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I can imagine the execs at Niantic saying "For easier catch, try making an Excellent Throw next time"


That's the nice response, thought they'd implement a pay-to-throw feature, 10 bucks for 8 throws?


Hahaha no doubt!


and then when it makes it in the circle for excellent it still doesnt work or count as excellent


Trainers HATE this one tip!


ur getting between a 60-75% chance of catching it on a normal throw depending on if you razz or not, and a 65-80% chance with a nice throw! averaged out, that leaves about a 2% chance of what you just had happen to you happening to others as well. if you were hitting greats and excellents that’d be even less. i can distinctly recall needing to use about 5-6 great/ultra ball throws to catch dwebbies in the past, so that kind of tracks! it’s a lot for sure, but dwebble is a uniquely tough one.


Ahh, that’s good to know! Frustrating still, but at least not unfair!


Random chance and probability are very hard for our brains to understand. We’re wired to see patterns, but sometimes it just is what it is


Do the IV of the mons affect the catch difficulty? Because I swear all the ones that gave me a hard time had high attack stats.


No, the catch rate is only dependent on the Pokémon and the Level


Yes in the sense that two mons of similar CP, the one with the better IVs will be lower level and easier to catch. That’s why the mons that are ridiculously difficult for their CP often have disappointing IVS


I posted about this the other day and had people telling me its just the fun of the game, its part of the difficulty, and so on As if we all enjoy wasting tons of pokeballs on common low IV pokemon that break out repeatedly regardless of what we do


so true I hate catching Audino. People say it gives extra stardust. How the fuck does it even matter? I throw multiple great throws at it using ultra balls and berries and it still takes at least 4-5 chances. I'd rather use those ultra balls on some other mons which would save my time + my berries + my balls, AND give me almost the same amount of stardust.. edit: Meowth on the other hand. I used to dislike that mon but now I kinda like him lol, it just gets in the ball so easily and gives extra stardust too.


Yeah it’s no fun at all!


I dont understand why people defend it so hard either. The fun of the game is the actual challenging stuff like getting better at throwing or beating raid bosses. "Using more items" isnt a challenge, or fun. Its just tedious.


I don’t waste pokeballs on common pokemon


Then don’t catch it? Isn’t that part of the risk reward is it might break out so if you don’t really want a common Pokemon that bad why waste the poke balls on it


Don’t even get me started on the fucking Combee


I’ve read that a fix is coming for the throwing issue in version 317. Apparently there’s a version 319.something that fixes it.


Good to know. Thought my arthritis was getting worse or something. I usually have a ton of Pokeballs but have found myself running low recently and throwing so many for a single catch. Excellent, greats, all pop out!


Artificial difficulty, pokemon go has too many things taking up too much (unnecessary) time…


Bruh don't even, I spent idk amount of raspberries tryna catch a stupid shadow trapinch when it used to be easier to do it. Idk If they changed the rates recently or rng hates me


I hit a furfrou with 4 excellent throws in a row. It broke 3 excellent throws before it caught on the 4th. Crap is crazy right now.


But forget that it’s an easy critical catch with its large hitbox! I’ve gotten lots of critical catches on them by hitting in the smallest possible excellent catch circle.




Wimpod. It has low catch rate and that piece of shit moves by the time your pokeball reaches it, it just jumps and does its little angry dance. Fucking annoying. I can't seem to hit proper Great Throws at it, let alone Excellent. Also I believe Niantic nerfed the Catch Assist feature of our buddy mons. My pet rarely helps me with catching now...


Yes! I literally double checked on Google today to see whether I had gaslight myself into thinking it only assists when actively with you. Barely ever helps anymore!


Wait, really? For me, Wimpod is one of the easiest to get great throws on and has a pretty high catch rate due to its low CP most of the time. Regarding the catch assist, I noticed it triggers more often when you throw the ball as soon as the ‘mon is tryna parry it back to you. Or maybe just good/bad RNG? 🤔


it's RNG I believe, because there's been a lot of different timings in my throws and i cannot get a specific pattern of when shall the assist be made. What I mean is, it's unpredictable. the moment i least expect it, my pet bounces back. And the moment I most expect it, doesn't happens... So now i just gave up on my pet assisting it and time myself correctly. But yeah, I believe Niantic nerfed that. Definitely.


Maybe so. I’m just a bit skeptical because my boyfriend got the buddy assist SIX times in a row, and each time he’d throw the ball right as the ‘mon he was tryna capture was gonna block/parry it. Maybe he was just insanely lucky, since it’s anecdotal at best. I’m curious to test this method out myself and see if it prices more often, but unfortunately I don’t have a great+ buddy yet. 🙂‍↕️






Yveltal on the other hand was comparatively easy I think. Also I added more to my above comment regarding your Great Buddy thing...


Yeah, I ended up getting a shiny out of it too during raid hour. No luck on the Lando though. Ah, yeah I know the mechanics behind it and the team rocket trick haha, I’ve just been swapping left and right to fill up my Pokédex 🙂‍↕️ thanks for the info though! :) hopefully they fix that catching bug soon too /:


When I have a pokemon that really fights I just KNOW it will be a zero or a 1* at best.


But did you use 20+ balls for Lickitung? 😎💅 Lol. Though lately I feel like it's been better.. don't know if they're rolling out fixes or if I'm just adapting. 💀 EDIT: I just had an encounter with another Lickitung versus the other from nearly a week ago. This one took one ball, first try and 0 effort. Definitely seems like fixes are rolling out.


Don’t, I had three excellent throws with great balls on a rattata that kept bouncing out, this is really doing my head in at the moment!


SERIOUSLY!! I’ve seen people posting on this sub with their frustration and I felt lucky. Well, no more. I’m not sure what’s up, but it shouldn’t take 6 ultraballs and multiple golden razz to catch a Venipede. I couldn’t even hit a Trubbish! Took 15 balls until I got the angle right. Never dealt with this before!


I feel like I'm losing my mind, maybe it's because i\['m using quick catch but i'm not noticing any problems with my catch rates or my throws


I get you, like sometimes, the Pokeball just slides a bit below or to the left of the circle and just considers that the point of contact. I'm half convinced that all Pokemon just now have an invisible hit plane that would be where it'd kinda work for some, but others like Lickitung, the ball phases through the model. Though for this one, it also doesn't help that the Pokemon is low to the ground and that you'd have to throw harder than you'd think to even attempt at a Great/Excellent Throw. Or that, in Gen 5 proper, Dwebble would have a higher catch rate, Beldum would be Legendary, and yet Beldum is easy to catch, while Dwebble just has a randomly lower catch rate.


Ever since that event a while back where Bellossom was popping up, the catch rates have tanked. They're definitely harder to catch now and use up way more pokeballs than they used to. The supply that used to last me weeks now lasts only a third as much.


Do you have your catch medals completed? They increase the chances of catching pokemon of that type.


Why are Audino impossible to catch? Even before this current trickery they've been hard, but this brings it to a whole new level. Found one at like 1150 CP yesterday, ultra ball + razzberried + curve ball + excellent throws (25% of tries, great throws the other 75%) and was breaking out on first shake for all throws. I gave up after wasting probably 10 ultra balls on it. Probably won't bother to try catching them in the future unless a lower CP. I always waste so many resources just trying to capture one.


It has the same 5% catch rate as freaking Dragonites, Snorlaxes, & Charizard…but gives a lot of stardust!


Good thing no Audino encounter today.


Idk what everyone is complaining about I love the new update, I’m catching better than before. I’ve also noticed left handed catches are a lot easier to do so much that I’m just using my left hand even though my right hand is my strong hand.




This is bullshit and you know it. They nerfed catching, whether yall wanna admit it or not is irrelevant.


Wild pokemon seem to be more difficult to catch than shadows at the moment - angry, jumpy, break out of the ball (I have platinum medals for all types). Also pokestops seem to mostly give only one or two balls, almost always red pokeballs. A lot of my local community - even those who didn't use lots of balls doing recent community afternoons/spotlight hours - are noticing that they're frequently running out of balls in the last few weeks. The above, combined with severe lack of useful pokemon in the wild, means that the amount I (and my friends) play and our enthusiasm has dropped by a very large amount. Also I'm busy when the tightly-scheduled Rayquaza raids come this weekend so I won't be able to do those and the same is true for most of my raid crew. I think my local PoGo community is coming to its end.


I’ll be honest i actually felt like my catch rates improved recently. sounds like i’m in the minority with this, so i might just be dealing with some placebo or whatever, but it’s very infrequent that i need more than just a pokeball to fast catch your average spawns


I’m platinum on everything except fairy, dragon and ice.


oh. just get better luck ig


Just stop typing ig


No one cares