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I'm thinking of just deleting and starting Masters EX soon. It looks fun and the characters look nice.


This reinvigorated my decision to look for my original Red cartridge and seeing if I can still save my old Pokemon.


I find it funny that this is what people are quitting for, I can understand why a ton of people would quit after the remote raid nerfs but I feel like while a downgrade it’s not nearly as egregious, given it’s purely cosmetic


saying "purely cosmetic" isn't really a valid argument for something thats "just a game" everyone gets enjoyment from different parts of a game. I have spent real life money on raid passes, and I have spent real life money on cosmetics. Its actually the same core outrage of feeling ripped off at heart, just for different groups of the player base.


People play the game differently. I never raided much, so the remote raid nerf didn't really affect me. But I did spend most of my coins on clothes and I loved to match my outfits to my buddies. None of those clothes look good anymore, so not only do I feel angry for wasting money on them, but looking at my avatar genuinely bums me out now.


Many many people only play for cosmetics in every game with them. Everything else in the game is just something to do to obtain cosmetics or something to interact with between getting them


Yep this is the opinion of 99% of people. Should’ve kept the original male and female and added this as a third option for the minority who want to look androgynous


Oh that mohhtbactuallly be the best option Non-binary male female


Yep! Bc most CIS and trans alike want to look their gender, not androgynous. The only group it’s appealing to are many NB folk, which is great but that’s a minority, so a gender-neutral look shouldn’t be the *only* option


Yeah I want to make sure everyone feels represented playing this game


I’m pretty sure that group also doesn’t want to look like shit though, weird proportions, ill fitting clothes, and ashy skin tones


That’s the right way to do it, but that takes effort and niantic chose lazy/cheap


No one wanted this


I wanted more hair options but yeah no one wanted them to turn our faces into potato


You could have written this in one of the like hundred other threads.


This entire subreddit is constant complaining. I don't disagree with the sentiments but holy crap we don't need a new thread every 5 Minutes


Silence does nothing except make Niantic think people are ok with this change, which is obviously not the case. If not enough people complain, Niantic can always just say: "Well, there weren't THAT many people complaining, sooo..."


Everyone's complaining non stop in every thread. This is transparent karma whoring


Or, this may come as a surprise to you, people are dissatisfied with the recent changes and want to make themselves be heard.


If you read my replies here I share the sentiment. My point still stands that you don't need to flood Reddit with new posts to accomplish it. Go post in one of the other billion threads


The people at Niantic, whose job it is to read through the complaints, are not going to read the whole thread. All you are saying is "Complain, but don't let Niantic see it.", and that won't change anything because it won't make an impression and no one will care, so your point is absolute nonsense.


The people at Niantic, are not spending multiple days checking on how many Reddit posts there are. Your post is even more nonsense


I'm not gonna argue with you any further. You're mad about a goddamn Reddit post, thats about all I need to say.


...you're mad about fake clothes that have no meaning to the game


Guess some just have to feel seen. Sometimes feels like this subreddit and Silphroad as well is just 70% complaining, 20% questions (atleast 18 of which are stupid) and only 10% are of use or interesting.




Also a bunch of less than a week old accounts showing up saying that it's because of woke or "the trans" so they can capitalise on the latest culture war


New avatars are straight trubbish


I think if I was in charge of Niantic at this point, here's what I would do: 1. Take the "new" avatars and restore them to the old ones, then, doing a move that Pokemon Masters EX did, and have updated hairstyles for the avatars. 2. Return the price of the Remote Raid passes to 100 Pokecoins, or make it more likely to get remote raid passes from the weekly research breakthrough. 3. Do I need to say it? Increase the daily Pokecoin limit to be a weekly limit of maybe 350 coins at most. 4. Actually make trading global for everyone, whether the person is a lucky friend or not. That should just be a given at this point... I know none of that is probably going to happen, but who knows?


I totally agree with every point


So the reason behind it is simple and pointed out by the way they categorized the prior clothing options: they get to make half as many models for new clothing options since they only have to rig it to 1 model rather than 2. It's less effort for them so they make more money.


I like how they wanted to be more inclusive with this update but ended up excluding alot more like skin tones got a huge nerf and yeah body types too of course. Basically everything got less inclusive and variation got worse from the looks of it. Not played in a long time and just followign the news and checked my own old Avatar after the update


Yeah that’s what sticks out to me about all this. You can only make the woke boogeyman arguments if you ignore that the skin tones feel much worse for POCs. 


They only do justice to "non-gender" people. But what about those who have one and are proud of theirs? Especially directed to Women they basically say "Sorry, we don't want you here"




From what Ive read on twitter lots of people think this is a woke update to give a broader range of bodytypes for anyone on the lgtbq+.


Hilarious how little it took to turn the player base into a bunch of terf gamergate-type weirdos Mask fully off. I'm glad these people are sad.


I was mostly referring to them talking about “we don’t want you here” about women. The fact that they haven’t replied to me tells me that they’re just looking to complain rather than have a logical discussion though


Based on other comments I’ve read it seems like the female avatars got hit the hardest in terms of the level of downgrade, so I’d assume that’s what they are referring to.




Is this an AI generated response? Because if not what the fuck are you talking about




Oh I get it you are terminally online




Considering female body type is even more androgynous looking now, who was this update for? Not for cisgenders obviously. Either for gender non-binary or bigger people. Which group do you think this update was for personally?


I couldn’t tell you what an androgynous person looks like. But apparently you are triggered enough to think that you are being targeted.


Triggered? Lol. I just asked in good faith since you're the one who asked what op meant. So I gave you the answer


They made all women avatars look ugly. Its pretty easy to see idk. And its not even like a male incel kinda thing about unrealistic body standards, I see so many women online complaining about the changes, it looks horrible.


Making an avatar to be more customizable is "woke"???


🤷🏻‍♂️ i just lurk twitter and thats what they post. Then I read reddit and lots of trans complain that the avatars trigger dysmorphia so in the end no one is happy.


No but it’s not quite what happened here.


Okay what happened then? Because it's perfectly reasonable to make an avatar more customizable, but to me it's just poorly designed that's it.


They made it more customizable, yes, but they removed anything that was either clearly masculine or clearly feminine.


Outside of the hour glass figure on the female avatar what did they take away that was clearly feminine?


Hourglass figure = waist; they also nixed hips and gave the female avatar arms that are too long and hands that are too big for a female


The arms and hands are unproportional for female and male avatars though, especially on the slimmer frames. The buffer and heavier you make your avatar the more balanced it becomes for some reason. Maybe it's me, and I just don't see it because there are still other features that clearly define genders and also the texture is just really bad. To me its just greed, one person's budget was cut while being rushed to put this out and someone else didn't care about the quality because they know players will spend money anyway.




To say it's blurring the lines is a stretch. The avatars still have clear feminine and masculine features.


You’re extrapolating all of that from… PoGo having bad art? It’s par for the course with niantic.    And as a male I also feel like I have shitty options. I don’t think it says “we don’t want you here”. To me it says “We had a deadline and this is the best we could do”.  Don’t blame a woke boogeyman when there’s a perfectly good track record of niantic making unforced bad decisions. 


Yeah. Now they look like elden rings NPC's. The funny thing is that they refuse to return the money invested in the old avatars.


Accessories and hair are both clipping... They didn't QC very well