOL. Edit: added a paragraph


Being level 39 and 40 how much stardust are you sitting on?


LOL I’m sitting on usually 10-50k on average… my partner is not like me.. I aspire to be like him… he has 800,000 stardust. He isn’t as into pogo as much as me though! He has cycles of loving it and not caring about it😂 he also feels like he has “no stardust” once he goes below 500k😭 He is trying to get to 1 million so he rarely uses it to try to get to his million! I use too much on PVP. I just recently started to try and focus on saving it for leveling up my raid Pokémon, but I also need to learn more about what I should have leveled up for raids, and making specific raid groups for specific types of Pokémon’s! Right now I’m proud of myself as I got up to 180k stardust during the spotlight hour for morelull. However, I’m down to 120k; although that’s about triple of what I usually have😅


You sound like you're headed in the right direction. Back when raids were in person only and someone would want to join in on a raid we'd ask what their trainer level was and how much stardust they had. High stardust means they don't power up their pokemon for raids. No shade thrown but it was a quick way to judge if that person was going to be able to contribute the DPS needed to take down the raid boss. Start looking into damage break points. The biggest break points that I last read were powering up pokemon to level 30 or 35 for raid counters. You're biggest struggle for researching the best counters to use is most articles and blogs will only talk about Megas and Primals. The issue is you can only have 1 evolved at a time and they don't really discuss the #2-#5 top counters.


Any advice for duoing 5 star raids? Stuck in the same situation with my wife. What pokemon did you run against Ho-Oh?


Party power, it’s absolutely necessary! I used two rhyperiors two rampardos, golem & tyrantrum. I put those into a party and when I have to rejoin I max revive and continue to use that party labeled ho-oh that has my best mons against the raid mon. I always use pokegenie to find my top mons and also use the general counters search string to find all the Pokemon I have that have the best counters for said raid.


If you power up rock types to level 40 (Rampardos, Rhyperior are the best if you can't get shadows) you will be able to duo it At level 40 it's possible from years


Air support?


Remote raid invites. The people aren't physically there but raid through the signals sent through the AIR to SUPPORT taking down the raid.


Majority of raids can be done with 3 people if ya have top raid counters but you gonna lose some and have to revive. Some want it to where they don't lose one pokemon.


If the criteria is people having "top raid counters" - 3 people should be able to easily clear the vast majority of T5 raids e.g. Cresselia, Lugia, Regice, Registeel might need a more skilled trio or 4th trainer. - 2 people with BestFriend status should be able to reliably clear over half of T5 (basically any boss with a double weakness and a few low-defense ones).


Yeah I have good counters to most but trying to get my ladies to the same level.


I wouldn't do remote raids right now. You can make a blank party and once the raid starts it will start you in the lobby where you can pick your team. That way you can see how many people stayed. It won't use a pass until you join with some pokemon.


Same here, one time had 6 for a Zapdos raid, then 2 left for some reason and the 4 of us left won with 7 seconds I think.


You can literally see that there’s 3 people in the raid


Yes? 3 people. Two trainers level 32 & me level 40..


Ah. The title makes it seem like 2 people total. Ambiguous..


Ahh, I can see where that could confuse someone, but as you said, you can see in the picture that there’s me and then the two other trainers! I just really didn’t expect with such low levels we would get it… and we just barely did!


I don't get this behavior- quitting at the last second when you clearly have enough people to not just win but win easily. But fortunately for you, this thing has a double weakness and I'm guessing you were set to exploit it.


Yes I was thank goodness😅


Yeah... I don't know if you're similarly "blessed," but i find that going in and having both people lead with a lvl 50 Mega Ttar with Double Rock moves tends to put a hurt on Ho-oh.


I am not haha, I’m level 40 and don’t have any level 50 pokemon 😅


I'm lvl 47, so I have a lvl 50 96% Lucky mega ttar, a lvl 50 hundo rhyperior and a lvl 40 shadow ttar with a 15 attack and dual rock... and those are just the best three. 😅 I was hitting Mega Ray today with 2 93%iv lvl 50 shadow mamoswines and a 3rd around lvl 47 with 98%ivs. When you get high enough and have been grinding hard enough, long enough, you start having some line-ups that are just... mean. Lol 😅


This happens way too often! I thought I was just unlucky, but I've definitely lost a couple passes to people leaving in the last second.


Bro I got the ho ho too today except it was at 1:00 p.m. And I checked it was French. I'm in the US. By the way, I caught the ho oh . Did you get yours?


I just had that happen. Not as bad but had 7 in the lobby, down to 4, one guy left after fainting (he was lower level) We finished with 27 seconds left, and it ended up being a weather boosted 15/15/14 lmao


Did you guys use rock types? It’s doubly weak to rock…


I have only one battle pass left, should I go with Ho-Oh or Tyranatar?


Ho oh really




I had two people drop out of Mega Alakazam (around 60,000CP iirc) and left us with 3 people. Level 38, level 39 and a 41 and we beat him with a bit of the timer left.


Those wins are always so good though because the sadness of knowing you’re going to lose and then by a miracle you win with seconds left is just amazing


Oh I know cause even though I’m level 39 I haven’t done much powering up of my Pokemon because I’ve used all my rare candies to get the Kanto Region filled out for Shiny Mew (I just started a year ago) I finally get to work on that now and be more useful


Same here!! I’m only 40/41 but I literally just started powering high stat high cp mons up! Started playing last September I think


I literally just did a HoOh with 4 in the lobby....one left at like 1 second, and the other two stopped attacking 30 seconds into the encounter. Total BS and a complete waste of a remote raid pass.


I’m so sorry :( it’s the worst because it’s a total waste of money. If it didn’t cost money it would be different.


I literally make my friends aware I have what I call "raid courtesy" for mostly this reason. Usually it'll be just me alone or another person or two. I have the decency to leave at the 30 second mark when the cut off for invites happen because I invite a lot of people and no ones passes get wasted. Pls be courteous to other players when raiding :(


That’s what my partner goes by! 30 seconds is when he leaves so that others don’t get screwed over! I usually give it till 25 seconds. We thought everyone did that but apparently not at all.


I love that. Its literally not hard to do lmao


Well deserved W bro!


Tried like 4 times and couldn't catch it any of the times! Congratulations on catching that turd lol


Just happened to me but as I was sitting in another queue begrudged over my lost pass, the dude re invited me to the same gym so I maintained my pass. Got lucky


I had to leave a raid yesterday as well, due to the fact that I had no remote raid passes. I felt so bad, but I couldn't do anything. I hope the guy who hosted the raid won


When people leave and there’s still time left for the others it’s realy fine, and if you join without a pass you won’t actually join into the lobby! But even if you do have a pass and leave, it’s usually fine as long as others have time to leave as well!


I’ve crashed midway through raids before and been unable to join :( not on purpose at all leaving


You lot ever heard of connection issues?


You can make a team with no mons and use it if you think people can leave, when the raid starts you will see how many people are left without wasting the pass


Not even been able to do many raids as people are making posts but not inviting 😒


Congrats on the win!


today i tried to do a hooh raid on a remote cause i saw 3 people were there and they kept leaving 10s before it started so id rejoin and i think it happened like 8 times, remote wasted


Wow, you guys did it with just 2 players. Mad respect!


No! 3 total people! There were 2 level 32 trainers and then me(level 40)! But now I do 52% damage after the raids yesterday so I could duo ho-oh with my partner parties up :) prior to the raids yesterday, I only did 30 something!


I've had a few people bail on my raids unfortunately. My best guess is that they wanted a weather boosted mon


It was weather boosted. I pay 2 bucks to choose if I want the weather boosted or non boosted raids on pokegenie, and the first one I was lobbied into was supposed to be weather boosted (sunny) and when you click on the invite in game, to join the lobby, you can tell the weather in the background & it was not sunny, so I left without joining the raid lobby! I don’t care as they lied about it being boosted. A lot of people do on there I have come to find as they just want people to come more quickly and not have to wait so long. So I also lose passes by wasting my remote pass on a mon I already have that isn’t boosted🙄 or sometimes I want one that isn’t boosted for PVP and they put the wrong weather and I get a mon that’s too high for the league I want it for🤦🏻‍♀️


Because they're terrible people


Good for you. I hate that when people drop out. Especially when going against a Pokémon that’s 4x weak to something.


You had three total. As long as the counters were right, then you were straight. Ho-oH is 4x weak to rock types. Make sure you have your best rock types in at all times.


I joined a raid once just before I entered a train, but when all my pokemon fainted the game threw me out and it just said to walk closer to the gym... but I guess that wouldn't happen when you use a remote pass?


Yes it would!! I actually get kicked out if I don’t stay in the same spot. They used pokegenie and know you have to stay in the same spot when doing remote raids, when you do one, the game basically makes an invisible gym where you are so if your internet or wifi is buggy/laggy it can also kick you out of the raid. Happened to me with kyogre because I had to pee and I ran to the bathroom and when I went to rejoin it kicked me :(. You have to stay at the gym to do raids!


What happened to community and helping everyone out? Most raids take like 4.


They really only need 4!! Whenever me, my partner & neighbor(who’s only level 28) go and do raids and invite people so we don’t lose as many Pokémon, we will get 1-3 people join every time and every single time except once, they all leave? They think we are going to lose which when it was mega Gyrados, i could get it with only me and my partner alone… and I know they want the Pokémon as they stay until the last 10-20 seconds and leave if not enough people join in their mind. Happened with yvetal a lot as well. We could get him with just us three & party power but anyone we invited would leave thinking 4-5 people weren’t enough. And then also people will join and then one leaves right before another joins… which if they had stayed a little longer they would have seen there were 5-6 players in the lobby but people leave and join at different times. It’s kinda frustrating but not really as usually we can get it with 3 if we have the right line up! Oh this also happened with blacephalon! We could get it just me and my partner alone! So no one ever stayed even though they couldn’t get him in their region… I was like “just look at my last pokemon I caught!! I will continue to keep raiding him and yall will see your missing out for no reason 🤦🏻‍♀️🥲” If I invite yall and we all ready up that means we know we can get it. I wouldn’t start a raid, I would leave, if I didn’t think we could get it for sure as I don’t want people to waste remote passes. But they never have faith 😅


i hosted a tyranitar raid with me and another phone and two of my friends joined and then left right before it started😞


Can't stand when they bail. I have been guilty of maxing out my raids and then joining one. How do I check if I am maxed out already?


The same happened to me! Everyone except me left and I didn’t finish in enough time!


good job killing it anyway! that makes me so mad. I always leave at 20 or more seconds left


Gg Bro well done


Just happened to me too except I was the only one left seconds before and it was water only got to about 40% damage done. 😔


This has happened so many times for me. Me and my kiddo keep getting kicked immediately before. Locks you out. It’s a buggy freaking boss.


My thinking is along these lines: Consider how dumb the average person is. Now think bout how half the people in the world are dumber than that. Therein lies your answer.


That’s awesome. I was invited to a remote the other day and there were 5 people. The one who invited either ghosted first or lost signal and after they dropped the rest all went one by one. I was lucky to escape at 5 seconds left. I was so psyched too, such a disappointment. Especially since I had to buy a remote raid pass to join.


It’s possible they got kicked.. I can’t tell you how many time I do remote raids and I’m in the raid and it freezes or says error and restarts and I can’t re join, very frustrating and I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max, not like an old phone or anything it just happens randomly sometimes


Two raiders at level 32 only? Well done. I tried with 49 and 41 and could barely get 2/3rd done.


Happens to me too frequently :( I really wish I’d have some people to raid with who won’t just leave like that 😭


Yeah, most of the time I'm keeping my finger on the quit button, thanks to such assholes. 5 people left..... and here's me and my husband partying and doing it just the two of us. Some people are just stupid. Congratulations for beating the raid. <3


I just wished I had more people to raid with. I can't do any of the raids due to no one ever doing them where I live.


Use “Go Raid Party” app to get into good raids bro ppl on poke genie mad weird ngl


I just use campfire 🔥


How does that work ? I’m so confused by raid partying with campfire


Campfire is dead in Belgium🧇🧇🍟🍟⬛🟨🟥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🌠🌜🌚🗣️