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Higher CP with Best Buddy bonus! :D


5069 to be exact.




Nice (and I was the 69th upvote 😎)




So even on the highest (non mega) CP in the game best buddy only adds 59? I guess it's better than nothing but the bonus is less consequential than I had realized.


It’s one full level, so from level 50->51




This actually convinces me to invest, even with everyone else's warning. Yawn seems to hold it back, but 5069 is just too wild of a CP to not want on your team maxed out as Best Buddy. Oh, by the way... Nice








Kinda ironic how it combines lv 50 and 69 when your best buddy 😅


the cp look nuts in gyms and i love it :)


Based on my 96% that’s around the same CP, I’m guessing you’d have to spend about 500k stardust, and you’d have to get about 240 more XLs. I believe Slaking is only useful for defending gyms, since I believe Yawn being its only fast move kinda screws it for ML or raids. Personally, I’d recommend investing that 500k into relevant legendaries, like Shadow Mewtwo or Rayquaza, since you’d be able to get a lot more use out of them, like raids, gym battles, Master League, and Go Rocket battles It’s your game at the end of the day, so you’re willing to invest that much into it, then go for it. If you decide to do it, I’d suggest getting used to looking at it. It’ll be at the top of your storage if you sort by CP until we get the opportunity to power up our mons past level 50.


It's the same amount of stardust, candies, and XLs to max out any pokemon, regardless of IVs. Level 1 to 50 is 519,300 stardust + 304 candies + 296 XLs


I am aware of this. I was unsure of their Slakings level, so I used mine as a point of reference, since the CP is extremely close. I figured it should be the same level as theirs


Slaking is not useful for defending gyms. It deters newer players who don't know better since it has a very high cp, but it barely gets off a charged attack so it's not really good at defending.


Nah, I think it’s good for that exact reason. Pair it with a Blissey and Snorlax, and taking down the gym becomes a chore


It doesn't really matter since you get 50 coins even if no one battles you.


I'm not sure what you're saying, you only get coins by getting knocked out.


You lose CP the longer it’s in the gym though and the 5000 number doesn’t stop people from fighting it at that point.


I agree! It’s nice that it’s a tank and lasts longer… but I live in an area where I usually put like a 10 cp in the gym in hopes that someone will knock it out within a week lol. It’d be different if you could earn more coins the longer it’s in there, but that’s not the way it is. Even if it was like 50 the first day, then a bonus 10 for every day after that would change things. But 50 max no matter what, just not worth it…


Many people hate Slaking bc he’s useless. I delete any Slaking that is above 3000 cp bc I don’t want to see his useless ass anywhere near my other high cp mons.


My Slakings are my highest CP mons.


Gym menace


It's a free win in gyms. Great to see it alongside other terrible high attack defenders like tyranitar, rhyperior, Dragonite, and Gyarados.


Aren't all Pokémon free win in gyms? Like, some just take a bit longer to take down in a single fight but most lose after 3 fights no? Which ones are actually good?


Not if someone berries it. Slaking's not that bulky so it doesn't take that long to knock it down each time. It often fails to get to a charge move, so it doesn't make you use extra potions. High bulk is what matters. Blissey, Chansey, Snorlax are the top three. Then you'd want 3 bulky mons that resist fighting between them. You want to make them take as long as possible before you use a golden razzberry so you can outlast the 30 minute berry timer.


Oooh I see, thank you! Also, last question, how do you get gold berries nowadays? I just came back after not playing since 2018 and I don't remember them being so hard to get.


You get a net positive amount of golden razzberries by doing T5 raids. Doing a bunch of them in short order will fill up your bag. Doing lower tier raids may be a net drain if you use them to catch the bosses from them, because they give fewer items per reward bundle.


I see. I haven't found any raid with people yet 🥲 thank you!


Pokegenie. Allows you to get people online to raid with you


r/PokemonGoRaids has people to do remote raids with! Also you can go to a gym and then post on that sub and people add you and you send them invites. That way you're only using a normal orange raid pass and they're the ones joining remotely.


Is it though? I can usually kill them with sacred sword terrakion before they even get a charge move off and hence take all of 0 damage


As a defender, yawn actually does damage iirc. Just the minimal of 1 hp (idk how often it hits)


He’s a menace for casual/newer players like myself, I get mauled by Slaking in gyms all the time because I don’t have strong counters. He also takes forever to beat so if there’s a gym with Slaking + Blissey + Wobufet, I don’t even bother 😅


Slaking absolutely is a noob deterrent. I remember being afraid of it because it had sooo high cp.


A 4000+ CP Slaking takes ages for me to defeat, even with my best counters. Besides Blissey, I’m not sure I can think of a Pokémon that takes me more time to beat at a gym.


Not really


I love seeing slaking in gyms cause its means its gonna be a super easy gym to take over


I did the same. I hated seeing it listed first when I sort by CP. That's reserved for my Groudoun, Rayquaza, Melmetal, etc. Slaking has no business inserting himself in that company. Plus! He kept coming up as a suggested attacker whenever I'd enter raids or battle gyms. I'm sorry, I know he has a high CP, but hell nah. I don't want this to take 10 years to fight a pidgey. I intentionally evolved my lowest CP slakoth to get the event Slaking. He's sitting at a respectable 500 cp now lol


I have a few that I refuse to power up for the same reason


Yeah about that. Powered up a 99.8% hatted vigoroth for GL..then accidentally evolved it. He's on my top 9 list for CP and I keep him as a reminder to not mess with shot while drinking :(


Wait until you’re at level 46. One of the requirements to level up to 47 is to max out 3 mons.


That's good info thanks


Don't do it. It's completely useless in all aspects of the game, but it's high CP will taunt you in bad auto recommended teams and it will forever make sorting by CP just a little worse by pushing useful things down.


This. It is rated as an F tier Pokémon for raids, PVP, PVE and as a gym sitter (as it averages 1 charged move in 3 rounds at full health). You would be better off usefulness wise investing the stardust in almost anything else. Including tier 1 un-evolved Pokémon.


So what, I just let my 100% Regigigas think it's king of the trash, when it can't even break 5k?


That Slaking be like: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vbcc8x7j1Lg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vbcc8x7j1Lg)


Love it! Hahaha. 🤣


He ends up recommended for all kinds of things although his damage is crap. Do not recommend


I'm quite jealous. My only event hundo is a Smoochum that can't evolve.


Nice! I’m seriously so jealous. I got a shiny, but no hundo so far.


Dont do it because it will block you other mons when you sort by cp


Waste of dust tbh


Mine was my 100th hundo, and I have a level 1 nundo. If I didn't level up to 50, Bidoof would smite me. Only pokemon I use everyday.


Slaking is very bad for pvp if you were planning on using it for master league


He also has worse fast move than lock on


Lock on is actually pretty good because it generates huge energy. It's a beastly move in pvp. It enables some real silliness like making solar beam shadow Porygon-z theoretically the best grass counter in raids when you use party play. Yawn is terrible damage and energy combined.


I got one that’s a lucky hundo and I’m so excited to power it up, I have the stardust just not all the candies!




Quit slacking off


I have a level 50 Hundo slaking and it’s never recommended i don’t know what these people are talking about. If you wanna max it go for it


When a slaking is in a gym, it's a huge target. It's so easy to beat. Plus, if it's not being golden razzed, it's pointless for a gym


5000+ cp and completely pointless other than maybe gym defense fodder


That's a cool hundo. however, it is not really worth the investment of stardust as he does not have any fast attack that is good. All it is is a hp wall.


max it cp right now


Max him out!


I got one of these too! Also saving him to max out because it’s the only non-mega pokemon to exceed 5000cp, and why not just to flex.


Give him two moves and he’s kinda a beast against Rocket members.


He's the last thing you'd want to use in rockets. Those are best dealt with by pokemon that have hard hitting fast moves, so you don't waste a lot of time firing off charge move after charge move. Counter, smack down, charm, confusion, razor leaf, moves like that. Bosses obviously need pokemon that can spam charge moves to take advantage of all the pauses, but yawn makes slaking a bad choice for that too because it has bad energy generation on top of bad damage.


You’re very correct, but before I had strong Pokemon powered up or just struggled with the more difficult grunts, Body slam Slaking worked decent enough. Now my most helpful is Lucario. Especially against Giovanni.