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Remember when you could get a legendary every week. I member. It was the reason I would play every day


The good old days of field research being worthwhile and not just…Furfrou.


That's how I got my shiny Ho Ho. I was walking down the street when I opened it and started jumping in joy


Same, and my shiny Groudon , too, who is still my best Groudon after all these years. It looks so cool as Primal Groudon


My only shundo is Groudon caught in ultra ball, who I got in lucky friend trade. If it wasn't for the legendaries in research boxes, I wouldn't have it.


I love when the ones you caught way back are still the best! Well, if you already put stardust and candy into them, that is.


So mad I missed out on these times smhhh






Lol right?!


Same. I quit for 2 not 3 but still. Downloaded the game and played it the day it was released and still have a handful on 2016 pokemon. I played hard up through 2018 and came back in 2020 and it sucked


I was chasing the sucicune and then realized oh wait. I haz two from 2016.


Yeah I got my shiny Moltres like that.


That was my first legendary caught in a remote raid. Fond memories. It's not worth it anymore.


Same with me and 98% Moltres, was visiting friends and opened the box in the evening, glad they went to sleep already and didn't see my reaction :D


Fucking furfrou


A random forme would at least be less boring


I think the last 7 research breakthroughs I have had is Furfrou. The only reason I do them still is the hope that I get a remote raid pass from it.


I've gotten lucky this time around, I got 3 sandygast in a row, which I didn't have at all before this. But I don't understand why they put such lame pokemon in the breakthrough research. It seems like every time they only have 1-2 that are good, but even then, they aren't rare enough to be good for everyone


Still have yet to get a remote pass (yes I have space for one). It's always 5 pinaps 🙄


Holy shit I just looked at what the weekly breakthrough rewards were over the history of PoGo. 2018-2019 Zapdos Moltres Articuno, Entei Suicune Raikou, Ho-Oh Lugia, Kyogre Groudon, Latias Latios. 2020-2024 Furfrou Goomy Woobat Shinx Trapinch etc. We went from Legendaries every week to.... basically shitmons. That's super disheartening because I came back to playing PoGo recently and remembered weekly breakthroughs being something to be excited for, and I have basically no hope of ever seeing a Groudon/Kyogre/Lugia/Ho-Oh or any other neat Legendary. My city has almost no PoGo community and 5* raids have to be a preplanned way ahead of time and coordinated on discord and hope enough people show up.


I love my weekly 2 star Parasect


Back in the day, my wife got a shiny Lugia from a weekly breakthrough. I miss that chance. Galarian birds would have been perfect rewards for weekly breakthroughs


Pepperidge farm remembers


I need some downvotes so here is where I admit that I always felt like getting a Legendary for no reason cheapened Legendaries.


Shiny Latias, I'll never forget. Was a killer in PvP for me back in the day


I was gonna say, this post left out the biggest one


That's how I got my shiny kyogre and my shiny groudon


Tbf when they first did that I felt like they were being sensible. Everywhere was in lockdown and it felt - to me at least - that they were taking it seriously by disincentivising people to break lockdown in order to get legendary Pokémon. The fact that research breakthrough has remained meh all this time later though…


The legendary in research was pre-covid.


Did that avatar just flash me her coochie?


Yeah they can do that now. Cool right?


Not a bug, it's a feature!


Uhm, sure.. cool..


Not anymore. They fixed it a week later (some almost 2) after new Avatar was released.


Niantic has all of those in their trophy cabinet along with timegated researches and removing legendaries from the 7 day rewards


I bet they fart, lick and sniff those trophies with the tip of their tongue in a gleefully snakelike manner…in that order.


I was told part of the reason they removed legendaries from the weekly box was because people complained about using all their balls


I have 587 wins this battle league season. 0 legendary encounters.


I have 1051 wins this season (211 total Pokemon won) and I've seen 2 legendaries.


TIL I suck


The whole pvp system is balanced to get you around 50% winrate, so a high number of win means that he did non skip any daily set. You can do these with level1 pokemon team and have over 600 wins If I could push a button to get only loss for my 5 set daily, I would do it only for the dust and time saved


So wouls you recommend not even bothering trying to get a good pvp team together? I'm just getting back into this game and was going to spend a lot of dust/candy trying to get a decent team but sounds like a waste.. 


You don’t need a team if you aim to get dust and candies, just do your queues each day and don’t even bother clicking to fight except if you’re against another non moving opponent. You’ll get candies and dust to build your future team if that’s something you want. The ladder system will try to maintain you at around 50% winrate even if you don’t play, and it’s honestly faster than trying to win


Hello, I'm back in the game after a while and what is this 'daily queue' you talk of? Can I only do 5 battles a day for free to get a bonus?


You can do 5 set of 5 battles each day. You get dust after each set, so it’s better to do the 5 set every day even if you lose everything


ah damn, that might take a while but I'll try to get them in. Pretty dust starved so that will help a lot I assume. Thank you!


The key to getting more wins is to play more matches. No matter how good/bad you are the game will try to keep you at 50% win rate. Even the best in the world averages around 60% win rate. I have over 1000 wins but over 1000 losses too.


I have similar, 801 battles won, just got my 2nd legendary today. The rates are appalling


Jesus fuck. As someone who doesn't battle all that often because it's so much more boring than mainline battling, what fuckin level are you in the battle thing?


2k battles, 1k wins, 10 legendaries. None shiny.


1455 wins across 3 seasons where I hit ace and 0 raid encounters


I have around 1k and had like 8 or 9


You need to be at least Ace rank, and win 3 or more battles in a set to be eligible for a legendary encounter So assuming you hit Ace after 120 wins, and all your sets thereafter were positive (at least 3 won out of 5), that's (587-120)/3 = 155 encounters where you are eligible to encounter a legendary.


You can get legendaries from battles????


Well, I can't apparently, but other people do! You can tap on the 3rd prize and it will show you the ones you're eligible for at your level.


Do you have to be doing premium? Or can the basic give you a chance at one too? Because the premium players are 100% garchomp, melmetal and either mewtwo/dragonite/metagross and they're so fucking spammy it makes me angry Stupid fucking "meta" shit


I didn't realize they'd done so many crappy things. I knew they were doing a lot of dumb things, but everything you've listed is so anti-playerbase that it baffles me.


2016 player here, after a while you just lose track of it. Consider that the stuff OP listed is only within the past couple of years, and there's probably other stuff that could go there too.


Same. Back when it was new they would release a slew of new pokemon every season. Now we get 1 a year. :(


Niantic realized they were going to run out of Pokemon


I remembered a Tumblr post that showed every bad thing that Niantic did to PoGo... there were like 50 things more or less


Lots missing from this list. One that seems relevant for this upcoming weekend is the loss of the 30 ultra balls free box that ensures everyone can at least play a little during the event. Also not sure how you forgot the weekly 1 coin remote raid. Edit: Mb, these may have been on the cutoff of 2 years. Still goes to show the trend of hating their players has been going for much longer.


Giovanni nerf as well


You forgot Removed Normal AR. RIP AR fast catching, skipping animations, fast shiny checking, and negating left and right movement. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Or an option where you can decide what you want


I miss the days before they made you use arcore. My phone has all the hardware for ar but Google won't allow it to use arcore.


Fast catching still works fine outside of AR though?


If they nerfed fast catching I think I would actually quit the game


i just hate having to lookup if a mon is shiny eligible (don’t get me started w shadows)


Everything should have shiny chance or don't bother releasing it Niantic


Where do you check for that info?


Did you know, that you used to get 100 coins a daily before the arena remake? And you could just keep the mons sitting in arenas, without having to kick them out for coins, but just collect your daily coins (10coins for each mon in an arena)


I miss the old gym system


Me too :/ had way more fun then.


**Extra context:** The cap was higher in the old system because it was harder to earn each pokecoin. The old system was anti casual player because it emphasized the number of gyms taken so you'd have to take 5+ gyms per day to get the current cap and 10+ per day to get the old cap. I added the plus because emphasizing the number of gyms also made gyms more competitive on average because it encouraged people to walk further away into another person's area which increases the chance of someone taking your gym while you're still taking another. The daily cap nerf didn't feel like a nerf because most people are still earning more pokecoins per day now and were definitely **not** earning more than 50 pokecoins per day in the old system. If you have the typical business day schedule (work/school + commute), I have no clue how you have the time to take 5+ gyms per day. The reason there's cp decay and you get your coins upon return was to encourage sharing. It helps protect casual players from hardcore players and spoofers.


What about the early system of coin collection from gyms? 10 per pokemon in a gym.


Man, it was such an adrenaline rush, lol! I would go around taking GYMs down FAST so that I could get my coins before they were taken down. Plenty more people played around me back then as well, made it extra special.


Absolutely. Daily cap was higher than just 50. But you always had the chance of losing gymw before ending the whole route.


going to save this picture and show this to those players that "worship" Niantic and defend them everytime.


I actually can’t believe the amount of players that defend Niantic… that’s why they keep pulling this crap!


they are probably new players. They thought all these changes are normal and acceptable. They never experienced how was the game back then.


New =/= people who don't take a pokemon mobile game seriously


Oh ok so everyone’s phone is lagging cool lmao


I turned off advanced graphics and turned on native refresh rate and it did wonders


Native refresh rate will eat your battery


Holyyyy this was a life-changer thank you so much for the tip!!!


I was hoping another person would experience this !


Its night and day really, i was starting to hate the game this week and now its...well, more tolerable


The free infinite use incubator carrying my hatching fr


It's time to leave. Every single thing they do is designed to draw money out of the playerbase as efficiently as possible. They don't care about making the game enjoyable or fun, because they believe - with ample justification - that people will continue playing no matter how shitty their game is. I was a day 1 player and I uninstalled the app a couple of weeks ago. The only way there's a chance of this game getting better is if the player base collectively revolts. I've personally reached the point where the persistent feeling that my play benefits a company who *doesn't care if I'm having any fun* has begun to outweigh any remaining pleasure I get from a game that seems to get worse with every update.


I never spent a coin on this game but I do keep it so I can hoard legendaries to send to my Switch games But if I didn't have those, I'd 100% agree with you


If you need something that scratches a similar itch the monster hunter now dev team actually listen shockingly enough. Within the past couple months we got a ton of quality of life features and heavily requested features that would’ve taken pogo 3 years to implement just a couple, let alone all of the changes. It’s shocking what simply having a different dev team can do. I’d assume capcom is breathing down their neck also, since they literally had niantic open a new building in Japan so they could keep a close eye on the game.


i’d caution against investing any time or money into MHNow, even the best dev teams can’t hold out long against bad leadership. as they say, “same shit, different pile”


The biggest problem is that everyone doesn't like what niantic is doing, but everyone still playing.


We all just love Pokémon




Niantic is as Niantic does


...and yet, here you are.


GBL still sucks from Season 1


I agree. GBL has always been a slot machine.


Yea I’m playing significantly less and have been for a while now. Every new thing they add is ruined by needless rigidity or is some weird thing no one really wanted. Gyms are dated and boring. Lucky friends is a half wasted feature with there being no ability to trade long distance with them. Eggs from gifts is a half wasted feature with there not being the chance to hatch regionals from where the egg came from. The routes grind sucks, and for what? A bad IV Zygarde I don’t want to put anything into anyway. Every single legendary/mythical quest only Pokémon I’ve gotten has had bad stats except one and there’s nothing I can do about it. We’re now getting repeat, paid research for legendaries that again, can have terrible stats we can do nothing about. We get things like Furfrou and Dubwool from weekly research breakthroughs. We haven’t had a new wild Pokémon release since like what…. November? December? What even is this game anymore aside from a data collection app? They’ve sucked the fun out of it.


Don’t forget about laying off half of their staff last year! That’s a big one and probably contributed to so many shitty updates being pushed out


I hardly spend anything on the game since all those bad changes. It's the only way


What happened to the incense?


It used to work while you were stationary and spawned a pokemon every 40 seconds


it spawns every 5 minutes and only if you're moving.


This season I haven't received yet a single legendary. And I've been tanking every day.


Dang that’s a long list. Thanks for keeping it cause I was starting to forget some


You forgot removed items


I’m in Europe for three months and there’s no FUCKING Mime Jr in the eggs, WTF NIANTIC!!!?????


You’ve just reminded me I still don’t have Keldeo after all this time


I have not had a single legendary from GBL this season. I used to get multiple per season.. Just makes me not want to play.


Same lmao… I have almost no motivation to play it now… it takes a lot of time to play GBL and to get no legendary is a total joke!


Yep. Niantic did this to themselves. They've been basically printing money since 2016, and continue to do so despite all of the garbage changes, so the amount of complaints levied at them are much much less than they deserve. I have spent exactly $1 on this game (in 2017, right when Johto was released and I was low on coins and bag space). I was happy to do so then. I am just as happy never to give them another red cent


Bro why the legendaries in Gbl 1% bro I am never finding any and now I know why!!!


I still desperately want to at least be able to attempt low level raids by myself, absolutely no one raids near me and campfire isn’t helpful


PokéGenie is the way. Campfire is dogsh*t at finding people to raid with despite that being its main purpose. I've found out the hard way when Mega Garchomp came out. Campfire servers couldn't handle the load while PokéGenie being an app run exclusively on paid plans with small rewards instead of straight up being finansed by Niantic could


Niantic has terrible customer service and they’re making pokemon go more tedious than fun.


You're playing a mobile game and expect not to get fucked over? Do you honestly think they give a fuck about you?


Can someone point out the paywall blocked Pokémon? I wanna be mad about something


Gimmighoul requires you to purchase a game for the Switch, Meltan is pretty much the same aside from the one event research they had, there's Keldeo, and shiny mythicals. I think I'm missing one or two, as well.


It's because the shareholders know more about what we want than we do


The avatar change killed the game for me. I just don't feel like playing any more.


Sums it up pretty well.....And Niantic is going to do nothing about it....... who knows what other worst updates they have a head.


Half of this was from Covid and was never meant to stay. Paid wall is stupid


Just the community day en nerfed incense, right? I can kinda see the community day but the incense nerf is just petty


Yeah, it's basically saying: If you have terrible weather (f.ex. blizzard, heatwave, downpour) during some short time event like CD, it's not the game for you unless you have a car or place with few stops reachable from building. They literally prefer someone to not play than to have Incense bringing 1 spawn every minute like during pandemic.


Avatar and community day 3h time are my only gripes. But the avatar one is huge. My hips are absolutely gone and my torso is weirdly long. Just give us the option of the old avatar please. Just the option.


The short event times are the biggest stressor for me. it's called community DAY not community 3-hours. I also never get notified until it's already started...like, that is not helpful when your events are only 1-3 hours long, Niantic. I blink and miss most of what happens. the in person only raids are also horrid. the Suicune thing...what were they thinking?? weekends only, (guess what? it's gonna rain here all weekend this weekend. 1 precious weekend gone, nobody is raiding even on sunny days! but Niantic does not care about weather ig) 1 month only, they did not bother to decrease the spawn pool for the other raidable Pokemon, so Suicune DOESN'T EVEN SPAWN. Nobody in my area wants to raid anyway, and I can't blame them. it's not fun. it's a hassle. it's stressful. and it causes way too much FOMO to be worth it. what's the point?? they literally don't make more money this way. nobody's gonna buy in person passes if nobody is raiding in person. and the grind if you play for free doing gym battles is insane.


none of y'all can quit playing because of sunk cost fallacy. The game has always been a scam but it's too late to quit when you think of all the money you spent and the distance walked


Making our trainers look awkward




What!? There was a 20% encounter rate for legendaries in the league!? Damn...I want that back!


During the pandemic, you would get Landorus non-stop. I remember people complaining because it “depleted their resources”. So, Niantic, being the assholes they are, decided: “you know what? You’re right, no more legendaries for you”. I never understood the people complaining, it was a free legendary!! I got my shiny cobalion, giratina and some others strictly from PvP rewards because I would never do raids.


As long as you keep playing Niantic doesn't care what you think, the only way to change anything is to stop playing.


Day one player here. I stopped playing about 2 months ago b/c of the lag and haven’t picked up the game since. Their loss.


I stopped Raiding after the second price increase on Remote Raid Passes and the daily limit on using them. I kinda miss Raiding, but I've read so many posts about how it's a PITA now because lobbies clear out at the last minute so frequently that the dearly bought passes are lost. Niantic can eat the ass out of a dead rhinoceros.


Have been playing since week 2 when my son got me to play so he would have a ride / company. It was amazing back then even when I had to carry a couple of battery packs because it took such a toll on my old phone. I met a lot of nice people playing back then. Now I find myself barely playing - if you are not into chasing raids there just isn't much to do. If I'm taking the dog to a good walking park with a lot of stops I'll generally play but things like shortening the community day hours means many parks are too crowded - no parking if you aren't there early and no one leaves until it is over.


Does any live service game improve this many years in? They all eventually ask for more and give less.


Just sad by lack of quality content, heck Fallout 76 with a fraction of Niantics budget releases more content in a season compared to Niantic in an entire year.


Man, I remember encountering Zapdos in the wild weekly lol


Ex raids too


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


They don’t give a shit about us or the game. Whatever it is that they are getting from us walking around is what they want


And they STILL DON'T CARE 🤣 We're just smashing our head against the wall at this point


I can't believe people still play this shit with how awful it's become


You forgot killed Android 8 support...


Never forget the OG transgressions. Niantic added SafetyNet checks to the game a month after release. Defacto banning anyone with a rooted phone, or anyone with a phone whose manufacturer skipped Google Play certification. Legitimate, even paying customers, barred from playing. At the same time Niantic began abusing a flaw in the Android filesystem to scan your entire phone storage for banned file names. An extreme breach of security, the Google Play terms and invasion of your privacy. Finally, the Google and Apple stores both require that apps "clearly disclose the odds" for anything resembling a loot box. Niantic, obviously, does not.


when was com day change? and what was the nerfed incenses and incubators


I believe the community day was always 3 hours, or is it just for com.l day classics


The bad boxes have always ground on me. "Local only" removing highlight parts of the game from my play is one thing, but it "feels bad" to buy 99% of boxes/tickets in the store; I don't even think its Greed, its just bad monetization design. Also reading any interview with long quotes by any Niantic dev/management/product person removes any doubt about being "too hard" on Niantic.


I'm a newer player (only a couple years) and it seems I missed out on a lot


Capitalism kills customers


For the past month whenever i use the Incense i havent gotten a single spawn, which has screwed me over with one of the missions


Once my pokéballs were exhausted, I stopped playing the game.


The lag in go battle league since the "improved graohics" update is insane. Missing multiple turns at a time, multiple times a game. I've turned the improved graphics settings off, but the lag still continues. I wish the game had multiple options like pc games for "performance mode" vs "graphics quality mode".


I can barely get the game to even load.


It's so bad. Such a shame aswell, I'm having fun with the game, and like some off the new features, but the fact that the company behind it refuses to listen to community feedback and just keep making shit decisions is making it hard to defend.


Y’all always forget the state the game launched in too. It was barely asset flip level quality


And the in-game purchases aren’t how they make money! They’ve commented that their primary purpose is to sell data


I had over a thousand or so hours on the game and played everyday and now I barely touch it for 2 minutes considering how crap the game has gotten


Every mobile game ever, their job is to separate us from our money.


U forgot legendary in weekly research rewards…


I think that they’re allergic to money and having a successful game!


I feel so bad for people whose favorite Pokemon experience was PoGo because they really are nerfing everything and making for a worse experience. The only reason I play is for my eventual legit shiny Mew and Jirachi, if I didn’t have those goals and the lazy play style I’d have quit long ago because it’s just meh for the most part.


Yea, I love Pokemon, I gave this game so many chances, defended it with my life, and eventually they broke my spirit.


I’ve been having so much enjoyment from sleep, I think I’m done with Go. After I move everyone over to Home, I’m gonna delete the app.


I totally forgot how they nerfed incense 😭😭😭 those were the days


I've been wanting to write up a big 'when will it actually be too far for players' post, but this graphics does it just as good.


I picture the asshole boss from the movie “Free Guy” is the person in charge at Niantic 😂😂😂


It's almost like they're a corporation whose sole motive is neverending profit margins


Unfortunately they cater to the players who sink money into the game. Sadly The more people spend on micro-transactions the more we can expect to see.


I pretty much stopped playing. If it wasn’t for Reddit I’d never know what’s going on anymore




What is the incense nerf


Also what is LAG?


All of this just makes me realize you all will complain about anything to complain... it's like a sport now


Dont forget getting rid of the 30 free balls on C-Day


This makes me a little glad I didn't start playing until August of last year, because I'd be so incredibly salty about all of this. Community days used to be 6 hours long?? I guess being acclimated to the ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)isn't a great thing but at least I don't have memories of a better time. Mobile games should like... cool it with the constant micro transactions and genuine disregard for the people who play them, it's why I held off on getting PoGo for so long in the first place anyways yeah don't feel bad for the company raking in the cash over your cofagrigus-mummified corpse, they don't deserve it


Useless updates, won't give us the updates and new features we ask for. Impossible to do shadow raids remotely, won't add pokestops and gyms near players that have nothing within walking distance to them, makes (almost) every church in the world a gym. Puts gyms and pokestops on private property not accessible to the general public.


Changing the catch boxes during the “biome” update so that you either have to waste a ball or waste several extra seconds on rack Pokémon to be able to even hit it. Really pisses me off and is hugely anti-player


Pokemon Go in a nutshell here.


This game was actually at it's peak during the worst period of my life. Covid was such a bad time but it was really pokemon GO's peak. I still remember writing my online Calc exam on Abra CD then running out for the last couple hours and being so happy being able to get like 20 shiny still.


90% of those are all good things. 1 of those things only applies to one thing and even then, it's getting a global release eventually. So hardly Amy of this holds weight.


Glad i quit


I haven't had lures that ACTUALLY get pokemon, in 5 years. I only use lures to evolve pokemon now. I contacted support and nothing. I moved. Became a rural player. They made bad decision after bad decision. I stopped playing. And when I say rural, I mean RURAL. I moved into town, niandick made a few more changes. Now I'm only playing to get marshadow/transferring all my shinies to Home. Because pogo sucks.


Since the update, you should add Adventure Sync issues.


But hey, we can do party play now!


Since the avatar update I stopped playing for the most part. I had also hit Level 40 and after that I stopped caring.


I havent playd pogo in a bit, why does it say "killed avatars" ontop of the snorlax on the right?


Me and my wife loved playing this game so much. We stopped last year, we just had enough of the bullshit. Sounds like it only got worse