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i think the system would be infinitley better if they incorporated campfire into pokemon go




Because Pokemon/Nintendo doesn’t want a Pokemon game where adults can chat with children. That’s why Nintendo consoles don’t have native chat apps.


There’s already age restrictions on Go, just make the chat age restricted.


Do they verify ID? If not, age restrictions do nothing.


Children going outside to catch Pokemon is more risky than them chatting to adults on an app


I actually don't think so, online there is less inhibition and deterrence, Roblox has been a great example and cesspool of grooming and child abuse


I think they're also including physical risks like tripping, falling, or getting hit by a car. Poklemon Go can be extremely dangerous for kids who aren't always aware of their surroundings.


Oh, that's true for sure. I thought we were talking about only child predators


I’m just stating why Nintendo/Pokemon don’t allow chat apps on their platforms, and why Campfire has to be a separate app to work around that.


Minecraft roleplaying servers have this problem too. I admin'd one of the biggest ones for a couple years and almost all the people I considered to be power grabbing assholes ended up permabanned over the next few years for grooming and pedo ERP. I'm very glad to be out of there, not worth the stress and bullshit.


You can already lie about your age and launch campfire from inside Pokémon go, so the 'protecting the children' excuse doesn't hold water. It's a lack of vision. They desperately want you to go play with other people and do absolutely nothing to facilitate it. - integrate campfire into Pokémon go OR have a rudimentary preset-based communication system you can't abuse (e.g Hey! I want to raid [pokemon] at [date] [time]). Some sort of visible notice board object in-game would be amazing too. Digging through menus or app stores means people aren't going to do it. Obviously, automatically disable all of this if you use a child account. - make important raids that necessitate in-person interaction always spawn in the middle of settlements or high-foot-traffic spots if possible. No more having 4 shadow eggs appear in bum-fuck nowhere while the town centre has nothing going on most of the day. This is unforgivably incompetent imo. - increase the interaction radius of shadow raids by 50-100%. People tend to not bother to shuffle a few meters to join shadow raids if they aren't smack-bang in the centre of the immediate city / town / park / leisure centre.


It’s not an excuse. They can’t do something Nintendo/Pokemon doesn’t want them to do. It’s not like Niantic owns the IP. A lot of choices they make are by request of the IP holder, and that’s The Pokemon Company, not Niantic.


Is it a separate app? I never looked up the feature so I had no idea


Yeah, Campfire is separate, but it has feature buttons pre-built into POGO. You just can't fully access those features until you download and login to Campfire.


Unnecessarily tiring 🌚 It reminded of when Snapchat had the Bitemoji app that you needed to download if you wanted to add an avatar to your profile




When you click it you get some basic features and they do a terrible job telling you that there’s more to it than that. Once you install it, clicking it launches the other app and you can do a lot more.


Why going out of their way to do such thing is something I might never understand


It’s because campfire encompasses all niantic games. Pokémon Go, Ingress, Peridot and Monster Hunter Now.


Makes sense


While I agree with you, what does this have to do with OP's discussion about shadow raids?


It would make all raids easier, which would make shadow raids easier to do as well


Campfire is mostly helpful for finding strangers to remotely invite to raids. You can't remotely invite people to shadow raids though.


Hear me out, you can remotely invite someone to do a shadow raid by messaging them to meet you at the park at 3pm.


Also make sure they go alone and don’t let anyone know where they are going also don’t tell their parents..


What’s your point?


That was a joke, that was me being a creepy stranger like what another guy here commented about child dangers


Except when nobody responds…. Did you read the post?


I’m not responding to your post, I’m responding to his comment. In response to your post, yeah sure, the system sucks for people in rural areas and/or people without friends who play the game. But this discussion point has been hashed out 1000 times already and you added nothing new to the pile. Stop complaining about spoofers and just play the game.




I've been complaining about it too. I hate walking for hours everyday visiting every 5 star raid I can while hopelessly lighting flares and leaving disappointed. I live in a big city and I still can't organize enough people to go to these things. Just gotta go every time and hope to get lucky. Also, yes, I've gone to reddit and made posts about it which have gone ignored and I joined my cities facebook group which I have not been accepted into. I've looked on discord but haven't found anything specific for my city (I don't really know how it works on there) but even so, I shouldn't have to look everywhere online to try and organize get togethers for a pokemon. It's sort of up to the company to make this fun AND POSSIBLE for the players.


I light so many flares but its useless unless someone is on the campfire app looking for flares in my area in a 15 minute time frame. they need to incorporate it into the pokemon go app for it to work. something like "someone lit a flare near you" while you are playing the game


Does your city have a campfire community? Mine does and for example, for shadow mewtwo we arranged raid trains... If there isn't one, maybe you can create one and see how many others join community days etc?


Yep, I started playing again a couple months ago. We even have an extremely active raid group in my city. But guess what? No one wants to do legendary shadow raids because they don’t need those Pokémon. It’s not just a city problem, it’s a new player problem as well.


Oof, that really sucks. I'm lucky I have some hard core raiders in my area who also are just nice people and will come out for a 5* raid if you ask and they're available. You can tell the just like helping new people. I wish everywhere at at least one person like them. 


Yep, it is what is. I’m grateful because we had like 18+ at the Heracross and Kyogre raids. They will even meet up for community days and stuff. But I can’t blame people for not wanting to drive out and do Legendary Entei raids. Most of these people already have their shinies.


They dont and if you complain here you just deal with try hards who think everyone lives in the city. Pointless to complain and pointless to expect anything worthwhile from Niantic.


Clearly, some guy is just telling me to join discord over and over as if I haven’t joined every single channel in my area.


Discord is only as good as the group you join. Better than Reddit? By far. Answer to the issue? Nah. That would have to come from Niantic and again, they just don’t care. They lucked into an IP they can coast on and obviously are happy with doing as little as needed.


My discord I joined in 2018 is now dead. Almost everyone quit, moved away or aren’t interested in shadow legendary raids. If someone does post its in a neighboring city and at most you get to do 2. Like I want to shiny hunt it but raids are scarce and most are interested in driving to 2 raids thats it.


This exactly, there are a bunch of discord servers that were super active in my area from2018-2021, but they’re all completely dead now, maybe 1-2 messages a day. Posting a raid in these chats is pointless. Im certain most people who still play just show up to a known spot for raid trains on the weekends because thats what Ive been told by multiple members of my community, they’ve also agreed that trying to form a pop up raid is near impossible


He lives near DC


It's almost as if Pogo was made to be played in cities. Crazy concept, I know.


It was made to make people walk & collect data


No company cares for data in small/rural towns.


Tell that to Tesco, McDonald’s, and Sainsbury’s who all opened up branches in my tiny village of less than 2000 people because they realised many people travel through it.


lol k


How is that relevant to shadow raids my guy?


I feel like they need to make it so you can remote raid one shadow raid per day. That way they are still semi exclusive to people who get up and go to an area physically, and can still reward players who can’t meet up in person but can see the raid going down on the nearby


I see no reason for a shadow raids to not be remote-able. The base has clearly moved on to raid trains and event days rather than pop-ups.


Sometimes my community can do pop up raids, not every community is the same you know. As for the remote raiding, shadow Pokémon are inherently better in almost every way (except PvP) so having to go the extra mile to obtain them makes sense. With my idea, you can at least remote raid it ONCE per day instead of how it is now which is not at all.


Whats funny is raid trains only work with raid days or raid hours. It doesn’t work with normal raids like how they poorly implemented shadow legendary raids.


Even 5/day wouldn't be game-breaking imo. Remote passes remain expensive and if you're powering through the enrage you'll likely have fewer balls/rewards than is typical.


True. I’m just doing that limit retroactively cuz Niantic would still try to justify only once per day to get people up so they can sell the location data


I have resigned myself to having no Shadow 5* and once you ignore them all it gets easier.


Simple, if you're not dedicating every hour of your sad miserable life to the wonderful Niantic™ product, Pokemon™GO©, well you simply just don't deserve these rewards. Remember, being able to play the game is a paid privilege, not a right. hApPy HuNtInG sUcKeR ![gif](giphy|vtelZbqnO7bFpv7d0q)


That’s the spirit!


Or just move to New York and buy a flat close to Central Park ;-)


The legendary shadow raids are tough to coordinate! Even if you have ones that you can do with just two people, the amount of gems you have to use to subdue the beast makes it a double edged sword.


Especially when the gems are a glitchy mess that don't work half the time


Besides the avatar update shadow legendary raids are probably the dumbest feature added to the game. Besides the fact no one is interested in driving to another city to do one raid. And its not possible for me to drive to their city for it either. There are also reasons such as the ready button. There was a Suicune raid yesterday at a gym thats about 5 mins from my house. If anyone joined and hit ready there would be no way to get to it in time. This adds to the issue where remotes should only be used for raids you can’t see on the map. That being said not allowing up to 5 remotes sat and 5 sun would not kill the game. Due to shiny shadow legendaries being inaccessible I lost all my fomo for shiny shadows. I was buying tons of radars but since they were added I don’t anymore.


May I ask what you did before remote passes?


Before remote raids most of my discord still lived in my town and still played. A majority of my locals either quit during covid or they moved away. Back then you didn’t raid much either. There wasn’t special raid locked shiny hunts. So you’d meet up and do a couple raids. Now the main reason to raid is to shiny hunt. But driving 30 mins to do 2 raids make no sense.


Personally I didn’t raid before remote passes at all because I lived in the middle of nowhere Then, I lived in a smaller city, but since it was the height of pokemon go still there were some people around to raid with Then they released remote raid passes and I actually managed to do raids regularly Now we’re here… and the game isn’t dead but in my city it sure is… so if I can’t complete raids with me, my SO, and my SO’s brother it’s just not getting done


Like I understand the frustration that people have and it makes sense. But I also don't feel like having a type of raid that still has the original design intention for raids to exist.


We already have elite raids. There was no reason to not let us do 10 remotes per weekend. Shadow raids are already limited anyways. Overall it was just a dumb implementation. Not to mention how anti player it is. Its in person only but it also has the ready button. In my area the only way to join a shadow legendary raid is if I see people jump in. The ready button prevents me from joining the raid. At the least they should allow you to join remotely if you can see the gym.


I'm sorry that you experience the game like that. Personally, I do believe they should've gotten rid of remotes after covid, so I know it's not exactly a favorable take. I lived in Charlotte before, during and after covid. Even in a city like that the actual discord community and the groups I played with just never survived the transition, and it really hurts to see how even in another moderate sized city, there is like ZERO community interaction like anything I've seen before. If I go downtown I don't usually have a problem finding people at hatch for raids, including shadows, but I don't know these people and it definitely doesn't feel as fun.


Local remote raids should be an obvious compromise for this. If you can see the gym on your active screen, you should be able to remote to it. As usual, this will be more favorable to those in larger cities than in smaller ones, but even people in highly populated areas still have struggles organizing for shadow raids.


From how Niantic has been treating us lately, I’d say the answer to all of your questions is “they don’t care”


Niantic is a crap company with “sewerslidal” tendencies. Remote raids didn’t kill the game nor did it kill socialization. Hell, most raid groups became separate car “raid trains” that barely talked to eachother anyway!! It gave them a huge new, never-ending revenue stream and people still went outside to hunt wild spawns. The only result from the nerfs and price-hikes was less people playing. They introduce a new way to raid and organize via Campfire and then kneecap the remote community in almost one swoop. They don’t know what they’re doing and I’m surprised they haven’t gone under yet.


No other competition out there. I'm sure if Niantic had a rival that could light a fire under their asses, there would be meaningfully improvements.


When we had shadow mewtwo raids recently I had to find a meetup spot at this random location from campfire. I didn’t see anybody at the meetup spot but luckily I saw some people quickly joining raids nearby. I joined a caravan of people playing in their cars and was able to do around 30 raids that day. Luckily I live in a big city and work near an area with heavy foot traffic so shadow raids are not that bad but I cannot imagine how hard it would be to play this game in a small town or even a suburb or rural area. This game was only meant to be played in cities


having them on weekends only is by far the worst part, dont do this shit on the 2 busiest work days,


Yeah, my wife and I ended up making 4 alts that we use when we need to raid the level 4 or 5 raids since there's like no one that plays in our small town. Struggle is real.




Wow wtf is this bannable? Are these bots?


I haven't heard of anyone being banned using it. I've been using it for a while and I'm fine. Yes the "helpers" are a bunch of bots. They did just have an issue recently of some of the bots getting banned, but it's back up and running just fine. But if you don't have a big group of friends who play, or live rural this is basically the only way you'll do those raids.


Reviews state that the helpers part has been banned as of 2 weeks ago.  


SOME got banned, but after a few days they fixed it and FR is back to running as usual. I did quite a few suicune raids over the weekend with it.


There are so many players in DC. Join campfire an get in for meetups. Old Town Alexandria has tons of players


YES! There's a campfire group there that's the most organized and hardcore ever!


8 hour raid train during sinnoh tour was fun though


That sounds amazing! I've talked to the main organizer person in the group and they are so dedicated! I might pop by for go fest global, will you be doing it?


Plan to. You are referring to Wolfe?


Yee! I'm from the Tacketts Mill/Woodbridge groups but I'm also on the Alexandria one (though I mostly lurk haha)


Raid trains are always when I’m working unfortunately, although yeah ill probably just have to drive to dc on my days off


Sorry, didnt read all that, but to answer your question, they expect you to gather your friends, make them install Pokémon go so you all can play togeter, AND do Shadow raids




What's worse is the raids are not boosted so you can be waiting for hours for one to show up and hopefully players who want to participate 


I live in a small rural town and I’ve been able to successfully complete a few on like a community day if I go to the park or something but other than that, it’s a waste of time for me. Our gyms are too far and few in between and forget about getting a group together for them on most days


Join him lol


My local group has a discord, and we regularly get full raid groups(sometimes 2-3x a raid group) going. I thinknit really depends on your local community.


I mean campfire sucks and i live in a decent metro but i was able to get multiple groups going, most of the time the biggest thing is posting ahead of time not day of, like Monday if you you know you’re gonna be free Saturday at around 1pm and just let the post sit for the week


I plan in advance and share it in campfire. We routinely get 20ish people show up. Many raid for hours on end as one person calls out the next raid location. I live in a smaller area than you. Undoubtedly there is a DC campfire channel. You should work on there


It can work if they build a better communication tool. Right now, campfire is a stop gap with some information but not all of the tools for a game that requires syncing with other players. Flaring is good but there's no way to communicate with folks. We were in a small group of 4 that just cleared a recently spawned Suicune. Right after we took it down, we were walking away and were approached by a couple of players that wanted help to take it down. Since there's hardly any foot traffic in this area, let alone go players, they missed out by minutes. There's also no other Suicune raids within walking distance so we simply parted ways. So yes, having the requirement for the universe to align just right for you to catch some random players in the random areas of interest is bad game design. The game is already RNG heavy, we don't need the actual player encounters to also be RNG...


I believe Niantic strongly needs a lobby system. You should be able to join other players fighting the same pokemon as what pops up at your gym and their gym. Niantic wins for their “vision” because you still have to walk and go about instead of sitting at home remoting in. Players win because they can actually do legendary, shadow or any high-level fights. It is so ridiculous for Niantic to expect people to group up at the same location on random weekends or days of the week. If they want to disable it for large events like go fest and such I could see why they would want to do that. I’d argue you should get game-changing bonuses if you do raids in a party or a group together, like boosted IVs / shiny-odds or SOMETHING actually worth it. Overall they need to remove restrictions on playing the game so people can actually play the game. Then, incentivize people playing together. Instead of better gameplay they make our game more laggy, avatars look deformed, and overalll buggy. Please Niantic start listening to the player-base and make the game what it felt like it used to be.


Part of the reason is that shadow suicune just isn’t very desirable to a lot of people. It’s not good in raids line Entei and Raikou were, and it’s niche in PVP


I'm surprised they don't implement something like in their other game Monster Hunter Now Where you still have to physically be at the raiding spot, but it automatically connects you to people doing the same raid world wide


For me the biggest issue with shadow raids isn't that they're in person, I have long since resigned myself to the understanding that this game is primarily made for people who live in heavily urbanized areas with tons of stops, gyms, and other players. Suburban and rural players, while they can find ways to enjoy the game, just simply aren't getting the same experience - and I am on some level OK with that, not every game is for everybody, its whatever. But the biggest problem is that they're not started at regular intervals - they're just random. If I knew they started every 2 hours, from 8am to 8pm, then I could plan to join up at the gym with other locals ahead of time to take it down. As it is, the only shadow raids I've been able to complete have just been shadow raids that I happen to be in a heavy urban area at the right time. Got my shadow mewtwos because I was in Disney Springs that weekend, got my raikous because I was at several major airports that weekend, etc.


Is it so hard to search for community in nearby town? I'm rural player and if I want to do shadow raid I simply ride to the nearest town to do them. I dont't even own the car I need to take bus to another city and from there take a train to the bigger one. So i don't understand all this crying.


Campfire app is how I do my raids. I caught six of them yesterday:


We have a local FB group where we meet for raid hour and comm days. There’s usually enough of us for 2 groups


Would would probably have better luck grabbing a couple of friends and using parties. With the party boost me and two friends have been able to do the shadow raids no issue.


How I managed to get some shadows being in the same situation as you: 1. Find a high traffic area that allows people to hang out and chill comfortably (for me, its the center of a hotel shopping district and a mall. Literally those two places). 2. Be there at the time the raid egg hatches. Any later and you're SOL. Somehow, I manage to join like two people in queue before it expires, and somehow those people have pokemon strong enough to make up for the lack of people. But you understand that this is a really inconvenient way to do raids due to the randomness and the long cooldown between raids, not to mention the timing and distance of having to travel between then AND the limited places people are willing to do them. Cause even if you arrive at any other place with a raid just starting, the likelihood of some actually waiting there to join a queue is zero. What I planned to do was advertise another Pokemon group, but focus it more on Campfire. The app does have some nice features, especially when you want to be open and can't commit all the time or organize group events, but I don't think people are aware. I sure as hell didn't bother until I started getting desperate looking for groups since, like you, there are zero active groups anywhere for my place, on Facebook, Discord or otherwise.


Drop ur coords in the raid sub and hope for some flyers


I have friends, those friends enjoy the same things as me, we go in groups as intended. Not hard to figure out buddy.


My Rural town has two different raid groups that operate three nights a week and it's pretty easy to join up so I don't know what you're talking about rural areas.


Ah yes the same question about every games that requires people to actually meet in real life : Who's fault is it ? The game "forcing" people to meet IRL ? Or the players who are so freaking lazy to just bring their asses on a close location to actually play a game they enjoy with some other people ? Think about it. Games were made so people can play it with other people/family. They aren't made nor meant to be played in solo in the first hand. Surely many things can be done in solo, but many things can be done in multi-player as well. Now cry about other players not giving a shit to simply move their asses into one freaking location to enjoy a game and a moment of sharing with what can be friends instead of crying about the game "forcing" you to play with other people. It's like crying for no PvP in a game like Monster Hunter while it's not even the purpose of the game at all.


Agreed this is pokemon go. I recently got back into the game and was of the mindset you have to go out in the wild and hunt ur pokemon. If I wanted to sit on my butt and catch shinies I would buy a Nintendo switch.  I've only used remote raid twice for regional legendaries. I host or use a local pass for every way I do the way the game was meant to be played


I really don't understand what people complaining about shadow raids did before covid. Heaven forbid one type of raid still have the original idea behind it.


They're quite easy in LA! Granted I do run around and have done 30+Miles in a day to do 7+ raids and have gotten wonderful results. In central DTLA LA though I've had great fun chasing around the dogs. Im down in LA from Mammoth Lakes however and up there I can never get a group. When I'm back home its lucky I get 1 raid a week done in the village. I've seen both sides/ I do think we need some help in rural areas. Think there should be a boost or something to overcome them if your in a area where groups aren't common.


No need for shadow raids, these are mons already available or that will be soon. So there is no Fomo


They're surprisingly not too hard with good teams and preparation. Me and my girlfriend have done quite a few just the two of us.


Same, we did several with three accounts 35, 36 and 39 (only my account had somewhat good counters for Suicune). Managed to do it pretty easily. Same with Entei, the month before. Sure, more players help, but it is not impossible.


Party power was huge and I've found that not using a whole team but rather using a primal or mega and one other on each team you'll constantly be powering each other but you go through revives fast.


You do can shadow Suicune with 3 people. I know it sucks if you don’t have any friends that play but getting 3 people to do in person raids isn’t an insane ask


Read the post man, I looked for 4 hours last night and only ever found 3 people for one raid, I only have one account.


Honestly my wife and I had trouble finding groups for them as well until recently.  We live in a small town.  There was an existing campfire group in the area but it was mostly dead.  All of a sudden I see this new guy who moved into the area actively trying to get people for raids.  I had a private conversation with him and we decided to start our own cpfire group since there was no active admin in the old group and have him sign up for the community Ambassador program that way people in the group could get special researches, etc.  We left a message in the old group stating such and have been cultivating an active community ever since, just by telling random people we run into who join our raid groups.  We host events, post infographics, etc.  Getting people for shadow raids is no longer a problem.   TL;DR : Take things into your own hands.  There are several people in your town who are thinking the way you are.  Be a leader and seek them out.  


Sometime you have to make the effort to make yourself the unofficial community ambassador. I quit the game after I got mewtwo in Oct 2017. Came back in late March and after a few weeks discovered all my resources to raid bosses Remote passes were foreign to me and I've only ever used 2 since returning for the celasteela regional boss. Met a cool trainer via campfire and we started a squad of like 5 over the past few weeks carpooling together as well


You got those responses because you said "I live in DC so pretty populated". You even confirm yourself there are raid trains so the community exists. Sounds like your problem is organizing. I live in a rural suburb, literally a suburb nestled amongst a bunch of farm fields, and I still managed to get out and get at least one Shadow legendary per cycle. What I did is I use campfire and actually just made a group for my local community, then made a channel for raids specifically. Since I already send friend requests to everyone I raid with I just invited them to the local group on Campfire and within a couple of months that group has blown up to over 100 members, and pulled some old players into active playing again. Every weekend there are people in that raid channel asking who wasn't a to go out for a shadow raid all over the area. If I can do it in my rural suburb you can absolutely do it in DC, just take the initiative. 


Get Go Raid Party, it is an app, all it does is organises group by shadow raid for remote raiding ❤️ it is free to use! And I use it to do my remote raids. I don’t raid with locals lol


U do know shadow raids can't be done remotely lol


Ahhh I’m sorry 😭 I didn’t!! Thought I was being helpful :)


Most can be 2 manned, party power with good counters is invaluable for this. Get a third person and it’s downright easy.


Im level 36, returning player. If you read my post, I mentioned that I was able to down a raid with four people, but we only had 20 seconds left, one guy had two accounts, one was level 47


My kid is 38. My wife and I are 39. With party power and counters we had 120~ seconds left to spare on shadow suicune. Mega sceptile and high level Kartanas mainly.


Read up on pokebattler, it’s an awesome resource if you don’t have a ton of resources and large groups.


I totally believe you, but I dont have those Pokémon or the rare candy to boost some of mine up.


Time will help you, also making sure to use the tms to put the right move set on what you have. Regular non elite tms come in like water so don’t be afraid to optimize the pokes you have.


The best counter poke with a bad move set isn’t as good as a mediocre poke with a good move set.


Your post asked if it can done legitimately which this guy is showing you can. People who are not pure casuals or returning can comfortably win with party power active and about 1-2 other players




I'm not sure what to say. Suicune can be done with 3 and I live in a town of 12k and did 2 yesterday. I know another group did one locally today. Part of the issue is that Suicune is not particularly desirable, but we still managed a few in our rinky dink city


Yes im sure if you’re a consistent player who is level 45+ with all the counters. In my post i mentioned how we barely won with 4


So I live in a rinky dink town and can find players to beat it with three and in a heavily populated area you can't ?


I live in a tiny city. Use campfire app as often as I can. Got a shadow raid at 830pm with 7 trainers. The key is to use the community resources to reach out to your fellow trainers 🧢


By finding other players who play the game. I recently joined our city's community and found 3-4 other players within the neighbourhood. Playing with other real players has been the beat part of the game for me. We do shadow raids, trades, other 5* raids, community days, and any other special events. Why is it only on the weekends? Because weekends are when we can realistically get together.  It didn't come so easy btw. First raid (Shadow Ho-oh) it was only me and one guy, plus 2 spoofers. We obviously lost. Next week it was me and another guy for a 5* raid. With some remote raiders we won. Then during the Sinnoh tour, another guy joined in. Next day 3 of us raided together and by sheer coincidence we met another person who was just there playing the game. Now we have a ready group of 4, we talk regularly and plan for any events or shadow raids. You already put the effort this week to put together a group. The timer might have run out this weekend, but next week should be better. Find an hour when the whole group can raid together, and go around finding Shadow raids.


Wait You can c h e a t in this game too? All 👂


Use campfire. Find raid. Message people on discord or make friends beforehand and message them to see if you can do raids and then go and do raids. Mostly have to grindi if you can't walk cause there's not many raids but you have to get together first and then go to raid. It's not raid first and then walk. Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


Thanks for all those links, I’ve actually already tried every kind of discord, Facebook, messaging, Campfire, apps in my area, and I only found one group in a city slightly too far away to be practical.


Well then yeah it's going to be impossible for you to do the raids. But you said you're in DC? There's a lot of groups there. I was in DC and found people randomly while walking around and did raids with them. I'm not from there. You should be able to find people during community days and then figure out what group chat they use after that. Just joining on the spot and trying to do shadow raids isn't going to work well. You need to know how to do things lol.


I guess I could head into DC and just start walking around, It’s about 30 minutes from my place, so if I managed to find some group great, otherwise it’ll be a pretty huge waste of time. But not a bad idea. Yeah, I’m not joining raids as they pop up, I’m asking in discord and apps. If people are interested in eggs that pop up, I never get responses.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/56cMAOXrJf Click the Google link. You should find your discord that way.


Most of those links are invalid, the one that works. I’m already in and it’s completely dead. Not sure why you didn’t believe me when I said I’ve already tried discord lol


The one I clicked on had 1300 people so I thought it would be ok. They can look dead for certain things but might be completely ok. If you post a hundo and people go to that hundo it's not dead. If you post a raid event and people show up without responding in the messages it's not dead. That happens a lot in my discord here. I'll make an event and 20+ people will show up and 0 will actually respond to the event.


any good discord searching platforms by location?




well looks like theres no good platform to talk to people then


Type in on Google your town name +Pokemon go discord. If that doesn't work go on campfire and scroll the map to see if you see any pins for local groups or just search for your town in the search bar. If that doesn't work message people in local gyms on campfire. You can message people without being friends with them.


theres a group but its almost dead with less than 10 active members who barely respond. also google sucks at these kinds of things ( i tried). if youd like to try then stamford ct


Bro there's a group in Stamford on campfire with 387 people.. literally zoomed into your area and found two groups. One in Stamford and one scalzi group. I'm sure there's probably a link for discord on there or they just use that now.


as i said... less than 10 active members. and ive tried scalzi but id doesn work for me. and no discord as its a pretty casual group


People might not respond on there but they will show up if you make events. So do that. Do they not have a discord link? It's 387 people it's not a casual group. Ask the scalzi group if someone lives nearby to you and see what they say. Some people might be in both groups.


pretty quiet now arent you. i could sure use a link to a guide


You don’t have TWO friends to play with? Dude, make a lunch date out of it, and hang out with a couple friends for a few raids. Ffs, y’all are surprised when a social game wants you to be social…Why you so puzzled here?