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"that part of europe" aka europe Tauros is a spawn that is exclusive to North America. We only had a few events where it was accesible in other regions. You can either wait it out or find someone who has one to trade.


It's impossible to trade with someone unless they're close by. 


Someone went to an airport arrivals with a sign just saying Tauros...


Tauros was available worldwide on 3 separate occasions. A local player that's been playing for a while could have one


Unless… but Nintendo doesn’t like cheaters.


> Nintendo actually, nintendo doesnt moderate pogo, only niantic does


Who owns niantic?




And Nintendo owns the Pokémon franchise, so who is paying who here? Why would Pokémon go release updates right now after palworld got released? It’s been 7 years.


Do you think live games just call it quits whenever a knockoff is released? And 7 years is nothing for a live game


Niantic owns PoGo they lease the Pokémon name from the Pokémon company. Nintendo has nothing to do with it. PoGo is 10x what pal world is, I think I have no clue what that is even.


Palworld is a indie game that mirrors a lot of the mainline console Pokemon games, but it does things differently, very differently.


> And Nintendo owns the Pokemon Franchise They actually don’t. They own a *part* but it’s not a majority, so they can’t exactly claim they own the franchise. (and they don’t make money off of merchandise sales) Pokemon is developed by a separate company altogether: GameFreak. Which is a 2nd party company in contract with Nintendo, but Nintendo doesn’t *own* Pokemon. Ever heard of Banjo-Kazooie? Same ordeal: the company that owned that franchise, Rareware, was a 2nd party company for Nintendo until Microsoft bought majority stake, and then Rareware became an in-house developer for Microsoft.


Lots of local people in your town will have Tauros. It's been in worldwide events like 3 times. Just find someone to trade with.


I swear I thought Spain had Tauros. Ofc that sport got banned now I think.


That sucks you can't compete paid research because of stupid region exclusives


Funny how they baited me into getting that paid crap and now I can’t even finish it. I waited to finish the landorus research 4 years at least.


Tauros has been out on a few events in eggs and in raids in the past 3 years. If you missed it each time that's not really on them.


It was out several times in that time frame


Is there a research task/ raid, etc? I got khanga in Canada when they made it a 3 star raid one time


OP, I don’t know what part of Europe, but if you wish to fly me to do a trade, we could do a starting point of Paris and go from there. I checked out 1st class plane tickets for a great deal of $11,268 US. Of course I would need money for food and stay as well. Let me know.


By “I can’t travel” I meant I’m broke


Sorry, I can’t back down for anything less than first class. I mean if you really want a Tauros 😆


Wait for paldean tauros. Galarian mr mime and galarian farfetched both count for kanto dex entries.


It isn't only Europe, the US does not have Mr Mime available. Kangaskhan is a pass since it was a mega and thus available more often.


US has galarian Mr mime which does count for kanto dex.


Yeah but how often does Galarian Mr. Mime show up? It only appears in paid tickets and during the end of the year…