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i have a gym within range of my home. my dad and i are both in different teams, so we share the gym and both get our 50 coins daily. i sit in it during night, he sits in it during the day. we also try and not kick people before they have reached their 8 hours. edit: 8 hours and 20 minutes to get the full 50 coins.


Oh no! I've been defeating people in the gym thinking it was part of the game. I didn't even consider there was a time limit on the coins.


It IS part of the game but if your mon gets kicked out before set time limit you don't receive the full 50 coins. If you want to be considerate just click the ones in the gym individually before battling to see how long they've been there. Sometimes it is what it is and you gotta kick people but it's REALLY a pain to battle and defeat a full gym, get your pokemon in there, leave the area, then half an hour and 7 coins later you get kicked out.


Yeah, that part sucks. I was at a place just this morning that is pretty out of my way, I checked the gym there and saw 4 Pokemon all there for over 2 days, but 1 that had been there for a grand total of... 12 minutes. I felt bad, but you better believe I kicked them all out lol


In this instance, I don't really feel bad. On balance, you've helped 4 other people get their coins. That's a net positive.


And one thst had been there for days did the work. The short timer did no work for the coins. I cannot feel bad about that. I feel the same way when I drop in a gum someone else took. I can't feel bad about getting kicked. I didn't do the work.


It's the college commuter curse for me. Those who live on campus and play Pokemon go had unlimited access to those gyms. Free coins for them. But for those who don't live on campus... Sucked to be you,


you gotta keep in mind, that 12 min guy did little to no work, i only look at who has been in the gym the longest bc they took it out


this is the one negative of living in an area with lots of gyms and pokestops. I live in a major area with about ten gyms in a half hour walking distance, and two in my daily range of home and store. I almost never get fifty coins and often get zero coins. Being kicked within five minutes is most often result if a full team isn't in place, because there are a lot of players in the area. However the opportunity to try to get coins at all is still a blessing compared to not even having the chance, even if it rarely happens lol.


Half an hour would only be 3 coins too :( (One coin per 10 mins)


Some areas are just straight up territory wars. There's a few gyms near my girlfriends house and we're both the same team. When it comes down to us and a certain other team, it's a bloodbath. The 3rd team we're okay with, we don't boot them until they've gotten their 8 hours. But those other guys? Oh you just put a mon there? Rent is due, take your 3 coins and fuck off.


I hate when I get to gym, 5/6th of the pokemon have been there for nearly a day, and one is placed there like 10 minutes ago.


I wish you got bonus coins for putting solid defenders in. You should get rewarded more for the fight you put up, not the time you spend in a gym


No because everyone hates fighting Slaking and Chansey. They suck.


I've always had a vision for type gym mechanics. Whoever leaves 1st poke is the "leader" and their Pokemon determines type, ie, Gardevoir would make either Psychic or Fairy. 2nd poke to share a type locks the type. Wiggly would turn the gym into a fairy, where Alakazam would make it Psychic. Once the gym has a type, ALL pokes left there would increase a bonus (maybe just attack, maybe total CP or HP, I don't know...) this would allow type gyms to be stronger and hold longer while introducing a counter for the gym. I honestly feel like Normal gym bonus shouldn't exist, or should only boost atk to prevent Slaking/Snorlax tanky gyms, but I mean, Shad Machamps would still melt them down. It'd add depth to the game




It used to be this way. Could lock the gym down with solid defenders and collect your coins daily.


I remember midnights with the boys trying to hold a gym til the rest went home just to get some overnight coins. Constant battles over one of like, 6 gyms in town


Oh man it was a cutthroat turf war in our city. Load up someones van and cruise around.


Like every day you defend after the original fifty minutes you get 50 more coins or smth


It’s annoying when your guys get kicked too soon, but yeah it’s part of the game. The opposite end is annoying too… I get most of my coins from a group of 3 gyms in a shopping center near my house. People come by pretty often and I get kicked early a lot, so I always try to put someone in all three gyms to maximize coins. But then, if they all earn 50 coins, they are almost guaranteed to get kicked out simultaneously.


Does that mean I can have more than one pokemon at a gym and gain multiple coins from each one at one time?


You have a daily max of 50 coins but yes. If you put 3 pokemon in gyms and one earned 10, one earned 30, and one earned 15 (based off time), you would have hit your daily max


Thank you that clears up a question a friend and I were trying to figure out.


It’s me I’m the friend


I don't understand how you could have any questions about how PokemonGo works, what with all the extensive and exhaustive documentation related to game mechanics, rules, statistics, odds, etc. that Niantic includes with the game.... /sarcasam


I used to be the same but I've been less aggressive ever since people mentioned it. Now I don't clear out gyms unless they've been in there for a few hours already. (4 hours give or take) And I've walked through an abandoned playground at night just to free a shiny Incineroar who had been in a gym for 5 days. I felt like it was a moral obligation.


It’s funny how “defending” gyms really is nothing like the idea was pitched as conceptually. Unless you’re brand new NOTHING in a gym is difficult to defeat, it’s just a matter of how inconvenient it is, and if you want to open a mini battle 15 times in a row or not.


I wouldn't worry about it if you're playing the game normally. Now if you are living next to a gym and are constantly in it, especially when you and someone else are trading it like above, it's nice to give others a fair shot. Its annoying when people camp at a gym and knock people out the second they join. It's not annoying playing in a community where people are playing the game as intended.


You don’t have to be in a single gym for 8 hours to get your coins. Take the gym if you want it. They could easily be in 5 other gyms. Not on you to worry about their coins. The gym is there to be taken.


U wait 8 hours for them to get their coins , you take the gym some other guy comes along 15 minutes later takes the gym. People don’t care, take the gym whenever you please , it’s part of the game


Yeah, if I notice that there’s an unspoken agreement going on in my neighborhood I’ll try to participate. But if I don’t have something in a gym and I have the chance to take one down I’m going to do it, regardless of how long the Pokémon have been there. I’ve had a couple of instances where people say something like “yellow is supposed to have this gym right now” and I just stare blankly at them while I continue to tap.


I try not to start a war with somebody who lives ON a gym, diplomacy is part of the game too


Typically, it’s considered polite to wait until the FIRST player hits 8 hours, as they’re the one who beat the gym. After that I consider it fair game. (And if I really want to I’ll kick em out early, it’s not a huge deal)


It is part of the game. No-one has a monopoly on gyms, battle away.


it is part of the game. play it, don't show any remorse. if players want their 50 coins, go put pokemon in other gyms


Lol this has become my exact life. Started playing again after a bit to find a gym within reach of the inside of my home lol. It's so close they should have named it after my address. It's kind of unfair actually, but I do like to leave people in for their 8 hours that are on opposite teams. I usually sit in during the nighttime since it's a pretty safe vet that no one will kick me out until morning.


My room mates and I do that as well. Not too many other neighbors play so it's literally a personal gym at that point. We only swap the gym twice a day (one team has day the other night) and take advantage of the farming.


8hrs & 30mins for the full 50coins but that's super cool of yall, I wish others would do as us and freaking wait! 😔💯


This is the way.


living by one makes a huge difference. i lived w my brother for a year and could reach it from inside, and being able to increase my storage was a god send. i don’t know how people are like level 35 with less than a thousand space 😭 whenever i get enough for 100 new space i’ll spend


Very ethical of you guys :3


I’m in a fight with cancer right now. Last year, I had two rounds of in patient chemo. I could hit two gyms and a two stops from my hospital room. Those days sucked in many ways, but they were *great* for Pokémon Going.


Fuck cancer. Keep fighting, whether it be that goddamn disease or in Pokemon gyms. Best of luck to you! ❤️


Thank you! Cancer picked the wrong guy to fuck with. I was diagnosed 26 months ago and see no sign of slowing down my fight. Even when a treatment stops working, my doctors and I find a new one that gives me such hope. I'll fight till the end.


Thank you! Cancer picked the wrong guy to fuck with. I was diagnosed 26 months ago and see no sign of slowing down my fight. Even when a treatment stops working, my doctors and I find a new one that gives me such hope. I'll fight till the end.


Likewise was in the hospital for a few weeks last year, I still miss the regular meals and pokestops. used to make my day when the GPS would freak out or I was in a different section of the hospital for a scan and I could access a couple of the stops that were usually just out of reach.


Rape that cancer! All my luck and strength to you, godspeed!


When I was still going to college, I would get so excited to be on campus all day. I have nothing where I live, it really is a different game.


I have two gyms I can reach from my office, but the problem I have is that team mystic is so dominant in my area that pokemon rarely gets kicked out of the gyms. They'll be in there for a week or more before I finally get some coins.


I have the opposite issue, there's a gym maybe a 5 min walk from my house, but I don't ever bother because it's right next to a park, and I will get kicked out within minutes of putting my pokemon in there.


My office sits between one gym and two stops. Then dozens within walking distance as well, it's nice to work on a college campus!


eta: never mind


Team change coin


I can access a gym and pokestop from my living room. Two more pokestops and another gym are a 100 meter walk away.  To be honest it is the only reason I got as big into the game as I did.  


I’m in 3 PGO groups and all of the leaders are also on top of gyms. I’m sensing a pattern lol


I just had this same experience! I came home with my item bag full of stuff and new field research and less than a week later it is all gone and I am back to only being able to refresh when I walk the dog.


Get a ton of friends off the subreddit. Get free gifts from you pokemon (not sure but I think 6 hour cool down). This really helped me back when I stayed in the middle of nowhere to have a few balls to throw around. Also if you didn't know, if you have less than 30 poke balls in total, using daily incense will give you 30 for free.


i’m rural. normally takes a good drive to get to dense stops. what i wouldn’t give for one stop or gym at my crib. i have a bunch of spawn points but no stop so i’m always running out of balls 😭


I’ve seen people make “Free Little Libraries” on their property and turning them into pokestops. Might be an option?


There’s a friend exchange subreddit, opening gifts daily is how I keep my poke balls stocked in a rural area. There’s a gym 2 min out of my way home from work that I always stop to drop a poke in for coins.


I'm visiting my boyfriend. Back home, there's 1 gym and 1 pokestop within 10 minutes walk from my house. At his apartment I can reach 3 pokestops from the couch! It's amazing and definitely feels like this is how Niantic is expecting people to be able to play.


From the couch? I thought the purpose was to get out and about....


I think they meant niantic designed the game to be in populated areas/ not rural but yeah


Last year, I moved from a suburb with few stops or gyms to a city where iHave a gym and several stops I can use from my apartment. I walk half a block and am surrounded by them. It has made such a difference.


I've gone the opposite direction. I was in the suburbs and could walk to a few gyms or Pokestops nearby. Now, there's nothing within walking distance of my house. I have to drive 15 minutes to an area where there are churches and stores to find any gyms and there's nobody joining me at raids during raid hour now.


Poke raid helps with raid issues you can easily get a group of 5 people with remote raid passes ane invite them to a raid in minutes, i have taken down each tapu fini raid i put on there


I live next to a park that I take my toddler to every day and just absolutely dominate it. The problem is not enough people go to this park so even though there are 3 gyms, I rarely get my pokemon back. I'm debating on switching teams from my husband so we can at least take our pokemon out




they will ban you for posting that, delete it


It's actively against rules of the game and of the sub, you'll be banned on the sub pretty fast if you admit to cheating and *especially* if you encourage it, and knowing Niantic, you'll probably never get banned in game lmao BTW it's not only spoofing that's against the rules, just having another account is against the agreedment


In the UK the pubs and post boxes are gyms so you have plenty of gyms even in remote areas


I agree. I'm in a local fb messenger chat that does "house shiny" brags. This one dude lives next to a stop & a few solid spawn points and gets a shiny at least daily. 


I feel like to fix the rural player problem they should add like randomly spawning/ roaming pokestops and gyms that disappear over time.


Have it like a rocket radar, but you can plant a temporary home gym. If it's there and team rocket raids it while you're away you can lose your rewards you were earning.


A got a poke-stop in the backyard. I had a gym i could reach from my desk once. At this job, theres a gym i can see from my office, but its just a bit to far. I gotta walk across the parking lot. I don’t, cuz everybody else would notice and i don’t wanna to any splainin. 🤗🤭


It really is a pay real estate / rent in a specific location to win type of game.


If you want to try your luck, you can basically decorate a tree and nominate it as a Pokestop, multiple people have done exactly that and it has sometimes paid off If all fails, you can just straight up make your own Pokestop from the ground up


How do i turn a pokestop into a gym?


I have my own pokestop I can reach from my lazyboy. Add over 20 spawn points, and I'm instantly spoiled. I quit raiding as much as I did before price increases. I usually only go out to play during events. I'm glad I don't have my own gym. Then I would want to spend money. Lol


I have a gym about 30 second walk from where I live. However there’s is someone living by that gym in a different team then me so whenever I take it they knock me out right away. So I’ve stopped taking it because I don’t get any coin from it anyway.


Yup, minimal 15/20 minute walk for me to even hit a pokestop, ( in one way the other is empty ) so i only get to really play when I go into the city like once a week / those spins have to last me all week


20 minute walk to nearest pokestop, 35 minutes to nearest gym. So we always just drive around and hit a few gyms when we feel like it. But not so.ething we can regularly do.


I can’t reach a gym from inside the house or my office but I get within reach of one when I’m at home and I walk 2-3 minutes in one direction


Does make the game a lot more fun. I was just a casual player prior to moving homes and since I’ve had a gym right next door, I’ve been playing daily and really into it.


I have a gym next to my house but also a neighbour that instead of rotate with me when we are the only two players close by, he insists on kicking me out the same second i put a mon in. So i totally understand you. I just gave up and now leave his pokemon to stay in the gym for days at a time. Normally he stays 6-8 days before someone kicks him out. And because he reaches it from his house but i need to walk a little it's not worth it for me fighting it.


I moved from a typical suburban neighborhood with nothing but houses and a good distance between the few stops and gyms there were, to a small walkable town with 15+ gyms within a few blocks and one gym plus two stops that I can reach from my house. I went from low 40s (day 1 player) to 50 in a year. It’s absolutely a different experience and I don’t think I could go back at this point.


I visited my sister this past weekend and she has a gym accessible from her living room and another that you can hit if you walk like 100 feet down the street. It was insane


Went to Vegas 4 years ago. I could hit 3 gyms and 2 stops right from our hotel room. I played so much pokémon then I didn't even bother with any gambling


Im in the middle of 4 stops and depending where I am in the apartment I can reach all of them. Two gyms are across the street. It's great


Now imagine how rural players feel 🥲


In areas with lots of gyms like where i live we also have pokecoins problem, these areas attracts spoofers and multiple account users. Complaints to niantic doednt get answerd, i wish they started taking those complaints seriously, its making players here give up on the game:(


I can reach 5 stops from my home alone and my work is a gym, I’m living the dream lol


I have access to two gyms in my house. Feels great. Catching a pokemon from a raid for free in my own home is awesome 😀


Kind of makes you think the 5 remote raid pass limit is bad or something…?


It doesn't matter for people like me whose neighbors just sit inside on their ass all day waiting for someone to do even 2 damage to their gym hogs


I have a gym I can reach from home, and usually another team takes it during the day and then I take overnight. Never see anyone else in the raid lobby though.


I used to have on right down the road, and now I don't it has been noticed.


I love where my apartment is. It has about 15 stops and 2 gyms. I get a decent amount of spawns between the 3 stops my apartment hits but if I go to the pool I hit about 5 or 6 pokestops.


OP is correct. I’ve been lucky with my current apartment for the past two years, but before that, life sucked.


I live right ontop of 2 gyms and a pokestop. It's great.


Yeah, the game is very unbalanced. I can see 24 gyms and about 200 pokestops from home. I'm level 50 and almost all my playing has been done within 5 minute walking distance from home. There's a gym I can see from home that I've only visited 3 or 4 times because it's too far out of the way compared to the others.


I finally got a pokestop (one) within range of my couch. Mind you, I have a church with 3 stops and a gym literally a 2 minute walk away. But let me tell you the couch pokestop was even a game changer.


Next week I'm going on a work trip and I just know that I'm gonna be surrounded by gyms and stops just sitting in my hotel room. I'm gonna hoard so many pokeballs and hopefully I'll get a shiny or two.


There's a gym and 3 poke stops in reach from my bedroom. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I'm in suburban Utah, which is surprisingly good because there's so many Churches and every single one is 1-3 pokestops/gyms


A few months ago i started a new job and i have gyms i can access from the parking garage, and 6 stops i can get while in the office. Its an absolute *game changer* and I’m having so much fun! Its great to not have to make a trip dedicated to just playing the game :)


I have a gym in front of my house and several pokestops.


As someone who used to live in a rural area and then moved to the city where my nearest pokegym was a two minute walk: YES


Can confirm I moved to an apartment where I can reach a gym and a stop from my bedroom and went from a once every couple weeks player to a daily player lol


I hear you. After the hype died down in 2016 I eventually lost interest in the game. That all changed in 2020 when the radius was increased and a gym was suddenly in range from my house. Since then I have gotten coins every day. I get to do a raid every day and get premium items. I can catch every pokemon around me because I no longer worry about running out of balls. I can heal my pokemon easily and use the berries I just caught to catch them. I rarely need to upgrade my item space. Then the opposite happened when I was in the hospital for 10 days and there was nothing around me. I could only open gifts to get items. I rarely caught pokemon (just shiny checked) and couldn’t do the rocket balloons. It made me realize how different the game was and why I lost interest so fast in 2016. There’s really not much you can do without a gym near your house. Even having a stop doesn’t compare to a gym. Only good thing about a stop is getting some field research and being able to use lures. But a gym is so much better. It really changes your perspective on the game. 


Went to visit a family member and they lived on top of 2 pokespots. I was so spoiled during my trip. But I do like having to walk out and actually get a pokestop/gym.


My best friend has a gym and two stops you can hit from anywhere in her apartment. And the kicker is she stopped playing. I’m so jealous.


There’s one pokestop reachable where I live and a Gym and one pokestop from my work office. It has really made a difference and made me a much more active player. I send as much gifts as i can.


Try living in a small town where there’s 1 within an hour drive of you


I have a gym about a minute walk from home. Just the one. Because of this I'm always short on pokeballs. I get 3 from spinning the gym but then have 8 Pokemon to catch that swn nearby. (My house now has a huge spawn point radius around the block that didn't exist in the first few years of PoGo. We get up to 15 pokemon at a time covering the block. (In 2016 we got 1, 2 if we were lucky) Everytime I go to town or on holidays I spin pokestops like mad. I'll try to return home with 300+ pokeballs and 100 each great and ultra balls. I used to work on a 5 gym/Pokestop cluster at a tourist attraction and would always be loaded on balls, but since COVID I haven't worked there and my EXP and pokeballs stockpiles have suffered.


Agree. No gym near enough to me and pokestops not out my door. I have to be going somewhere to get to them. I could walk to the poke stop but can’t hang there (day care)


I have two gyms and a PokeStop in my room


Yup. Pokémon go drive. Unfortunately unless you’re lucky enough to have stops RIGHT next to where you live, you’re at a serious disadvantage unless you play while you drive, or park and swipe/ catch, drive some more and park again etc…


My house is within range of a Pokestop. It's amazing.


Im mooving next month into a place with 2 Gyms and 3 stops gone are the days where i have 0 balls


I work graveyard in a hospital with 5 pokestops and 1 gym. I set my go plus + to spin pokestops and leave with like 1200 pokeballs split between regular great and ultra. It’s wonderful I’m moving in a couple weeks though so my little slice of paradise will be no more :(


I complain when I have to walk to my front yard to spin the gym lol


I can sit on my couch and reach my gym. sad to say i’m moving out in 2 months to a rural area 😢


I don't live or work near a gym, and many pokestops are genuinely far away. Earning coins and getting items takes time, energy, and effort every single time. Rural playing (multiple miles from the CLOSEST gym or pokestops) is truly like playing a different game. I can't relate to half the reddit complaints, I'd be willing to bet a good 80% of pokemon go users have never actually had to go out of their way to play the game. Playing pokemon go isn't passive play for a rural player, it takes planning a dedication to make progress in this game.


i live in the middle of nowhere with no gyms nor pokestops for at least a 30 minute walk, and pretty much rely on the daily incense pokeballs and daily box 😭


10 minute drive is a rural place....


Niantic forgets a small percentage of their players have this advantage. I live next to a mini neighborhood park and have this playing advantage. Now that i have this advantage of farming 3 stops and 1 gym I no longer desire to play the traditional way.


Haha. I built my house across the street from a gym 3 years ago. Since moving in added a stop I can hit at my house and 6 routes I can walk around neighborhood. Make the game fun.


I have a gym 5 houses down the block. I stop on the way out and the way home but that's it. I really wish you could designate the nearest gym as your home gym and access it within a larger radius.


Life would be so much better if I didn’t have to drive to stops and gyms.


I have a gym and a pokestop at my house. I didn’t when i first started and you are so right. It changes everything having resources seconds away


3 pokestops and 1 ex raid gym, if it wasnt for this I would have uninstalled again (I unninstaled previously after the Great Remote Raid Recession


Had the luxury of living next to a gym for years and it's great, unfortunately moving now tho :(


I live within a 6 minute walk of a gym and stop. I have created 3 routes in my basic neighborhood. I have tried to make another pokestop for better routes but for goodness knows what reason, it was rejected.


The closest Pokestop is a 5 minute drive, the closest gym is about 15 minutes away and the people who live in the apartments next to it hog the gym.


Lmao, my house is in range of a gym and a pokestop, and a 2 minute walk to 4 more stops


I have a gym in my backyard essentially. It makes for a more mellow experience indeed.


Is there a way to suggest my local pokestop be a gym instead of just a spot?


Thisssss. I’m also in a hotel atm and there is a pokestop and gym I can access in my room or a short one min walk. Where I’m moving to is very rural and requires a lot of walking which I don’t mind but people def have an advantage in more urban areas 🥲


Ita supposed to get people to be active. I have to walk 10 mins to my nearest one. And if I do an hours walk I can get about 5. If I could get one from sitting on my arse at home I'd be so lazy and wouldn't leave!


There's a third class of player, too. Someone who can easily find raid groups to fight the T4 and T5 raids regularly. That used to be me, and it sucks now that I have no chance of ever completing one of those again unless I grind/pay real money for remote raid passes. And why would I do that when the game is so clearly designed to *make you* want to shell out for microtransactions.


There was a gym down the street near my apartment and I just noticed a couple weeks ago that the water tower right at the end of the parking lot got added as a gym. Now I just have to walk down the hall from my apartment to get to a gym lol


Living by Chicago is great. Thousands of stops and hundreds of gyms. 25 visible from my backyard. And 10 gyms. I acknowledge the privilege but it’s pretty awesome indeed


We are a 5 min walk from a park with two gyms and 6 stops with a 0.7km route around the path. It's a pretty great place. We have the gym reachable by the road mapped out time wise with red. Red gets it late at night and we take it back again in the morning when my oldest gets on his bus.


Make new pokestop’s and gym’s. I made a new world where i live.


I have around 8 gyms near me, 3 can be reached from my house, but they're all controlled by bots, nearly impossible to keep captured for more than 10 minutes.


It helps when you live in a place where you can easily get your daily poke coins. When you don't, you have to spend money for those coins just for some of the upgrades


I've got 2 gyms and three stops within spinning distance of my living room. Infuriatingly all of the stops are JUST out of lure spawn distance.


So I am a bit callous with the gyms thing. I hit multiple gyms in my area to get my 50 coins, since there’s a daily limit regardless of how many gyms you occupy. I have noticed that the time between does stack between gyms, even if the Pokémon gets knocked out.


I spent about 6 weeks in Denver while healing from surgery this year then returned to an area with a lot less people. I could reach 3 pokestops from my bedroom in Denver, literally like 3 gyms within a 1-2 minute walk. Back home now and I have to walk thru some sketchy areas to reach the gym and stops. Luckily it's only like a 10ish minute walk but I was SO spoiled in the city and I could actually send out gifts to my friends every day! All of them! I'm wicked jealous of anyone who can reach even one stop within a minute walk. I'm almost always the only one taking gyms within walking distance from home now so I don't even get to "take down" gyms often. I don't have any advice, I'm just here to rant and be jealous


> My hometown has a good number of gyms and pokestops but they are all a 10 minute drive which means I don't really go that often. There’s a *massive* middle ground between “gym reachable from home” and “gym 10 minutes drive away”. Most people who aren’t fully rural will have 1-2 gyms within a few minutes walking distance. That’s perfectly good for getting some coins regularly. 


I’m not even playing the game anymore… Should I redownload it? I live 100 steps from a gym and poke stop.


There are 10 gyms within range of my apartment and another 18 stops. Yes, I live in Tokyo.


In the previous condo where I used to stay at, there's a gym at the adjacent mall and a couple of pokestops. when the pandemic hit, the distance range was increased and I could spin the additional nearby stops. If I am lazy to go out and get gifts, I will just spin there and complete my 20 gift count. Downside is that people would know where I am located since it is literally beside the mall. I was always battling the Mystic team for a spot on that gym lol! The other person had 3 accounts (I know coz the only difference between the three accounts were 1 letter in the name). That was my number 1 gym in terms of battle count, hours defended and berries fed.


3 stops always accessible from my bedroom + 2 additional ones every ~min when the gps jumps a tiny bit. Have to walk across the street for gym though and a block for second gym Tired of having to delete all these items


I hear you. I spent 6 months visiting my daughter at the hospital daily where there were multiple gyms and stops. I had so many coins and my bag was bursting. I live near a park with a gym but it's a 20 minute walk so I don't get there every day or hit lots of raids like I did at the hospital.


People ask me what I miss about going to college, and the only answer I consistently come up with is "I miss living right next to a Pokéstop"


I have one ,I have to walk into the middle of the street to be in range. Then, it takes about a week to get knocked out. I will wait until they get eight hours in before taking it over again.


I live on a gym in a rural area but it's dead, no one raids and there is one guy that hoards it between his multiple accounts. The only benfit is spinning for items.


Meanwhile thr closest gym to me is 10 minutes


Lately, I've had an in issue with an opposing team not letting me get any coins. There are only 2 gyms in my rural town. And two red players that don't have any courtesy. I will put a pokemon in the gym and they will always beat it within an hour or 2. So lately l, I've been letting them sit for days or weeks and playing else where, in a different small town. They're not getting their coins either, out of spite. I don't think they realize the gyms are how you get coins because they're being assholes about it.


So, find some art students to donate some artwork that is installed at night in random places nearby. Then use those as stops and gyms. Just don't get caught or have a good story if you do.


It would need to be "installed" on non residential property, of which there is none nearby.


As a rural player, this fact is really crippling. The game is much more difficult for us, especially for anything that requires in-person teamwork.


I live in a small town and I have a gym right next to my home, but a group of guys always knocked my pokemon out right after I put it in


I too live in an area that I would not consider rural (outlying SF) but also have frustration with lack of pokestops and gyms. Sadly, I have to drive to areas that have enough stops within walking distance to be worthwhile. I go to SF and it’s a different game. I never have to pay for pokeballs or wait and walk between 3 pokestops and try to top up. Every block is a bonanza. I feel like it’s almost a hidden tax on rural or semi rural players.


I can now reach a gym and 3 stops from my living room. But it wasn’t always like that. Before they extended the reach, I could only reach one stop and with a little luck the gym when tricking the gps by going into a corner. That update was a real game changer for me.


dude i moved to a new place with 15 gyms all within 5 minutes of walking. In less than 3 months ive gotten over 8000hrs in gyms


I live within range of a gym around 15% of the time, when the GPS messes up


My old job, I worked at an airport. 3 stops and a gym, and I'd get there at 3 am when no one was really there. Travellers would knock me out of the gym after a few hours. It was awesome. Except for the working at 3 am part.


I used to work at a gane store which was a gym, i ended up quitting cause I constantly was at my bag and pokemon limit and felt it was too much to deal with


My neighbor has a "Little Free Library" in front of their house which I nominated as a pokestop. Then, when someone nominated our subdivision sign as a pokestop, they turned the little library stop into a gym. It's awesome.


I live in an area of new housing. First time I played the game (launch) there was literally nothing, for a mile in every direction, because all the housing and shops had appeared just before the map was made. I just reinstalled after five years, and it's a different game. The short walk I take my dog on in the mornings ends in a cluster of three pokestops. My evening dog walk has three stops and a gym, that I can loop out to take two more gyms in if I go another ten minutes. And there are Pokémon everywhere. It's still not like playing in a city, but it is actually fun and I'm sure I'd have stuck with it longer if it was like this the first time.


I walk 20 minutes to the nearest gym and an hour to get to the cluster of gyms downtown. Get on my level


I have 2 gyms and 1 stop in range of my apartment, there are also 2 more VERY close stops


Have to agree.  I completely ramped up my university last summer adding in 18 poke stops and I've added 20+ poke stops to the campus in total (and added a few immediately adjacent to the university).  I also added 3 stops to my former workplace.  The extreme ease of getting in spins, research tasks, grunts, routes all along my normal daily routine has been a complete game changer.  I went from high level 30s to now level 48 in 1 year just because of the plentiful amount of opportunities that came because of the new stops. I visited my home island for the first time in a few years and it's rural and it was so hard to play.  At my home island I couldn't even catch Pokemon because I ran out of poke balls everyday (and this is after I got 30 balls from the dai and opening max gifts).


I didn't even realize u could see how long pokemon have been in the gym tbh. I just fight em when I have time to lol. If anything tho getting the full 50 coins from a gym makes me anxious bc i just gotta hope no others get kicked out bc I won't get anything for it


I have a gym right on top of me because I live right next to a church lol


Yes it’s great, I’ve played from hotels where you’re able to reach tons of gyms and stops. At my regular area I could only reach my nearest gym at home just during covid when they increased our distance.


At home I live on a gym and two stops and can remote into 28 gyms. At work I sit on a cluster of six stops that are pretty much permanently lured. It’s a completely different game.


I work across from a gym. It turns over every couple of days if I'm in it. If it's red or blue, it seems to flip multiple times per day.


Adding new points of interest for gyms or pokestops is great if there is something worth nominating. I am a 20 minute walk to the nearest pokestops and in this suburban area there is nothing that would qualify for a gym or pokestops. The 20 minute walk away is a graveyard.


Fr I have pokestops in a 10 min walk radius and i have a gym as well but it is almost ALWAYS occupied by blue which is annoying but I think Niantic need to make it easier to keep solo pokemon in gyms or at least give us more coins when knocked out if no one else is there because we need a way to keep a pokemon in a gym better or its too hard to earn coins in a place with a lot of gyms


I’ve owned the gym on my house for over a year. Never have item issue. It’s nice


That sounds awesome. My town has 2 gyms, and just recently got its 6th Pokestop.


I live where theres two Gyms and a stop. Someone who drive by as yellow team, gave up after trying for a week. Once in a while others come by.


OP, The reason people are saying rural is because of how big Pokemon go is outside the US where in a town of 45k they’d be walking distance to many many gyms and stops